The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( I'm extremely into politics, so. If someone brings it up first there's no way I'm not gonna speak up. So, if anyone's smart they just won't bring it up around me hahah. ))
(( Yus, I'm looking at it now xD

and I have 34 Tumblr followers now c':

#FeelingSpecial ))
Juniper closed her eyes wanting to remain like this as long as possible. She felt content. No, better then content. Feeling his nose rest on her head, she smiled. He probably couldn't tell since her face was concealed in his shirt, but she couldn't see his face either. She imagined it had a slight grin as well.
Finally, Faye stood up and after putting her bow onto her back once again she slipped her hands into the pockets of her shorts. With that, she began walking off past Lanli and into the woods. Despite its eeriness compared to the forests she was used to, strolling through the woods felt really wonderful. The scent of maple trees and just nature in general calmed her senses, almost making her want to lay down and take a nap. However, she just wanted to go for a little walk as well as wash off a bit in that pond.

The leaves crunched loudly beneath her feet, but the sounds made her content. There was no denying that she was in love with nature and the beauty of it all, having grown up exploring what she could her entire life back in Fayland. She was grateful to finally be able to see what lie beyond those stone walls.

Suddenly, a tear escaped one of her eyes and she didn't bother to blink any more back. Although, she lifted her hand and wiped the little stream from her cheek with a small sniffle. She really missed her family. She missed her mother and her bright smile, seeing her up early every morning working on a new sewing pattern. She missed her father and his deep laugh, being able to hunt with him and make arrows as they joked about silly things. She missed her grandmother and her gentle appearance, the wonderful things about life she'd tell Faye. She missed her grandfather and his wonderful personality, listening to all of the stories he'd tell her every day and night that she was beyond interested in.

She missed it all.

Of course, she didn't regret leaving Fayland one bit. She knew her grandfather was watching over her from above and she was sure he was proud of how far she'd made it. She remembered clearly that one day when he told her, "Faye, if you get the chance...leave this prison and go see what's out there with your own eyes. You could make it, I know you could."

She smiled softly at the thought, her eyes welling up with more tears as they began to stream down her cheeks. "I couldn't have made it this far without my friends, Grandfather," she said, looking up at the sky for a moment.

After another minute of walking Faye arrived at the small body of water. She walked up to the edge of the pond and peered into the glassy surface, small ripples appearing as a leaf gently settled upon it. Her reflection stared back at her, face soaked in tears now. She stood back up and used her sleeve to wipe some of it away. After doing so she removed her jacket and wasted no more time to head into the pond. She sat down on her knees so that the water was up to her chest, washing out the blood and dirt in her jacket as well.
Suddenly realizing that Faye had left, Lanli hurried into the forest afterwards. She hadn't seen Faye go, but she assumed that she had headed back towards the pond. "Faye?" She called out as she approached the pond. But when she arrived, Faye was already bathing. "Oh!" She said, slightly startled. Her eyes diverted to the ground and she blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you where bathing already. My mistake..." She said, unsure of what to do now.
Hearing Lanli's voice, Faye lifted her head to see the girl looking a bit flustered and awkward after finding her already in the pond by accident. She chuckled softly, standing up in the water. She held out her arms and looked at Lanli while saying, "I'm still clothed, no worries."

Water dripped from her sopping wet clothes, small droplets trickling down her skin as well. Faye looked down at the jacket in her hands, dipping it back into the water as she tried to scrub all the blood off of it.
"Oh, alright." Lanli said, walking down to the pond and stepping in with Faye. She wanted to wash her clothing too, but there wasn't really any way to do that without taking them off. And she wasn't sure if that would be okay or not. "It's good that Varexes is okay... I wonder what kind of nightmare could reduce him to that state? He's normally so calm and collected..." She pondered aloud, looking to Faye for ideas.
Faye continued to look down at her hands, pretending to be really focused on washing her jacket. However, at this point she'd cleaned it pretty well already. She nodded gradually, thinking to herself for a few moments before actually responding.

"You're right...he's very strong physically....he has a strong heart, too. For him to be like that it must've been something personal, rather than just any average nightmare. I've seen things that make me very emotional in my dreams before, but it was rare that they came," she told Lanli, still keeping her attention on what she was doing with her hands. "For me, I'd close my eyes and see an image--one that scarred me more than anything..just right when I closed my eyes it became visually clear to me as if I were there. It would happen even if my eyes weren't closed, too. It still happens to me quite a bit, but I'm learning to distract my thoughts away from that image."
"Oh...." Lanli said in response. "I.. I wouldn't really know anything about that..." She said, feeling mildly ashamed and a bit awkward as she sat chest-deep in the water. She looked down, hoping that the blood would be coming out of her clothes on its own. But much to Lanli's chagrin, it wasn't.

After a moment I heard Faye and Lanli walk off, and I let go of Juniper. "Come on, let's follow them so we don't get left behind." I said, walking over. Vex grabbed some of the supplies and walked off after them, and I grabbed the rest. It was only a few bags, but I tied them together and put them over my shoulders. Motioning with my head at Juniper, I smiled. "Let's go Juni." I said, trying out the nickname.
Juniper felt a bit saddened when Varexes released her from the hug. She adjusted the strap on her shoulder and walked to his side. She hadn't even realized the others had left until he mentioned it. She responded to the nick name as if he called her by name and then realized he had used an old pet name from her childhood. She had thought she had outgrown it, no one had used it since she was twelve. "Don't call me that." she replied bitterly.

I turned to look at Juniper when she replied a little angrily. "Sorry. Is there a nickname you prefer or... just Juniper?" I asked a little hesitantly. I didn't want to piss her off more. I walked forward, seeing Lanli's back a little ways ahead and Vex right behind her while I walked next to Juniper.
Juniper shook her head and looked at the ground avoiding his eyes "no I'm sorry for snapping at you. It's just the only person who ever called me that was... never mind" she lifted her head "I guess you could call me nip or just Juniper..." She looked ahead and herd the water and remembered that Faye and lanli had been exited about finding some water ahead. They had mentioned something about it before she got distracted.

"It's all right. Do you mind me asking who called you that..?" Yes she'd avoided the question, but sometimes a little push, just asking that question was enough to get them to say. But if she didn't want to talk about it after this, I wouldn't push it.
Juniper felt herself get a little on edge about answering the question. It bordered more of emotional topic. Those kinds of topics she usually avoided. "My brother." she replied not going any further into the question then she had too.

"Bad memories?" I asked her. I was curious, and since I hadn't gotten much rest from that sleep I'd gotten I wasn't entirely tactful at hte time either.
Juniper shook her head "No, more sad." she disagrees trying to find a way to change the subject. She looked down shuffling her feet through the dirt.

I nodded my head and stayed silent. I didn't want to push any further. "Sorry for being nosy." I said quickly, a little regretfully. I hadn't meant to pry into Juniper's life, but I had anyways. I guess that nightmare had shaken me more than I thought. Nonetheless, we quickly got to the pond where Lanli and Faye were. "Hey guys." I said, walking up to the edge and kneeling down to dip my face in. I wished I'd had my cloak, but I ripped that up for Nova's sake. I regretted that now, wishing I had it with me. It'd feel nice to be able to blend in a bit, and while the cool night air was gone I still wanted it for the comfort it provided.

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