The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I laughed at Faye's comment. "Obviously you could have. It's not like I didn't see you struggling for several minutes or anything." I Honestly hadn't but from her tone I assumed that she had been struggling to untangle herself for a bit. I honestly hoped I was right, because if I was wrong then that would mean that she'd know I was lying about that and I wouldn't seem as cool anymore. Mentally shrugging I realized I didn't really care, it was just my way of messing with myself.
Juniper surfaced and brushed her fingers through her red hair. She rings the water from her hair and makes her way out of the water and tries to ring the water from her clothes. She picked up her bag pulled it over her shoulder and looks around realizing Faye and Varexes were out of sight.

As I chuckled at Faye, I walked back to the pond, now on the opposite side of Juniper. I found a nice rock to sit on and, turning away from the pond, I sat cross legged and closed my eyes.
Juniper looked over finding Varexes come back into sight. She made her way across the pond and snuck up behind Varexes pulling her water bottle from her bag and poured it over his head smiling playfully.

As I relaxed suddenly I felt water splash over my head. Gasping in surprise I tensed up and turned slowly around to see Juniper smiling at me. "JUNIPER!" I shout, smiling and laughing like a fool. I jump up and pick her up and jump into the pond with her, making sure that she wouldn't get hurt as I jumped in. It was completely overboard, but I thought it was hilarious and would be fun. And since Juniper was smiling like that, I felt like she would enjoy being dunked into the pond while in my arms.
Juniper giggled at his response, then was surprised when he lifted her up. She squealed as he pulled her toward the water and took in a breath as they went under. The cool water suddenly surrounded her. She kicked toward the surface taking in a deep breath as she reached the air. Her giggle fit continued as she looked around for Varexes.

I felt Juniper slip from my grasp and kick upwards. I quickly did the same and as I surfaced I was behind her. Grabbing her from around her waist from behind I picked her up and dived backwards back into the water, giving her a few seconds to take a breath before going under again.
Juniper squealed again when he pulled her backwards. She sucked in a breath before she was pulled beneath the surface. She squirmed trying to get loose from his grip.

I felt Juniper squirming in my grip, so I brought us up and pushed against the bottom of the pond with all my might to make us explode out of the water like a dolphin. As I did so I kept my grip and as we came crashing back down into the pond to keep us steady. The entire time my mind wasn't thinking except for one thought: Did I hear her giggle? Was that a seriously playful smile she gave me? It was surprising. Juniper always seemed so cold hearted and emotionless, but after that? No, she just hid her emotions very well. It made me ecstatic that I could draw out her emotions, and because of it I couldn't stop smiling like a fool. Once we began to settle in the pond I kept my hands around your waist, holding her gently. Turning to look at her I raised one eyebrow.

"Were you giggling, Juniper?" I teased.
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Juniper felt herself surface and rubbed the water from her eyes before opening them. She was a little startled to find Varexes so close and realized his hands were still around her waist. She looked at him silently for a minute after he asked his question with a serious expression on her face. Then she opened her mouth slightly spraying his face with the water she had taken in when they went under.

As Juniper sprayed me in the face with water I closed my eyes and moved my face down to let the water drip from my face. "I'll take that as a no." I said quietly before wiping my face. I released her slowly, then suddenly I took my arm and splashed her in the face, laughing. "OH MAN! That took so much to keep a straight face!" I said loudly, laughing and falling backwards into the water.
Juniper watched Varexes' reaction returning to her vacant expression. She turned her head to the side as the splash hit her. She turned her head back watching him fall back into the water with a splash. She swam forwards trying to follow him wondering what he was up too.

I resurfaced, laughing so hard that I had to grip my stomach. "Oh man." I said, looking at Juniper. "But seriously, were you giggling?" I asked a bit more serious, but the goofy grin on my face gave away the fact that I didn't really care, I was having an immense amount of fun.
Juniper watched Varexes' resurface with a fit of laughter. He made it so hard to keep her composure. Sometimes she thought he did it on purpose, but sometimes it was just him. The way he smiled, the way he laughed, the way he put his arms around her made her feel giddy. "I think you're hearing things." she teases "It sounds to me like you are giggling. It's very flirtatious, but for future reference I like the chuckle better."

I looked at her in surprise. "Oh really?" I said, chuckling. "Like that?" I said, just before I strode forward and picked her up by the waist again. "I think you were giggling too you know." I said, holding her around her waist firmly so that I had to look upwards to look at her face.
Juniper rolled her eyes and placed her hands on her hips. "If you are trying to impress me I already know how strong you are." she bites down on her lip hiding a smile. "You might want to get your ears checked. You might have some water in them."

I saw her bite her lip and the corners of her mouth lifted into a smile, and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. "You try to hide it but now it's obvious. I wasn't showing off, maybe I just wanted to pick you up around the waist." I said to her with a soft smile. I added on the last part about her waist because... well, it was true. I wanted to hold her and pick her up. She was quite light, and as I lowered her into the water carefully I kept my hands around her waist.
Juniper watched as his face became more level with hers never looking away. Her hair was more red then orange now that it was drenched in water. It fell over her face dripping water from it's tips down her nose and lips. She felt a loss for words. It was impossible how distracting he was. If he held the same face forever, she didn't think it would make a difference, she would want to stare at it forever. Her mind kept wandering to his hands on her instead of on his words. She struggled to stay focused.

I stared into Juniper's eyes, my lips slightly parted. A sudden urge gripped me, but I shoved it down. No. That would be the one thing to drive her away. I stared for a few more moments, lost in the eyes that belonged to her. Wow.... they're.. entrancing. I thought to myself as I swallowed softly. When I realized she hadn't responded to my statement, I grinned. "Well? What if I just wanted to hold you by your waist? Like I am now?" I subtly tightened my grip on her, wrapping my hands around to her lower back, consequently drawing her in closer.
"I would ask what is so special about my waist? Are my other body parts so unworthy?" she asked wondering if it was possible to get any closer then she already was. She placed her hands on top of his upper arms starting to feel her arms being pressed uncomfortably against her body.

Her question startled me. She really did like to get specific, and nitpicky. But instead of allowing it to show, I smiled. "No, your entire body is worthy. But your waist brings me the most comfort, and makes me happiest. I like holding you around the waist. Do I need any other explanation?" I thought. I felt my heart begin to race when she put her hands on my bare upper arms.
Juniper blinked thinking over his words. "I bet you say that to everyone with a waist." She felt herself blushing at what seemed like a compliment. She felt proud that she made him happy. She didn't care that it wasn't on purpose or even something she did. She thought about asking him what he thought her body was worthy of, but decided against it. She didn't want to twist his words to make them sound bad. The words that came of his mouth shouldn't be bad.

I saw her blush and smiled. I shook my head at her. "Nope. Only you." I told her. It was the truth. I honestly hadn't felt this way about any girl in... well, in a very long time, and even then it was nowhere near as strong a feeling as it was with Juniper.

(I gotta get to bed. Night Little*Dreamer!)

Juniper nodded looking at his smile. She touched his lip with her finger softly tracing his smile then drops her hand realizing what she was doing. "why do you make me feel this way?" she asks out loud not really expecting an answer.

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