The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((HN-I know I'm over doing this gif by now but-NNnnGGG

(Aww that was so adorable >//< This would be fun to do... Jess looks over her shoulder to see Varexes and Juniper pretty close to each other, snippets of their conversation floating towards her. "Ha, I just knew it." She gets up out of the pond water and slowly walks over to Juniper and Varexes, a smirk planted firmly on her face. She stares at them for a good long minute with her hands on her hips, taking in their position, before she starts laughing and begins to literally skip around them in a circle. "Varexes and Juniper sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love! Then comes marriage! The comes a baby in a baby carriage~!" She continued to sing the rest of the song over and over, screaming it as loud as she could. Oh the fun of making others miserable...)
(I don't know what you guys are talking about? I see two friends having a blast in the water ^_^

I'm quite sure that my heart stopped when I felt her finger brushing my lip. I knew that I had a look of surprise on my face, but the tightening of my hands around her waist hopefully conveyed the feeling that I liked it. I smiled a little bit and shrugged. "What do I do that makes you so happy?" I asked in return, enjoying matching wits with Juniper for once. Even if it was just this once.
Juniper felt his grip tighten even more. She normally didn't like being so close to someone else, but for some reasons he didn't mind it when she was close to Varexes. "I didn't say happy." she answered and tried to find the right word to describe how she felt. "more like fuzzy." she decided pausing in between.

Her head spun when she was around him and her feelings were ever changing and growing which left her confused. She never knew what to say and sometimes she couldn't get any words out. Fuzzy seemed like the right word to describe all that.

When she said not happy my heart dropped for a moment. I don't make her happy..? Does she not feel the same way? I thought before she said I made her feel fuzzy. At that I chuckled, glad that I had freaked out for no reason. "How do I make you feel fuzzy?" I asked her curiously. Sure, at this point I knew what was going on in her head, or at least had a pretty good idea, but I was still curious and wanted to hear her say it.
Juniper took a minute to collect her thoughts. This was something she wanted to get right. Se licked some water from her lips before starting. "I can't think straight around you. My heart races and sometimes I feel tingly. I can't keep focused when you are near. You tug at all my emotions. You make everything fuzzy."
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((Alcat, I'm pretty sure you don't tell your friends that you love their body and like holding their waist, unless you're joking or you're a creeper x"D))
((Oh and I've decided I was going to demolish my plan xD but then Alcat said something that made me not want to demolish it xD

So I'm contemplating it now xD ))
((I'm pretty sure I know what you're contemplating, and I don't know if it's a good idea or not. xD It could cause fun drama, but on the other hand it could cause unfun drama. So I dunno. :I))
(( Well when it comes to writing...



But yeah, I feel guilty so I probably won't xD

But it wouldn't have been how you picture it, I don't think. It's a lot less awful in my head xD ))
( O.o is this what i talked to you about and said i didn't like it, nami?

Also, you should know by now, I joke around and can be creepy. A lot.

also, little*dreamer, you have "youtube at all my emotions" in your last post as juniper.)


Juniper was thinking, and I waited patiently while holding her to let her think it over. When she spoke my heart jumped a little, but I listened carefully. I smiled at her though and nodded. "You make it hard for me to think sometimes. I can't help but notice you around and you always make my heart beat faster. And I'm glad you do that, and I'm glad I can do the same for you." I spoke softly, staring deep into her eyes. They were quite beautiful, and I almost got lost in them.
(( Yes, yes it is xD You still don't know what I had planned though xD

And...wait, so you do tell your friends that..? xD If so, I apologize for accidentally sort of calling you a creeper. Lololol.

and yeah, I forgot to say something about the youtube thing earlier. I was really confused x'D

Baibai for now, Dreamer~

btw guys, Ima start posting good stuff when I'm done with my homework xD Btw @VampiricPotato I made a cute little site for your soul roleplay like I have for Fayland & the [fail] Enchanted roleplay. xD If you didn't want one though, then ahh well. ||D ))
(( Well, it's fun, so x'D

It's a nice way to keep track of shit as well. Lolol.

There's only three pages as of now though, but I'll add more in the future once we get further if you want.

Sorry if it's pretty lame x'D I tried, man, I tried.

I had to change like 2 character pictures also, but I think they're fine. ))
(( No probs :D

Oh and Faye and Lanli are gonna be besties 5ever which is exciting because Faye could use a bestie. x'D ))
(it was supposed to be you tug. I don't know how to work a f****** Ipad. Those things are so lame. My mom makes me use one for school and I don't know how to use touch screens. They are lame. Give me buttons any day. I don't feel very cheerful today if you can tell.)Juniper stared back listening to his words. She shivered starting to feel cold from having been in the water for so long. "I don't do it on purpose" she whispers feeling her voice crack and swallowed trying to find her voice again. "That doesn't answer.." she stopped herself deciding not too make a snarky remark that would discount what he said. "What I mean is I mean I'm glad too."

I felt her shiver and pulled her into a full embrace, my hand on the back of her head. I couldn't help but smile, and after a few moments I finally broke the silence. "Do you want to get out?" I asked her.

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