The Path From Fayland - Official RP


Chuckling at Juniper, I nodded and released one side of her waist with my arm and started walking up to the edge of the pond, still holding Juniper.
Juniper followed close to Varexes letting him lead her out of the pond. She wondered how long they had been in the water. It hadn't felt that long. Out of the water and in the sun she felt a little warmer. Turning to look at Varexes, she opened her mouth. "Are you afraid I will walk away if you let go?"(has this rp become one on one???? All dis mushyness is not easily written. Somebody mess it all up so I don't have to use so much brain power..)
(You said we don't have to stop. But do you want to? That's the implied question. If you don't, we don't have to.)
(Yes I want to continue. I'll try to be more clear in the near future because I won't remember in the long term. I don't know why I added the last part, or this. I must be tired. I'll stop now.)

I turned to look at her for a moment, then let her go. "No, I'm not afraid of you running away. I just like to hold you." I told her. "I'll only do what you let me, so if you don't want me to hold you, I won't." I said before climbing up onto the bank and holding out a hand to help her up.
Juniper felt his hand let go of her. The loss of it's presence felt disappointing. Seeing his hand reach out to her, she reached up taking hold and pulled herself up and out of the water. "No, I like when you hold me." she states. "I didn't mean to make it sound like I was complaining."

I smiled at Juniper. "You like it? Then you wouldn't oppose if I did... this?" I asked, and as I did so I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, putting my chin lightly on her shoulder. My cheek brushed hers and I stood there like that, looking out of the corner of my eye at Juniper. "Do you like this?"
Juniper opened her mouth to ask 'did what?' then felt his arms around her before she saw them. She felt herself leaning slightly back against him and nodded her head careful not to hit her head against him. "Yeah" she answered honestly.

I smiled and felt her lean back against me. This made my heart race and beat so loudly I was sure that Juniper could both her and feel it. But even so, I turned my head lightly and thought for a quick second. Should I? It's the perfect opportunity... Mentally shrugging and thinking, What the hell, I turned my head and planted my lips gently on Juniper's cheek, kissing it for a full three seconds before parting. As I did so I altered my grip so that she could spin around or leave instantly, which meant that I was left open to an attack if she retaliated with such.

I thought that perhaps her opening up and showing emotions towards me meant that there was a high probability of her at least telling me never again without a slap, but hey, who knew what could happen?
Juniper felt something soft brush against her cheek. It took a second to register that Varexes had kissed her. She blushed standing still trying to process what the kiss had meant. She turned around looking at Varexes. "What was that for?" she asked hoarsely. Her heart jumped up to her throat and she found it hard to breathe.

I both felt and saw the reaction my kiss had on Juniper. She blushed and her breathing suddenly became uneven, and something told me her heart was racing faster than normal. I took a long moment to think before responding. "Well... because I like you. A lot. More than just as friends." I said it slowly, carefully choosing each word so as not to convey the wrong message to Juniper.
(Faye, when you read this don't you dare try reading between the lines. You know they are just friends. Don't go around making things up again.)

Juniper stared at him silently trying to formulate words. "I've never been kissed before." she admits. She wasn't sure how to respond. She felt like all the walls she had built up against feeling this way about someone had been shattered. It wasn't a weapon or anything huge, just a little peck on the cheek that made her feel so vulnerable. How she felt now didn't compare to not being able to defend herself or being too tired from using her holy arts and having to rely on others. "I think I like you too."

My mouth opened slightly in surprise. "Really? You've never been kissed before now? That's... surprising. You're so amazing, I figured you must've had someone at one point." I was genuinely surprised, even if i was overplaying it just a little bit. When she said she thought she liked me too, I could barely contain my joy. "Well, hopefully I'll be able to hear you say you do, not you think." I said this with a small little smile that said I was willing to wait for her to be sure and I wasn't trying to rush her at all.
Juniper didn't know how to respond. She felt embarrassed about his reaction to her having never been kissed. She wanted to tell him that she did feel that way, but the words were too hard too say. Instead she stepped forward resting her forehead against his chin hoping that was enough.

She didn't respond but instead put her forehead on my chin, to which I responded with another kiss on her forehead and placing my hands gently around her back, holding her softly. I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying the feeling of Juniper pressed against me.
Juniper took in a deep breath. She smiled feeling the second kiss and lifted her head to look at him finding his eyes closed. She wraps her arms around his neck softly clasping her fingers together. "I do." she whispered into his ear not trusting her voice to be loud enough otherwise. "I do feel that way."

I felt Juniper's arms wrap around my neck and I opened my eyes to hear her whisper that she did feel that way. I was stunned for a moment and it finally clicked. She had felt that way, probably for a while now, but she had been too shy and too used to hiding her emotions to admit it fully. Now I had finally pushed her over that last hurdle and she was admitting it. Pulling back I rested my forehead against hers and looked deep into her eyes, not able to help the grin that washed over my face. There were no words that could be said that could match what she said, so instead I just kissed her forehead again and pulled her body against mine, embracing her firmly, not wanting to let go. 
(I gotta get to bed. night Little*Dreamer.

Nami, nothing's going on here y'know. Viper doesn't exist.)

I've been reading all that on the bus on my way to school and you have no freaking clue how hard it is to hold back fangirling x"D I couldn't hide my giant smile though, but oh well xD

And Dreamer's finally began to leave her comfort zone and get all super lovey dovey when role playing ||D

Seriously guys, I think I'm gonna have to kill off my plan because like....just #Viper, man. #Viper.

I can't many feels right now. lolol.

Im kind of a hopeless romantic, sorry x"D

Just so freaking cute. I wasn't even a Viper fan for a while xD but I can't not be at this point.

But also, just because I terminate my plan doesn't mean I can terminate any emotions/feelings. xD just throwing that out there.

Alright, I think I got some of my fangirling out through this, so I'm good. Phew.. ||D))
(I'm just happy that they did the whole lovey dovey thing in front of everyone else x'D Ah Jess is going to use that to her advantage |D And I know how you feel Nami... so many feels right now...

(What are you guys talking about? There is no Viper. You guys are reading too far into it. You guys are overanalyzing it.) 
(Also, Nami, just go with your original plan. DO IT YOU WON'T NO OVARIES! xD )

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