The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Lol!!! Sliver I have that gif on my tumblr x"D

Hahahaha I'm cracking up |D

And dreamer, you know you're enjoying it. Shush.

And Alcat, just....just stop bothering to deny it x"D

You WANT me to do what I had planned?? xD oh lawdy.))
((And oh come on, what's a story without a little romance?

Ever read something and get to the end and there was zero romance? You're like


xD or there's like two characters that you want together and there's little clues that they should be, so you're freaking waiting the whole time for them to confess their feelings or whatever and they never do and you're like


This mostly applies to movies/TV shows though since I don't read books xD but in the few I've read and had this happen that was how I felt |D

But If I DO read a book it better be somewhat cute or I find it boring. ))
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(Never watch Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple. You'll be expecting the main girl and main guy to get together, especially when the girl overhears the guy talking about how he likes her more than a friend, but nope. Never freaking happens. Pisses me off.)
Ever read something and get to the end and there was zero romance? You're like
(I have read many books that did not have romance in them. they include some of my favorite books. Example- The book thief, The green rider as well as movies including phoebe in wonderland, bridge to terabithia, and The lovely bones. Which are all amazing stories without romance. I actually prefer books without romance.)

And dreamer, you know you're enjoying it. Shush.
(As my little sister says 'You don't know my life! You don't know my thoughts! You don't know me! Don't try to assume things you don't understand.')
(( See, I'm not the only one who gets angry at these relationship things x'D

Bridge to Terabitha had a sort of relationship in it, yes it was friendship, but there's a possibility the girl and boy liked one another, or they would've. But then she dies, so there goes any sort of relationship.

That movie was depressing...

sorry if I spoiled that for anyone, I'm assuming everyone's seen it xD 'cause like, that's pretty legendary. ))
(The book was crap. There was no hint at any sort of relationship. They were children. I think any sort of relationship between leslie and jess would have been too much of a stretch and unrealistic and ruined it for me. It was a movie about childhood.)
(I like books as long as the story is good. I couldn't care less about romance as long as the plot and writing is good. Honestly, sometimes the romance bothers me, like it kinda did in Eon and Eona. The main character keeps talking about how she's falling for this one guy and I'm like "stfu and get back to learning to control the Mirror Dragon." But hey, it depends on the book really. When it comes to anime though, and it's very OBVIOUS attraction, I'm just like "JUST KISS ALREADY YOU TWO STUPIDHEADS!"

I'm keeping my mouth shut on that comment, Little*Dreamer. The one about how Nami doesn't know you and etc etc.)
Juniper felt herself smooshed against Varexes. "I know your happy and everything, but would it be too much to ask if I could get enough room to breathe?" she asks feeling a tight grip around her.

I released Juniper, blushing in embarrassment. "Sorry about that." I was still close to her, but there was still a gap between the two of us. I finally seemed to remember that we were in the pond, which had been in the open. Jess and Nami and Lanli had probably seen everything, and that made me nervous all of a sudden. I wasn't sure why, but I glanced around to see where everyone was and what they were doing.
Juniper noticed the change in Varexes and she turned her head to see what he was looking at. "You afraid they will make fun of you?" she asks wondering what he was thinking.

I turned my head back to Juniper and shook my head. "They'll tease me for sure. I'm not worried about that. I just had forgotten about their existence for the past little bit." I explained. I took a cursory glance around looking through the trees. I didn't see anything abnormal, but my instincts told me something was coming up. Hiding my nervousness, I glanced around for my belongings and quickly spotted them nearby. The shirt was still damp, but I put it on anyways, stretching as I did so and enjoying the cold fabric against my skin.
((Actually, y'know what? Imma post. xP))

Lanli giggled slightly and nodded her head in the direction of Varexes and Juniper; motioning to Faye. "Looks like we've got some lovebirds." She said, smiling. She hadn't been actively watching them, more she had just noticed. But they sure where adorable. "Okay you two, we should probably get moving. That city is not going to find itself!" Lanli called out to Varexes and Juniper, waving at them. She looked down at her clothes, and worried again about the still very-visible bloodstains. "Why am I caring so much about clothes..?" Lanli wondered, shaking her head.
(I just didn't know what to post >~<)

Jess watched the whole interaction that happened between Varexes and Juniper while relaxing in the pond, a gentle smile on her face. She was starting to get worried that they would never admit, or at least try to admit, their feelings for each other even though it was painfully obvious how they felt about one another. Jess slowly rose out of the pond and immediately shivered from the coldness of the air hitting her wet skin, goosebumps rising all across her body. She bit her lip so she would stop her teeth from chattering and walked back onto the land, sliding her boots back into their normal position on her feet. Jess had noticed that the blood on her clothes was still pretty visible and although she was hoping that it would all just wash away in the water, she knew something like that was too good to happen. 'I'll take what I can get and at least I got to somewhat bathe the rest of my body. Beggars cant be choosers now can they?'
Juniper turned to look at Lanli when she spoke to them. She looked around the ground and picked up her water bottle and placed it back into her bag deciding it was a good idea to pack up before they left. She brushed her fingers through her hair brushing it out of her face before returning to Varexes' side.
Faye didn't need to follow Lanli's signal to notice the scene displayed a bit further away through the trees. She'd already caught sight of everything that had happened, although she hadn't spoken up quite yet. There by the pond were Juniper and Varexes standing very close to one another, not to mention they'd kissed. It wasn't one on the lips, although it was still a kiss on the cheek and forehead. The two elves most certainly had strong feelings for one another, but of course that was no surprise to Faye. If it was a shock to anyone in the group they must've been extremely oblivious to all the clear actions in which were proof of this idea.

Faye slipped her hands into the pockets of her shorts, keeping her eyes focused on Juniper and Varexes. After a moment, a lighthearted grin swept across her pale face. "You're right, they are cute, aren't they?" she added with a soft chuckle. "I'm glad they're both so happy."

After hesitating a couple of moments, she decided it was about time they start heading out again. Juniper seemed to be in much better shape now as well as Varexes, so it shouldn't be an issue. She made her way back through the small opening in the trees that lead to the pond, pulling her wavy blonde locks over her right shoulder as she spotted her soaked hoodie settled in the grass. Damp strands of hair grazed her cheek as she bent over to pick it up, the heavy breeze embracing her skin. Fortunately, she was beginning to get a little used to the chilling temperature. On the other hand, she was afraid she'd get sick from being under dressed in such cold weather. For now she'd have to deal though, considering her hoodie was still drenched.

She grabbed her bag and shoved her jacket inside before making her way over to Vex. Faye took a few minutes to get everything tied to his back once again, the routine becoming much easier for her at this point. Once everything was all set, she grabbed her bow and slipped it on her back after tightening her quiver around her waist.

"Alright, I think we're ready to get moving," she announced, smiling with joy. She was ready to head out again and see what else they'd come across. As she approached Varexes and Juniper she slowed her pace when she passed by, turning to give them a warm grin. "You two are so adorable," she told them with a soft laugh as she took a few more steps ahead of them.
((Wait, what relative time is this supposed to be set in? I thought it was medieval, but Faye has a hoodie.

I swear, if this is pseudo-modern Imma cry, because I've been going out of my way to make Lanli talk all proper like this whole time.))
(( Hahaha no, I just call it a hoodie 'cause it's like, just look at xD

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be203592b_largecopy1.jpg.6fd57b53154ea2ecdfb5e9c6731968a2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="6205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be203592b_largecopy1.jpg.6fd57b53154ea2ecdfb5e9c6731968a2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> it's like that< but with a I just call it a hoodie x'D Actually, I didn't even realize that's like a 'modern day' term until now. Well, I've used it a ton so we'll just pretend Faye considers it a 'hoodie' because it has a hood x'D "Hm. I'll call it..a!"

So apparently Faye is the founder of the word 'hoodie'. Lolol. xD

But if it bothers you I'll find a different word to use ||D

My apologies x'D ))



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((No no! It doesn't bother me at all. I was just worried that I had been thinking in the wrong time period this whole time. xD )) 
Lanli hurriedly followed Faye, eying her strangely before shaking her head and not saying anything. "So... We're going to a dark elf village?" She said, hoping to get a better idea of the plan. "Varexes said that we're going to try and establish a peace treaty. Will we also be trying to establish trade between our villages?" Lanli asked, becoming very curious. "Have you ever met a dark elf? As in, a full-blooded one? I wonder what they're like..."
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As Faye continued to walk along through the forest, Lanli scurried over to her side. She brushed the blonde hair out of her vision as she turned to face the girl whom was shooting questions at her one after another. Faye chuckled at Lanli's inquisitiveness as she grinned cheerfully.

"Reddell. That's the name of the Dark Elven village. When we first escaped Fayland, I more so just wanted to see what the outside world was like. As we adventured further, I found myself thinking about incredible it would be to see Reddell itself...not only that, but that very place is the reason no one's allowed to see this beautiful world that lies beyond the walls surrounding Fayland. This separation between the two villages has been going on for around eighty years now. It has to end eventually! So, if someone has to end it...why don't we be those elves? We need to show everyone what they should be doing! Fighting for freedom! Peace! Harmony!"

As she spoke, she barely realized the way she was gazing off through the treetops. She'd been imagining everything around her at that moment, elves of every kind talking and laughing with one another. The walls surrounding both Fayland and Reddell would be torn down, their purpose only created of nonsense. The sun would be shining down luminously, basking all the land in its beautiful glory. She wanted that day to come more than anything at all.

And she was determined to make it happen with the help of her incredible friends.

Finally, she turned back to Lanli after her small inspirational speech, laughing a little at her final question. "I've met two actually. I believe you have as well. Blake and Cerah were both Dark Elves. Other than those two though, I haven't met any others."

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