The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper looked up at the goblin surprised. She picked up one of Faye's arrows and threw it as hard as she could at the retreating goblin's back.
As Lanli sprinted after the Goblin, he steadily grew further and further away until Lanli finally lost sight of him entirely. "A pox on you!" She shouted as loudly as she could, although that wasn't very loud seeing as she was so out of breath. She shambled back to the group, panting heavily. "Sorry... He got... Away..." She said between gasps. She wiped her brow with the back of her hand, leaning heavily against a tree for support as she continued to try and stabilize her breathing.
(So, now that Alcat is gone...I'm your back-up? That makes me feel a whole lot better about ditching you xD

And for the record, I didn't ditch you..I just can't post as often as I need to)
(Lots of fun, overall as good as I had hoped, just not in the ways I expected. My college has enough people to populate a small town and I still can't find a girlfriend -_- But other than that it 's a really cool campus...maybe I should post pictutes...)
(Okay I should be back for good now. Sorry about sort of ditching this Rp, well more like this site in general, it's just that life has been pretty much hell for about a week and everything is so hectic -_- meh... anyways I guess I'll just get caught up...)
((I didnt realize hed gotten away xD can we just pretend he didnt? hahah im sorry! i typed this up already after seeing dreamers post xD ))

Faye whimpered slightly as she began to push herself up off the ground, her bones aching painfully after the previous event. Almost collapsing weakly once she was on two feet again, she quickly caught herself from doing so.

Her pupils wandered up and landed on that goblin thief from moments earlier. As an arrow came out of nowhere, it hit his clothed back and despite it probably not hurting at all, the goblin swung around with an enraged expression on his face.

Faye had no idea where that arrow came from, it seems someone in their group must've thrown one of hers when she wasn't looking, but she knew this meant no good. As the goblin reached into his pockets, Faye grabbed her bow and swiftly nocked an arrow. The goblin now had a dagger and he was swinging his arm back as Faye lifted her bow. She pulled back the string and released right as her aim was focused on the goblin. However, his dagger was already gliding through the cool air with its sharp edge heading towards them.

She then put her bow by her side, seeing the arrow pierce the goblin in the heart. He collapsed to the ground while her bag slipped from his back as well. She also noticed the goblins dagger skim past her shoulder, which wasn't necessarily a relief since there were others standing behind her. Therefore, her heart skipped a beat as it swept past her.
((And now it's time to play... WHO'S STANDING BEHIND FAYE!?!

Here's the rules for the new folks at home:

I'll roll a d4 to figure out who ends up standing behind Faye.

1: Varexes

2: Lanli (Pleaseno. ;- ;)

3: Jess

4: Juniper

Let's play!


Oh gawd.))

Suddenly Lanli felt a great force hit her. She slowly looked down to see a large knife sticking out of her chest. Deep red blood was oozing out from around the knife, staining her clothes even more. She reached down and wrapped her fingers around the knifes handle, and stared at it unblinkingly. Until finally, wincing, she pulled the knife out. She lifted the knife up and looked at it at eye level, eyes wide. Suddenly, Lanli brought her hands up to her mouth and coughed, blood leaking from around her hand. "That is.... Not very good..." She said fainty as suddenly her eyes glazed over and she collapsed backwards onto the ground, blood pouring from her chest.

((Whhyyy? ;-;

I'm totally cool with you guys opting out of my d4 method, by the way. >.> Just sayin'))
(Vamp, what is with you and randomizers?

I think its awesome and all, but you're the only one I've ever seen use them)
Juniper turned to look at Lanli and ran to stop her seeing her grab the handle of the knife. She bent down over her her eyes quickly looking over the wound. If she didn't take the knife out, the wound would be less of a problem, but by pulling the knife out at such an odd angle and so quickly the wound had grown in side and allowed much more blood to spill. Without much thought to it, she put her hands over the wound and felt the blood ooze through her fingers. Staring between her fingers she focused on the wound until she felt it begin to heal slowly. She released her hand when the wound closed completely.
((I play D&D on Wenesdays, although recently the store I play at closed because they are moving. I don't know when they are re-opening. :c))
(( Oh phew, I was like


when I saw that the dagger freaking almost killed Lanli x'D hahahaha

Thank the Holy Juniper x'D ))

Faye turned, seeing Lanli fall back after removing the dagger from her chest. Thick red blood oozed out of the fresh wound, the girl's eyes looking rather dazed during such an agonizing moment. The event was probably so terrorizing that she was too numb to notice.

Faye's grey eyes widened with horror, rushing over by her side. She kept her gaze locked onto the wound, grabbing Lanli's hand as her heartbeat sped up rapidly.! she thought with panic, in that moment wishing it had been herself who'd been stabbed instead. Tears were blurring her vision, wondering why fate was always out to get them. Was it really impossible to make it across the land...? Was it all just one enormous dream of Faye's in which she'd compressed just enough for others to believe?

Just as these painful considerations crossed her mind, Juniper settled down beside her and placed her hands upon Lanli's gory wound. Her worries suddenly began to dissolve, relief washing over her as the wound healed gradually. She'd been so alarmed by the awful sight that she forgot about Juniper and her Holy Arts.

"Oh, thank God...Juniper, thank you..." Her voice was breathless as she allowed herself to slowly resume at ease. 
(( I spent like so long pimping out my tumblr blog today x'D 152 followers now. My blog's all about happiness and anime ^^ ))
Juniper lifts her head to look at Faye. She had felt the drain of energy almost instantly. She breathes heavily unable to get enough air. She didn't try to respond to Faye's words. She nodded in response acknowledging what Faye had said.
(Your tumblr page is awesome Nami and Iv'e tried tumblr a few times before but it got too confusing for me so I eventually gave up on trying.)

Jess jumped into the air when she heard some noises coming from the front of her. She must have dozed off, again, but didn't really know what to do about that little problem. She just hasn't been feeling that much like herself lately. 'Must be from my lack of sleep like always.' Jess pondered as she finished shoving her boots over her feet and gathering her small pouch around her shoulders, running back into the dreaded forest. The female elf continued to make her way forward before she stepped upon a sight that would have been much better if it wasn't real. The rest of the group was all together along with some other creatures that she couldn't particularly see very well. As if that situation wasn't bad enough in itself Lanli was also on the ground with blood stained on the front of her shirt by an obvious wound inflicted there, Juniper being the one to have healed her with little energy left. 'Well... at least I'm wide awake.
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(I'm back.

I was gone for a week because my great grandmother died and I had to go to her funeral. She was like a grandmother to me since she was the one who raised my mom, and my actual grandmother was kind of a beach.

I think it's funny how people always just sorta disappear when someone leaves the rp. I told you guys to control Varexes, not forget about him xD

half-assed post incoming, because I don't want to spend an hour writing out a super long post including all the little details of what I've missed.



After the first goblin appeared I raised one eyebrow at Faye but said nothing, simply walking forward with my eyes open. I hid behind a tree and tried to sneak around, leaving the rest of the group to observe the shack.

I unslung my bow and nocked an arrow, observing the goblins. They seemed to be bandits, what with black cloth covering their faces. They were guarding some sort of shack that appeared to be their base of operations, and from what I could tell from the window there seemed to be a very large goblin on the inside, along with something shiny. Unsure of what it was, I squinted and began looking at the number of goblins.

There's about two dozen there... hmm... this could get really deadly really fast if we're not careful.

I considered taking out a few with my arrows, but realized that that would only bring them all down on my head. I'd have to cause a distraction and pick them off one by one. Faye and the others were also a factor, and they could either help or cause a lot of trouble for me. I glanced back in the direction of the group and saw Lanli chasing after a goblin who had Faye's bag. I let them deal with it so I could focus on working out a plan to get to the shack.

The goblin's had very rusty weaponry and armor, and they weren't very good. Lots of daggers and scimitars, along with a few short swords and at least three crossbows. Those crossbows would be the deadliest, since they had amazing accuracy and a pretty long range. But perhaps, considering the state of the other weapons and armor, they would be splintered? They might be in bad shape, meaning they weren't as deadly.

I heard a thump from the very edge of my hearing and spun to look back at the group. I maneuvered myself to a new location in order to get a good view only to see Lanli lying on the ground with Juniper over her, healing her. Damn! I thought to myself, running over silently.

When I got there I saw Juniper had just finished healing Lanli and was looking exhausted. Faye was thanking Juniper in a relieved tone and I nodded. "Good job Juniper. Just relax now, don't strain yourself," I told her, giving her a smile of thanks.

Afterwards I turned to Faye. "There's about two dozen goblins out there, not including at least one in the shack. Three crossbows, but their arms and armor are in disrepair. If you and I can find two positions to hole up, then have Jess and Lanli create a distraction, we can pick them off quickly. I think I saw something in the shack too, it could be whatever loot they've managed to gather. We should at least check it out."

I hesitated before continuing. "Also... these goblins make me nervous. If we try to bypass them, they could sneak up on us and kill us in our sleep, or cut off our escape if we need it." I thought that all of this would convince Faye to fight, without babbling on about how we should also avenge the travelers they had no doubt murdered and looted from.
Juniper looked up at Varexes after hearing her name. She knelt on her knees with her hands resting on her legs to support herself. When he continued to speak she zoned out realizing he was talking about some plan to fight the goblins. Fighting made her nervous, if they were going to fight especially outnumbered someone was going to get hurt. She had no doubt about that and on top of that she had just healed Lanli and wasn't sure how much more she could take. She didn't want to choose who received healing and who didn't and she certainly didn't want to choose who lived and who died.

She stared at the ground not letting her worries show on her face. She didn't hear her name as part of the plan and lifted her head. "Did you forget me already? Am I just supposed to wait here until your battle is over?" she asks 
(Happy Birthday. I'm sorry about your great grandma. One of mine died this summer, my other one is in the hospital. I'm think i'm trying to say I get your pain, but I wasn't sad. I'm a robot. bee bop boo. Why does my brain go to these places? I've got to go get dinner for my lil sister because she is traumatized and can't do it herself and my mom left to visit my dad in the hospital. Why am I sharing this? um... how did I get here from happy birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, as I always say to those with fb birthdays. May you celebrate today in a way worthy of your existence. It sounds good and then if I hate them... it still works. mwahaha wait that's not what I meant. I want you to be happy. dang it, be happy. Why am I still typing?)

(I'm not in the mood to edit my thoughts. It takes too much effort.)

I shook my head at Juniper. "No, I didn't forget you, Juniper. How steady are you on your feet?" I asked her curiously. I needed to make sure she could move and not fall behind, at least not too far. I had a special idea for her, but I wasn't sure if she was up to it, considering I saw the blood on Lanli's chest and the amount of it that had spilled onto the ground.

(Well thank you for your happy birthday xD it's okay, your thoughts are awesome. They ramble off in an interesting manner.

And I'm sorry to hear about your family... Perhaps you only feel like a robot not because you're emotionless but because of your aspergers? You're not actually emotionless, you just have a harder time reaching those feelings on a level that others do. Not that that's a bad thing, it could just be the reason.)
Juniper pulled herself to her feet with some effort. "I think I'm steady." she replied not sure how to answer the question. "Why? What do I need to be steady for?" she asks curiously. She shifted her weight from foot to foot testing her balance.

(that is the fastest chinese delivery of food EVER!)
(( Sorry guys, I ended up taking a little roleplay break hahah. Homework, projects, and I had to go to the hospital today to see my cousin's baby. Oh, and I've been editing gameplay for Amnesia that we recorded for fun. Hahah it's so fun to edit.


@SliverOfHope aw thanks! :D I have 214 followers now and I feel special. x'D It confused me at first as well, but it's actually super easy to use! Having a blog & followers is so fun too cx

@Alcatraz ALCAAAAT //HUGGGGLES// I know we talked on facebook recently but STILL FEELS LIKE I HAVEN'T TALKED TO YOU IN AGES ||D Maybe I just haven't seen you here in like a week, so. Then again, I've barely been on here in a week as well. Oh, and once again I'm sorry about your grandmother :c

Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMAIGOSH! HAVE THE BESTEST BIRTHDAY EVERRRR<3 is your birthday today, right? Sorry, I'm so forgetful. I was gonna mark it down on my calendar so I didn't forget to tell you, but once again, I'm so forgetful I didn't even remember to do that *face palm* #Mylife

OH, AND ALSO what do you mean half ass post? I saw that and expected like 3 sentences, but that was like 8 paragraphs xD

@Little*Dreamer I'm sorry about your family as well :c ))

Faye stood up, eyeing Varexes now as he spoke. She was rather reluctant to go on such a killing spree right now, but she was well aware that his suggestion was quite logical. It was likely that if they attempted to get past the area sneakily, they would end up being caught either way by one of these stealthy bandits. It was no question that these bandits were quiet and able to easily sneak up on them, as they could be right this very moment.

On the other hand, Faye wasn't sure if going out there and simply trying to kill all the goblins in their path in order to get to that shack was a completely good idea. Sure, she was curious what was in that shack, not to mention they were lacking supplies at this point and there was probably some valuable items in there. Although, they seemed to clearly be outnumbered.

She sighed quietly, allowing her eyes to move from Varexes's in order to scan their surroundings briefly. After hesitating for a moment, she turned her attention back to the boy. "On one hand I think that's a good idea, but on the other I'm not really sure...we're pretty outnumbered, I think. Not only that, there's probably a few hiding in the woods around us right now. They're really sneaky, so they could get us at any angle. Even right now they could be planning to get us--little do we know some are probably watching..."

I nodded at Faye. "There's three, at least. One behind you, watching. One off to my right, and another about halfway between them." I said softly while motioning covertly with my eyes. "Don't look, else they'll sound the alarm." I glanced around, scanning as if I weren't sure where they were. "Numbers don't matter if we have range on our side. If Jess and Lanli cluster them together, as they're bound to do if they cause a big enough distraction, you and I can use our bows to fight from a range. Drop the three with crossbows first, then we can pick off the rest of them. We're fast enough to outrun the goblins. They should go after the bigger threat, which will be you and me. But if they don't know where we are..." I motioned up in the trees.

"We can fight and we can win. If you don't want to take the risk though, then we can do something a little different." I thought for a moment, wondering how I could alter my plan in such a way to change it up. Turning to Juniper, I grinned with a little twinkle in my eye.

"I need you steady so that you can run. If my plan works out, even modified, you shouldn't have to heal anyone. Just make sure you can run. Can you do that?"

(My post was half-assed because normally I try to put detail in there.)
Juniper nods "I can do that." she agrees. "But I still don't see how I am part of the plan. Am I supposed to just wait and run when everyone else does?" she asks. "I can be useful you know. I can create a decent enough shield." she defends herself.

I raised an eyebrow at Juniper. "You can make shields? Huh... that tweaks this a bit... gimme a second to think."

As I thought, I glanced around to see if any other goblins were sneaking up on us. There weren't, and the three that I had noticed before were holding their position. It made me a little nervous, unsure of what they were waiting for exactly. I looked at the three crossbow-wielding goblins and an idea struck me.

"All right, here's what we'll do. Juniper, can you create a shield big enough to hide you, Lanli and Jess behind? If so, you three will walk out there and create a distraction. They'll come at you, and hopefully those three crossbow-wielding goblins will fire their bolts at you three. They'll be deflected, then Faye can eliminate them. She'll climb this tree-" I tapped the trunk of the tree I meant lightly with my knuckle, "and take them out. I'll be waiting in the bushes over there-" I pointed with my bow to some bushes that were off to the side of the clearing, "and defend you three from any that try to take you out. The suddenness of our attack should throw them in disarray." I grinned maliciously.

"After that, Lanli and Jess can start taking out any that get too close while me and Faye focus them down." I turned to Faye. "You take out the ones that get too close to them. I'll take out any that make a run for it or try anything funny. Or if they're a little slow."

My face grew serious as I turned to look at the other three. "If things get rough, get out. Don't take any risks, don't do anything stupid. Don't get hurt you three, understand? If anyone gets too close, just run away. Make sure you all get out. If things get close, I'll run out and make sure they back off." I grimaced as I realized I sounded like I was trying to be the hero. I shook my head and slapped myself in the forehead. The look in my eyes brokered no questions for my actions. "Does this sound all right?"

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