The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper shook her head "I can't make a shield big enough for three people. It's only big enough for one person." she states wondering if he had paid attention to any of the conflicts she had used her shield in. She watched as he slapped himself in the forehead and wondered why he had. His plan didn't sound as smooth as he seemed to think it was. She wasn't sure what else to say, to be honest no plan would probably sound any good to her. She didn't want a fight at all.

I frowned when Juniper told me that. Suddenly it made sense as I'd only ever seen her shield herself before. "Crap..."

I took a minute to think, then grimaced. "Would you be willing to go out alone then? Stay near the bushes and just get their attention, Lanli and Jess can hide in the brush and if they get too close they can defend you. I hate to ask, but could you do it?" I spoke in a tone that allowed her to decline. I wouldn't think any differently of her if she didn't want to, and I hoped she knew that.
(Woa woa woa Juniper has shielded many of an Elf in her time.)

Juniper thought over what he said. It took her by surprise for him to ask her that. She assumed he would be the one to volunteer to go out alone. He never seemed to want to put anyone else in danger. She didn't think her fighting ability could match that of a goblin and was confused why he wanted her to cause the distraction. "I guess" she finally answered. "but why me?" she asked. "I wasn't part of the original plan. Why did you change your mind?"

I looked at Juniper blankly. "You were always part of the plan. I'm just improvising. And if you can only shield one elf, then you can shield yourself. Lanli and Jess will make sure nothing touches you, and there's me and Faye to make sure nothing gets close. If anything comes within range to attack you, run away. Lanli, Jess, you two make sure nothing touches her. But remember, take no chances. Everyone gets out unscathed, all right?" I looked around at the group and wished there was some way I could convince them to let me do this on my own. Perhaps if Faye gave me some of her arrows, I could take out all of the goblins alone. Of course, they might think I didn't trust them, or think they could handle their parts. I didn't want to offend them, so this was the best plan I could come up with.
Juniper nodded "okay." she agrees reluctantly. "How exactly do I cause a distraction?" she asks. Was she supposed to run out shouting 'here goblin goblin?' She wasn't one to make herself noticed. She rubbed her arm wondering what Varexes' definition of unscathed was. There was five of them and around twenty five goblins. That alone was enough information to put Juniper on edge. Varexes seemed so sure that his plan would work. It made her uneasy that maybe he wasn't prepared for something to go wrong.

I shrugged at Juniper's question. "Anything really. Make some noise. Let out frustrations. Use some insults. Doesn't really matter, as long as they move towards you." I sighed softly and looked at the ground. She was nervous and unprepared, and I was putting her on the spot for something that could potentially get her hurt or killed. "Don't worry. We'll be fine. I'll be close enough to intervene if something goes wrong, and Faye has us from a distance. No matter what, you won't get hurt." I smiled reassuringly, hoping that she might relax a little bit.
((Hello everybody. ^_^ Sorry I was gone for so long, I was stuck in the hospital.

Only two pages of progress though? O: Normally when I'm gone for a day it's ten or twenty. xD Is everything okay?))
(Why were you in the hospital? :(

also, there was only like 3 or 4 pages I had to read to catch up after my week long absence, and Nami wasn't on much yesterday.)
(Happy Birthday Alcat.

People probably leave because they feel that the rp cannot function without all of its members, even if this is untrue in practice.

Dreamer you're not a robot; I often find myself emotionless about things I should care about. I think it is an introverted characterisitic people develop so that they don't have to rely on others who have failed to make tgem happy. Instead of focusing on social relationships, I tend to ignore them because they have failed me before and I feel they are more trouble than they are worth. I just simply decide not to care because if I don't care then it doesn't seem to directly affect me. Thats just an example. It doesn't mean you are a bad person if you don't care, (because good and bad aren't that objective anyway).
(Me and Vampiric have known each other for years... she actually pointed out this site for me xD aaand this rp for me too, so you can thank her for me being here :P

I've known her for about 5 years now. If you want contact outside of this, do you want my fb/skype/download xfire? xD

Thanks Zeyro :P )
(I have a fb, but i'm not willing to share it with strangers. I put personal stuff on there about my daily life. I have skype, but I don't use it. I have it for the purpose of video chatting with a friend from my old school and I have not added her yet. I have no idea what xfire is.)
(*shrug* i was offering, not asking. it's up to you, lol. BTW: i love the promo. Among the Hidden is one of my favorite series. I need to reread it...

xfire is a basic chat program. it's for gamers, but it's how i talk to vampiric outside of this)
(Well... sort of xD Juniper is to get their attention, Lanli and Jess make sure nothing touches her. If anything gets close, they jump out and start fighting.)
((Alrighty. :3))

Lanli nodded, following Varexes's lead in looking around as if she didn't know where the Goblins were. Although, she actually had no idea where they were, so it wasn't hard to pretend. "Alright Jess, let's go hide in those bushes over there." She said, already walking as casually as she could over to the bushes, trying to make it look like she was searching around for Goblins.
(( VAMP //HUGGLES// What happened to the soul eater roleplay? :c I was really liking that ;w;

and lol, gosh we're strangers to you Dreamer? ||D

Lmao, jk, I know you've never met us in person so I can understand xD

But if anyone wants my facebook, I'm willing to give it xD Or my skype or something. You're all my friends so I don't care xD ))

Faye stood quietly, contemplating Varexes's plan as her eyes peered over his shoulder. She was able to spot a figure standing behind a tree, both their elbow and arrow peeking out from the side. Without keeping her attention on them a moment longer, she looked down at her bow and nonchalantly nocked an arrow quietly.

"Before we go anywhere," she whispered beneath her breath to Varexes, "get the ones around us. I see one behind you. Just act fast but casually and be prepared for another bandit from a different direction. I'm sure accuracy won't be an problem."

There was no doubt that Faye was beyond curious about what the bandits were guarding in that clearing. She figured it had to be something really useful and precious. Plus, since it was likely the 'treasure' was already stolen by the bandits there wasn't much of a reason to feel guilty for stealing from them. However, before they headed into that clearing they were gonna need to get rid of the few surrounding them right there.

I nodded at Faye, grabbing Lanli's shoulder before she walked off. "Don't go yet. They'll sound the alarm if you move." I looked at Faye and motioned over my shoulder subtly. "You take the one behind me. I'll take the one off to the side and behind you." I drew two arrows, nocking one and placing the other between my fingers holding the bow. "On three?" I asked her, preparing for the two shots.
((*Huggles Nami back* ^_^ ))

Lanli sighed softly and backed back up towards the group. She listened carefully to Varexes's plan. So, she was just supposed to wait around for Faye and Varexes to start shooting. Then, she needed to go hide, and wait and see if anyone would need her help. That plan didn't sit very well with Lanli, she wasn't one to sit by and just let others do the work. Even if they where practically strangers. "Again, I must wonder though: Why am I here? There is no reason for them to keep me around. I've been completely useless to them the whole time, actually I've been a burden. I probably should have just stayed in the Fayland... I may be a talented smith, but there's no need for a smith or a miner out here." She thought to herself, feeling awfully frustrated. Suddenly, another, more present thought hit her. "Wait a moment, is Juniper strong enough to hold a shield up for that long? She did just heal... me..." Lanli slowed as she looked over at the paled Juniper. "Oh... Thank you very much for that..." Lanli thanked, turning her gaze away from Juniper and blushing. "How could I forget about that? I do not really remember much of what happened, though..."
Juniper looks at Lanli "A shielding takes significantly less energy to use then healing does." she answers. "Although I wouldn't be able to keep it up if a sword or axe or a weapon like that swung hard enough at it." she had trouble with closer range combat. Arrows and smaller objects were easier to shield.

I nodded at Juniper. "That's where Lanli and Jess come in. They shouldn't let anything get close to you. Their sudden appearance should be enough to at least startle the goblins. Only fight in self-defense. I don't want any of you getting hurt." I scanned the group, letting my eyes lock with each member. Mine stayed with Juniper for a moment or two longer before I turned away. "Ready Faye? Take out these three, then get into position, fast. Juniper, when me and Faye leave, count to thirty then begin the distraction."

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