The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Faye!" Lanli shouted as Faye ran off into the forest. She was about to chase after her, but then realized that there where more pressing problems quickly surrounding them. "Crap!" She cried as she narrowly dodged a knife from a Goblin on her right. She dodged clumsily and swung with her newly acquired axe towards the goblins head. It landed between his eyes with a sickening thunk and crack. Blood spurted from around the axe as his eyes became wide but unfocused. Lanli covered her mouth and let go of the axe as the Goblin fell to the ground with a thud. Gulping and trembling slightly, Lanli grabbed the axe handle and turned the Goblin onto his back. His eyes where gazing up at her, completely dead. She began to yank the axe out of his head, when with a heave, it came loose. Brain matter sprayed Lanli in the face. Shocked, she looked down to see the Goblin's brain demolished through the large hole she had made in his head. She turned pale and immediately was brought to her hands and knees and began throwing up violently. "It's all too damn much. I'm not suited for this, I'm not!" She managed to think as she continued to be sick as the fight raged around her, some of the Goblins noticing her weakness and heading in her direction.
Juniper lifted her shield over her holding it in place to deflect the arrows that began to fly toward her. Seeing the goblins heading in her direction, she decided not to wait for them to get much closer. She turned running off as fast as she could and herd the commotion behind her as fire was returned toward the creatures. She didn't turn to see what had happened, instead she kept running. A force hit her shield shattering it and knocked Juniper off her feet. She hit the ground confused and threw up her shield and looked up in time to see the goblin swing it's sword toward her again. A startled scream escaped her as she rolled to the side avoiding the sword that pierced into the ground . Scrambling to her feet without much hesitation she took off running again.
((This fight is going poorly. :D

And also!: I am currently in the process of creating a TV Tropes page for Alcat's story. ^_^ If anyone who has the link to the story would like to help, it would be much appreciated. I'll post the link once I have the basics up. And a small, nitpicky thing from me: Please try to put the tropes in alphabetical order. ;- ;)
((Alrighty! I have the basics up, although I'm still in the process of editing. Please feel free to edit it. ^_^ 
((Oh god, I just realized that because I didn't capitalize the T in "The" I need to




((WOO! Nevermind, just follow this link:

I saw Juniper step out and began to take aim at the three crossbow goblins when they fell with arrows sticking out of them. Go Faye... I thought, turning my attention to the goblins. I began to fire, taking out ones at random before I heard Lanli scream Faye's name. I cursed and dove out of the trees, only to see Juniper run away. Shit, it's falling apart! I began to charge, firing off arrows as I went, each one dropping a goblin. I tried to take out the ones closest to the forest, but they were already running through the underbrush and out of range and vision. Instead, I simply began focusing the ones that were closest, quickly dropping them.

I ran my fingers through my quiver and counted. 15 left. Make them count. I began to draw at rapid fire and took out several more goblins who began to press towards me, but I stood my ground and took them out. In about 10 seconds another 8 goblins or so lay dead at my feet. I grabbed three arrows out of the closest three and ran off into the brush, only to see Juniper on the ground screaming and running away from another goblin. I quickly drew and fired an arrow that took the goblin in the back of the neck, the point jutting out from where his adams apple should have been.

I pivoted and began to cover Lanli, dropping more goblins as they began to swarm around her as she swung her axe. I grimaced and ran forward, not bothering with arrows and simply began lashing out with kicks and strikes with my bow in order to drive them away from the female elf. "Lanli, run after Juniper!" I shouted after I cleared a small path away. There lay several goblins around us, yet more seemed to be running off in another direction and a few seemed to have bows. Where did they come from?! I took them in the back with arrows and began running off in their direction, where I saw Faye laying on the ground with several arrows jutting from her.

I grimaced and began to cover her, taking out goblins as they approached her where she lay.
Lanli was still on the ground on her hands and knees, gasping for air as she felt that she couldn't get enough. She heard Varexes shout her name and she looked up at him, pale faced and with wide eyes. She couldn't make out what he said... Something about Juniper? All Lanli could do was nod slowly. She looked around and saw Juniper running off through the forest. Lanli began to chase after her, when suddenly she was hit with a familiar feeling. Impact, and then stabbing pain. This time, it was in her right side. She turned to see a Goblin smiling his fiendishly ugly smile at her. She looked down at his hands, and saw that he had plunged a knife into her, bellow the ribs. She stared down at him as he plunged the knife deeper, and then she scowled. She lifted up her fist and punched the Goblin right in his ugly face. He fell backwards, releasing the knife that was now stuck inside Lanli. She made a move to remove the knife, but then stopped; remembering her recent incident with being stabbed. She smiled softly and almost laughed. "I really need to make sure I don't make a habit of this..." She said before she started heading after where Juniper went as fast as she could, which wasn't very fast. To compensate, she was calling out Juniper's name every few seconds, praying to the gods that she wasn't being followed.
Faye looked up and gasped silently, seeing Varexes standing in front of her as he took down the goblins who were approaching them. Those must be the goblins that were chasing me earlier...they must've found where I was hiding...Thankfully Varexes got here just in time to get rid of them.. In the past few minutes she'd begun removing the arrows from her flesh, so she removed the final one from her leg before reaching for an arrow from her quiver. Ignoring the blood that seeped from her wounds, she nocked an arrow and forced herself up.

There was no way she was going to back out of this just because of a few cuts. She pulled back her bowstring and killed another goblin that was coming at them from the right. The goblins seemed to be backing away now more than anything, fear radiating from them at this point. They'd seen Varexes's skills and figured it was best if they weren't in full view. However, this was not necessarily a good thing considering it was more likely that the goblins would be trying to shoot them sneakily once again.

"I'm going to head back to the clearing," Faye said quietly enough for only Varexes to hear.

Without wasting any more time she turned away and began running through the forest back to where they were earlier. A few arrows flung past her, but she was able to easily shoot a few goblins that she spotted on her way back. Finally she reached the clearing once again, making her way out of the woods.

She was a bit surprised to see that there weren't nearly as many bandits guarding the shed as before. Most of them must've chased after Faye and the others earlier. Good, she thought, we were able to drive them away...and that means most of them are dead now. Of course, she hoped that everyone else was alright.

Faye jumped out of the way several times, dodging the arrows that flew in her direction. Narrowing her eyes, she nocked an arrow and lifted her bow. She aimed it at one of the goblins running towards her and released, sending the goblin straight to the ground as it died. Faye continued to do so, killing off the goblins with bows first. Eventually there were only about ten left surrounding the shed, although there were more running out of the woods and heading back into the clearing. Fortunately, Faye was already about ten feet from the shed as she shot more bandits dead. She circled the shed as she searched for the door, coming face to face with an elf with a large axe.

Damn, she thought as she pulled back her bowstring quickly and released an arrow into its stomach. However, just as she did so the axe in his hands fell forward and sliced through Faye's chest.

"Ah!" she screeched in agony, her bow slipping from her grasp.

She stumbled to the side and leaned against the shed, seeing a goblin running towards her from the corner of her eye. This one had what looked like a large hammer and was going to crush her bow that was on the ground. Faye's eyes widened, rage filling her insides as she grabbed the axe that was closest to her.

"Get the hell away from my bow!" she yelled angrily, using what strength she had left to fling the axe out towards the goblin. It stuck right into his chest just before he could crush her bow, the hammer falling onto the ground beside it.

Faye leaned over and grabbed her bow, pain shooting up through her body as blood seeped from the large cut in her chest. She was covered in quite an amount of blood, but continued to ignore it as best as she could.

Why are there so many of them..? she wondered, turning to see that she was leaning against the door to the shed. She tried turning the handle, but it was locked.
Juniper raced away from the goblins, running as fast as she could. She skidded past trees hearing the noise of weapons hitting trees and flesh behind her. She herd her name faintly behind her and realized someone was calling too her. It was disappointing to realize it wasn't Varexes' voice, and then quickly switched her thoughts to wondering why she would suddenly think a thought like that while running from goblins.

She turned her head to see who it was that was calling her name which slowed her pace. She had to acknowledge the voice or it wasn't going to stop and her yelling would attract goblins right to them. "What?" she called back slowing her sprint, but kept moving.

I nodded at Faye and followed her out into the clearing, turning off when I saw Lanli stumbling around with a knife in her side. "Lanli!" I sprinted over to her and grabbed her arm. I couldn't see Juniper anywhere around and shouted her name. "Juniper! Come back!" I took Lanli over to a nearby tree and sat her down, making sure no goblins were nearby. There were two coming towards me, but I dropped them with a couple of arrows. Where'd they all come from..? I thought as I looked at Lanli's wound. "There's nothing I can do... we need Juniper." I muttered under my breath, still scanning behind me to make sure nothing could sneak up on us. "Sorry Lanli," I said as I tore part of her shirt and wrapped it around the knife in order to help staunch the bleeding. From there I looked up, trying to see of Juniper was anywhere to be seen. "Faye! Jess! Come back, regroup!" I called out, hoping that they might hear and come back, if they were even still alive. Don't think like that, of course they are! Stupid stupid stupid!
Jess zoned back into the real world, not sure how much time had passed. When she looked around the clearing there were many goblin bodies on the ground, completely drained of life. Crimson painted the forest with its sickly color and the smell of the blood was very thick and notable. There were still goblins around manically, swinging their axes to and fro while others readied their arrows. The shifter's thoughts cut her deep as she continued to look around with slightly wild and pained filled eyes. 'While I was zoned off into my own little land everyone else was being inflicted with pain, injuries marring their skin because they were trying to help one another.' Jess had already turned into her wolf form by the time her thoughts quieted down and just as she was about to attack the nearest enemy, Varexes voice floated into her ears. With reluctance she got down into a low crouch and approached Faye, Varexes, and Lanli, her ears flattened against her head and her eyes looking at anything but their own.
Juniper came to a stop hearing her name again and turned around searching around for the source breathing heavily. Her heart pounded worried about what had happened and when she herd his familiar voice again call a different name took off again running toward it. Instead of away from danger she was now heading towards it, but since it was his voice she was running toward, she wasn't thinking about herself. She saw the form of an elf come into view and sped up, not realizing she had been able to move faster.

She opened her mouth to call to him, but suddenly felt the wind knocked out of her and a pain in her side. A goblin rammed into her from the side and her head hit against a tree. Fear gripped at her and she wishes she had something to defend herself with. How was her shield supposed to help her now?

I looked up at the sound of running feet and saw Juniper running. A look of relief crossed my face before I realized a goblin was running next to her. I opened my mouth to scream a warning, standing and bringing my bow up to fire an arrow when the goblin made contact with her and slammed her into a tree.

Fury filled my body as I drew an arrow and launched it at the goblin that had attacked Juniper. It was standing up and about to stab her with a dagger when the arrow entered his side just beneath the armpit. It fell over, dead, and I ran over to Juniper to help her up. I looked around and saw another two goblins coming just before I reached her. I stared them down and they seemed to falter, hesitating slightly which gave me the time I needed to run and whip one in the head with my bow, cracking his skull and lashing out with a kick to break the others leg, then grabbing its own dagger and driving it into its jaw. At that I saw no more goblins, but Jess was where Lanli was.

I strode over to Juniper and helped her up. "Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly.
Lanli winced in pain as she slid down the side of the tree. "No.." She begged as forcefully as she could. "Don't make Juniper heal me. I don't want to continue being a burden. She doesn't have enough energy to heal me again when Faye is injured too." She paused and gritted her teeth as Varexes began tying the wound. She groaned in pain, but was grateful that the bleeding would be slowed. As Varexes ran off, Lanli slid down further on the tree, wanting nothing more than to just lay down and sleep. "But I can't do that... For one, I'd die. But if I didn't..." She looked around, two Goblins where coming close to her to finish her off. She made a move to grab the axe she had stolen off of one of the Goblins, only to realize it was missing. She gulped as they slowly drew in closer, waving their axes menacingly.
Juniper looked up at Varexes and let him help her up. She gripped his shoulder looking at him and wet her lips taking a while to respond. Her arm was scratched and cut up and her knee was bleeding for the fall. Which fall it was, she wasn't sure. The side of her head was scratched and bleeding from hitting the tree. "I think so" she finally said quietly keeping her eyes on his. Her mind kept replaying the death of the goblins and how Varexes seemed to so easily kill them.
(Jess is next to you Lanli xD ) 

I looked at her head worried, seeing it was scraped and bleeding, but it looked like it would be all right. I nodded at her and turned to look back at Lanli, only to see two more goblins. I quickly released Juniper and drew, taking out one and then the other. I was down to three arrows left in my quiver, and I grimaced because of it. "Lanli's injured. Can you at least close it up so she'll live?" I asked Juniper, leading her to Lanli and Jess, noticing Jess wasn't looking at me. "Jess, can you go find Faye? I'm worried about her. She ran off into the clearing on her own."
Lanli's eyes grew wide as she saw Juniper and Varexes approaching her. "No, don't waste your energy on me. I'll be fine! I swear!" She begged, covering her wound with her hands. "I just... I wont let you. I promise I'll be okay. But please, heal Faye if you are going to heal anyone... Okay?" She pleaded, backing up into the tree with her hands ready to push away Juniper's if she decided to try and heal her.
Jess heard Varexes's request and nodded her head in confirmation before she headed back to where she came from making sure to be as quiet as possible and avoid anything near. Once in that general area she scanned the place, her eyes falling upon some sort of shed/shack type building with the elf in question leaning against it. As Jess approached Faye she could tell that the female archer wasn't at all in that good of shape, blood coated on her skin and clothes... or at least what was left of the shredded cloth. As soon as she was close enough she lifted up her muzzle and nudged Faye's hand with the tip of her nose so the injured elf wouldn't be startled be her arrival.
Juniper turned when Varexes let go of her. She watched him take out the two goblins and swallowed startled wishing she could be of more help. She followed him back over to Lanli as Jess took off. "Faye is probably fine." she Juniper reassured Lanli. Although she had no idea what condition Faye was in, she knew Faye could take care of herself. "Anyways, she isn't here now. So I can't help her, but I can help you." She bent down next to her looking over the wound.
"No! You have already healed me so much! I can not ask you to do this anymore... Please I promise I will be fine." Lanli pleaded, gently but forcibly pushing Juniper's hands away. Slowly, Lanli pulled herself up against the tree. She pulled a smile. "See...? I am fine. Do not be concerned with me. You still need to regain your energy from when you healed me earlier." Lanli paused for a moment before turning to Juniper. "If you could help me remove this knife please... I would greatly appreciate it." She said, smiling. "I think we have discovered that I am not very good at doing that on my own."
Juniper looked at the wound not responding to her refusal. She removed the make shift bandage and looked at the wound. If she pulled the knife out not only would it hurt, but it would cause the blood to flow out more easily. She dug into her satchel and searched her supplies until she found a small package, she unwrapped it to reveal a small needle and thread and threaded it carefully before placing it on the ground beside her for easy access. If she wasn't going to let her use her powers, it would be a slow and painful process. "Don't bite your tongue off." she warned as the grabbed hold of the knife intending to pull it out.
Faye turned her head, her eyes widening slightly when she felt something touch her hand. For a split second she thought that maybe it was an enemy, but the touch was so gentle that it was impossible. A little surprised, she found that it turned out to be Jess in wolf form. It felt as though she hadn't seen the girl in a while, but there she was.

Faye smiled warmly, glad that a friend was in her presence at such a time. After all, Faye was well aware of her current poor condition despite the fact that she was trying so hard to ignore it all. They're just a few little cuts, that's all, she kept telling herself. Although, she had a variety of arrow wounds in her flesh as well as a deep cut from an axe going down the top of her chest to the center. Pain was shooting through her body as tears stung behind her grey eyes, but she refused to acknowledge it.

"The door's locked..." she said, a trace of agony in her voice as it trembled slightly when she spoke, "but we can easily..find a way past that.."

Faye turned back to the door and fumbled with the handle a bit more, just to ensure that it really was locked. As she did so, she noticed a section of the door slide out, a rectangular opening now in the door. It was small..and suddenly revealing a pair of two deep brown eyes. Faye blinked once as her brows furrowed, wondering if that was a goblin on the other side of the door.

Just then, the eyes moved away and Faye went to take a step back. However, a hand shot out of the rectangular hole in the door towards Faye. Its fingers wrapped around her neck and forced her forwards. They squeezed her neck tightly, causing Faye to drop her bow once again so that she could attempt to pry the fingers from her neck, but the grip was much too tight. She couldn't breathe at all and her neck was aching more than ever. It had to be one of the most awful feelings she'd ever witnessed in her entire life time--and that said a lot.

I stood by while Juniper took out a needle and thread, grimacing at what she was going to do. "Do you need me to do anything Juniper?" I looked around, but the area was eerily quiet after all of the commotion, goblin bodies littering the ground while their blood seemed to stain the leaves and grass around them. It was almost sickening, but I was used to the sight. It almost seemed appropriate, considering they had probably left many a caravan of travellers like this.
Jess let her eyes room over all of the cuts and open wounds across Faye's body knowing that she would need help very soon. She watched as Faye tried the door once again just to make sure it was locked but this time a piece of the door moved to reveal a pair of two eyes, the color being a deep and rich color of brown that reflected the light some.

Jess was instantly on alert as the eyes slowly moved away only to be replaced seconds later by a hand shooting out, aimed directly at Faye's throat. The meaty fingers wrapped around the intended target and brought Faye closer so fast that she lost the grip on her bow, the wooden weapon clattering to the ground. The wolf shifter made a noise of surprise and shock before a furious snarl ripped past her bared teeth, gathering the attention of a few surrounding goblins. She lunged for the huge hand and bit into the flesh, breaking the skin and drawing blood with both her teeth and razor sharp nails. Jess could see the grip loosen on Faye's neck and she hoped it would be enough for the gasping elf to pry the hand away.
Juniper lifted her head looking at Varexes. "You could get something to clean the wound." she suggested and turned back to the knife in concentration. Slowly and steadily she pulled the knife out and stabbed it in the ground to keep the blade from cutting anything. She picked up the thread and needle and began to sew up the wound to stop Lanli from loosing too much blood. She crinkled her nose in concentration and picked up the knife cutting the thread when she finished.

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