The Path From Fayland - Official RP


Juniper hushed me, and I was about to protest when a wave of dizziness hit me and made my vision spin. I thought I felt something against my lips but wasn't sure, but just as I did I felt the splinter in my side get yanked out and screamed in pain, somehow managing to retain consciousness. Tears streamed from my eyes at the pain, and my left hand grabbed my side, feeling a slow welling of blood get through my fingers and taint the ground beneath me. I trembled and shivered, barely staying awake and keeping my eyes open. I couldn't formulate words, so instead I simply groaned in pain, my mind completely absorbed in pain and not even realizing Juniper was there. I even forgot about Faye and Jess and Lanli, who I knew were still around somewhere.
Juniper watches him "Stay awake." she repeats feeling tears build up in her eyes. She found the other splinter and pulled it out. She placed her hands over the wound keeping her eyes on him. Her hands trembled slightly, she swallowed trying to stay calm. She crinkles her nose in concentration as her energy drained in order to heal his wounds. She felt the wound slowly close under her hands and fought to keep going when the throbbing in her head told her to stop. She clenched her teeth in pain and felt the wound close. She fell on her hands and knees staring at the ground. She became dizzy and had to fight to stay conscious.

The silence that roared in my ears was deafening. I was unable to hear anything, barely able to see through the pain that made me blind, deaf and dumb. Pain filled my entire being. It was my very existence, although something within me screamed to stay conscious, and so I fought for it. Suddenly though, the pain ended, and my will evaporated as if it had never existed. I collapsed into unconsciousness, my breathing ragged but very much steadied due to Juniper's healing. My slumber was black and complete, the sleep of the dead, despite my weak but steady pulse and unconsciousness.
Juniper curled up on her side resting her head on his shoulder. She stared at him breathing heavily. Sweat had built up on her forehead. She wrapped her arms around his elbow trying to hold onto him as her eyes became too heavy to keep open. They slowly closed and everything fell dark. Her grip loosed on his arm as she slipped into unconsciousness.
Faye sat silently as she watched the scene between Varexes and Juniper, the sound of her breath the only audible noise from her. It seemed that they'd practically forgotten she had been sitting right beside the two, slightly startled when Juniper kissed Varexes on the lips. Of course, the romance didn't last quite long considering a splinter was pulled from his side at the same time. A screech of agony escaped his mouth, causing chills to crawl up her spine momentarily. The pain in his voice made her feel broken, but she knew Juniper would be able to heal him.

Seconds later, her theory was carried out as Juniper healed Varexes's wounds. Juniper eventually fell unconscious with her arms wrapped around the courageous boy, Varexes blacking out as well. The two lay there together with their eyes closed, looking as if they were sleeping peacefully in the comfort of one another.

A very small grin formed on Faye's face, an image of pure serenity placed before her eyes despite all the awful things that had occurred. They looked so beautiful side by side, even if they were unconscious. She knew that such a relationship would last forever and Faye would accept that idea.

Her pupils then wandered up as she peered through the thin layer of smoke, seeing Jess nearby. The wolf didn't look like she was in great condition, but probably better than everyone else. Faye's heart skipped a beat as she realized something--something that made her stomach churn. Where was Lanli? She didn't see her anywhere..

"L--Lanli...?" she wondered aloud, attempting to stand. Her legs shook as she stood, feeling completely numb as she collapsed back to the ground with a slight gasp.

Faye was covered in blood and scars, her flesh punctured with arrow wounds. Her chest had a long slit through it from the axe earlier, blood smeared across her body. Her entire being ached with pain, worrying her that she wouldn't be able to go on any least not for a while. What good is a broken leader? she thought to herself, repeating those thoughts she once had earlier. Damn, she thought, maybe I should've been more careful....maybe this was all just a ridiculous idea...We could have tried to just get around the bandit's camp instead of try and figure out what was inside that shed of theirs. always gets the best of me.

She turned her head carefully, eyeing the shed that had fallen to a pile of burnt timber. As far as she could tell, there was nothing too valuable over there. What were they guarding? Was it really just supplies? An exhausted sigh left Faye, which made pain shoot through her once again. She winced, turning her head back again. The real questions here were: Where was Lanli? And were they going to be able to continue this journey in such conditions? 
(( Oh and I had a mini heart attack when I read this: "large wounds and would more than likely be fatal." I gasped and was like OMG IS HE KILLING OFF VAREXES?! x'D It took all my strength not to look ahead to see if he was gonna get healed or die or what. ||D ))
(Nah... something worse is gonna happen to Varexes. Well, in my opinion it's worse.

BTW: in the shed I was thinking of having weapons (bows, arrows, swords, axes, etc) so we could rearm, a chest or two of gold and jewels, some animal trophies, and then some fancy clothes, and in them I'd have a cloak like the one Varexes started out with. Also, there would be several sacks of food, water, pans and shiz for meals.)


Annnd okai, that could work xD I was thinking of having something a bit weirder and less useful...but something worth a lot and worth protecting. 'Cause I figured we had a decent amount of stuff, but then you said something about new clothes and I scratched my idea x'D ))
(I have a really good idea... how about a treaty request from Fayland to the Dark Elves from say, 30 years ago, it having been taken by this band of goblins and the Dark Elves never got it, and instead wound up attacking a trade route or something, therefore leading the two nations down to more war because Fayland thought that the Dark Elves had ignored it completely?

Like, maybe not the king, but a high ranking general sent out the treaty?)
(( Hmmmmmm

I like that

Mine was that they had the heart of the Thiriston's father locked up from when he passed away many years ago. After all, it would be Thiriston's father who led the Blackwald War back then b/c Thiriston ain't 80 years old right now xD So, Thiriston is his son and has the same views his father did of course. Brainwashes everyone, so the Dark Elves just love Thiriston & his father is like some legend. (at least a lot of them believe that, unless they're like Blake & Ava and aren't brainwashed). So, the heart's been missing forever 'cause it was stolen by bandits and it's really precious and valuable. And if they returned it to the Dark Elves theyd be all like BITCHES SRSLY WE LOVE YOU<3 OMAIGOSH<3

Yeah, beating heart locked up. Maybe not beating, but ya know. His heart in a chest..locked up..valuable..good stuff....LOLIMSOCREEPYWTF

but yeah, I like your idea. x'D On one hand though Idunno if the Dark Elves/Thiriston would be willing to accept a treaty. They really don't like the Light Elves. That war caused a lot of tension. ))
(Hmm... how about the details of the treaty also included a record of some sort of treason that happened within Fayland that never got released. Like, the king of Fayland isn't responsible, he's actually a puppet and his adviser is the mastermind behind the tensions between the Dark Elves and Light Elves, so it's not Fayland as a whole it's just a few very corrupt masterminds who have hidden the truth?

Or perhaps some sort of cataclysmic event cut off the two nations from each other, when originally they were one. A war, or natural disaster, or something split the two apart. Or perhaps even that the leaders of the two nations are actually brothers (100 years ago they were) who despised one another? But like, something awesome that when brought to the Dark Elves they'll be like "Crap man... we've had it wrong this whole time.")
(What if the entire time Fayland was not Fayland, but the dark elves city of doom. Mind Blown.) 
Juniper tensed in her sleep. She dreamed of images of Varexes laying on the ground bleeding. There was something familiar about it, she couldn't name it and then she was back in her house on her stool looking at the boy with the broken arm. He was healed and her dad walked the boy outside to bring him home. She turned to her older brother Orchid to tell him about the birds when the door slammed open and in walked the man with the sick girl. The one her parents had turned away because they couldn't help. He kept coming back and she didn't understand why.

She remembered how he gently set the girl down on the counter and quickly grabbed Juniper. He told Orchid to help the girl or bad things would happen to Juniper. She thought it was a game and tried to ask him what bad things, but Orchid told her to be quiet. His tone wasn't playful, it was serious and something about it made her listen. She watched as he bent over the sick girl and began to heal her. The sickness disappeared from her and she opened her eyes looking healthy. The man set Juniper down, picked up the girl and left.

Juniper ran over to Orchid who began to look really sick. He bent down on his knees and she copied watching as sweat built up on his forehead and he began to breath heavily. He looked just like the girl had before he healed her. His arms became too weak to support him and his head hit the ground. She stared at him and when he didn't move for a while she pushed on his shoulder and he rolled over. His eyes stared up at the ceiling vacantly and somehow he no longer looked like Orchid.Her eyes opened suddenly and she stared ahead of her at Varexes. She pressed her nose against his neck pulling herself closer to him. She could hear his heart beat steadily in her ear. She waited silently for him to wake up.
(( Sorry, busy past two days so I'm super tired right now. Those are some interesting plot twists Alcat, but eh, I don't wanna change up the background history like that. I already had Ava state what happened way back then, like how it led up to the war and I'm pretty content with that...they're split up because of the Blackwald War. After many elves died during that, they eventually came to decide that instead of continue the bloodshed, the two races would each occupy one side of the land totally opposite from the other. If any elf of another race was caught on the wrong side they were (executed in Reddell/Imprisoned in Fayland--execution depends on the elf there.) And then there was more to it that had to do with Thiriston's father, but I don't quite remember so sometime I'll have to go back and find it in the roleplay. I just think a natural disaster or a 'brothers' thing, or the fact that the king would have mastermind advisers is a little too much of a plot twist. We don't wanna stray too much from everything. I just don't wanna change up things like that...but maybe something more happened waaay back then before the war that helped cause it, but something having to do with Thiriston's father in particular. But good thinking, though. ))
Lanli looked over at Juniper, smiling a bit at the scene that had just occured between her and Varexes. Suddenly, there was a bloodcurdling scream, one that sounded like Varexes. Juniper ran off, and Lanli started to tell her to wait, but then stopped. Who was she to tell Juniper not to go? "It would be best if I went too.. I suppose." Lanli said to herself, slowly pulling herself up against the tree. It took a long time, but eventually she began to make her way over to everyone else.

As Lanli began to approach the now destroyed shack, she realized that it was surrounded by dead Goblins. As she came closer, she noticed that her friends where all unconcious. "Or dead..?" She thought, but shook the thought from her mind as she pressed on. Suddenly, there was a groaning noise from behind her.

Lanli turned in shock to see a beaten and cut up Goblin standing up, and heading towards her with an axe in his hand. She looked around, and seeing an axe laying on the ground, picked it up. "Come here, ugly." She growled, they charged each other with as much ferocity as two badly injured people could. To an outside perspective, the battle was pathetic. The moves where slow, dragged out, clumsy, and poorly blocked. But to the participants, they where fighting for their lives. Suddenly, the Goblin did the first smart thing in this battle, it feigned a swing to the left and hit Lanli square in the chest. She cried out in pain, but as she began to collapse to the ground she flung her axe and lodged it into the Goblin's ugly face. They both fell to the ground with thuds, and as Lanli looked up at the sky, she smiled. "Thank you for the adventure, it's truly is sad that it must end here." She said quietly as she closed her eyes for the last time.
(I still think that there should be something that could potentially end the war if brought to the attention of the Dark Elves :P )


My heart beat steadily, yet it was weak. It was as if the slow and steady beats of an eagle were beating within my ribcage, yet without the strength required to fly. It was the heart of someone who was sick and weak, but no longer on the threshold of death. My breathing was shallow, yet even. All of the signs pointed to a weakened body, but one that would recover with time. However, as I lay there as a thrall to my own body's needs, I dreamed.

I dreamed I was laying there, on the ground, Juniper on my arm. I could see her, hear her breathing, feel her breath as it touched my neck. I thought I had woken, and moved my arm to brush her hair... only for my hand to fall through her face. She stared at me blankly before vanishing in the blink of an eye. I gazed around, attempting to locate where she had gone, but all around me was nothing but the verdant green of grass. I was in an eternal plain that seemed to never end, full of grass that came up to my ankles.

Attempting to rise to my feet, I collapsed onto my knees and panted softly. I looked up and finally managed to regain my feet through sheer willpower. As I stood, my arms fell like lead to my sides, my head lazily turning to look around me in a circle. The grass was still, yet I felt a cool breeze on me. The sun was bright, yet I felt no heat. It was a strange place I was in, and I realized that I wasn't where I was supposed to be.

Where am I? I asked myself, beginning to walk, dragging my feet through the squishy grass that sprang up again behind me as I left it, only a slight imprint left behind from where I walked. Wherever I was, I was alone, and there were no landmarks anywhere to show I was making progress.

In fact, it felt like I had been walking for hours when I suddenly realized that I was creating a spiral with my footprints. What the... I'm walking in circles... Shaking my head and pinching myself to see if anything would happen, I tried walking by placing my feet heel to toe, walking in a straight line. However, after what felt again like hours but I knew could only have been minutes, I realized that I had simply created a trench and was walking through it.

My progress was for naught. This place I was stuck in had me trapped, and there was no way out. Not willing to give up, but knowing the uselessness of walking, I decided to lay back down in the position I had awoken in, closing my eyes to see if sleep would take me.

Of course, it wouldn't. I wasn't tired at all. In fact, I felt that I had the energy to run a mile, despite my limbs feeling as heavy as lead. What's going on..? Where am I? All I remember is an explosion, then pain, and then... Juniper over top of me, telling me not to fall asleep... I had to stay awake. Then more pain, and then I blacked out... Is this my mind?

Despite the grogginess of my body, my mind was still as sharp as ever, and I quickly came to the conclusion that I was dreaming. If I'm dreaming... I just need to wake up. But how do I do that? I'm not hungry, or thirsty, or tired. I just feel... weak. My eyes opened and stared at the bright blue sky above only to see the sun still in the exact same position as before. There is no sense of time here... I'm stuck dreaming. Perhaps... I'm in a coma? From blood loss perhaps? I was unsure, but it was the only thing that seemed to make sense. Then... I have to be patient. Rising up to a sitting position, I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, sitting up straight and resting my palms on my knees. Gotta wake up...
Juniper herd some noise off in the distance, but couldn't make out what it was. She was too exhausted too move. "Varexes?" she whispered softly in his ear. "I need you to come back. I need you to be okay. I can't help them, I can't help Faye and Jess and Lanli." she tells him honestly. "But you can, you just have to wake up. Please, wake up." she kisses his neck softly, being the only place she could reach without too much movement. Her head throbbed with the effort and she placed it back down on his shoulder.


I sat there, repeating the same words over and over again. It had become my mantra, my spell to release me from the prison that I believed to be my very own mind. I sat there for what felt like minutes, yet at the same time like days. Time had no meaning here. Nothing did. Physics did not exist. The breeze, the sun, none of it was truly real. It was a prison my mind had created to speed up my healing, to stop myself from going insane while being so pathetically weak from my own problems.

Yet suddenly I heard a voice. It was so distant, so quiet, more like a whisper than a true voice. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't make it out. All I heard was "Please, wake up." I felt something on my neck, almost like a bug crawling, and as I touched the spot the feeling went away, with nothing there. I tried to stand, but my body wouldn't let me. I was still too weak. I can't wake up... I can't. I'm too weak. I'm not able to. Nobody can. I should be dead. I may never wake up from this...

I let my hand fall back down to my knee, and continued my mantra, closing my eyes and trying to breathe deeply as I did so.
Juniper brushed her fingers over his shirt moving her hand over the place where his wound used to be. "You're supposed to be fine. Maybe I didn't do it right. Maybe it's my fault..." she watches her fingers trace over his side. "I guess you did ask for a nap. I said you could have as many as you like didn't I? I didn't mean all at once. I just want to know you're okay that's all." she continued talking to herself assuming he couldn't hear.
(Poor, poor Lanli... SHE BETTER NOT BE DEAD THOUGH!)

Jess stopped her coughing, the only sound coming out now would be a noise that resembled wheezing. Her eyes fluttered closed momentary before she gritted her teeth and lifted her body as much as she could off the ground. Many remains of the shack were still piled on top her body so she had to work against the heavy weight.

Just as she was making some form of progress in her escape, a noise sounded to her left. Her head turned to that direction sharply only to see a fight going on between Lanli and a goblin, both not in a very good state of health. 'When did she get here?' As the miniature battle dragged on Jess could plainly tell how clumsy and off-focus the moves were, how the reactions were delayed on both ends. Apparently the goblin got frustrated because he made a move on Lanli that hit its mark, a cry of pain coming from the elf. Right before the female went down she threw the axe she had in her hands and it hit the goblin square in the face, both dropping to the crummy dirt like dead weight.

After barking out in shock once neither stirred and she began to struggle even more than previously, using up all of the very little energy her protesting body had left in it to try and get out of the mess. Jess probably even injured herself even more with the movements but it wasn't like it even really mattered at this point.

After the failed attempts she huffed in annoyance and glared at the rumble, worry for Lanli, Faye, Varexes, and Juniper still plainly planted within her dark brown eyes. 'Why in the name of Fayland is this so hard to get out of?!?'

As I sat there, within my own empty world, I heard the same voice. It was a little clearer, but still too far away to hear it clearly enough. The voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it... Faye? Or Juniper? I couldn't quite tell, but it peaked my interest. However, it distracted me, so I decided to ignore it and focus more on the task at hand. If this were my world... could I perhaps populate it..? I imagined myself in the forest that I was in, trying to remember every detail. The wood, the explosions, Faye, Juniper, Jess... Every single detail came to mind. I envisioned it perfectly, and when I opened my eyes, there the scene was. In fact... it almost seemed... like it was actually happening.

I saw Lanli get into a fight with that damned goblin again. As she fell, I screamed in my head NOOOOOOO! Jess rose and hurried to her side. I continued to observe the world around me, including my own body in third person. I wasn't awake, I was still dreaming... but I was seeing events unfold. If they were fake, performed by my imagination then they were really powerful visions. However, if they were real... then I was still self aware. I could see Juniper on my arm, curled up into my neck. Faye was on the ground, Jess standing over Lanli.

It seemed real, and I decided to assume it was until otherwise.
Juniper fell silent deciding talking wasn't doing any good. She stared up at him waiting. She closed her eyes for a moment sighing and opened them slowly. "Please wake up." she whispered. Her eyes slowly closed after a while of staring and she fell back asleep.

I heard a loud voice speak to me, and recognized Juniper's immediately. She was asking me to wake up. My gaze shot towards her, only to watch her fall asleep. A tear leaked from my eye, rolling down my cheek to fall and land directly upon Juniper's sleeping face. When I saw it happen, I realized that I was weeping both in my dream-state and in real life because of it. I wanted so desperately to wake up, but I just couldn't. No matter how hard I tried, there was no way for me to wake up. I walked over to Juniper and tried to caress her cheek with my finger, wipe away the tear smudge that I had left upon her, yet my presence was unregistered. My body phased through hers like a ghost. I couldn't even touch her.
Juniper shuttered in her sleep as she was tossed back into another nightmare. She was dragged through different scenarios where she was unable to help Varexes. Mutters escaped in her sleep, soft murmurs of 'no' and 'don't leave me', while her head tossed back and forth slowly a few times.

My heart broke more as I heard and saw Juniper's pleas while she slept. I'm so sorry... I want to wake up... I haven't left you. I'm still here... I can't wake up though. Please, just wait for me Juniper... Another tear leaked from my closed eyes and rolled down to Juniper, my head rolling slightly to touch her hair with my cheek. That small movement however exhausted me, and I nearly blacked out to a non-conscious sleep. I barely stayed "awake" however, kneeling down next to Juniper and just watching her torment. At this point I felt no doubt that what I saw was real, unless I was so good at deceiving myself.
Jess had gotten out of that pile of rubble by now and was currently leaning over Lanli, looking over the injuries that she had. 'Everyone's so wounded...' She shook her head before closing her eyes, shifting back into an elf with excruciating pain traveling throughout her body, a massive headache pressing against her skull.

"Ow." She managed to groan out before she raked her eyes over the rest of the group. Varexes and Faye were still unconscious while Juniper was sleeping, seeming to be having a nightmare. Well it honestly wouldn't surprise her because after what happened she was pretty much dreading sleep. 'Seems like I'm the only one actually awake right now and it's going to have to stay that way because someone needs to be on watch.'

With a sigh Jess plopped herself down in the middle of everyone, hanging her head down within the palms of her hands.
(( LANLI D: btw guys, she's dying. Fer reals. :c

and also, Faye hasn't been unconscious xD ))

Faye's eyes widen suddenly when she sees something terrifying from a distance. She had finally spotted Lanli, however it wasn't the way she'd hoped to find her. At the same time, she couldn't hide the fact that she was worried Lanli hadn't survived through that war between them and the bandits. After all, she was aware that Lanli wasn't a very skilled fighter considering she was a blacksmith. But she'd kept that all in the back of her mind--tried to, anyway. Now though, now she saw it before her eyes.

There she was, there was Lanli picking up an axe as a goblin approached her. A fight was about to break out between the two, but could Lanli defend herself against that bandit well enough? He had an axe as well...what if he was a skilled fighter? In the end, their moves turned out to be rather clumsy and awkward, but the goblin managed to strike correctly first.

An audible gasp escaped Faye's mouth as her eyes expanded in horror. She watched helplessly as the axe sliced right into her chest, sending her to the ground lifelessly. With one last throw though, Lanli was able to chuck her axe at the goblin's face and send him to his death. But...but Lanli...

"No," Faye whispered in terror as she began to drag herself forward across the grass, "No!" Her voice was louder and raspy, using all her strength to pull herself forward as her legs dragged behind her completely numb.

After about five minutes passed, she'd managed to drag herself all the way over to Lanli. As she approached the girl, her eyes were already watering from both using so much strength to get to her destination, which led to quite an amount of pain, and because she could see Lanli's condition. Tears began streaming down her cheeks, Faye finally by the elf's feeble body.

"Lanli..." she said quietly with distress, eyeing the bloody gash in her dearest friend's chest. "Oh, Lanli...." her voice trembled as she closed her eyes and looked down at the ground. Tears dropped from her glassy eyes and smashed to the ground. Everything around her seemed to slow down it seemed, the sound surrounding her turning to a loud ringing noise. Everything seemed still at once, a black abyss the only thing in sight as she closed her eyes. All she could hear was the sound of herself crying, her voice echoing with each sob. Her tears sounded heavy as well, until she gained the courage to open her eyes again.

"Lanli.." she repeated, her arms collapsing beneath her gradually as she allowed her head to rest on the girl's stomach. "Why..." she questioned aloud, "Why is life so cruel.....? You were such a good person.....why.....Why Lord, why are all of the ones I love being taken away? Lanli....Lanli didn't deserve to die.....she was so young and had such a strong heart....." After a few moments Faye lifted her head to look up at Lanli's face one more time, an eerily peaceful expression placed among her somber face. "Why...?" she asked one more time before placing her head back down on Lanli's stomach to allow herself to cry more.

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