The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper lifted her head and pulled herself to a sitting position resting her head in her knees gritting her teeth pained by the headache. It took some times before she was able to get to her feet and stumble over to Faye. She knelt down on the other side of Lanli and stared at the axe silently. She opened her mouth after a while. "What happens now?" she asks.
(If no one minds me asking, is there a reason why she killed Lanli off?)

Jess lifted her head up from her hands as she saw Faye, who apparently wasn't unconscious, get up from the ground to crawl over to where Lanli was at. Jess already knew somewhere inside her that the elf was dead but it was still a shock and surprise when Faye spoke up, speaking to herself and maybe even Lanli.

As Jess watched the interaction she felt tears well up in her eyes, agreeing with everything that passed through Faye's lips as she talked. It was funny how someone could be so joyous and happy one minute then in the next have all of that stripped away from you, death claiming everything you once were. The female elf let out choked laugh that had no humor in it, her voice rough and dry sounding when the noise sounded. It was harder to keep the welling up tears at bay so instead she did the only thing she could which was to let them fall, silent sobs wracking her body as she placed her head once again in her hands.
((I had been debating it for a while, but I was forced to do it when my mom started cracking down on how long I could be online for. Right now it's just enforced with rules, but my dad is gonna be setting up parental controls soon. :c So I wont have much time to be online for a while. I currently need her permission to get on the computer, which is hard to get. And if I'm allowed on, it's usually late in the day and for a short amount of time. I didn't want to hold everyone back, so I had to kill her. x_x

Don't worry, I'm not gone yet. ;) I'll be lurking, and I'll join up again later.))
(Well that makes sense. I'm happy that I have my own computer that I bought with saved up money 'cause now on one cane use the excuse that they bought it for me which means that they could take it right back if they wanted to. Anyways, I hope it all works out for you Vampiric.)
(( Yeah, Vamp will be back with a new character xD

So just a reminder, if you kill off your current character you can create a new one.

However, I'm thinking that if anyone wants, they can create a new character but still roleplay as their old one. I don't wanna kill off too many more (right now) from our group, especially since lanli's already gone. I considered killing off Faye, but I want her to make it to the end hahaha xD That'd be like a 'WTFWTF' thing to everyone if I killed Faye off anyway so xD I just have been wanting to create a Dark Elf guy..or girl..still not sure..probs a dude, 'cause Varexes is the only dude here right now and I wanna be a dude, okai? xD But still not sure...although I'd have him/her come in when they're muchh closer to Reddell.

But if anyone else makes a new character, it'd be cool if it was a Dihart Elf or another Light Elf. ))
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(( Ah, I wasn't sure if you minded xD I'm really tired and lazy so I didn't ask |D

Don't worry, I don't think anyone else saw ||D I took it out hahaha


Not sure. 'Cause I don't know what Faye can do right now besides cry. She can't get over a death like that so quickly xD I think we just need to wait for Varexes to awaken and either A) do something to get the group together again and do something about Lanli, since he's less...emotional? or B) simply awaken and do something to distract the group xDD

or someone else can do something, but I can't really do anything with Faye at the moment. ))
Juniper stood up realizing Faye wasn't going to answer her. She walked back over to Varexes and sat down next to his unconscious body. She buries nudges his shoulder softly. "Varexes?" she tries again to wake him up. "I need you right now." she tells him saddened.
(Varexes just nearly died of blood loss, barely able to survive from Juniper's healing. I'll alter my plans I suppose...)


I sat there next to my body, staring around as people moved and Faye cried. I couldn't stray too far from my body, but something told me that Lanli had died after her fight, which would explain Faye's weeping. Jess stood there silent and still, as if she were a sentinel that stood watch over the grieving group leader. Juniper had returned to my body and looked so sad it pained my heart. She needed me... She needed me!

I stood straight up in my dream-state and closed my eyes, clenching my fists and concentrating. I MUST WAKE UP! I screamed into the sky, spreading my arms out. Almost immediately I felt a rushing force, more powerful than a tornado blast me. It threw into disarray the scene, warping it and blowing it away so that there remained nothing but a deafeningly silent darkness. I couldn't see or hear or feel anything. Almost as if I had died. Did I just kill myself..? I panicked, unsure of what had happened before I saw a light. In fact, I saw two.

One drew me towards it. It promised a peaceful and painless existence, one in which everything was perfect. I could hear my grandfather, see my family and friends. I could smell the smoky air of my home village, and it drew me towards it. The other was the exact opposite. I saw my dead grandfather, blood soaking the ground. A slaughter of goblins surrounding my comatose body. Lanli's lifeless form lying beneath Faye's tears. It promised nothing but pain, death, and suffering. I didn't want to go towards it, I feared it.

But I knew that that was the way to awaken. I felt it deep within my heart that I needed to go to that light. I clawed myself away from the easy and painless afterlife that called me, forcing myself towards Juniper's form that knelt above me. I MUST AWAKEN! I screamed within my head, feeling my form nearly tear itself in two as the afterlife forcefully pulled myself to it. I lost my grip upon the empty world of limbo that bridged the two forms of life, nearly falling into the vortex that sucked me into it. I felt my heart stop, my breathing halt, my grip upon my very own life loosen. Death would take me.

Yet my willpower prevailed as I grasped the spinning torrent that dared attempt to drag me into its depths and altered its course, forcing it to suck me around and shoot me back towards life. Towards the group. Towards Juniper.

I blasted through that second doorway back into my body, my entire form shaking as I deeply gasped in a breath. I opened my eyes and panted slightly, sitting bolt upright and looked deep into Juniper's eyes. "I heard you..," I whispered, leaning in and kissing her lips deeply, my left hand coming up to cup her cheek while my right supported my form. My eyes were closed as I my mouth softly touched Juniper's, not moving away or halting for several moments. It was nearly impossible for me to stop, but I finally pulled away, leaving my hand on her cheek and gently brushing it with my thumb. "You woke me up," I said.

At that moment however I felt the sudden urge to cough, and turning my head to let loose I felt something come up with it. As I coughed, my hand left Juniper's cheek and came over to cover my mouth, and when I pulled it away after my coughing fit it was slick with a deep crimson redness. My face was pale and my hand shook as I wiped it on the ground.
Juniper watched Varexes' eyes open and stared almost unbelieving. Then she herd his voice, his voice which brought a smile to her face. And then he was kissing her. She kissed back leaning forward, tears came pouring down from her eyes saddened by Lanli's death, but grateful Varexes hadn't joined her. He suddenly pulled away and she stared into his eyes. She felt his hand on her face and placed hers on top of his leaning into it. Suddenly it was gone, she wanted to protest before realizing something was wrong.

She watched him cough and moved to his side concerned, watching as he pulled his hand away from his mouth revealing the blood. She placed her hand on top of his hand that was wiping the ground and watched his face concerned. "I told you I'd fix it, didn't I?" she reminded him.

I looked into Juniper's eyes and shook my head. "No, I'm all right. There's nothing more you can do for me. I forced myself to wake up too early." I cleared my through and looked at my shaking left hand, clenching it until it was still again. "I should still be asleep. I just need rest to finish healing," I explained before climbing to my feet, placing my bow upon my back. I was unsteady and reached towards Juniper to steady myself using her body. "Can you help me walk over to Faye..?" I asked her.
Juniper dropped her hands to the floor to keep herself balanced now having to hold up part of Varexes' weight as well. She shook her head "no I can't" she replies. "The last time I strained myself I couldn't walk for three days, oh but today I can carry you all the way over to Faye. Do you have a memory?" she bit her lip realizing how insensitive that sounded. "sorry." she added as an after thought looking down.

I looked away from Juniper and grimaced. "No, it's all right. I'm sorry, I didn't think... Just rest, ok? I'll be right back." I released Juniper and stumbled awkward towards Faye, barely able to make it without faceplanting. When I reached her, I collapsed onto my knees next to her and coughed up a little more blood, trying and more than likely failing to hide it in my hand. I saw Lanli's lifeless form and my face hardened. "Lanli... we might not have known you well, but you were a valuable member of the group. Rest in peace. Requiescat en pace." I placed her hands over her chest and made her face look like she was sleeping. At that I placed my non-stained hand on Faye's back and rubbed it gently. "It's okay Faye. She volunteered for this, she knew what she was getting herself in to. We can't let her die in vain, so we have to keep moving, 'kay?" I put a little pressure on her back, hoping she would look at me.
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Juniper lifted her head and reached for his hand not wanting him to go, but he had already stood up and was leaving. She watched him stumble over to Faye and wiped the tears from her eyes. She laid down resting her head in the grass watching Varexes say something to Faye and then put his hand on her back. Juniper slowly closed her eyes able to relax now that she knew Varexes was okay. Realizing how tired she was, she let herself fall fully asleep again having forgotten about the nightmares. She let sleep take her headache away.
Faye weeped dreadfully with her head rested upon Lanli's stomach, wishing that suddenly she'd just feel the girl start breathing again. Of course, that didn't happen. She was gone.

"She's in a better place now..." Faye said softly, sitting up a bit. She spoke to herself mostly, although she felt a hand rubbing her back along with Varexes's comforting voice.

She turned her head to the side a little, hesitating momentarily before allowing her dull grey eyes to settle on Varexes's. Tears were welling up above her waterline before they trickled down her pale cheeks seconds later. His words were honest and true, she was well aware of that. She'd gone through deaths like this before, but....but why did it have to be Lanli? She was beginning to feel so close to the elf, a wonderful friendship being built between the two.

Finally, she nodded silently at the boy. "I'm glad you're okay," she managed to say quietly, the weakest grin forming across her lips. "And..I know you're right...I just..." Her pupils fell from Varexes's, landing on the ground between them as she let out a reluctant sigh.

I understood Faye's pain, since I felt largely the same way. "Faye, you need to be strong." I grimaced and tried to sound soft, not trying to sound demanding or forceful. My voice cracked a little as I spoke again. "I'm not... entirely better. I shouldn't be awake. Juniper healed my body, mostly, but..." At that moment I coughed again. It was sudden, and crimson blood splattered the ground in front of Faye. "We need to move, Faye..." I finished lamely, wiping away a little dribble from the corner of my mouth with the back of my hand.
Faye's eyes widened a bit when Varexes suddenly coughed up blood onto the ground by her knees. She winced a little, looking back up at him worriedly. The boy continued to speak, ignoring his weakened state.

"Varexes," she said softly, wondering if he was going to make it.

He was in awful shape, and she wasn't sure if it'd get worse as they traveled. Not to mention, the air was chilly in the fall. Catching a cold on top of his current state would only make things ten times worse for him. Next it could be him who died if they weren't careful.

"Before we go anywhere, I think we should give Lanli a proper burial," she told him firmly, believing that could make her feel a bit less mournful.

Faye's suggestion to give Lanli a burial brought a small smile to my face. "Yeah. We should. A burial fit for a queen. There's plenty of wood around." I chuckled a bit, massaging my chest as doing so caused me pain. My smile turned into a grimace and I managed to force myself to my feet. "By the way, Faye..." I looked away from her, clenching my fists. "I'm sorry my ideas went sour... if we had just snuck around them we could have all gotten away alive... Please forgive me." Without waiting for her to answer, I stumbled away, trying to walk straight as I searched the wreckage for anything that may be of value. All the while I did my best to assuage the pain that steadily mounted in my chest, but my efforts were in vain. Instead I tried to ignore the pain. Luckily I didn't cough up any more blood, but the shakiness in my hands and pale skin worried me. Am I dying...? I questioned, not sure of the answer. But I was determined to survive until the end of our quest, to see Faye succeed. That is when I could allow myself to lay down and die, if I truly was going to. But until then...

Shaking my head I strode through the wreckage and actually found the quiver with the explosive arrows. Grabbing it, I tied it around my belt, nearly falling over in the process of picking it up. I replaced the arrows that had fallen out, at least the ones that hadn't snapped, surprised that they hadn't all exploded themselves. There was perhaps a dozen or so that hadn't broken and were still useful. Nearby another quiver full of arrows had somehow survived, and I placed those back into my quiver. I fit two dozen into my quiver and nodded. I was rearmed, and already feeling confident I continued to search the wreckage for anything that could be of use.

After another minute I actually found a cloak that reminded me of the one that I had used to bandage Birch before. The one I had was homemade by my grandfather, and this one was obviously homemade as well. They weren't identical, but quite similar. I grabbed it and slung it around my shoulders, feeling just as powerful as I first had when I met Faye and the others. Our group had shrunk quite a bit since then... all the more reason why I needed to get myself back into fighting shape.

Placing the cloak upon my shoulders already made me feel more confident, and after pulling up the hood I felt that I could walk straight, although I still was a little shaky. I can last until we succeed... and no matter what I will make sure we succeed.
Juniper woke up hearing noise behind her. She pushed herself to her feet and stumbled over to the doorway and leaned against it looking inside. "What are you doing?" she asks watching him grabbing things. "I didn't wake you up to loot." she leaned her head against the doorway. "Faye's injured. I don't know if you noticed, but she has these arrows sticking out of her back and I can't fix it. So, I mean we could leave her to die if that's what you were planning." she closes her eyes gritting her teeth at the pain in her head, before reopening them. "or you could make me heal her anyways like you did last time. That's always an option." she added drowsily.
(Wait, Faye still has arrows in her? I thought those were removed O.o I thought she'd been given like, basic first aid...)

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