The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I turned to look at Juniper and shook my head. "I'm rearming and preparing. I know that Faye is injured, but I'm not sure what to do for her... and I can't do much myself anyways. I'm about ready to collapse myself." I looked to the side and closed my eyes. "No, you don't have to heal her. She'll live, I know that much..." I spoke in a whisper, barely able to face her. The guilt that was within me held me tight in its vice-like grip, and it was all I could do not to simply beg for her to let me die. After all, it was my fault that Faye was injured, Juniper was exhausted like this, and Lanli had died.
Juniper leaned against the doorway and slip down until she was sitting on the floor. "I killed Lanli didn't I?" she spoke her thoughts allowed. "I left her, I didn't even think about it. I knew she was hurt and I didn't care. I killed her to save you. When I was healing you, I felt glad I didn't heal her." she stared ahead of her at the wood pattern of the doorway.

I looked over to see Juniper staring at the ground, sitting down on the ground. I strode over to her and knelt next to her, placing one finger under her chin. "No, Juniper. It's not your fault. Lanli... chose her own fate. She didn't want to be healed by you, and then she fought the goblin... that wasn't your fault. Don't blame yourself. I'd be dead if it weren't for you..." A tear leaked from my eye as I sat down in front of her, letting my hand fall. I grasped my ankles and looked at the ground. "Forgive me, Juniper. It's my fault we got in this mess. It was my idea to fight the goblins..."
Junipeherd him sit down next to her, but didnt turn to look. She felt his hand under her chin as he reasured her. He always knew the right thing to say. When he pulled his hand away, sh rested her head on his shoulder. "There is nothing to forgive" she told him softly. "Anyway I was just returning the favor." She refferred to all the times he saved her life.

I sat there still, confused. "Returning the favor..? But I got people hurt... I put you in a position where you had to exhaust yourself again. I got Lanli killed..."
"You saved me from the girl at the village and the goblin and I'm sure there were other times." Juniper answered his question. "You didn't get Lanli killed, by your logic she didn't have to go through with your plan. No one did, but we all did." she takes his hand in hers. "but I didn't heal enough. I should have done more."

I turned to look at Juniper's hand enveloping mine, gently closing mine to squeeze her hand. I shook my head at everything she said, but only responded to the last part. "No, you did enough. I'm going against what my body needs. I should be in a coma, but I woke up for you... I'm sick, and no amount of healing is going to fix that... I don't know if it's permanent or if it'll heal on its own, but you've done enough," I explained with a smile. I leaned in towards her to kiss her, but hesitated, unsure if whether or not she would be okay with it.
((Sing with me now


My, oh, my

Look at the boy too shy

He ain’t gonna kiss the girl


Ain’t that sad

Ain’t it shame, too bad

You gonna miss the girl~))
Juniper lifts her head from his shoulder to look at him. "It's still my fault, it's just a different reason." she muttered in response. She leaned forward in response to his movement. "And you're wrong" she whispered "I could never do enough."

I shook my head. "Stop blaming yourself. You always do enough." With that I leaned in further until my lips met Juniper's, remaining there for a time. It was a gentle touch, one that could easily be broken, but it conveyed all of my feelings through it. It shared my hopes and wants that Juniper would stop blaming herself, accept that some things were beyond control and we had to live with them.
(Gah, Viper is such an adorable pair!)

Jess listened to everything that was going on around her with very little attention, her headache blocking the noise of mostly everything out. She could still process what everyone was saying but it was slower than it should have been. What caught her attention was what Varexes and Juniper were talking about, how they both blamed themselves for killing off Lanli even though there was really nothing that could have prevented what did happen. It was inevitable.

Jess continued to listen to their conversation before letting out a heavy sigh, resisting the urge to yell at them that someone would of possibly died no matter what anyone did or what choices were made. The conversation eventually turned away from who killed Lanli and she slumped her shoulders in relief as she zoned back out, getting off the floor to stretch her aching body.

She ignored the burning pain of the parts of her body that were ripped open and once she had finished her stretching she walked over to Faye.

"How are you holding up?" Jess mentally slapped herself at her poor word choice but continued on nevertheless, rubbing the female elf's back for some form of reassurance seeing that she was taking the death of Lanli pretty hard. "I think having a proper burial session for Lanli is the right thing to do... Um, if you need any help with burying Lanli, I could pitch in and dig up the grave. It wouldn't be hard for me and it would help put less strain on everyone else since I seem to be in the best condition right now." Jess wanted to do something to help because so far she herself has been feeling pretty useless and more like a bother to the group than anything else.
Juniper felt his lips against hers and a giddiness spread through her body. She held onto his hand supporting herself with the other one. She kissed him back softly. Her heart sped up in her chest. It felt so unnatural after what happened that she would feel this way.
((I was worried that everyone ditched the thread. o_o")) 
((And in honor of me finishing FMA:B today, I present to you all... A gif.


You're all welcome.)) 
((Although, I'm pretty sure that gif is from the 2003 FMA.... But whatever. >_>))
(Sorry, school's started and I've been stressed to high hell and back about work... I'll type up a post in a minute.)
(I get it. School had been sucky thus far, due to the fact I was not receiving accommodations even though I should have. Almost seven weeks into school and I finally received them. Maybe I have a chance to pull up my grades before the semester ends... on the bright side, I had no home work today. That will never happen again.)

I felt Juniper kiss me back and hold my hand, causing my heart to skip a couple of beats. It took my breath away and I had trouble breathing through my nose, so I ended the kiss too early for my liking. I rested my forehead against her's. "You're amazing... So stop thinking bad about yourself," I whispered with my eyes closed.

Afterwards I opened them and stood up, wincing slightly as I did. I held out my hand to help up Juniper, looking around to see what Jess and Faye were doing. We need to get moving.. but first we should give Lanli a proper funeral. She deserves that much. Inwardly grimacing, it was only then I realized how much I hated myself for my plan.

Not only had I gotten Lanli killed, but everyone else was now either injured or exhausted, including myself. My situation was probably the worst of all of us, because I was still injured and could not be healed. Whether I was simply immune to healing now or whether my body would just reject it I was unsure, but I didn't want to risk it. My body needed time to rest and heal, which meant I would slow the group down or risk hurting myself more. Either way I was a liability, and my fury against myself mounted as I realized it.

My free hand drew the cloak around me tighter as I wanted to use it as a shield against the outside world. There wasn't any way that I could look Faye or Jess or even Juniper in the eyes without feeling completely guilt-ridden.
Juniper felt his lips leave hers replaced by his forehead on her own. His gentle words warmed her heart. She bit her lip grateful to be praised by him. His eyes opened and she realized that they had been closed. Standing up with him, she accepted his help. "If you think I'm amazing then you could come up with reasons why I am amazing." she replied trying to pry more words from his mouth. "maybe then I will have reason to think i'm amazing and not 'bad'." she explained trying not to make it sound like she wanted to know more about what he thought of her.

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