The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(maybe after dinner)


After a long while I finally released Juniper. A part of me wanted to simply hold her forever, but I knew that I'd have to let go eventually. "Thanks Juniper.. I needed that." Bracing myself against the ground, I stood up and held out a hand to help up Juniper.
Juniper took his hands pulling herself up. "I guess there is nothing else to distract us now from digging that grave.." she replied remembering the last time she had buried someone. It was strange to think there was a last time. Those who had helped last time weren't around anymore. She looked over at Faye who was still crying over Lanli. At least there was a proper body this time. Oh, way to look on the bright side Juni. 
(i've gtg. My friends over prepared for homecoming. I forgot to tell her to tell her we weren't getting there until 8.)
(( OMG. OMGOMG. I HAVEN'T POSTED IN LIKE A WEEK?!? I FEEL TERRIBLE! Like, this completely slipped from my mind with everything going on. ;w; I'm so sorry!!! Gah! For some reason watching Nabari No Ou made me remember this, and I was like OMGGG [insert swears here] and came and checked rpnation and there were 51 unread posts, my goodness. I'm so sorry! I'm here now!

@Alcatraz I now give you permission to remind me to post if I don't post for like 2 days xD Gah! (This is what happens when you get a crush on someone, they take up your freaking thought space and just ugh, you forget everything else. Damn! FAYLAND TIME, FAYLAND TIME, OKAI, OKAI IMA POST SHIZ.

I really wanna make my new dude, but I can't yet xD

BTWWW, Faye doesn't have arrows in here anymore ahahah, just wounds))

After sitting by Lanli's body with her eyes closed for another fifteen minutes or so, salty tears staining her cheeks, she finally gained the courage to look up at the elf standing beside her. Faye's eyes were glassy and somber, but she knew she couldn't mourn over another death for so long again. No matter how bad it tugged at her insides and broke down her heart, she had to stay strong. She had to stay strong for the rest of the group, for herself, for her grandfather, for her family, for everyone. They have come so far, too far, for her to back down now. She couldn't regret a thing, not like the last death she witnessed, she had to move on.

After allowing herself to exhale one last calming sigh, she stood up and wiped her bloodshot eyes. "Thank you, Jess." She turned to the girl and gave a weak smile.

Without saying a word, she moved nearby and picked up a heavy shovel that was laying beside a slaughtered goblin. She then began heading into the center of the clearing, avoiding all obstacles that remained from the previous battle. Her expression was blank, considering she was still forcing herself to lighten up. But how, she wondered, how am I supposed to allow myself to feel okay? I'm..I'm not okay...everything I love is being taken away from me...

Faye clenched her eyes shut as more tears flooded her vision, but she managed to blink them away before they could find a path down her cheeks. She knew she couldn't think like that, she just couldn't. She would have to stop. Be strong, Faye, she reminded herself once again, causing her to lift her chin up a bit with more confidence as she strode through the bloody grass.

Finally, she reached her destination and dropped the tip of the shovel into the ground, stepping on the edge as she watched it dig deeper into the Earth. She began digging the grave silently, each pile of dirt she scooped up making her more aware of the fact that Lanli was truly dead.

I nodded at Juniper and glanced over to Faye, who I saw was walking towards the center of the clearing. When she reached it, she began to dig a hole that I knew would become Lanli's grave. Without speaking, I headed towards Lanli's body, adjusting my bow upon my back and loosening the straps on my quivers so that I could take them off.

Once I reached Lanli, I set down my burdens and lifted Lanli, straining to hold her without stumbling too much. Somehow I managed it in my weakened state and followed Faye's path until I reached her.

As I approached I nodded, then lay Lanli down next to the grave, adjusting her limbs so it simply looked like she was sleeping. Once I was done I picked up a nearby shovel and began to help, beginning to pant almost immediately and barely lifting any dirt from the ground at all, but determined to keep going.
Jess took her hand away when Faye started to get up off the ground, giving the elf a returning smile. She watched their leader pick up a nearby shovel then wander off, most likely getting ready to dig up the grave. Jess watched for a few more seconds before turning her head to look at Lanli, a frown gracing her features. She only hoped that Lanli knew how good of an elf she was and that she had others who cared and respected her, like she did.

Jess snapped out of her thoughts when Varexes came over and picked up Lanli, slowly making his way over to where Faye had already started digging the grave. She bit her lip before turning, once again, back into a wolf. A hiss of pain escaped her mouth and she squeezed her eyes shut at the feeling but began walking when it started to ebb away, it just turning into a dull throbbing sensation. She gathered up with Faye and Varexes and started to dig into the ground with her front paws to help with the grave like she said she would, the dirt landing up into a neat pile directly behind her.
Juniper made her way over to everyone and knelt down on her kneels scooping some dirt out of the hole that seemed to be growing quickly. She used her hands to pull out dirt careful not to get in the way of the shovels.
(( :D

And I'm not gonna lie, this whole burial for Lanli makes me wanna cry ;w; So depressing!! <//3 Gah! ))

Tears throbbed behind her bloodshot eyes, but she only allowed them to settle upon her waterline and not escape any further. Each time she threw more dirt beside her she felt her heart drop even more. She wanted to know why out of everyone, it had been Lanli who died. Yes, all the others were useful, actually probably more useful than Lanli was out here, yet Faye felt that Lanli was one of their strongest members still. She had such a kind and caring heart, and she was someone who Faye was grateful to have by her side through this journey. By now, Faye should have known not to get too caught up in the presence of those around her considering there was a high chance they wouldn't make it to the end. After all, look where they started...










Ivy, as well
...her best friend back in Fayland..what had happened to her back there..? Faye had never even checked to see if she was captured, but it was likely that was the case....

They're all gone, some dead, others just...gone...she didn't know what happened to a number of them, and there was a bit of guilt left inside her from not having been able to keep track of them all. She wanted to protect her friends, but look what had happened to the majority of them. She hadn't been able to protect any of them enough to the point where they were still around.

Faye looked up, seeing the remaining elves surrounding her, each one silently assisting her in digging their fellow elf's grave.




and herself..

That was all that was left..and then there was Lanli's lifeless body laying peacefully beside them on the ground. Without realizing tears had streamed down her cheeks, she let out a small, defeated whimper of sorrow. She looked away and took in a deep breath as she clenched her eyes shut, all of these vague memories of friendly faces along with the current situation swarming her mind like a group of bees. It was all too painful and difficult to sustain.

She dropped the heavy shovel from her grasp, hearing it hit the ground with a thud. Faye craned her neck back gradually to turn towards the body, allowing her eyes to open. For the first few seconds tears blurred her vision completely, but then adjusted enough for her to see Lanli clearly. Without another word she stepped over and leaned forward, wrapping her arms underneath the elf's to help her into her fresh grave. She didn't bother looking up at Varexes, assuming he would rush to help her do so.

My grave-digging began to slow as my strength rapidly vanished, yet I didn't give in and continued to do my best to dig dirt out. Somehow I managed to maintain a steady amount of dirt with each heave of my shovel, but it was a small amount each time. When Juniper came to assist with no shovel, I gave her a small smile that didn't reach my eyes, which were filled with sadness. I ensured that nobody would hit Juniper's hands to injure her.

I forced myself to observe Faye's face, watching the tears that she fought and failed to hold back. I couldn't tell what she was thinking, but I knew it couldn't be anything good. Of course it couldn't, Lanli had died. But something in her eyes hinted that she was lost in depressing thoughts, and there was absolutely nothing I could do.

When the grave was done, Faye dropped her shovel and wrapped her arms around Lanli to place her within her grave. Without looking up at all, she began to maneuver the fallen elf into the hole. Tossing my shovel to the side, I leaned down and used the last dregs of strength I could summon in order to move Lanli into the grave.

Why Lanli... she could have done so much for us. Now... there's four of us. All of us are wounded, me more so than the rest. This just got tougher, because not only do we have physical wounds but now emotional ones that will affect us psychologically. Life just got so much harder.
Juniper dropped her hands in her lap watching as Lanli was lowered into the grave. "Does anyone want to say anything or do we just cover her up silently?" she asks looking around awkwardly. She wasn't very good with handling emotional stuff. She could barely manage her own without having to worry about others. She picked dirt out of her fingers silently waiting for a reply.

I looked at Juniper as she spoke, laying Lanli down to her final resting place. Without saying a word, I simply looked down at the lifeless form that now rested at the bottom of a several foot deep hole. Normally my head was full of words, but today they couldn't come to me. I couldn't just say nothing though. Lanli had been a part of the group, and a close and caring friend. There was no way I could leave Lanli like this without saying a few words.

Clearing my throat, I realized I'd said some of the words already, and could build off of those. "Lanli... you weren't with us very long. But you were close. You were kind and caring and always willing to lend a hand, even if it meant endangering yourself. That in and of itself is honorable. Your death is... tragic. It'll be hard on all of us-" I looked at Faye, hoping she understood the look in my eyes that I took this just as hard as she did, "-and we will never forget you. You shall forever be one of the Questers who set out to unite the Light Elves and the Dark Elves. We'll carry on in your name, and in the name of the others before you that have been lost. And when we succeed, we'll make sure your name is written down as one of the most honorable of heroes. For eternity you shall be remembered as a hero, and those who will come after us will read your name and your deeds and understand that while you weren't here for long, you were truly fantastic."

My voice cracked when I said that last part, and I had to swallow to stop myself from tearing up. It was all I could do to whisper my final goodbye: "Requiescat en pace."
((That awkward moment when I totally forgot Faye was badly wounded from them arrows xD Let's assume she was struggling a lot when digging, but her wounds were tended to a bit or something so they're not terrible, but still pretty dang bad.))

Faye stood silently with her eyes closed as Varexes spoke, glistening tears streaming down her dirt covered cheeks. Every word Varexes spoke was true, it was an absolutely perfect speech to lie with Lanli's body. There wasn't much left to say, considering he'd said exactly what Faye would have said as well. However, there were a few last words she wished to conclude this ceremony with..

"Lanli.." she said, her voice cracking as she spoke up. Faye swallowed, trying to prepare herself to speak as she stared down in the grave. After hesitating another moment, she dropped right onto her hands and knees, her blonde locks of hair falling around her face. "Lanli....I know you didn't think you were too useful to the group, but--but you were....your kind smile, your warm heart and caring helped keep us on our feet, Lanli, and you didn't even realize it..." She reached her arm up and wiped away some tears with her wrist, a soft whimper escaping her mouth suddenly. She swallowed once more before continuing, "As much as it hurts to see you like say goodbye...I know you're still here watching over us...and you're still in our hearts and always will dear friend Lanli, may you Rest In Peace."

Faye sat still, salty droplets sliding down her cheeks and creating dark spots among the dirt. She was trembling a bit still, and despite knowing she could be curious as to why this particular death shook her so much when she knew what to expect, she was well aware why this death cut her so deep.
Juniper watches Varexes as he made his speech about Lanli. He always seemed to manage to place words into phrases that were so very pleasant to listen too. She looked down at Lanli in the dirt. She looked so different. Peaceful wasn't the right word. She just looked so vacant and empty. Lifting her head, she noticed Faye had began to speak. Her words were much better then anything Juniper could have come up with. Looking around, she realized everyone had finished speaking and picked up a handful of dirt and dropped it into the hole that would be Lanli's grave. "Goodbye friend." she whispered

I looked at Faye as she made her speech, nodding as she spoke. I remained silent and thought of the time that I had saved her from the burnt tree back in the town where we'd met Cerah. I couldn't even remember the name of the place, or the girl that had been so kind to us. But I remembered how I'd hurt my arm again because of helping her, and I couldn't help but smile at the memory. Others are more important. If only I'd been able to do this alone, maybe she wouldn't have died. But there were more goblins than I thought... this is my fault. My smile faded and I realized Faye had stopped talking. I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder, giving her a consoling look while Juniper whispered a good-bye and began to fill in the grave. I took a deep breath, reached for my shovel, and began to follow her lead.
Juniper pushed the dirt on top of Lanli using both hands to work faster. She watched as the girl was slowly covered with dirt and then she was gone. Wiping the dirt on her pants she used the back of her hand to rub her nose then lifted her head from the ground looking at the group. "I guess that's it then."

I worked hard and fast in order to fill the grave, placing an emotionless wall in front of my face so that I could hide from the flood of emotions that plagued me. I was burying a friend, an ally, someone who I hadn't known very well. In a way, it hit me hard. But in another, it didn't touch me at all. The emotions that battled within me conflicted harshly, and it made me want nothing more than to lay down and think for a few days and sort it all out. But for Faye, Juniper, Jess, and even Lanli I had to continue on as if I were okay. I wasn't, but I would. For them.

When the grave had finally been filled, I leaned on the shovel and stared at the mound of fresh dirt that covered Lanli where she now lay in her eternal peace. Juniper spoke, and I shook my head at her words. "No, that's not it. There's two things we need to do." I drew an arrow from my quiver and knelt down onto a nearby plank of wood that seemed to be in relatively good shape. In it I carved, "Here lies Lanli, a brave Quester who lost her life. May she ever rest in peace." It was short and sweet, and I felt it suited her. I wrote it vertically, then jabbed the wood into the ground. "There's one thing done. Now, we finish what we started, and meet up with the Dark Elves. Then it'll be over." The conviction in my voice startled even myself, but I didn't regret it. I looked at Juniper first, then Faye, then finally Jess and realized just how haggard we all were. "I'm ready to move whenever you are, Faye. But we should move tomorrow morning at the latest."
Juniper moved over to Varexes' side. She watched him carve into the wood and place it in the ground as gravestone marker. She turns her head to Varexes who seemed to have disregarded their previous discussion. "You aren't ready to move yet." she tells him "We are staying right here until you have some strength back." she states. "Now stop worrying about holding us up. We are in no rush to get to our destination. There isn't a deadline."

I chuckled at Juniper and shook my head. "I'm not worried about holding you up, and I only need a little rest. If we sit down, eat, and let me get a few hours of sleep I'll be ready to go. I feel better than I did earlier, if my arms burn a little more than they did." I cracked a smile, referencing the fact that I had not only just dug a grave but filled it in too. It was honestly a miracle I was still on my feet, and I felt like I would pass out any second. Sheer willpower was my drive at this point.
Juniper took his hand. "Good" she wrapped her arms around his arm and looked at the grave silently. She let out a deep breath sighing. "You had a very nice speech" she compliments him. She could never have come up with something so quick and meaningful to say.

I blushed a little and my heart sped faster as Juniper gripped my arm. Without looking at her I reached over and placed my other hand on her arms that were wrapped around mine and gently squeezed. "Thanks. I wish I'd had more to say though. Faye really finished it off," I stated, allowing my eyes to wander around the clearing before returning to the grave.

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