The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Ish my birthday. I'm a big girl now. Little Dreamer is now a Big Dreamer.)

Juniper nodded and turned her head to Faye. "Yeah, you said nice things too." she stared off into the distance listening to the noises around her and felt the sun against her skin suddenly feeling grateful she was still alive.
Happy birthday little one! I'm so proud of all you've been accomplishing and how much you've grown. You show everyone individuality is the most beautiful trait of all. I miss you!
Today you are 17 years old, I can't believe this. It feels like only yesterday we were singing happy birthday to you on the Colorado River at 12 o'clock in the morning on a motor boat being boated to safety after a flash flood, good times. We've become very close and I miss seeing and having you at school, there are times when I look around for you to get a high five (there are a lot of those moments) but then I see Lillian Carrier and she doesn't understand what I mean, and the moment is gone...But anyway I know we will remain the best of friends the rest of you interesting lives, you definitely have shown me many things that I would not have apreciated until a ripe old age aka... Doctor Who, more books to read than I need, and ofcourse TREES!!!
(Sorry, I had to share the beautifulness.)
(( Sorry, I'm a little late but Happy Birthday Dreamer! c: ))

Faye watched with somber eyes as the others covered Lanli's lifeless body with the piles of dirt. She couldn't help but wince as each pound of dirt fell atop her with a thud, her eyes watering more every moment that passed. Once the deed was completed successfully and Varexes placed a sign upon her freshly dug grave, her cheeks were streaked with salty tears. Her eyes wandered away from the scene after a couple of moments passed and she sniffled a bit, wiping her eyes with her bare arm.

Finally, she managed to stand herself up on two feet, although it ached like hell. A singe of panic traced through her veins momentarily as she pondered whether or not she would be able to move forward in such a condition. After all, it was more than likely that they would be involved in another battle along the way to Reddell. Like this, how could she fight? She simply had to pull back a bowstring and fire an arrow, but would she be able to do so multiple times rapidly?

The negative attitude in which was swarming her mind caused her to cringe, guilt infused chills creeping up her spine as she rolled back her shoulders. She released a deep sigh, allowing herself to recover a bit from the previous event. After wiping her cheeks with the tips of her fingers once more, she eyed the silent forest composed of hundreds of thousands of trees covered in lucid colors.

It was only midday now, and the air seemed to be oddly gentle and quiet on such an Autumn day. It was as if mother nature was giving an extensive moment of silence for each and every dead body that surrounded them in both the clearing and the woods. Not only that, but it raised a focal point on those whose hearts still beat.

Without turning to face the others, Faye slipped her cold hands into the pockets of her rags, which were once considered shorts, and marched gently through the trails of leaves. "I'm going to go for a walk, if that's okay," she said, not turning back, "I need to let my head clear a bit." With that, she continued onward and into the expansive forest without awaiting anyone's consent.
(( Hahaha xD

Oh, and Vamp, if you're tired of waiting to come in you can have your elf come in sooner if you want xD Or you can save that elf for later and create a different elf to come in earlier xD I feel bad that they probably won't be at Reddell for a while still and the roleplay's been moving a lot slower lately since everyone's busy xD ))

I looked at Faye for a long while as she stood there, obviously hurting both physically and emotionally. When she walked off and said she was going for a walk, I didn't say a word and let her go. I watched her for a short while, then turned away to look at Juniper and Jess. "Jess, how are you feeling? Are you hurt badly?" The end of my question was accentuated by a cough which stained the ground with red, away from everyone. "Ugh.." I wiped my mouth and grimaced. 
(sorry i haven't been posting. i saw Nami's response but was busy, and then the other responses weren't emailed to me... we should try to pick this up soon, get like 10 pages in one night.)
Faye wandered off through the forest, bow ready by her side. Despite being prepared to defend herself, she really wasn't feeling up to it at the time. The mix of orange, brown, and yellow leaves crunched quietly beneath the soles of her leather boots. The air was mostly still, yet a soft breeze passed by every now and then, blowing her locks of blonde hair across her chest. Her crooked bangs blew in all sorts of directions, but the fact that they were shorter made the usual inconvenience less bothersome.

She stared up at all the beautiful trees that surrounded her, fall leaves spiraling down to accompany the rest that were blanketing the ground. It felt as though she was walking through some sort of magnificent forest that only existed in fantasy worlds. Yet it was real, and it was purely wonderful.

She'd passed the bodies of any dead bandits earlier, so the environment was now truly peaceful and filled her heart with a sense of serenity for the first time in a while that day. After she walked ahead for about several to ten minutes, she found herself come across what seemed to be another clearing. Faye took a few steps forward and carefully entered the area, glancing around a bit first just to ensure that it was safe. Realizing it was empty, she made her way towards the center of the clearing.

There were almost no leaves covering the ground, considering there weren't any trees inside the area. It was made up of both dirt and rubble, large patches of grass as well. It seemed to be an ordinary clearing, but as she was walking around she felt some sort of platform beneath the soles of her boots. Puzzled, she took a step back and furrowed her brows, finding a rectangular bronze plate embedded in the dirt. Beside it was another, and beside that was another, and so on so fourth. Each metal plate had gold writing inscribed across the surface.

Faye lowered herself down towards the mysterious plate and allowed her fingers to graze across the metallic letters. Razli Idasedu, she read with her pupils. She looked to the next plate and read, Oxeer Yhadu. She continued to sit there, her eyes wandering back and fourth from one metal plate to the other. As far as she could tell, they looked as if they were placed here in memory of people.

Faye stood herself back up and walked gradually along the dirt that lay in front of the metal plates, observing them with curiosity. She lifted her head up, seeing rows and rows of what seemed like a hundred or so plates that went back across the large clearing. What are these from? she wondered, tilting her head to the side.
Jess watched as Varexes and Juniper buried Lanli, her body just not being able to get up and help them. Each pile of dirt that was placed atop the deceased elf was like a stab in her heart, the knife drilling deeper and deeper with every passing minute. But even when Varexes and Juniper were done she couldn't tug her eyes away from the grave, the spell being broken only when someone started talking to her.

"Hmm?" Jess blinks her chocolate colored eyes a few times before raising her head, the headache from earlier creeping back up. "Oh! Sorry. I spaced out there for a second..." Her voice trails off into nothing as she sees Varexes face the other way, the recognizable scent of blood tinging the air once again along with the crimson color staining the charred floor. "Well it seems like I'm doing better than you... and everyone else for that matter."

Jess mumbled the last part to mainly to herself while her face became more clear with worry the longer she stared at Varexes, knowing that he shouldn't even be standing up in his condition. "How about we rest for a little bit? Get some more energy back into our system before we do anything else." She offered to the two remaining elves. The wounded shifter could process, somewhere in the back of her scattered mind, that they were missing an elf, more specifically Faye, but she didn't bother to ask anything about it considering the fact that she heard the female leader speak right before she had left.

I turned back to Jess and smiled. "A rest would be fantastic. Maybe some food too... maybe there's some bread or something in one of the packs. They should still be in the brush somewhere. I'll go get them, then I'll make something. Maybe, if we have the materials." I took an unsteady step and hesitated, swallowing before I continued. Waves of nausea washed over me as my vision began to spin, but I shook my head slightly and held out my hands slightly to help balance myself as I picked my way through the wreckage towards where I believed our supplies were stashed.
Juniper looked at Varexes as he spoke. She let go of his arm when he turned away to cough, sitting up straight. She didn't turn her head when Jess spoke, but she did agree with her words. She watched as Varexes offered to get food and stand up. Juniper stood up and stepped in front of him grabbing his arm watching him stumble. "I'll go get it. You lay down and heal." she tells him not liking that he kept pushing himself so hard.

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