The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper leaned down kissing his forehead. "It's alright" she told him. "You just had a nightmare is all." she brushed her fingers through his hair. She didn't ask him what the dream was about or why he was crying. If he wanted to tell her he would. They were very different in that way, he was so open while she had to be pried at before she opened up.

I looked at her in surprise when she kissed my forehead. I just nodded and swallowed, silently positioning myself so my head was in her lap. My left hand I placed on her thigh, my right lay underneath my body with my bow close at hand. I didn't say anything or do anything else, I just lay there, hoping she'd get the message. Right now I needed to feel someone close to me, and she was being voluntold. The only way she was going to get out of range of me was if she decided to stand up and walk away right there.
Juniper continued to brush her fingers through his hair. She wrapped her other hand under his neck around his shoulder holding him close without having to lift him into his arms and bear his entire weight. "I'm here" she told him "I won't go anywhere" she promises telling him he had permission to go back to sleep.

I lay there silent for a moment, tensed up a little as Juniper spoke. But as she brushed my hair I relaxed. I curled up a bit more, rubbing my cheek on her leg before saying quietly, "Thank you." At that, I closed my eyes and drifted off again into a more restful sleep, one with no dreams. It was a light sleep, but not as tormenting as my last rest. There were no dreams, just a blackness that was so pure as to be comforting. However, no matter how deep into the sleep I got, I was aware of someone brushing my hair with their fingers and someone's hands holding my close. It was the safest I'd felt in days.
Juniper looked down at his face smiling as he slept. He really was handsome. Even in his sleep she could see all the characteristics of his personality shine through and most importantly his heart and his selflessness. She could now see it clearly written all over his face. She wondered how no one else could or if they did why no one was fighting for him as strong or stronger then she was. Brushed her thumb over his cheek rubbing it softly.
(Forgot to have Jess give Lanli a proper goodbye =_=)

Jess watched as Varexes got up and left, Juniper leaving to follow shortly after him. She didn't want to follow their lead at that specific moment because of everything that was happening between everyone and how she would honestly feel like she would be interrupting something one way or another so staying put was really the only choice. She looked up at the sky above, the sun blazing with bright colors of orange and yellow that had her temporarily blinded, before shifting her attention back onto the grave placed before her.

Jess got to listen to everyone else say what they wanted to say about the fallen elf but she herself never once did speak a word, wanting to do it without everyone listening in, and now was as good of a time as any. The female brunette shakily stood up on her two feet and walked the short distance over to the grave before dropping down onto her dirt and blood stained knees. She knotted her hands together nervously before letting out heavy sigh.

"Lanli... there isn't much left to say that hasn't already been spoken aloud except for the fact that there are no words to describe how much pain your passing brings upon us and how much we will all mourn over you." She squeezed her eyes shut to prevent the tears from trailing down her face, her bottom lip being caught between her teeth for just a split second. "I may not be the best when it comes to expressing how I feel but I'll try my hardest just for you to know how poorly I'm taking this and how deeply you will be missed by all. You, out of every elf, shouldn't have been the one to lose your life at such a young age when there was so much more for you out there and so much more for life to offer but I can't change the past, no amount of begging or pleading could ever make that happen. All I can ask is that you know how much you are, or were," her voice cracked as she spoke in past tense, "cared for and how amazing you were to everyone on this journey even if you weren't here with us for very long. You showed every elf your loyalty and bravery, your compassion and kind heart within such a short amount of time that you should be honored and cherished for it..." By this point in Jess's speech she was being plagued with silent sobs that racked her body down to her core but continued on between each pathetic whimper that bypassed her lips. "I hope that wherever you are you're being treated well and may you always Rest In Peace. Goodbye for good Lanli." She grabbed a random handful of nearby dirt and gently sprinkled it upon the grave once her words came to an end.

In the midst of the darkness of my light slumber, a white void began to encroach upon the blackness. It blinded me within my dreamstate, overcame me like a tidal wave. But it wasn't a bad void. Rather, it was quite the opposite: it enveloped me in a warmth that I could only remember from the brief moments I had held or been held by someone who I truly cared about. I was comfortable and safe, and while something niggled at the back of my mind to stop me from going deeper into a sleep, something drew me into my rest, allowing me to successfully sleep. At least for a while.

Before too long, way before I should have, I woke up. I yawned and wondered what was so soft underneath my head when I realized it was Juniper's lap. It was warm and comfortable, and for hte first time in a long while I felt safe. But I remembered how angry she'd been at me.

"I'm sorry, Juniper," I said softly as I yawned and stretched my arms a little bit.
Juniper watched his eyes open and look back at her. The first thing he said to her as he woke up was that he was sorry. "No" she shook her head "You don't have to, I wasn't mad at you. It wasn't your fault." she told him and brushed her thumb over his lips softly. "I used to be called Juni. It was his pet name for me. You know a little sister kind of name." she tells him. "It's just that no one's called me that since he died, but I think he would have liked you to use it."

I frowned as I kissed Juniper's thumb when she brushed it over my lips. A little shiver went down my spine, but in a good way. "I'm having a bad memory... who's he?" I asked a little nervously, hoping I didn't set her off again. I was curious, and maybe now was the time to get Juniper to open up a little bit.
Juniper lowered her face inches from his resting the side of her nose against the side of his. "My brother" she whispered softly finding it hard to stay mad at him. She smiled at his kiss and moved her hand to his chin and then down his neck softly.

With Juniper in my face I suddenly found it a little hard to breathe. My lungs seemed to catch and reject the air, but somehow my chest still rose and fell normally. I reached up and kissed Juniper's nose softly before risking another question.

"Do you mind me asking what happened to him? I get that it's his pet name for you... I won't use it again, since it means so much to you. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you by using it..."
Juniper looks at him silently thinking over his questions before responding. "I know, Varexes." she traced her finger down his arm tenderly and clasped his hand. "He died." she answered vaguely "I watched him die. He was fifteen. It wasn't the first time I had seen death, but it was different you know. It wasn't natural or peaceful." She pulled her face away from his brushing her hair behind her ear turning her head to look up at the sky. It was a bright clear day which didn't match what they were talking about. "The man who killed him didn't stay to watch."

I entwined my fingers with Junipers and squeezed slightly in a comforting manner. "I'm sorry. Nobody should have to go through that." I reached up a hand to brush her cheek with my fingers with a small smile inching its way across my face. "So, you think he'd like me calling you Juni?" I couldn't help but grin as I asked in a playful manner.
Juniper nods turning her head slowly to look back down at him. "I think he would have liked that." She leans her head to the side and against his hand as he stroked her face. "I think he would have liked you."

My eyebrows shot up a little higher as she said that. "What makes you say that?" It was my subtle way of suggesting that I wasn't as great as she was always making me out to be, which actually more recently she'd been agreeing with me. It was a little confusing now, because did she think I was great or did she think I was pathetic? I wasn't entirely sure, and it worried me a little bit. Maybe Juniper was leading me on?

I immediately mentally kicked myself for that thought. She couldn't be. She was good at hiding her emotions, most of the time, but she wouldn't be able to keep up a farce like that for long.

Nonetheless, I was still wondering why her brother would have liked me. After all, brothers cared about their sisters and whatever boy they may be dating at any point in time.
Juniper stroked his head tenderly. "I thought it didn't matter what others thought of you." she smiled using his words from earlier. "You don't believe you're any good anyways. I'm won't be able to convince you that you are, so it doesn't matter." she holds back the answer and brushes her lips against his pulling away teasing him trying to make him smile again.

My head went up with Juniper's in an attempt to keep our lips together, but it failed miserably. I playfully pouted before a grin crossed my face. "Using my own words against me isn't fair, you know," I told her as I looked up into her eyes. "But also, it doesn't matter what others think of me. But I'm curious as to what about me your brother would like. Obviously you like me for some reason I can't see, so I want to know what about me you think your brother would like. You knew him, and I wish I'd met him." The smile from my face disappeared as I cautiously continued. "I'd like to know what exactly it is he'd like me for, since I am with his sister. Most brothers I know want to kill whatever boy their sister happens to be with."
Juniper shook her head "I didn't say he would like that you are with me." she told him. "I just said I think he would have liked you. He would have liked how you think of others before yourself. He was always doing that. And he would be grateful that you protected me when he couldn't." she explains to him trying to put it into words.

I smiled at her words. She wasn't exactly complimenting me, but she wasn't exactly putting me down either. It seemed to be a happy medium. "Well, the truth comes out then. He wouldn't like me being with you," I teased, sticking out my tongue at her and chuckling softly. "You're beautiful, you know?" I said as I reached up with my hand again to gently carress her face with the tips of my fingers, smiling softly, genuinely happy and hoping she saw how much I cared about and liked her in both my smile and eyes.
Juniper placed her hand over his and moved it off her face. She moved over next to him pulling her arm out form under his neck and laid down next to him resting her head on his chest. "I've been told." she replied.

My heart sped up as Juniper nestled in close to me, placing her head on my chest. I wondered if she could hear how hard and fast it was beating, but I honestly couldn't care less. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. "Well, I hope you believe that you're beautiful, because it's certainly the truth," I said with a warm smile on my face. I kissed the top of her head and lay there, gently rubbing her arm while I held her.
Juniper listened to the steady beat of his heart and felt the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. It was comforting to feel how alive he was and how steady and reliable to it was to know that. She felt the warmth of his kiss against her head and turned her head to look up at him. Her eyes filled with affection that she wished she could share in words, but they didn't come. Instead she traced her fingers over his chest hoping that was enough.

Juniper's gazed turned to my eyes, and within them I saw a look of affection and love that I wasn't used to. It made me a little uncomfortable, but in a good way. I smiled down at her and leaned down again to kiss her forehead as she traced lines on my chest. She might not have my way with words, but she certainly knew how to express her emotions with actions.
Juniper sat back up slowly pulling away from him. She wrapped her arms around her knees picking at the grass silently. It had been a long day and gave her a lot to think about. She let her knotted hair fall into her face letting her mind shift through the events of the day.

I frowned at Juniper's sudden distance. "What's wrong, Juniper?" I asked worriedly. She'd completely flipped a switch, one moment being affectionate and caring, the next suddenly distant and cold again. Was it just her hiding her emotions again because she wasn't used to it? Or was there another reason? I tried to think of something that might distance her suddenly, but couldn't come up with anything. Which worried me. A lot.

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