The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper shrugged "Nothing, just thinking." she told him keeping her eyes on the grass. Her head was slightly tilted to the side as she moved her hand over the ticklish grass. She thought about how she had cried earlier. She couldn't remember the last time she had cried. It must have been before Orchid died. Then there was the reason for her tears. It scared her when she thought too much about it.

I frowned and leaned forward, resting my hand on top of Juniper's. "What're you thinking about?" I asked softly, not trying to push or pry, but still worried. It might be nothing, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, in case something really was wrong. Sometimes people tried to hide it not because they didn't want to talk, but because they wanted to make sure the person cared. I most definitely cared about Juniper, so anything that was wrong with her was wrong with me too.
Juniper looked down at his hand ontop of hers then lifts her head lookingat him. "You in a dress."she lies, but kept her voice normal as if it was a normal statement to make. It was second nature to keep people out.

I stared at Juniper for a moment, my mind taking a little longer than normal to process what she'd said. I blinked twice, then put on a thoughtful look on my face. "Y'know, I lost this bet once... everyone said I made a very pretty lady," I confided without batting an eyelid. It was actually true. Of course, it was one of my most embarrassing moments in history, but I'd gotten my revenge when I made another bet and won, forcing them all to roll around in the pig-sty. They weren't allowed to bathe for three days either.

I controlled my facial muscles to shove the grin that tried to worm its way across my face deep down within so that it wouldn't show. I knew that Juniper was lying, not because she was a bad liar but because it was so random and just seemed to scream out 'distraction' or 'topic changer.' I'd let it go for now, but later I'd talk to Juniper again.
"Then you've worn a dress more often then I havve." she stated. "My mom bought me one once. I paid Orchid to ruin it, he spilled food all over it and then we burried it in the back yard. My mother never bought me a dress again."

I chuckled at Juniper's response. "Well then, I suppose you wear the pants in our relationship." I couldn't help but laugh more at the vision I imagined in my head. "Your brother certainly sounds like a great person. I wish I could have met him," I consoled as I sobered up.
Juniper watched Varexes chuckle and lifted the corners of her mouth almost smiling at his happiness before returning to her blank expression. She looked down picking at the grass. "Literally" she replied after a second of thought.

I saw out of the corner of my eye Juniper's lips twitch upwards in what looked like a smile. I instantly sobered up and my mouth hung open, opening and closing like a fish. "D-did you just... smile?" I asked incredulously, a grin cracking out onto my face despite my best efforts to contain it. "I believe you did. I made you smile!"

I was ecstatic, having been able to break Juniper's composure. Even if it was just for a second, I had succeeded. Internally I threw myself a party worthy of a god, but outwardly all I showed was a huge, goofy looking grin.

Then I processed what she said and broke out into laughter. Even though the joke was at my expense, I couldn't help but laugh. Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, there's no point in laughing at all.
Juniper stared at him while he comprehended what she said ignoring his comment about her smile. She was able to keep her straight face this time. It was easier when she expected a reaction. "It's called an emotional block." she told them in the middle of his fit of laughter almost hoping he wasn't listening.

As my laughter slowly ceased, I managed to hear what Juniper said. At that I sobered up, clearing my throat and stifling a cough before thinking for a moment. Cocking my head, I looked at Juniper quizzically. "Emotional block?" I asked curiously, hoping I wasn't treading on too much of a sensitive topic.
Juniper nodded and looked at the ground "that's what my father told me. It's when something happens and makes you feel a strong emotion, then you block it so you don't ever have to feel that way again. But it works both ways. You don't get to just get rid of the negative ones."

I nodded at her, understanding and rephrasing in my head. It took me a moment, but finally I spoke. "You mean that you faced some emotional trauma in the past, and so your mind blocks it and the resulting emotions out. Any slip up of any emotion however can bring those feelings rushing back. It's a self-defense mechanism... of sorts." I nodded and stared off into space just above Juniper's head. I put my hand on my chin and felt a slight stubble there. Nodding and making a 'meh, makes sense' face, I returned my attention to Juniper. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume it was your brother that caused it..?" I asked hesitantly.
Juniper stared at him lifting her face from the grass "Did I not say that?" she asks wondering why he had to repeat what she said. Looking back down she shrugged "I didn't cry after he died. Sometimes I would pretend he was still alive and leave a note for him to find asking him to come play when he finished whatever was keeping him away. I didn't cry until today." she admitted "...when I thought you were mad at me. I thought you didn't like me anymore."

I shrugged. "Sorry," was all I replied with. There was no point in explaining, it would just confuse her. I didn't pity Juniper. It wasn't something I felt bad for her. I... related, almost. It was like what happened with my grandfather. He died and I kept waiting for him, even though I knew he would never come back. Although I had cried like a little baby back then.

Reaching forward I placed my hand on Juniper's hand, then leaned in to kiss her cheek softly. My mind raced in order to find the right words, but they were just out of reach. "Juni..per.." I said, pausing after Juni as I almost slipped up with her name, "I couldn't just... not like you. It doesn't work that way. My emotions are... strange. I don't know how to explain them," I confessed as I looked into her eyes, my hand gently resting on hers. "You'd have to do a lot more than just be brutally honest with me to make me stop liking you."
Juniper looked at his hand on top of hers while he spoke. She lifted her head slowly looking into his eyes. "It scares me" she whispered "the feelings I have for you." She tells him moving closer. "Like when you didn't wake up. They are so strong and they are good now, but they could…" she licked her lips not able to finish her sentence.

I looked deep into Juniper's eyes, my own betraying no emotion that lie within me. I gave her a small smile and and gently squeezed her hand. I felt her move closer and shifted my body so that she could. "Juniper, I..." I hesitated, mind searching for the words that weren't there. Instead I just chuckled and dropped my gaze. "As cheesy and cliche and as much theft as it is, I feel the same way about you. So you're not allowed to go anywhere either, all right? We have to get through this Quest. Together. Deal?" I asked firmly, looking back up at her and entwining the fingers of our hands.
Juniper stared at him silently just looking into his eyes and letting them explore his face. "Deal" she whispered after a few moments and closed the space between then pressing her lips to his, placing her hands on his shoulders for balance.

I smiled softly at Juniper as she looked into my eyes, then suddenly she agreed and kissed me. I was shocked, and it took me a second to react, but when I did I closed my eyes and kissed her back, one hand cupping her cheek while the other held her waist gently.
Juniper gripped his shoulder pulling herself closer feeling her heart jump with excitement when his hands touched her. Her eyes closed and she moved slowly beginning to understand the motions of kissing. She lifted one of her hands off his shoulder and placed it on the back of his neck.

I nearly started when Juniper gripped me and moved her hands, but managed to stay in control as I wrapped my hands around her waist to hold her. She seemed to be opening up, not just emotionally but obviously physically as well. My hands tightened around her waist as a small smile crept onto my lips, happy that Juniper was opening up to me.
Juniper pulled her lips away slowly by turning her head to the side. She leaned against his side resting her head under the crook of his neck. His strong hands around her made her feel small and vulnerable. She didn't expect she would like feeling that way, but it was alright if it was him that made her feel that way.

I wrapped my arms around Juniper, holding her close and resting my cheek on the top of her head. For a moment, I actually thought life might be looking at least a little brighter for me.
Juniper sat like that for a while, she thought she could remain in that position forever and feel comfortable. "What about Rex?" she asked breaking the silence. "If you call me Juni or nip or whatever you decided on, can I call you Rex?" she asked trying out her own nickname for him.

I started a little at Juniper's sudden speech. I hadn't been expecting it, and to be perfectly honest, I'd been nodding off while holding her. I was in a comfortable position, feeling warm and comfortable and... whole. It was a strange feeling, not being alone anymore, but somehow it felt... right. It's far too difficult for me to truly explain, but the way Juniper made me feel comforted me and lulled me into this sense of security that allowed me to nod off, lying here in the middle of nowhere with her.

Once my initial startledness had worn off I chuckled softly. "Nip? No. Funny, but no." I laughed a little harder at the perverted joke and then took in a deep breath to steady myself. Cocking my head I considered the name she posed and shook my head. "No. Rex sounds like a dogs name," I stated firmly.
Juniper leaned her head back looking up at him. "What's so funny?" she asked not understanding why he was laughing. "Are you making fun of me?" she pretended to frown upset folding her arms across her chest. "I think it's perfect, see if you wander off i'll just call for you. Come here rex, come here rexy don't you want a treat?" she smiled up at him before leaning her head forwards again and rested the back of her head against him.

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