The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I chuckled lightly at Juniper's comment. "Oh, I need reasons now, do I?" I hauled her up as she accepted my hand, making sure she landed firmly on her feet and squeezing her hand slightly before releasing it. "How about the fact that you're beautiful, you have your own sense of humor, you have emotions that when you let out are quite strong and lovely. Your true self is truly quite stunning. Your little smiles bright up the area around and I think you should smile more." I stopped for a moment as if I were thinking, then, with mock surprise, "Oh, and let's not forget, you've saved not only Faye's life but my own. So my life is yours." I bowed at the waist a little teasingly, grinning up at her as I did so.
Juniper dropped her hands to her side looking into his eyes as he explained himself. She managed to keep her expression judgement free. "Oh, Varexes you're beautiful too." she replied. "And don't you forget it." she teased breaking the moment. Then whispered "you know, I'll never let you live that statement down. That one about your life belonging to me." she pokes his nose softly. "Let's brighten the mood by digging a grave shall we." she starts walking off away from the doorway.

I chuckled when she called me beautiful. "Nah, I'm just ruggedly handsome." I winked in her direction, showing I wouldn't forget it. I sobered up when she whispered that line to me, and I nodded. "I meant it," I replied in kind. I smiled when she poked my nose and laughed at her comment about digging a grave. "Let's go see if Faye's gotten started or if she's still just resting." I walked behind Juniper, adjusting my bow on my back, wincing with each step as the pain in my gut began to mount again.
Juniper looked at Varexes concerned. She tried to hide it. She didn't want to make him feel bad about the condition he was in, but he could barely walk and the pain was plainly shown on his face. "You should stop moving around so much, you're going to reopen your wounds if you keep pushing it." she pointed out trying to make it sound like he was doing too much rather then concentrate on how little it took to weigh him down.

I looked at her in surprise, mouth slightly agape. I violently shook my head. "No, I'm fine. It hurts a little bit, but nothing too bad. The wounds themselves are closed, it's something on the inside. Don't worry about me, I won't slow you guys down." I spoke fast and seemed a little unrealistic and panicked, even to myself. Cursing myself mentally, I tried to give her a smile. "Trust me. I'm okay," I told her.
Juniper came to a stop and looked at Varexes with a very serious expression. "Don't lie to me Varexes. If it is something on the inside then you're not fine. It might not be prone to infection, but you can still internally bleed to death or something else could go wrong." she tells him. "So don't you worry about slowing us down. And don't you ever tell me not to worry about you." she stated a little bit of anger dripped out of her words.

I recoiled at the venomous tone that Juniper suddenly pulled on me. Taking a step backwards I gulped slightly, realizing that if I ever truly betrayed or hurt or made an enemy of her, this woman standing in front of me would be my worst enemy. Not Jess, the shapeshifter who could turn into a wolf, or Faye who was as good an archer as me, nor even all of the Dark Elves or these Goblins combined. Juniper would hurt me in ways I could never even begin to imagine, which scared me witless.

I swallowed to steady by racing heart, and shook my head softly. "I'm not used to people being there for me. I don't want to slow you guys down, so I won't. If whatever is wrong with me is internal, it'll take longer to deal any permanent damage. If things get worse, I'll tell you, okay?" I almost said exactly what she told me not to, but at the last second I snapped my mouth shut, unable to meet Juniper's eyes.
Juniper stared at him silently for a minute trying to edit her thoughts, but found herself unable to hold them in. "Look if you have a death wish-- if you would rather die then live with me then go ahead and do it. Don't tell me all that goblin dung about how amazing I am. Don't kiss me. Don't do any of it. I'm not going to beg you to stay with me."

I looked at her shocked, then began to protest. "No, that's not it at all! I don't want to die! I want to be with you, that's the truth. I swear it." My mind raced with thoughts as I tried to put together a coherent sentence that could persuade her that I was being honest with her, more honest than I had probably ever been with anyone. There was no real way for me to speak, and I panicked for a few seconds, hands shaking and slightly outstretched before I released a breath and allowed my head and arms to droop.

"I... want to stay here, to see everyone safe. I want everyone to be safe. Including myself. But to me, others are more important than myself. If I had to die to save all of your lives, I would do it without hesitation. So if I slow you guys down, that could be dangerous." I continued to think, speaking slowly and choosing each word carefully, realizing now that no matter what I said there would be no way to convince Juniper of the truth. She simply didn't trust much, and right now she was thinking of me betraying her.

"Everything I've said to you is the truth. Except... me being fine. I'm well enough to move and work, but... I don't think I can protect you guys. I'm not as strong as everyone makes me out to be. I'm not that good of an archer, or a fighter, or a tactician. I'm no good at anything. But I want to see you all survive, and see this quest through. So I won't go anywhere, I promise you that," I finished lamely, realizing just exactly how pathetic my speech was.

I chuckled once and shook my head. "Damn I'm pathetic, aren't I? No idea what you could see in me..," I instantly cursed myself as these words came out of my mouth. They made me sound like I was fishing for compliments and approval, but in reality this was the truth. I don't know what anyone can see in me, because I can't see anything in myself.
Juniper crinkled her nose in distaste. "You're a hypocrite. What was that you said about worrying about things you can't control? Oh, and I'm not allowed to think anything negative about myself, but you can say all of that." she shook her head. "If you need someone to hold your hand and give you a compliment every so often so you don't hate yourself, then you have got the wrong girl." she answered coldly, not phased by his cowering, spineless behavior.

I nodded. "I am a hypocrite. I don't think anyone knows that better than me." I sighed and smiled at the ground, then looked up at Juniper. "I'm not the right guy for you. I won't ask you for compliments, no. I won't ask you to do anything for me or to me. Your life is your own, and you live it how you want. If you want me in it, I'll be there. If not, I'll leave. This is how I have always lived my life, and I don't plan to stop now." I glanced over to where Faye and Jess were, wondering what they were doing.

"In the end, Juniper, I want you to be happy. That's always been my goal. That's been my goal for everyone in this group, and everyone in my past. Sure, in the end I didn't choose to be chased from my village, but it happened. And I know that everyone there is happier because of it." A serious stabbing pain entered my gut, but I ignored it, my fingers twitching was the only physical sign. "In the end, Juniper, I am a selfish boy. You are the right girl for me. But I'm not the right guy for you."

I took a look behind me and sat down on a clear piece of ground. "I want to be happy too. And the way that I will be happy is if the ones I love and care about are happy." At that I nonchalantly observed Juniper.
Juniper gripped the fabric from his shirt that layed on his shoulder. She used it to shove at him and literally knok scense into him. It wasnt very strong due to her weak state. "Stop it,just stop it." She demanded. "You wont even stand up for yourself." Her anger began tof fade. "Maybe the problem isn't that you dont accept things are out of control." she releases his shirt, her eyes saddening. "The problem is you acceppt everything is. You have to fight to keep people around. Most of the time it isnt worththe effort. I get that. But sometimes it is. If im not worth the effort-- if im not worth the fight, then tell me now."

I looked at Juniper, staring into her eyes and trying to find... something. Myself. Her. The truth. I tried to find everything and nothing, searching within her depthless orbs, hoping for everything yet knowing it was futile. There was one truth that I could tell the woman that stood in front of me. I rested my hand lightly upon hers that was on my shoulder and curled my fingers around hers, then I whispered, "You have always been worth the fight to keep around. I don't want you to go anywhere and I don't want to go anywhere away from you."
Juniper pulled her hand away and patted his head "then it's settled, you are going to sit, stay, and heal." she interpreted. "and you are going to slow us down and no one is going to have a problem with it. I will make sure of it."

I chuckled and looked at the ground. "Thanks, Juniper." She would never understand exactly how much that meant to me.
Juniper relaxes when he agreed, not having realized how tense she had been. She couldn't understand why he didn't care enough about himself to think himself of any importance. "Do you really think that you're not the right guy for me?" she asks him. She wasn't one for prying most of the time, but the statement had caught her off guard which didn't happen very often. There was something she should add to the end of that statement, probably something about how she disagreed with it, but the words didn't come. She had run out of them when her anger left her. But she did disagree. The way she was willing to risk her own life to heal him should have proven that, but maybe he didn't know. He was a little out of it when she had found him bleeding on the ground. She wanted to express how she felt, but she couldn't find the words.

I sat still for a few moments, thinking. Had I said that in selfishness, or do I truly believe that..? She could be with someone so much better than me, she could probably find someone a million times better. Someone who makes her happier and won't demand her entire resources of energy for one healing over and over again. The only trait I had that could possibly attract her was the fact that I saved her life and would do anything to make sure she and everyone else would stay alive, but that was countered by the fact that I cared little for my own safety in my efforts to protect everyone else.

There wasn't any way for me to vocalize what I was truly feeling, whether or not what I had said was truth or lie. "I believe that there is a person out there who could make you happier, protect you better, and prevent you from being so exhausted all of the time. Someone who has confidence in themselves, isn't as much of a hypocrite, and all around better than me. And I don't see why they wouldn't love you like-" I hesitated for a second, then corrected myself, "Like you in the way I do," I finished.
Juniper searches his face as the silence grew, as if the answer was plainly written there. Then he spoke and she took in the words, absorbing them silently. "Maybe there is." she decided wetting her lips. "but they probably wouldn't be selfless to a fault. They probably wouldn't be able to use such beautiful choice of words every time they spoke. And they definitely would not have a laugh that is so contagious, it makes me want to make everything I say a joke, so I can hear it again. And I know they wouldn't be as ruggedly handsome as you are." she brushes her fingers through his hair softly. "I don't want better. I want you." she states looking into his eyes.

I felt my face flush slightly at the compliments she gave me, unsure entirely of how to respond. "Is my laugh really that contagious?" was all I could say, cracking a smile as I did so. "I hope those feelings don't change, Juniper." I let her run her fingers through my hair, wanting nothing more than to do the same, but instead I simply let her have her fun.
Juniper nods "It is." she answers. She wraps her arms around him and rests her head on his shoulder. "I love you Varexes, so don't you dare leave me." she closes her eyes burring her nose in his shoulder.

I was completely dumbstruck at what Juniper seemed to say so easily. It came to her so quickly. The way she said it, and what she did while she said it instantly made me believe her. My heart beat faster and the entire world around seemed to drop away as I leaned in to hold her tight, squeezing her gently as I enveloped her in my arms. "I love you too Juniper. I'm not going anywhere," I whispered in her ear as a promise that I meant to uphold.
Juniper felt his strong grip around her. She wasn't sure she believed his words after what he had previously told her, but she accepted them anyways. She needed them to be true. Breathing in heavily, she took in his scent. Which to be honest, wasn't that good at the moment. But she didn't care. "Good"

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