The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I nodded at Juniper, pulling a water bottle from my waist and handed it to her. "Is she going to be okay?" I asked Juniper.
Fortunately, Jess was there to take a bite out of the arm of whoever was strangling Faye. This caused the enemy to growl in pain, the grip around her neck loosening a bit as blood seeped from the wound in their arm. She jerked backwards as she pried the fingers from her throat, gasping for air as she stumbled backwards.

Faye's hands now slipped around her own neck, allowing her fingers to gently graze against the black and blue bruises tattooing her skin. Her breath came out violently as her vision blurred, still in shock from the whole situation. It had all happened so spontaneously that she needed a moment to catch up with it all.

Her eyes then darted down at her bow, still hesitating momentarily before bending over to retrieve it. Hastily, she was able to nock another arrow and raise her bow up. She aimed at the hole that was still open in the wooden door, releasing her grip on the bowstring. The arrow went flying through the cool air and made it through the hole just before the enemy closed the opening. She heard another loud snarl of agony from inside the shed, knowing she got him. Of course, she wasn't sure if he was dead yet or not.

Her breathing was still heavy and her throat still throbbed with terrorizing pain. "Jess....can you.....get in there...?" she managed to say between deep breathes, gesturing towards the large axe on the ground by their feet. She didn't have the energy to get in the shed herself, so she hoped Jess would understand what she was asking her to do.
Jess finally let go of the hand once its hold on Faye's neck was gone, said hand quickly retreating. Just as the little rectangular opening was about to be covered, an arrow whizzed into it and more than likely hit its target because the roar coming from the other side. She looked on nervously to Faye or, more specifically, her neck that was forming angry black and blue marks that had a tinge of red and purple mixed in, and listened with rapt attention as she was asked to do something. She didn't completely understand but got a pretty good prediction considering that an axe was pointed at, along with the request of breaking the door down.

Jess nodded her head in one brief motion before turning back into an elf making the job of picking the axe up much easier than as a wolf. She was sure that this would attract much unwanted attention... or at least more unwanted attention to them but the job had to be done. She held the heavy, rusted, bloodstained axe in her hands while walking up to the wooden door. 'Well this should be easy enough.' Without a moment of hesitation she lifted the vile item above her hand and swung down as hard as she could making the wood only split and crack a small amount, the noise from the impact echoing around them. She raised her arms once again repeated the same process as before, making progress with every swing downward.
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The sound of the axe smashing into the wooden door was loud and obnoxious, triggering the senses of any remaining bandits nearby. It seemed for the past few minutes they'd been wary of making a move considering many of their accomplices had been killed by members of their group of elves. However, now was different. They felt that it was their duty to protect whatever was inside this shed, a force pulling them forward towards Faye and Jess.

After retrieving another arrow, Faye turned quickly and lifted her bow as she released the arrow rapidly. It pierced through the air and shot a bandit with a bow down. Many were coming at them now, most of them with axes and large hammers. Faye continued to shoot a few more dead, taking as many steps back as possible before she found herself back to back with Jess.

"Shit," Faye muttered, nocking another arrow and raising her bow. She shot another bandit dead, but there were still more coming at her--and they were much closer.

Despite the situation, she managed to shoot two more down before one came charging at her. The goblin roared angrily, swinging its axe up and bringing it down at her. Faye rushed to hold out her bow and block the attack, thankful that her bow was so sturdy. After all, this particular bow wasn't made out of plain wood like your average long bow.

"Ugh!" Faye growled, her grey eyes narrowing as her arms trembled while holding back the axe a few inches from her face. Beads of sweat were forming on her forehead, but she was able to push forward and throw the goblin backwards.

Quickly, Faye grabbed an arrow and pulled back her bowstring, shooting the goblin as he stood up. Just as Faye was about to grab another arrow, she felt her body getting much weaker. She felt as though she would collapse any minute, but it just got ten times worse when she felt an arrow pierce her right leg.

"Ah!" Faye gasped, dropping straight to the ground as the weight of her body pulled her down.

I looked around as I heard the rustling of several bodies moving through the forest, noticing goblins heading towards the clearing en masse. There weren't as many as before, but a pretty large number nonetheless. "Juniper, stay here. Make sure Lanli stays okay." I hesitated before moving, then leaned down and planted a firm kiss on the top of her head before running off towards the clearing, praying that this was the smart thing to do.

I quickly reached the clearing and saw Faye with an arrow in her leg and Jess using an axe to break down the door... both of them surrounded by goblins. They were cornered, and fear for them filled my being as I began to raise my bow and started to shoot down goblins. 7 of them dropped before I ran out of arrows, and at that point I simply charged with my bow, using it as a club of sorts and lashing out with kicks.

A group of three goblins all came at me, axes raised when I simply dove them with my bow held horizontally and knocked them over like a pile of bowling pins, my feet smashing two of their skulls before I threw another kick at the head of another goblin.

I took out perhaps a dozen goblins, either incapacitating or killing them as I fought to reach Faye. It was almost surprising to suddenly find myself next to her.

"Hey there Faye. Looks like you could use some help." I grinned at her, but it seemed to come out more as a grimace as I realized she was in pain. At that point though, a look of fury crossed my face. "These goblins need to learn when to BACK OFF!" I shouted, and they seemed to recoil in fear, giving me a moment to reach into Faye's quiver and take out the three goblins closest to us. At that point I strode forward and lashed out with my bow, whipping it across the face of another goblin before turning and punching another in the gut, then kneeing its head and lashing out with a forward kick to finish it off.

The brawling moves I used weren't as effective as arrows, but they did the job and lowered the numbers of goblins that could attack us.
Jess continued to chop away at the door, getting closer and closer to their destination. That is until the goblins started to come closer, the numbers of them somehow increasing within such a short amount of time. Whatever was behind that door must of been really important and valuable to them if it needed protection. She lifted the axe up again, hoping to break the door down quickly before the goblins got too close, but that plan went out the window as soon as she heard a cry come from Faye. Dropping the axe she turned around and froze in place, eyes wide as she let only one word draw out. "Shit..." Her head flew up in the direction of a noise which just happened to be Varexes.

'Perfect timing.' She watched him take out a few more goblins before she snapped out of her trance. "Varexes! Faye is injured pretty badly," she grimaced out how bad of an understatement that was but continued on. "Tend to her wounds if you can, she is most likely on the verge of unconsciousness if you couldn't already tell by her state. I'll cover you guys for as much as I can." Jess's words were coming out frantic and when she finished she took in a few deep, soothing breaths before changing into a wolf once again.

Jess let out a low, thunderous growl that echoed around the clearing and watched in a slight form of satisfaction as the goblins recoiled a little from it. She pounced into action soon after that and attacked the first goblin she saw, shredding the fabric and skin along its chest into bloody strands of nothing. Once that one was down she hurriedly attached herself to another one, taking it out in a similar fashion. Just as she was about to keep it up something lodged itself into her side, a cry of pain and surprise ripping out past her teeth. When she looked down she narrowed her eyes, ripping the thing out with her canines rather quickly. 'Not the smartest thing to do but that damn arrow would of gotten rather annoying.' Blood was oozing out of the wound and it was beginning to painfully throb but she paid no mind to it, only focusing on her enemies and hoping in the back of her mind that Varexes was doing as she asked and was helping Faye.

I turned around when Jess spoke and nodded, moving quickly to Faye's side and kneeling down to place my bow on the ground. I could see the number of wounds that Faye had taken, and I grimaced at the amount of blood that slicked her limbs. "Hey there Faye. I need you to stay awake, all right? If you're tired, you can sleep later." I looked around, trying to find something that I could use to bandage her wounds up, but there wasn't much of anything unless I decided to tear up my shirt. I grimaced and realized that that was all I could do, so I began to tear strips from it to begin binding her wounds.
Faye allowed herself to take steady breathes as she watched Varexes tend to her wounds, wrapping them with pieces of his torn up shirt. She looked up at his face for a couple of moments before her eyes wandered away and landed on the ground stained with blood.

"Tired?" she said with a chuckle, wincing slightly. "Please, I was born for these kinds of battles. I'm not backing down just yet. I'm going to find out what's in that shed, whether these bandits like it or not."

Faye then grasped her bow as she grabbed an arrow as well, raising it as she noticed a goblin rushing towards them with an axe. She released the bowstring and killed the bandit in one swift motion, hastily repeating this two more times with another two goblins that attempted to race after them. Without waiting any longer, Faye forced herself up while using Varexes's shoulder as assistance. Pain was shooting up through her arms and legs, but she was too determined to care right then. She winced again and stumbled a bit, almost collapsing right back down to the ground but she caught herself by using Varexes as support once again.

As she threw herself forward towards the door, she felt her breath becoming heavier. Her neck ached severely from being strangled moments earlier, but that wasn't going to stop her either. Breathe, she kept reminding herself, considering every few moments she would forget.

She fell against the door, holding her fist back and thrusting it forward into the door as hard as she could. Faye screeched in agony, splinters entering her sore knuckles as she slid down to her knees practically. There was now a large hole in the door, Jess's work with the axe earlier having made it much easier to get through.
Jess watched from Faye from the corner of her eye, seeing her get up. 'Oh Faye, the ever determined one.' Jess continued to watch and narrowed her eyes as Faye walked over to the door. 'What is she doi-' A hole appeared through that Gods forsaken wood and Jess had to resist the urge to bang her head into a tree, groaning all the while. 'Yeah', she thought dryly, 'the ever determined one all right.' While Jess was distracted she completely forgot about the goblins around her, even though they were way fewer in numbers than when they first arrived, and was stunned when she got rammed into, her breath coming out in an audible oof. She tumbled onto her side and looked up to see a goblin standing over her with an amused and smug smirk on its face. Some of its 'friends' came over and made a circle around her, the same stupid and ignorant expressions on their faces that she just wanted to smack right off.

The female wolf righted herself once she regained focus but winced at the pain that shot up her left back leg which would technically be her left leg as an elf . 'Aw crap.' The limb was cut up more than the others, twisted at an unnatural angle. A hole in her side that was, wait for it, still bleeding, along with a most likely sprained or broken leg wan't something she needed when faced with a group of goblins ganging up on her, weapons at the ready. She took one glance back at Faye and Varexes before crouching down low. 'Heh... well at least Faye got the door open...'

I supported Faye as she tried to stand, stumbling towards the door. I picked up my bow in my left hand and held up the wounded elf on my right arm until she got to the door, turning to look at Jess as she collapsed to the floor. "Shit..." I made a split second decision and decided to piss Faye off. I let go of her and knocked her off balance so she fell onto the ground, next to the door so she would have some chance to defend herself should anything come out of the door.

After I did that I sprinted towards Jess, jumping and spin-kicking the two closest goblins, then lashing out on either side with my bow and elbows, thrashing about in an attempt to free Jess. "Jess, get to Faye, now!"
Juniper took the bottle and cleaned the blood and dirt from the wound and then washed her hands before beginning to put away her supplies. "I don't know. If it doesn't get infected, she should be fine. We will just have to wait and see." she replied closing her satchel. She looked up at Varexes who seemed to be on edge looking around. She thought about asking what was wrong and then he told her to wait here. He leaned down and kissed her head. She smiled and reached reached her hand up, but he was already gone running off into the distance. She dropped her hand and leaned back against the tree listening warily to the noises around her. "Stay safe" she whispered leaning her head back agains the trunk of the tree realizing how tired she was.
Faye sat up, holding her hand before her eyes as she observed the splinters prickling her skin. Damn, she thought, wincing slightly. She then moved her hand away and peered through the hole in the door. Just then, the rest of the door was kicked open ferociously and Faye trembled as she struggled to move away. Her jaw dropped with clear astonishment, having forgotten that the being inside the shed may have still been alive. Apparently, it was.

A large goblin appeared before her, standing up tall with its broad shoulders and enraged expression. This goblin had thick skin the color of an eerie swamp. His eyes were a glowing shade of yellow, diamond pupils piercing the air as they moved. He was wearing brown leather armor as well as a silk cape and a bandanna wrapped around his mouth. There was a dark band wrapped around his forehead to hold back his wavy raven locks that were tied up in a ponytail. Wrinkles cracked the skin around his facial features and his pierced ears were long and pointy. A large silver sword with a unique grey handle was in his grasp.

Faye's hand wandered over to her quiver as she went to grab an arrow, but the goblin was aware of this motion. He snorted, lifting his sword back rapidly. From the corner of her eye she noticed the large gash in his left arm from earlier, but she kept her focus mostly on the goblin's sword as she swung her bow out to block his attack. The goblin's sword came crashing down against her bow, the two metal weapons clashing together with a slang!

"Ah!" she winced, her back hitting the ground with a thud as her arms shook vigorously while holding her bow against his sword. She felt her arms were gonna give out any time soon, which actually worried her a bit.

Come on, Faye, she thought to herself, don't let this guy win! It was as if the goblin knew what she was thinking and could easily tell that she was weakening more and more every second. A sinister grin appeared on his face, revealing two rows of rotting teeth. An amused cackle escaped his mouth as he stared down at her with those devilish yellow eyes. 
((Here's what he looks like btw xD I based him off this hahah

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/goblin_assassin_by_melihyilmaz-d378l39.jpg.0694089bd2908b5d70665648266065e2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7344" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/goblin_assassin_by_melihyilmaz-d378l39.jpg.0694089bd2908b5d70665648266065e2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(( And we're assuming he's the leader of the bandits ||D ))



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As I fought the goblins that surrounded Jess, I heard a splintering from behind and guessed the door had shattered. I spared one small glance as I clapped two goblins heads together, knocking them both unconscious and saw Faye on her knees before a giant goblin, barely able to hold her bow against his sword. I took my bow and spun around 360 degrees in order to clear the goblins, then I dove at the goblin and connected into its side. It was larger than most of the others and had to have been the leader. As I hit it I knocked it back through the door, causing it to lose its footing and crash to the ground with me on top of it.

When it fell, I rolled ahead of it so I was inside the shed with my bow in hand, kneeling down and ready to respond to whatever the goblin would do next. I was still worried about the other goblins outside, but there were only two or three left besides this leader, so I figured Jess or perhaps Faye could handle them.
Faye breathed a sigh of relief as the goblin was dragged away from her by Varexes, allowing her to relax her arms momentarily. However, she quickly grabbed an arrow and lifted her bow when she saw a goblin running at her with an axe in hand. Despite laying on the ground and aiming upside down, she was able to shoot down the goblin. Either they were pretty easy to defeat or Faye's skills had improved immensely along the course of this trip. After all, she was already a pretty skilled archer before they set off on this journey.

She sat up, seeing no sign of any more goblins around at the moment. Now was the time for her to use all her strength to stand up, so she did. It was a bit of a struggle with all the pain filling her, but she managed to force herself up. Once she was on two feet, her legs began to wobble slightly, warning her that she would fall any minute now. With the little ability she had left, Faye nocked an arrow and pulled back her bowstring, quickly shooting an arrow into the leader's right arm. She hadn't really been aiming on a specific part of the goblin, considering she was in too much pain to focus, but fortunately she may have wounded his good arm somewhat. Of course, she wasn't sure how much good that would do.

She heard something behind her as she turned, her legs giving out right then as another goblin approached her with an axe ready to swing at her. As she was falling, she used her bow to smash against the goblin and knock him out cold. Faye collapsed onto the ground, the goblin's axe hitting the ground right beside her.

She heard a large growl from behind her, turning to see the leader standing up angrily. However, he wasn't facing her direction but was instead facing Varexes, who had little space from the leader in that small shed. Without wasting anymore time, she reached her arm out and grasped onto the handle of the axe laying by her head. She gasped for air, so much pain shooting up through her body. Tears welled up in her eyes as she pulled the axe back over to her and carefully pushed herself over onto her back. She sat up slightly, raising the axe back and throwing it forward as forcefully as possible. It felt like her arm snapped right as the axe left her hands and she groaned in agony, biting her tongue hard. It stung so bad, but when she looked up she was relieved to find that the axe she'd thrown was stuck right in the back of the leader of the bandits.

I rose to a standing position, straightening my back and holding my bow before me as if I had an arrow on it, despite my quiver being empty. But as the goblin rose, it suddenly growled in pain and it turned around to look behind him, revealing an axe lodged into his back. It wasn't in very deep, and fell out easily as he turned, but it obviously looked painful as brackish blood welled from the wound. "Hey there ugly. Looks like you got hurt. Need a nurse? Poor baby," I taunted, hoping to draw its attention back to me.

The goblin turned and snarled at me, only to be whacked in the face with my bow, a loud crack filling the air as my bow broke its jaw. It howled in pain and dropped to one knee, but it bent its head and I saw it was preparing to charge. I panicked and backed up, straight into a stand that had a quiver full of arrows in it. Without thinking I grabbed an arrow, its tip looking quite bulky and strange, yet it would do the job at such short range. I fired the arrow just as the goblin leader charged me, and it was only as I released the string I realized the arrow didn't have a metal tip. Instead it was some sort of package tied to the tip. What the... I wondered, just before the arrow hit its target and obliterated it, creating an explosion that caused the doorway of the shack to explode outwards and sending the goblin flying, missing more than half its torso. Of course, explosions aren't directed, and so it also blasted me backwards through the back wall of the shack.

The shockwave alone was enough to knock the wind out of me, but after flying through the back end of the shack, its wall covered with trophies of various sorts, I was in serious pain. My back was bruised and my bow was knocked from my hand, and as I landed I felt something stab into my right arm and left side with amazing force. I screamed in pain and my vision began to blur from the tears that filled my eyes before black spots began to appear. My body unable to withstand the pain, I passed out.
Suddenly, an explosion went off out of nowhere and Faye gasped as she curled up with her arms wrapped over her head. Pieces of wood came crashing down around her, some hitting her back as well. She winced with each piece that fell on her aching body, but was grateful when they stopped falling. After a few moments when she figured it was safe to uncover, Faye moved her arms away and sat up a bit.

A thin sheet of smoke was surrounding her, hovering over the ground like fog. She coughed a little, squinting as she peered around until her eyes landed on Varexes. She also spotted the leader of the bandits crumpled up on the ground nearby and it looked as if he were either dead or unconscious. Either way, he was bleeding a lot.

Faye continued to cough softly as she managed to drag herself through the grass, making her way over to Varexes slowly but surely. As she crawled over, she noticed he wasn't moving at all and suddenly a singe of worry flowed through her veins. After a few minutes she finally made it over to where he was laying and eyed him cautiously. His eyes were closed and he was laying on the ground all distorted. There seemed to be blood staining him as well, fresh blood.

"Varexes....?" she mumbled quietly, observing his wounds. It seemed something sharp had stabbed him as he fell. She blinked softly a few times and gulped, looking up through the smoke. "Jess....Jess!" she managed to squeal, coughing right after.
Jess was just about to go over to Faye when the door broke off, a huge goblin stomping past the doorway. It was much bigger, stronger and more sinister than the others. All of this indicated that it must of been the leader of the pack of goblins. Her attention was short lived there as she realized that Varexes had taken care of most the goblins by now and was tumbling along the ground with the brute leader, both going into the shack. Jess took care of one other goblin that was nearby before there was no more left.

The scene had shifted so suddenly and she didn't like the change one bit. An axe was lodged into the goblin's back yet it was still standing, looking at Varexes as any normal elf would when being rewarded with a... well reward. She willed her senses to narrow in on what was happening and groaned. 'Oh Gods, don't taunt the thing!' Oh but it was too late for any of that because all she could comprehend was a sudden ringing going off in the air, pieces of debris flying everywhere. Many of the falling chunks landed on top of Jess and she let out a cry of pain as she stumbled off balance, an assortment of items tearing deep into her skin and muscle.

Eyes widening in panic, a strange burning sensation also started going off along her throat and the pain slowly increased as it buried itself deeper. Loud and desperate coughs hacked their way up her throat and she had no control over the smoke slowly filling up her lungs, making the coughing increase tenfold. Jess could hear the faint sound of someone calling her name but the ringing in her ears and the pounding, blinding pain in her head blocked off most of it, making the sound somewhat distorted. The struggling wolf was also pretty sure that the pile of debris trapping her body between the random pieces of items and the ground wasn't helping with anything at the moment.

I came to, spots still filling my vision as I tried to blink them away. I tried to move but groaned in pain as I felt something rooting me to the ground. My vision darkened, but as I lay there still the pain went away and I managed to lift my head to see what had happened. All I could see was two large splinters of wood, one in my left side and the other in my right forearm pinning me to the ground. They hadn't hit anything vital, but were large wounds and would more than likely be fatal. I glanced around to see Faye on the ground, Jess a little further away struggling under a pile of debris. They both looked battered, but in much better condition. "Thank God for that..." I muttered, twisting my head to see my bow, somehow still in one piece, just a little ways away. I reached out and tried to grab it, wincing in pain as I stretched torn muscles away from the splinters of wood. The tips of my fingers managed to brush the string, but it was just out of reach. I gave up and let my arm fall, my hand landing on top of a plank of wood.

You know what? If it weren't for the fact that I had a group, I would really have no regrets right now. I stared at the sky, it seeming far too bright a blue for the red that was staining the ground beneath me. Heh, isn't that ironic. I blinked and looked again at Faye and Jess, making sure no goblins or anything else were sneaking up on them, but luckily they were in the clear. When I saw that I let loose a rattling breath and let my head fall back to the ground. This really hurts... makes sense I suppose. I am dying after all...
Juniper stood up hearing a loud noise. She took off running toward the noise worried. It had come from the direction Varexes had run off too and her mind began to slowly put the pieces together. Finally seeing what was left of what used to be a building. She hurried over seeing Faye worried that she didn't see Varexes. She ran to her and spotted Varexes on the ground. "Varexes?" she asked hoarsely confused and bent down on her knees next to him looking over his wound worried. She placed her hands over one of the wounds trying to find a way to stop the bleeding unable to think straight.

I felt a flash of pain as I realized something was touching one of my wounds. After opening my eyes I realized it was Juniper, and she was worried. "Hey there Juniper." I rasped, wincing from the pain. "I grabbed an arrow and it exploded... who knew that that was possible?" I coughed, gasping as it caused another wave of agony. "Damn..." I muttered. "This really hurts, you know? I knew dying would hurt, but not like this. It's practically unbearable. It makes me want to just fall asleep..." I trailed off, not quite in the right state of mind. Shock had overtaken me, and I wasn't able to realize that I needed to stay awake.
Juniper shook her head "No, Varexes. No you need to stay awake." she tells him harshly finding her voice, frightened of loosing him. "I can't help you if you aren't awake." She looked into his eyes keeping pressure on his wound. "Varexes, don't leave me." she begs. "Please"

I looked into Juniper's eyes and saw something there that I couldn't quite name. But it made me want to stay awake, and so I shook my head. "Fine... but you owe me a nap later." I chuckled a little bit as I clenched my right fist, my left arm touching the splinter in my left side. "Why does this have to be here... can't we remove it?" I asked her, pulling on it experimentally, crying out as I did so and releasing it.
Juniper grabbed his hand. "I'll fix it." she told him. "but you have to stay awake. Promise me you will stay awake." she squeezed his hand. "Then you can have as many naps as you want." she promised her eyes never leaving his. "Promise?" she asks waiting for a response.

I squeezed Juniper's hand when she held it and nodded. "All right. I'll stay awake. But it's going to hurt, right? How are you going to fix this?" My mind was becoming more and more confused as blood loss took its toll, my skin becoming pale and my grip weakening. Shock was setting in stronger than before, and I had lost almost all of my reasoning.
Juniper gripped the splinter "Hush" she replied deciding not to answer his questions and released his hand. "Trust me." She slowly leaned closer to Varexes and pressed her lips against his softly as she yanked the splinter out of his side. She pulled back looking at him as she moved her hands over searching for the other splinter.

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