The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper watched Varexes as he spoke reassuring everyone of the plan. It seemed like the plan was ago and everyone was ready to get into position. "Wait" she blurted aloud and reached for his hand squeezing it. She thought about telling him to be careful, but that was probably already on his mind. Although she worried because he had mentioned a few time about how he thought himself unimportant. She wasn't sure what to say. She wasn't as good as he was with words.

I started when Juniper told me to wait, and barely managed to control myself from blushing when she squeezed my hand. I nodded wordlessly and squeezed her hand. "Faye, on three take out the one behind me," I told her, releasing Juniper's hand and memorizing the location of hte other two goblins.
Faye nodded at Varexes with a ready expression, subtly beginning to pull back her bow string. There was a part of her that felt a little bit bad killing creatures they didn't necessarily know were bad, not to mention hadn't even shot them yet. It was likely that they were simply just guarding everything precious to them, however it seemed pretty clear that they weren't good guys judging by their appearances. Plus, if they tried to go anywhere those goblins were probably not going to hesitate another second to get them. They could just be waiting for the proper moment to shoot.

"One..." Faye said quietly, glancing at Varexes as she started the countdown for him. She stopped there, awaiting for him to continue.
Juniper felt her heart jump in her chest when he squeezed back. She dropped her hand to her side when he released it, her eyes never leaving him. She herd Faye start counting and wondered what it was she was counting.

I nodded at Faye when she began counting. "Two..." I said softly, aiming and drawing my bow. I took a deep breath, held it, then released. "Three!" I said, releasing as soon as I ran out of breath. I fired, and as I released I knew it would hit the target. I pivoted on my right foot, swinging my bow around, reloading with the arrow between my fingers as I did so and drawing as I faced the second goblin. I drew and fired, and saw the second goblin go down with an arrow in its eye socket. I grimaced at the gruesomeness but nodded at a job well done.

"All right. Juniper, Lanli, Jess. Get into these bushes here. Count to thirty, then jump out. Faye, go left. I'll go right. Make sure you have a clear shot at the three with crossbows." I looked at Juniper one last time, then ran off to the side, drawing an arrow as I did so. I tread lightly, barely making a whisper as I jogged about fifty feet, then entered some brush and sighted on the three crossbowmen, also noting the ones closest to where Juniper should appear. "Crossbows first, then make sure Juniper stays safe..." I muttered under my breath.
Juniper watched as Varexes took out two of the goblins and then nodded after he spoke letting him know she understood. She continued to watch him head off until he was out of sight before making her way to the bushes. She crouched down and silently began counting 'one, two, three, four, five' She concentrated on the numbers trying not to think too much about all the things that could go wrong with the plan. 'Thirteen, fourteen fifteen, sixteen' she continued counting.
Lanli watched Varexes take out two goblins in awe. She almost forgot to start off into the bushes until she noticed Juniper headed into one out of the corner of her eye. As sneakily as she could, Lanli made her way over to the bush and snuck inside next to Juniper. Sticks poked her face and body as she began to count. "Three.... Four... Five..." She looked around anxiously. "This is crazy! Eight, nine, ten..." Her gaze moved to the ground. "Someone's gonna die... Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen..." She jerked her head back up and gazed around. "No! I can't think like that right now. Just stay focused. Focus.... Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three..." She smiled silently to herself, and almost chuckled. "Alright, let's get down to business... Twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine... THIRTY!" She finished counting, tensing her muscles and getting ready for the attack to begin.

((Does anyone know where I can watch FMA: Brotherhood for free online? ;-; Hulu only has the first four and I'm having withdrawals already. Please halp.))
( has it, i'm pretty sure. if not, funimation should. if THAT doesn't have it... i have another website, but i don't believe it's entirely legal.)
Juniper reached thirty and walked out from the bushes and moved over toward the goblins. She came to a stop and raised her hands over her head waving. "Hey you!" she called "Hey, freak face!" she yelled at the goblins. "I herd your ancestors came from a ghoul and troll. Makes sense why you are so ugly." she continued trying to mock them. "What are you protecting that is so important?! Bet it's some religious item that you worship like wolverine dung."
(I'm not on xfire, I'm at my moms house.

Little*Dreamer, those are some pretty nice insults, I must say xD )
((There's a cricket chirping REALLY LOUDLY right by the couch where I sleep. I can't go to sleep because it's so loud. Somebody please help me. ;-; I can't find it to kill it, and even if I could find it I wouldn't be brave enough to kill it.)) 
((Oh! Also Alcat, I've been reading your story. It kicks butt so far. :D I've added a bunch of notes. ^_^ ))
((I think Alcat linked it to us all via private chat. :o I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share the link or not, but if he says it's okay then I will. ^_^ You'll like it, it's based off of the basic storyline and characters of the old Enchanted thread. :D I know you don't like school threads, but from what I understand he's planning to have little to none of it based in the school.))
(Gah 5 more pages of posts. Well at least it's getting back into motion and sorry for not replying or anything but I was on a break from RpNation and it lasted a little longer than I expected -laughs awkwardly- Anyways I have to go catch up so I'll do that and most likely post something afterwards.... Oh and Nami, I still don't understand tumblr very much but congratulation on all of your followers ^^)
(( Sorry guys, I was gone all day x.x I passed my permit test today, thank god!! Hahah, then I spent the rest of the day with some friends. It was a really long day and I'm actually super tired already so I think I'm just gonna sleep x.x

I know I haven't been posting at much, but I'm just too tired right now :u

@Alcatraz if you wanna control Faye for now you can, I'll be sure to start posting more often again. Once again, I'm just really tired. Maybe for this battle Alcat can just control Faye and then I'll control her again when the fighting's over if that's alright. If you don't wanna control her though that's fine too, just assume she's doing whatever. Gah, I wish I could post right now but I really don't have the energy to be creative x.x I'm sorry ;c Tomorrow morning I'll try to get on and post! ))
(I was out all day yesterday, so I couldn't post anyways. Vampiric, I'm too lazy to find the link... you give it to zeyro xD )
((Alrighty. ^_^ By the way, Alcat. Are you interested in that D&D-like thing that I was telling you that Zeyro and I had been talking about?)
((This ended up being way longer than I expected xD Btw Vamp, I'm in the middle of watching Soul Eater hahah. I'm just gonna watch a ton of animes and Soul Eater was next on my list, so I'm on episode 4 xD ))

As soon as Faye noticed Juniper go out and begin insulting the goblins, she knew it was time. Without wasting another moment she rushed forward, stood behind a few trees, and pulled back her bowstring with her sight focused on the three goblins with crossbows who had their eyes set on Juniper now. They were getting ready to shoot her, but were taking their time considering Juniper didn't have a weapon. It seemed as though they thought she was just some annoying girl who'd come across them, a dense one at that since she was willing to go right out in the open and make fun of them.

As soon as Faye's aim was settled on the goblin furthest to the left she released her grip on the string, watching as the arrow sliced through the air and pierced the goblin. He fell to the ground with a small yelp, causing the two beside him to gasp with wonder. Right as they lifted their eyes up with curiosity to see who'd shot him, another arrow came flying towards the next goblin and killing him off.

This time, the last goblin was rushing to get his crossbow ready. Fools, she thought to herself as she raised her bow once again, should've gotten your crossbow ready ahead of time. Those take much longer to prepare to shoot than your average bow.

As the goblin was struggling to pull back his bowstring, Faye released another arrow and pierced him in the heart. She'd easily taken down all three of the goblins with crossbows, but now the other bandits had noticed their deaths. They'd caught sight of her now and were charging towards her presence in the woods.

Faye gulped silently, nocking another arrow hastily. She quickly lifted her bow and shot down another bandit, but there were still a lot more rushing towards her. Her face was sweating a bit as she began nocking another arrow, her fingers fumbling with it as the arrow slipped from her grasp. She considered going to pick it up, but instead went to retrieve a new arrow. Her pupils wandered up to see the group of bandits approaching closer, making her aware that it was no use. She didn't have enough time to shoot down each of those bandits, she was simply outnumbered.

"Dammit," she muttered beneath her breath, turning away to run. Just as she did so, a gasp escaped her mouth as a goblin appeared right behind her and swung an axe at her. She ducked, the blade swinging over her head as she heard a long swoosh. As she lowered her head she flung her fist forward and punched him harshly in the stomach. The goblin yelped and tried to take another swing at her, but she moved out of the way, causing the goblin to accidentally kill another bandit that had been approaching from the other side.

Faye then made a run for it through the woods, jumping over some sticks and logs as fast as she could manage without tripping. She glanced back a few times to ensure that she was getting away from the group of goblins that had tried to chase her. Fortunately, she'd lost them back there. As she turned her head back, she saw arrows flying from different directions at her. She was able to dodge a number of them, but a few scraped her arms.

"Ah!" she winced, causing her to trip over a root. She hit the ground hard and her arm landed on a sharp rock.

Blood seeped from the wounds on both her arms, from the arrows and from the sharp edge of the rock. Another arrow came at her, piercing her shoulder. She winced again, forcing herself to grab her bow and nock an arrow. Just as another one came out and pierced her leg, she released one of her own and killed the bandit that was shooting at her.

She was able to push herself off the ground, struggling a bit, but managed to get behind a tree. She peered around and didn't spot any goblins, figuring she was further away from their camp as of now. Faye looked at the blood seeping from all her wounds, but told herself they were just little cuts and she'd been through worse. Of course, they still stung like hell. I need to find a way to get back to the group, she thought to herself, not wanting to leave them there to fight on their own.

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