The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Those two where dark elves? xD Oops.))

Lanli raised an eyebrow. "Blake and Cerah where Dark Elves? I didn't know that, I had assumed that they where... Ah what is the term... Half Dark Elves and Half Light Elves." She tried to explain. Lanli was smiling at Faye, admiring her passion that she had conveyed in the speech she had just given, but then a concerned look crossed her face. "I'm not the smartest Elf, I focused more on learning to smith and mine instead of focusing on studies like history. So I don't know how the relations between Dark and Light Elves are, other than just bad..." She paused. "They're probably not going too happy to see us." Lanli said, a worried look on her face. "Do you think we will have to expect them to pick a fight?"
Faye kept her eyes focused on Lanli as they walked along, the autumn leaves crunching beneath the soles of their shoes. "You mean Dihart elves?" she said, reminding her of the correct term. "Ava was a Dihart Elf, but Blake and Cerah were Dark Elves. I also remember Orion telling me he escaped Fayland when he was younger....I'm not quite sure what most Dark Elves in Reddell are like, according to Ava they have a strong hatred for us Light Elves...they're a bit sketchy as well, I guess. It's only because they're brainwashed into believing we're the enemies, just like Light Elves are brainwashed into believing Dark Elves are the enemies. I'm sure there's elves like us in Reddell, who just want peace." She kept her hands in her pockets, stepping over a few fallen trees and large rocks. "I don't think getting into Reddell will be as easy as just strolling on in. It will be a lot more complicated..."
((Sorry guys, slept over my friends house last night

Fortunately I got my homework done this morning at her house so ill post in a bit!))
Faye breathed softly, her chest heaving in and out gently as the group continued to trudge forward through the forest. It had been about a day that they'd continued their travels now, only stopping once to take a short nap and feed themselves briefly. They'd moved onward through the dark of the night and by now it was about mid-day of the the one after the previous. Her legs ached once again, but it didn't bother her as much anymore considering she was quite used to the feeling at this point.

After having her eyes focused on the ground as she walked, she finally lifted them up when to her surprise something came spiraling out of nowhere. Just as it flung past her face, just barely missing her cheek, she heard a loud thud right beside her. She quickly turned to throw a startled glance at the sharp blade of an ax stuck in the tree right by her head.

Just as she did so, Faye was already tightening her grip around the handle of her bow as she lifted it. Once she turned forward again she was able to see some odd figure step behind a tree. From the moment she'd seen it she was able to tell that it was very pale and had long, pointed ears and was dressed in heavy dark attire with a black cloth tied around its mouth. What she did know was that it wasn't human or an elf.

After peering around rapidly just to ensure that nothing else was there to put them in danger, she rushed forward while nocking an arrow. As she rounded the tree she pulled back her bowstring and fired once her aim was on the creature behind the tree. Fortunately, she knew she must've killed it when she heard it yelp as its body collapsed to the ground.

She narrowed her eyes as she moved forward, leaning down to get a closer look at the creature. Faye retrieved her arrow from its chest and wiped the blood off the tip with a leaf before returning it to her quiver. What is this? she wondered, observing it closely. It looks like a Goblin..

Faye stood back up and gave their surroundings one last look, making sure nothing else was nearby. She then stepped closer to the others and said warily, "Careful, there might be more of them around here somewhere..."
"Wh-what on earth is that?" Lanli asked, shaking slightly from the shock of Faye almost getting her head split in two. But then she had an idea. "The axe!" She thought, heading over to the tree where the axe was stuck. With a bit of effort, Lanli yanked the axe free from the tree and held it out defensively. "Now I can be useful if we where to get in a battle." She said to Faye, smiling due to her newfound usefulness. Well, at least Lanli considered herself useful.
((Dreamer, I think. And Alcat is too, once he gets back.)) 
((Oh, also Zeyro: What are your plans for the Dragons RP? Like, do you want to start soon? :o (Sorry, I hope I'm not being rude. x_x)))
(( @Little*Dreamer , @Alcatraz , and apparently you OOC.))

Faye shook her head, turning as Lanli approached the tree which held the axe. "I can't be sure...but it looked like some sort of Goblin. I'm not sure if there's more of them around, so we should be really cautious." She smirked as Lanli took the axe in her grasp, ecstatic to be able to fight with some sort of weapon. "Well, let's keep going.." she suggested, continuing onward.

She kept her bow up and ready with an arrow nocked in case they were to encounter another Goblin. It seemed that they were quite sneaky and sly, which was certainly something to be wary about. After about five more minutes of walking Faye came to a halt, motioning with her arm for the rest of the group to do so as well. She leaned forward a bit and peered through a group of trees. She was able to see a variety of Goblins pacing back and fourth in a clearing, some with bows and some with axes. There was something in the middle that looked like a small shack.

"Look," Faye whispered, moving to the side in order for the others to take a look as well, "They look like they're guarding that little shack in the center of the clearing.." 
(( By the way, I refuse to ever let this roleplay 'die' especially after 519 pages.

Just isn't happening. ))
Lanli made a move towards the shack, but then paused. "Should we check it out? Or move past?" She asked, the shack was awfully suspicious in the sense that Lanli couldn't tell why it was being guarded. "It looks like just a regular shack... Perhaps they are just bandits, and this is their base?" She suggested, not sure why else they would be attacked. "And I must ask... Do we know where this Reddell town is? I'm not aware of its location."
(Lol, Yeah, I'ma lurk here in the OOC shadows...And Vamp I think it'll never start, I don't think anyone is interested.)
(I wasn't getting updates with new posts.)

Juniper stood back looking ahead at the goblins, but listened along to Lanli and Faye's conversation. They seemed to be covering everythng without her having to say anything. She kept her eyes on the goblins wearily. What wer important to goblins weren't necessarily important to any other creature, she knew that to be true. Either way, she was still curious about what it was they were guarding.
(( I didn't make a character for no reason, Zeyro! Lol, I wanna use her xD Also, we don't necessarily need a bunch of people to start. Sometimes it's better with a few people, that way everyone doesn't get lost as quickly among the various posts xD ))

Faye nodded slowly, having been thinking along the same lines as Lanli. "You're right...I think they are bandits," she agreed, eyeing the black cloth that was wrapped around all the goblins' mouths. As far as she knew, that practically screamed bandit.

She turned her head to face the girl sitting beside her, prepared to answer her question. However, just as she opened her mouth to speak something came up from behind her spontaneously and grabbed onto the bag that was attached to her back. They jerked her backwards, causing her to stumble right before they elbowed her in the side. She gasped in agony as they smacked her to the ground, feeling her bag slip from around her shoulders. She fell to the ground and her head smacked against it with a thud. Through her slightly blurry vision she was able to see a Goblin running off with her bag.
Lanli turned in shock to see Faye on the ground and a Goblin running away with her bag. "Hey!" She shouted, beginning to give chase. She ran as fast as she could, dodging trees and their branches as she sprinted. "Come back here, you little bitch!" She yelled as she continued to run, breathing heavily. 
((BAHAHA. I'm not even gonna edit that. :'3))
(( By the way, you can control what you wanna do with the goblin, you can kill him also xD He's just a Goblin, not someone I'm roleplaying as xDD

And this doesn't feel right without Alcat here! x'D

Just in general, I wish we had more roleplayers here~

Thanks ZEYRO for ditching us </3 xD ))

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