The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye returned to her previous position in the water, kneeling down beside Lanli with the water up to her chest once again. She began to ring out her soaking wet jacket as much as she could for now before flinging it over her left shoulder. With that, she looked down at her tank top with bloody stains and sighed a bit to herself. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and began trying to wash them off as well as she could.

Giving Lanli a small half grin to trick her emotions into thinking she didn't want to cry, she said, "I don't think you were with our group at the time Roslyn passed away...she was one of the first elves that came along with us on this journey...." She hesitated a moment before choking on the rest of her words, "A pack of wolves left her in pieces...and I was the first to find her body..."

Suddenly, she heard another voice greet them and she lifted her head up to see Varexes and Juniper enter the area. Managing a smile as best she could, she lifted her hand with a brief wave before turning her attention back to washing her clothes furthermore.
Seeing Lanli attempting to wash her clothes while she was still wearing them made Lanli decide to do the same. "Although I'm not sure how well it will work." She thought as she began to scrub the bottom part of her shirt. Then she heard obout Roslyn. "Oh, I'm so sorry." She said, looking up at Faye. "I didn't know..." She had genuine worry in her eyes, she hadn't meant to dredge up bad memories for Faye by asking about Roslyn. Just then, Varexes and Juniper appeared. Lanli smiled and waved at them before continuing to scrub the bottom of her shirt, rather ineffectively.
Jess shook her head, getting lost in her thoughts once again, and looked around. "Oh great." She muttered as she stood up off the ground, wiping her bloodied hands on her ripped leggings. "Looks like they left me here." She let out a sigh before she turned in the direction she might of saw them go and began to walk. Her moves were sluggish, her shoulders hunched down and brown her hair falling around her face in no specific way. She had trouble keeping her eyes open and that along with the purple bags under her eyes were clear indicators that she was pretty tired. "Well I'm just a pretty sight to see."Jess slowly continued on, stifling a few yawns along the way, as she followed the faint footprints that were left in the ground from the everyone else. It was surprising to her how she just noticed how small the group had gotten from when she first joined everyone, not many elves actually remained. It was sad to see elves she had gotten close too, well kind of at least, just disappear off to nowhere, maybe some of them even died and were rotting in the ground without anyone else knowing. "Yeah let's just think about death at a time like this." She cursed at herself inside her head before she closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, and continued to follow along where the others went.

I saw Lanli and Faye trying to wash their clothes as I set the supplies down in front of them. Looking down at myself I realized I should probably do the same. Looking around, I saw that the pond was quite large, but there wasn't really any place to go hide. Shrugging to myself, I took off my shirt and washed it in the pond, not really caring that everyone could see my body.

My torso was muscular and well toned, the skin tone matching that of my face and arms. There wasn't much to see except that on my left arm was a faint white mark that showed a scar that Juniper had healed earlier and on my torso there was a large purple mark, almost like a bruise, but it was shaped like a giant... paw, or a claw of some sort. I had considered waiting, or not bathing, but I figured it didn't matter at this point. The dream had shaken me, yes, but I felt better now. I figured if they wanted to ask, the group would and I would explain. If they didn't, oh well.

After kneeling by the side and washing my shirt, I wrung it out and laid it flat on the grass in the early morning sun to dry before wading into the pond and falling forwards into it, coming back up soon afterwards sputtering a bit. "Feels nice..." I murmured as I stood there, rubbing down my body to get all of the dried sweat and dust and dirt from my travels gone.
Juniper followed everyone else's lead and walked to the edge of the water. She opened up her bag and refilled her water bottle. Hearing a splash she looked up to see Varexes's head pop out of the water without a shirt on. Her hand slipped and she almost dropped her bottle. Closing it she placed it in her bag and dropped the bag on the ground hoping no one noticed.

Sitting down, she removed her booths and dropped her ankles into the water and splashed the water up her legs to wash the dirt off as best she could.

I washed my body and tried my best to clean my pants while in the water, and when I was done I moved to the shallower end of hte pool, settling down cross-legged and allowing myself to relax, closing my eyes.
Faye looked to Lanli and shrugged slightly with a reassuring grin. "It's okay, I know you didn't know.." Looking away momentarily, she caught sight of Varexes washing himself off nearby. Her eyes gradually shifted back over to Lanli's and she added, "I know Roslyn's in a better place now..and she's watching over us right well as my grandfather."

Her voice was calm, a gentle yet casual tone. She'd spent a lot of time mourning over Roslyn's tragic death after it happened, which wasn't anything unusual for someone who'd seen such a horrific sight. She remembered puking a lot due to the awful visual that had been engraved in her skull, which she doubted was very unusual either. Fortunately, over time Faye had helped herself get past that stage. She convinced herself that Roslyn was watching over her and the others, another elf to keep her grandfather's soul company. Not to mention, being the strong and courageous warrior Roslyn was, she wouldn't want Faye to be broken over something like that. Rather, she'd want Faye to stay a positive, brave leader just as she could've been. Of course, that tragic visual never really left Faye's mind. It was now a scar--an emotional scar.

Faye then carelessly tossed her jacket onto the ground surrounding the pond, watching it land with an ungraceful thud due to the amount of water it was soaked with. She then held her breathe before bringing herself under water, all the sounds of nature being drowned out for a bit. After a few moments, she returned back above the surface and let herself breathe again as she rushed her hands through her damp hair. It felt really refreshing to do so, feeling grateful that she was finally able to wash the dirt out of her hair as well as off her skin. She rubbed her middle fingers from the inner corner of her eyes to the other end before blinking them open again.

It sucked that her clothes were going to be drenched for a while now, but despite being close with her fellow friends, she didn't feel comfortable enough to actually strip down before bathing right in front of them. She'd simply just deal with walking around in wet clothing.

I slowly backed up to the edge of the pond and lay my head on the bank, closing my eyes. The water was shallow and cool and it took away my worries and nightmares, allowing me to relax. Something nibbled on the back of my mind that was a bad idea, nobody being on watch... but I just couldn't do anything. As I lay there my breathing evened out and I calmed down, relaxing until I was dozing, still aware of everyone and everything around, but resting.
Lanli knew that Faye probably didn't want to talk about her grandfather, so she dropped the subject. Instead, she realized that she had gotten all of the blood out of her shirt that she was going to, which wasn't much. So Lanli slowly removed the tie from her hair. She tossed it to shore, allowing her caramel brown hair to cascade down in every direction. She rubbed her scalp, which ached pleasantly from being in a ponytail for so long. She then leaned forward and put her face into the crystal water. She rubbed her face, getting to the small bits of grime that Faye had missed earlier off. Lanli stood back up and took a deep breath before going back under, this time completely. She ran her fingers through her hair, which was floating in every which way. She opened her eyes and saw little streams of light from the sun streaking through the water around her. Closing her eyes again, Lanli began rubbing her fingers through her scalp and then through her hair, causing the blood that stained it to be washed away. Realizing that she needed to breathe, Lanli stood back up and took a gasp of air. "The water feels amazing..." She said, smiling.
Juniper washed her body as best she could, but what she really wanted to do was wash her hair. She didn't see anyway of washing it without physically getting into the water. She slowly waded in en dunked her head under the water and scrubbed at her hair harshly trying to get the dirt and grime from her hair. She was grateful that she kept it rather short.

I heard some splashing distantly, and cracking open my eyes I saw Juniper washing her hair. Faye was on the other side washing herself with her clothes on, and Lanli was somewhat doing the same. Shaking my head, I rubbed my eyes and stretched. "Sorry, I should've realized that me and Vex are the only two guys. We'll go somewhere else and let you girls bathe." I said to them as a group. I climbed out and stumbled out of the water. I was still shaky, but I managed to gather my belongings and head off behind a tree with Vex in tow.

Somewhere behind us I saw Jess and waved her over to us.
Jess kept her senses on alert while walking by herself, never knowing what could just pop up and attack you. Eventually she heard some splashing noises along with the sound of talking and picked up her pace, everything becoming louder with each step. She saw movement in the corner of her eyes and angled her line of sight more in that direction to see Varexes waving her over to him and Vex. She let out a relived sigh and made her way over to the two guys. Once she was closer she was surprised to see Faye, Juniper, and Lanli all in a pond getting rid of the filth and blood that was on their bodies. "Oh.. wow." Even though Jess was exhausted beyond belief and felt like she would collapse at practically any moment she hated feeling so dirty and stiff, hated being covered in crimson colored blood that stuck to her skin and seeped into her clothes. Yep, a soak in the pond was a major priority to her right now.

As Jess approached I nodded to her. "Ladies bathe first. Vex is gonna settle here to keep watch, I'll find some place on the other side. No peeking, I promise." I reassured her before gathering my bow and quiver and walking around to the opposite side of the pond, not looking at it at all. I was still wet and shirtless, but oh well. I'd live with a little water. Besides, the droplets of water running down my body felt good. It was like my emotions were draining away and dripping onto the floor.
Jess looked at Varexes with a raised eyebrow, her not planning to go into the water without clothes, before she shakes her head slowly. When she is done shaking her head she realizes Varexes doesn't have a shirt on and snickers, wondering how Juniper reacted to that. 'I would of paid to see that reaction.' "Uh okay, thanks." She was struggling to not crack up and was still grinning like a fool, an amused glint in her eyes, as she walked over to the glorious pond that was filled with refreshing water. Jess hesitated for only a moment before taking off her shoes and slipping into the water with all of her ripped clothes still on. She watched as the grim and blood slid off of her clothes and let out a satisfied groan, sinking more into the pond. "This water feels amazing."
As Faye sat on her knees beside Lanli, Varexes stood up and announced that him and Vex would exit the area so that they didn't need to bathe in their clothes. However, it was much too late for that now. They'd already all gone in wearing their clothing, therefore their attire was drenched at this point. At the same time, Faye wouldn't have undressed completely either way.

Jess walked on into the area as Varexes and Vex left, the girl looking relieved to be able to feel clean once again. Well, the cleanest they could get from soaking in a pond. She had to admit, this water was most certainly refreshing.

Faye eventually stood up from being settled in the water, little droplets falling one after another from both her clothing and skin. The air was very chilly, which made her realize just how freezing the water itself was. She'd gotten used to it after being in for a little while, but now having the wind slap her skin harshly she felt her teeth begin chattering.

She wrapped her arms around her tightly, attempting to gain some kind of warmth. Unfortunately for her, that was not happening. It seemed that the breeze had picked up from how it was a few minutes ago as well, which didn't help any. Hurrying over to the side, she quickly dried the bottoms of her feet on a patch of grass before moving over to where her leather boots were. She slipped them on, happy that her feet were no longer cold.

After that, Faye went to grab her jacket only to realize it was sopping wet as well. She let out a bit of an aggravated sigh, feeling dense for having felt the need to wash that. It was so warm and comfortable...but now it was the total opposite since she'd brought it into the water with her.

"Well this sucks.." she mumbled with a very brief chuckle, picking up her jacket.

Faye walked away from the pond, making her way towards a tree she'd spotted with a nice long branch. Even if she was going to be shivering, the goosebumps on her skin never vanishing, it's not like she could wear her jacket to feel warm. Her arms trembled along with her lips as she stood up on her tippy toes to get her jacket up over the branch. The first few tries she realized she was a little too short to reach, but she didn't give up so quickly. She jumped a little off the ground and after a couple more attempts she managed to get the article of clothing hanging over the branch to dry a little.

She turned around to face the beautifully eerie forest, a vast number of unique looking trees ahead of her. Faye leaned her back against the tree, her eyelids closing gradually as she began to slide down to the ground. Of course, she's unable to have any sort of serenity when she feels something rough scratch against her back.

"Ah, what the--" she mutters, jerking forward a bit. Yet, she couldn't move any further away from the tree since something was holding her back. She turned her head and saw that the back of her shirt was caught on an odd little branch sticking out of the bark. She furrowed her brows as she tried to turn and get it off, but it was on there real good.

After about two minutes of not being able to remove the piece of fabric from the branch, she burst into laughter. "Figures!" she says to herself, unable to stop smiling with a bit of amusement at all the bad luck. Bathing was nice...until she got out.
After she finished bathing, Lanli slowly stepped out of the water, shivering from the cold. She rubbed her arms and looked around for her hair tie. When she found it, she ran her fingers through her hair a few times in an attempt to brush it before tying it back up in a loose ponytail. She looked down at her clothes, still stained deeply with blood. "Ah well... Maybe I'll be able to get new clothes at the next town we run into..." She thought to herself. As she walked off into the forest a bit, Lanli noticed Faye stuck to a branch. She laughed a bit and walked over to her. "Would you like some help?" She offered, but continued on with untangling Faye anyways. 
((Have you guys ever heard of the Walking Dead game? It's so good. =3))
(( No, I haven't xD ))

Faye turned, seeing Lanli approach her with what seemed like a bit of an amused expression among her face. Her face turned a little red with embarrassment, wondering if anyone else had seen her struggling to remove her shirt from this damn branch. She was able to shoot a bow extremely well, yet she couldn't even manage to do this.

She began laughing again, but shook her head hastily at Lanli. "Nah! I got this!" she assured her with a determined grin, turning her attention back to what she was doing.

Faye wrapped her fingers around the edge of her shirt, beginning to pull it off. However, the trees in this forest were no ordinary trees. The branch her shirt had caught on was oddly shaped, making it ten times more difficult to do this.

"Ah, just...just hold on..." she said beneath her breath, continuing to attempt to remove it.
Lanli chuckled slightly as she watched Faye struggle with the branch. "If I did not know better, I would assume that branch was trying to hold onto you." She said, smiling. "Are you sure you don't want help?" She asked, cocking her head to the side slightly in with some concern. 
((I'm gonna go to sleep. Goodnight guys. :3))
(( Night, Vamp! :3 ))

Faye was becoming rather flustered at this point, but she cracked a smile at Lanli's joke. Despite her frustration, she tried her best to hide the feelings. It was embarrassing that she couldn't get this off the branch, so she felt compelled to keep trying.

"I got it, it's's just on there good.." she said quietly, focusing all of her attention on accomplishing her goal now.

A few more minutes passed...nothing. Nothing at all. How on Earth did this branch manage to just attach itself to her like that so simply, yet be so difficult to remove. She narrowed her eyes slightly, deciding to jerk her body away in an attempt to rip it off the branch instead. Clearly, she'd grown impatient.

As I walked around I happened to notice Faye stuck on a tree. Walking over I couldn't help but grin. "Need some help there Faye?" I said. Before she could answer I observed the threads and deftly untangled them, unfortunately having to tear one of them. "There, you're free." I said, chuckling.
Faye's face turned extremely red as the one person she hoped wouldn't notice her in such an awkward situation approached her with an amused grin. She was about to assure Varexes that it was fine and she was perfectly capable of freeing herself, even though they all knew that wasn't the case, but he was already helping her. Deciding to just give in knowing she wasn't getting anywhere, she allowed him to remove it from the branch. He'd ripped a thread, but she could honestly care less about this shirt anyway.

She chuckled, scratching the back of her neck awkwardly. "Aha, thanks...I mean, I could've gotten that myself though, obviously," she told him, a trace of sarcasm in her voice.

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