The Path From Fayland - Official RP

((Oh! I think Nami is waiting on me to respond. Sorry. D:))

Lanli began to walk in the direction of the noise, walking slowly to make sure that she was headed in the right direction. "The noise is getting louder, I think we're almost there." She said. There was definitely water up ahead, it was just a little further. Then, Lanli finally saw it, it was...

((Alright, random number generator time!

1: Natural hot spring.

2: River

3: Pond

Let's see...)) 
It was a small pond. Cool crystal blue water lapped up on the shore, just begging to be swam in. "Woah!" Lanli said with delight, her eyes growing wide at the sight of the pond. "We should show this to the others." She said, turning to Faye with a broad smile on her face. "It'll feel so good to take a bath..." Lanli said, almost wanting to take a dip now but knowing that it would be rude to bathe without the others.
Juniper opened her eyes stirring awake. She looked ahead of her until her eyes adjusted. She saw Varexes laying next too her. Her heart began to pound in her chest. A smile slipped past her lips and she watched him breathe evenly in his sleep. She stayed laying on her side silently waiting patiently for him to wake up.
(( I hope by 'booty' you mean this


and sorry, gettin' distracted as usual xD Okaiokai

and I almost had Faye go, "Screw telling the others." and just go over to it xD but then I realized that was unlike Faye |D ))

Faye's eyes sparkled along with the crystal clear water up ahead, feeling grateful to have found a nice little pond. "Well, would you look at that..?" she said in awe, actually rather surprised that they'd come across just what they needed so easily. Suddenly chuckling, Faye playfully punched Lanli on the arm and shook her head with an amused grin. "Geez, I thought there was an animal or something nearby. It was just a pond."

Without processing Lanli's suggestion to notify the others, Faye kept walking towards the pond. The water was crystal clear, the surface glimmering beneath the setting sun. She kneeled down and extended her arm, letting her fingers dip below the surface. The water was quite cold, but she didn't mind much. Even if she was already cold as it was from the autumn weather, she'd do anything to wash off some of this dirt and blood.
Lanli chuckled as Faye punched her on the arm and then followed her to the edge of the pond. She proceeded to wash her hands off in the cool water, watching as the blood slowly came off her hands and clouded the surrounding water. It stayed for a little while before slowly blending in with the water before disappearing completely. "We should probably go back and get the others before we hop in though..." She said, looking longingly at the water.

I shifted in my sleep, rolling over onto my other side that now faced Juniper. I breathed evenly as my peaceful dreams relaxed my brain. It was one of the few times that I had a good nights sleep. That is until my dreams took a turn for the worse.

It started out nice, with me walking peacefully through the forests back home. It was serene, tranquil. I was next to a stream that trickled down the rocks. As I continued to walk along this stream, my taut bow strung across my back I realized where I was. This is... no, it can't be. I'm with Juniper and Faye and everyone else... Where are they? Not realizing this was a dream, I broke into a run until I broke out of the forest and into a clearing. In the center of the clearing was a tall, strong oak tree that had been there for generations. My grandfather had shown me this place. The stream widened and dumped out into a pond that was next to the tree, with a boulder that was perfect for sitting against. It was quite honestly the most peaceful place to be. The birds chirped in the trees, the sounds of squirrels chattering with their squirrel talk... it was my favorite place ever. I missed it so much.

But the one thing that I missed even more was sitting there under the tree. "Grandfather...?" I said before running forward. Standing up, he smiled and embraced me as I jumped into his arms. "Hey there Varexes." He said with a smile. "How've you been?" He asked as tears streamed down my face.

Meanwhile, in the real world a real tear leaked out of my eye and dripped onto the ground, creating a wet mark.

I spoke to my grandfather in the dream, explaining the quest I had been on, telling him all about Juniper and Faye and the others, the dangers we'd gone through. I went on, explaining every detail, not bothering to sugarcoat because I knew that my grandfather hated that. When I had finished he just smiled at me and embraced me once again. "I'm glad you're alive." I smiled and nodded. "But, how are you alive? Last I remember, you got torn apart by that bear..." I said to him. This is where my dream began to turn for the worse as suddenly he frowned. "I'm not alive. You remember correctly." Suddenly he disappeared and the time of day changed. Whereas it had been late afternoon before, the sky had begun turning to the orange of dusk, the light changed to that of early morning. Dawn, the sun was suddenly rising from the opposite end of the sky.

"What the...?" I said to myself, looking around. My bow was gone suddenly, and I was short. I was small, too small to have learned how to use a bow yet. Glancing around at the ground I saw the torn body parts of my grandfather. Entrails were spread around, blood staining the grass as I saw the most horrific sight I had ever seen. There was a giant black bear, the one that had killed my grandfather... gnawing on his leg. I screamed in psychological agony and ran towards the bear. Hearing me, it sat up and dropped my grandfather's leg, raised its paw and swiped me before I could lay a finger on it. My skull was crushed, but I was still alive as I felt the bear move over to me, sniff me, and then begin to chew on me.

I screamed in my head, wanting the pain to stop as I felt the bears teeth tear chunks out of my flesh, spraying blood that would stain the grass around me. This was the moment that I woke up screaming. It was a blood curdling scream that would have sent even that bird that had kidnapped Lanli flying away in fear.

I thrashed around until my eyes opened and I screamed for a few seconds, breathing heavily. I curled up into a ball and lay there, staring off into nothing and yet seeing everything. My breathing was ragged as I rasped breaths in and out, remembering the pain and sadness of my dream. Tears streamed down my face as I lay there, curled up in the fetal position, sobbing.
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((Damn. o_o)) 
(GUYS. GUYS. We're two pages away! GET READY PEOPLE!))

Suddenly, Lanli heard a loud scream. "That sounded like Varexes!" She said, looking over at Faye. "Let's go!" She said, running back through the forest in the direction of the scream. "Is it another wild animal? Gods, I hope everyone's okay."
Juniper frowned seeing Varexes looking upset. She jumped startled when he screamed. Realizing he was having a nightmare, she moved over to his side sitting up. "Varexes?" she asked quietly not sure how to respond. She had never seen him upset before. He had always seemed to strong and she didn't think that anything could bother him. He somehow looked so much smaller curled up like that, so much younger.

She looked over him worried not sure how to make him feel better and she really wanted to make him feel better. His sadness made her feel upset, not that she showed it or new how. She could manage a concerned look somehow. She shifted through her mind trying to find the right words too say, but she wasn't good with words.

I took a shaky breath and distantly heard Juniper say my name. I gulped and sat up, wiping my eyes. "Hey Juniper... sorry about that..." I said quietly, more like a whisper than anything. That nightmare had just ruined my sleep for the next week. "Bad dream..." was all I could get out. My mouth was dry and my throat was scratchy. "Could you... get me some water please?" I rasped out, trying to calm my racing heart and trying to drag up some spittle to whet my throat, but I couldn't manage it.
(I don't think there is a maximum number of pages. Now shut up and stop making OOC posts, the post to make it to 500 should be aroleplay post. xD )
Faye immediately stood up after hearing the blood-curdling scream from afar. She whipped her head to look at Lanli, a terribly worried expression among her face. She was correct--that did sound like Varexes.

Without hesitating another moment, Faye began rushing through the woods alongside Lanli while readying her bow with an arrow. She jumped over any obstacles in her path such as fallen trees and roots, fearing what was happening back at the camp. If Varexes was screaming they must've been in terrible danger. What could've happened to them?! Was it another bird of some sort?! Questions raced through her mind as she panted, not once slowing down at all. Dammit, she thought to herself with anger, I shouldn't have left to begin with!
Juniper nodded her head. "Yeah of course" she replied and grabbed at her satchel opening it up and quickly handing him her water bottle. She looked at him worried, but didn't say anything more. She didn't want to make him feel like he had to tell her anything he didn't want too. But she also felt unsure if she was supposed to say something to make him feel better.

I took the bottle with a shaking hand and barely managed to avoid spilling it from the shakiness of my hands. I sipped at the water at first, but then I gulped at it, draining the bottle within seconds. I wiped my mouth and handed the bottle back. "Thank you." I said with a clearer voice. I crossed my legs and held my bow tightly with a death grip. "That was... one of the worst dreams I've had in a long time..." I said slowly. I wasn't sure if I was talking to myself or Juniper. Either way it didn't matter. "I saw my grandfather die before my eyes... and then..." I closed my eyes and clenched my fists. "I can't talk about it." There was nothing more that I wanted than a hug, someone to embrace me and hold me tight and just tell me that everything would be all right, that it was just a dream and that it couldn't hurt me.

I doubted anyone would actually do that, so instead I just sat there, eyes shut and breathing deeply, trying to control my shaking body that was shivering both with terror and from the cold.
Jess snapped out of her dazed state after hearing a bloodcurdling scream. She had a confused yet panicked look on her face as she looked around, trying to find the source, and realizing that it was Varexes who let out the noise. In the darkness she could see tears, or maybe just tear tracks, on his face, his body shaking in most likely fear. She watched as he woke up from the nightmare and asked Juniper for some water in a raspy voice. She listened to him talk about what he saw while unconscious but i seemed too hard to fully talk about. As Jess continued to watch the two elves she heard a few twigs break in the distance and assumed it must be just Faye and Lanli running back.
Lanli sprinted through the woods in the direction of camp. Branches and twigs whipped her face and arms as she ran, but she continued on. "It couldn't be another bird. We would have heard it screeching." But if it wasn't a bird, what could it be? As she continued to run, she heard sobbing. Was Varexes injured? "By the gods, are you alright?" Lanli asked as she arrived in the clearing. She saw a very shaky looking Varexes sitting with his legs crossed, holding his bow tightly with one hand and water in the other. He appeared uninjured, but his eyes where wide and he looked like he had been crying fiercely. 
((I AM A GOD.))
(( I didn't either xD ))

As Faye entered the clearing all she noticed was Varexes settled on the ground looking horrified and pale. Rushing over to him, she peered around the camp site at the same time in an attempt to see what had caused the chaos. To her surprise, nothing was around.

She fell onto her knees and placed a hand on his shoulder gently, leaning forward so she could look him in the eyes. He most certainly was not in his usual state, rather he seemed quite frightened by something. Her grey eyes were wide with both concern and worry, wondering what in the world could've happened to make him like this.

"Varexes?!" she exclaimed, her chest heaving in and out slowly due to the amount of breath she'd lost on her rush back to the camp. Swallowing as she tried to gain the ability to speak more she added in a softer tone, "What happened..? Are you alright..?"

I saw Faye and Lanli come in and was a bit surprised. I wasn't sure why I was, but for some reason I had almost forgotten about them. When Faye came up to me she put her hand on my shoulder and I flinched, but didn't react. I just held my bow tighter until my knuckles were white. I half nodded, then shook my head no, I wasn't all right. My mouth opened and closed like a fish's for a few moments before I managed to croak out a single word: "Nightmare."

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