The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Little*Dreamer, your response... I can't help but love it...)
(The rp or the OOC?)

Juniper looked down at her shoes uncomfortable with the sudden silence. She folded her hands under her arms to keep them warm. She thought about telling him about her dream, but it wasn't something she wanted to talk about too anyone. So she let the silence continue wondering if she should say something else.
(The OOC xD )


I turned to look at Juniper. "Are you sure you're all right?" I asked her, worried. She seemed cold, yes, but it also seemed like something was bothering her. It might just be her mannerism, how she wasn't very talkative at all, but as I had said just a few moments ago it was better to be safe than sorry.
Juniper nods "I was just thinking about my dream again. It's nothing." she keeps her eyes on the floor letting her hair fall in her face. She shivered and tried to ignore the cold air against her skin.

Juniper had ignored my comment about going to the fire, so I decided to follow an old pasttime of mine: 20 seconds of courage. I'd have 20 seconds to do whatever I wanted to do, saying F*** the consequences. Thinking of this, I held my bow in my left hand while I scooted over to Juniper and put my right arm around her and pulled her close, hoping to warm her with my body heat. "This a little better?" I asked waveringly, the confidence that I meant to portray breaking under the nervousness of Juniper's response.
Juniper looked up watching Varexes move closer to her and without much of a warning she felt his arm pull her to his side. She felt her side press up against his and almost immediately felt the warmth from his body. She felt her knee hitting something and realized it was against his leg. The same strong hands that had saved his life by holding onto the bridge were around her. She took this all in and it took her a delayed minute to realize he had said something. She lifted her head looking at him. "What?" she asked having forgotten what they were talking about.

I held Juniper gently, but firmly, holding her close to... well, there were a lot of reasons. I thought it was just to help warm her, but in reality it was to... well, to hold her. I wanted to and now that I was my heartbeat raced and I felt good. I felt complete in a sense. I liked holding her, and it seemed like the world disappeared, yet deep down I knew that I was still on watch with my senses looking and listening out for anything unusual. Juniper seemed a little lost for a moment and I chuckled softly. "Are you feeling better? Warmer, I mean?" I asked with a gentle voice.
((Sorry, I've been at a block party x_x

The majority of the time I spent not socializing with anyone but instead hanging out with an adorable stray kitten. But I went inside for a sec came back out and it vanished so I'm just sitting around now lmao xD

So yeah, #Viper.

But I'm laughing about something that I can't tell you because it's a secret right now x'D lemme get a post typed up))
(Did you see Little*Dreamer's response to Vampiric? "go stuff your vampire mouth with potatoes." I just... I completely lost my shit. xD )
((And don't either of you give me any of that 'there are no signs of Viper so forget it' thing.))
((Oh look! Alcat and Dreamer posted! Let's read the-HHHNNNNNNNGGG

((Like, especially you Alcat. Especially you and your "I pulled her close..thought it was just to keep her warm, but well it was to hold her. Teehee."))
(I'm just saying, I don't see what you are. I see Varexes being kind to Juniper is all, nothing to show signs of Viper.)
Juniper nodded her head after feeling his chuckle. "I...uh..Yeah." She stammered not sure why suddenly it was so hard to form words. She tried to let herself relax, but her body stayed tense unsure of what the right thing to do in her situation was. She could move in closer or pull away and she felt the need to do both. She wanted to move closer, but feeling were so foreign to her. It would probably be safer to pull away and just make up some excuse like she should go back to sleep.

(Viper is not mentioned around these parts. Nami, you would do well to remember that in the future.)(Juniper and Varexes are just like them Romeo and Juliet, the best of friends.)

Juniper being flustered was new to me, and it made me ecstatic that I had done that to her. Doubts crept their way into my mind though, whispering thoughts. It's not you, it's what you did. The suddenness of it. I blew the doubts away in a metaphorical fire, demanding to be left this one good thing. I wanted to believe it was me who stunned Juniper like this, and it made me happy. But she stayed tense, and I began to wonder if it was a good idea. I sighed before speaking. "You know, Juniper, you can relax. I'm not going to hurt you. If you don't want me to hold you, then I won't. I don't want to.. push anything on you." I said, hesitating before I said that last sentence. I didn't want to say the wrong thing and drive Juniper away, or make her mad at me. That was the last thing in the world I wanted to do.
(( I'm gonna put Viper to the test then. Eventually.

And you just admitted that there is a Viper, pretty much, considering Romeo and Juliet were lovers.))
(If Romeo and Juliet were loves, my life is a lie. Them Romeo and Juliet knew each other for three days. If that is love I will not love again!)

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