The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Hey, Faye could've let him fall >.>)


I shrugged at Faye as she stood up and began to pace. "If you're pacing to stay awake, then you should go to bed. A sleepy watchman is worse than no watchman." I said. It was hypocritical of me to say so, but I knew I could control myself and stay awake. When she stopped though, I turned to look at her. "Something the matter?" I asked with a worried tone.
(( But that would've been mean xD And Faye's not mean~))

"I'm not pacing to stay awake," she lied, laughing briefly with amusement--as if that were an absurd thing to consider. "I'm just..pacing because that's what elves on the lookout do...." Well, at least that's how she saw it. She thought back to the guards in Fayland whom tended to pace back and fourth while guarding the wall.

She then stopped, turning to Varexes. "Huh? Oh, it's nothing," she said, shrugging it off as she observed her hand furthermore. Looking closely, she was able to see little scars that were bleeding a bit, but it was no big deal.
(I thought he was talking to Lanli and someone else just a moment before. whatevs.)

Juniper decided to retire for the night. She laid down looking at the stars in the sky. It took a moment for her eyes to flutter close and she drifted off to sleep.
(( Magic stuffs. xD Hate to say it, but sometimes I regret bringing it back because it draws attention away from my beloved Fayland roleplay</3 xD

I feel like the other one is a bit too...repetitive and exhausting xD I enjoy this roleplay ten times more, basically. Hahah. I mean the other one's not terrible, it's just...meh...))

I shook my head. "Guards that pace are more easily spotted. It's better to sit still and silent, because then enemies might slip past you without knowing it, and then you can hit them from behind." I said. "Are you sure there's nothing on your hands..?" I asked, wanting to make sure she was all right.

(Sorry, looooong post on the other rp. ;- ;)
((I think it'll get better once we get out of the school setting. I think the school is detrimental to it's fun value. Once we get out there, it'll be much more action-packed.))
(( I feel so tired and it's only midnight ;c awaken, Nami, awaken!

and yus, that was a fabulous post. ))

Faye shrugged with a brief eye roll, considering Varexes was a know it all. Of course, it didn't bother her much. She was pretty used to his personality now. "Well then I guess I'll stand still," she told him, simply shrugging. She then crossed her arms and shrugged once again at his second concern. "It's just a few cuts and blisters from holding onto the rope earlier," she explained, looking at him again.

I chuckled softly at Faye's reaction. "You should get that looked at by Juniper lest it get infected." but I shrugged and sat there still, closing my eyes to rest them slightly and opening my ears to the world around, listening to the slight rustling of the wind through the trees and the soft scurrying of animals in the trees.
"I can always just wrap it with something later," she suggested, giving her bleeding hand one last look. That damn rope, she thought to herself, but knew it was all worth it in the end. After another moment passed, she looked back up at Varexes. An amused grin formed on her face as she held her bow at her side again. "And you're telling me that I need to sleep," she said with a laugh, shaking her head at the fact that he was the one resting his eyes now. "What if something were to attack right then?" she exclaimed, spreading her arms to the side as she gestured to the dark forest surrounding them. It seemed to have an eerier feel to it than the woods they'd previously adventured through.

I opened one eye to look at Faye. "My ears are open, and I am merely resting my eyes. This is also getting them used to the dark faster." The second sentence was bullshit, but I said it with confidence to try and hide my weariness from Faye. If she knew that I was just as exhausted as she was, she'd call me out on it and force me to sleep. "Well... just don't hurt yourself anymore, okay?" Of course I didn't mean to imply that she had hurt her hands on purpose, I was trying to say be careful so she didn't make it worse.
Jess, after finishing her food and setting down the plate, stretched and sat under a tree near the area where Varexes and Faye were but not at all next to them. She knew that sleep wouldn't come easily, if at all, to her that night so she settled on her hands once again. 'Damn splinters... and damn wood' She let out a sigh and narrowed her eyes at the stupid miniature pieces of firewood lodged into her skin, most under the surface to where she would have to practically lift up some skin in order to get them out. "Might as well get to work then." So after she quietly said that she got to work and began picking out those damned splinters, the tender and raw skin from the rope burns not helping at all.
(Splinters. Are. The. Worst. Things. Ever. They are so tiny yet they hurt like a mofo xD Especially when they are literally in your skin and you have pretty much no way of getting them out ;-; -mutters to herself- "Damn nature, you scary.")
(One time I had a splinter that had driven underneath my nail... not under it like, where you cut your nails, but on the side. I tried to pull it out but it wouldnt' come out. My mom had to use tweezers, and then the splinter broke under the skin, so she only got half of it out. Then when we finally managed to get it out, mostly by my mom cutting part of my finger to get it all out, there was a tunnel where the splinter had dug in.

Also, one time in 5th grade I stabbed my finger with a pencil and I now have a permanent graphite mark on my finger where it went in.)
(... Ouch... and did you purposefully stab yourself with a pencil cause if you did then I only have one question. Why? xD )
(Oh God that post ^^^ is the post that made me a Well-Known Member xD ) 
(You have Juniper there to save you! And plus Jess can still see the fire and everything so you are A-OK!)
(( I haven't had a splinter in 5ever. xD



You should all feel special.))

Faye figured what Varexes was saying was all just bs, which just made her laugh furthermore. Other than that, she didn't say anything about him needing rest. They were both exhausted--and they were both completely aware. However, neither one of them was going to fall asleep so easily. That right there was just another prime example of their determined and leadership qualities.

After a moment, Faye lifted her hands as if she were surrendering, but it was only to display her scarred hands. "Hey, just remember I got these scars for you," she pressed, considering if she hadn't there was a high chance he wouldn't be sitting there right now, rather at the bottom of that cliff instead.

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