The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(You noticed that too! xD I was laughing like a manic at that -Aw's as the romance blossoms-)

Jess's hands were burning and covered in little fragments from the rope that had stuck into her skin from the death grip she had on the thing but she couldn't be happier. She was close to laughing alongside Varexes but managed to just subdue them into a fit of small giggles that would randomly burst out of her mouth. She watched Varexes hug everyone before turning to her and repeating the same motion. Jess tensed just slightly when his arms wrapped around her body but repeated the gesture to him without hesitation. Once he let go her face became a little paler than normal. "Thanks for the hugs there tiger but we need to get you cleaned up." She pointed to the blood that had trickled down his arm and appeared as dark spots through his clothes.

(And Little*Dreamer. Yeah right! 'Totally seeing things' my ass xD )
(My twin uses ship instead of this naughty word called 'shit' because she doesn't like bad words. I know she is crazy right? Yeah that's where my mind went when you said the Viper Ship...)
(( Look, you two need to stop trying to crush everyone's little dreams. x'D

and are you trying to tell us you're thinking about 'Viper Shit' now?


We see Juniper's crush on Varexes, not the 'viper shit'...well I mean, unless you wanna refer to it as that.

Haahaa, but brb eyeliner removal time.

(Wow Nami, twisting my words. <.< We will see what happens when the shit hits the fan. DAHAHA funny puny. Anyways maybe we should return to RP. I got a bit distracted.)

After I hugged Jess, I looked down at my arm and nodded in agreement. "It's nothing big, just a splinter. Just hurts really." I said to her, downplaying it. It hurt like a biatch, but it would be fine I knew. "Is there a stream or something nearby?" I asked her as I walked over to the pile of supplies and dropped the two bags that had been around my waist. Sighing in relief, I sat down and felt a little guilty that everyone was so exhausted trying to save me.

(I'm confused by what you mean when you say "we'll see what happens when the shit hits the fan" and it kinda scares me O.o )
(The shit hits the fan means like when it all goes to hell.)

Juniper looked down at her hands looking at the rope burns for the first time. The pain had gotten her attention now that she was able to calm down. The rope had dug further then she had thought seeing the blood on her hands. She took a deep breath in concentration and let her holy arts heal her hands then poured some water over them to wash the blood off.
(I know that's what it means, but I"m worried about what you're gonna do to make that happen xD

I also spelled it differently. It's so stupid -_- oh well.)
Lanli lifted up her tunic slightly and saw a bruise that stretched all around her midsection where the rope had dug into her. "Oh well.." She thought, sighing and lowering her tunic. "It doesn't really hurt that bad. I'll just need to be more careful for a while."

((We're gonna get the crap kicked out of us by the Dark Elves, aren't we? D:))
(( //NAMI FLASHES BACK AS FAST AS LIGHTNING// Okai, that was totally not as fast as lightning but we can pretend.

And Alcat, just type b*tch xD ))

Faye finally sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly. She was still shaking a bit and she wasn't quite sure whether it was from being so physically weak or so mentally weak after all that worry and panic built up inside her. Either way, she chose to ignore it for the most part as she lifted herself onto her feet.

Faye wiped some of the dirt from her shorts before looking up at the edge of the cliff which no longer had a bridge. It was insane how dangerous of a task that was just to get from side to the other. Looks like Blake wasn't kidding when he told them how terribly risky it was to cross that. Not to mention, they had an entire group of elves to get across which made everything even worse.

Thankfully, everyone had managed to safely get across. On the downside, she could see a large heap of the rest of their supplies on the other side. It wasn't a huge deal though, as long as everyone was safe and they had some food everything was going to be fine.

Faye smiled a bit to herself as she eyed the ground momentarily, realizing how much that simple phrase meant to her. As long as everyone's safe they'd be fine. She lifted her head up and looked over at all the others for a couple of seconds, just to note how grateful she was to see all their faces. If anything had happened to one of them crossing that bridge...Well, she didn't even want to think about that now. The point was that they had crossed.

Faye looked up at the sky and sighed happily, squinting as if there were rays of sunshine striking her vision. Of course, over here it was gloomy and eerie so that wasn't literally the case. However, she imagined the clouds moving out of the way and allowing the sun to peek through. She felt as if she was standing beneath Heaven's light so she could say what she needed to.

"Thank God..." she said quietly, closing her eyes momentarily as a little tear trickled down her cheek. Indeed, she was smiling all the while. Faye had grown a strong connection with all of these elves in her heart...she just wanted to do whatever she could to protect them with her life.

Eventually, she looked back down and shoved her hands into the pockets of her shorts as she walked over closer to the rest of the group. She was grinning pleasantly as well.

"I'm so glad you're okay," she said in a soft tone to Varexes, keeping her eyes on him for a moment longer before looking at the rest of the group. "I'm glad you're all okay."
(Homework. Last post for a bit.)


Turning back to Faye as she spoke, I nodded and smiled. "I'm glad we're all okay too. Thank you all, again." I said, looking at everyone's faces before leaning down to get a drink of water from one of the bags.
Lanli yawned. It was at that moment that she realized that none of the group had actually slept much the night before. "Perhaps we should set up camp for the night? We can cook a stew or something else with our rations and get a good nights rest." She suggested. She looked around the group, hoping that she wouldn't come across as lazy.
A pang of deep sadness struck her heart at the request of needing to cook food. She was close to suggesting Birch cook, but that was until she realized once again that he was no longer with them. At first, she felt a bit hurt by the realization, but just as quickly it turned into anger and hate. Of course, Birch still had a place in Faye's heart...but she had lost an immense amount of respect for him back in Auchertown. He was more cowardly than she'd imagined. Cowardliness to such an extent was something that bothered her a lot. If he was truly worth it he'd be willing to help protect his friends and even Faye herself. She was wrong to ever fall for someone of the sort.

As Faye stared off into the distance, she finally snapped back to reality, stumbling over her words with slight embarrassment. "O-oh! Y--yeah! Yeah, I think that's...uh...that's a good idea," she said, her cheeks burning up a bit as she glanced away.

Faye felt a little bad for thinking the way she did, especially since it was unusual for her to be so harsh about someone. However, she couldn't stand a liar either...and Birch was that as well. He carried a number of qualities she could never tolerate in the long run. By staying in Auchertown and leaving her when they were younger...he'd betrayed her one too many times. She felt guilty for telling him she loved him back there even when she didn't mean it in the way he thought she did. After all, it was doubtful he meant it either. After all, if you loved someone how could you be so quick to betray them and tear their heart in half? He was willing to do that--matter of fact, he did. So why should she stress out over it?

A smile crossed over her face and she put her hands on her hips suddenly. "Alright! Let's set" Faye scanned around them, noticing something was missing. It wasn't until that point she realized their tents were on the other side of the cliff. She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, considering she should've assumed such since the tents would be way too much to carry over. "Looks like we'll be sleeping on the ground tonight!" she exclaimed in a sarcastically happy tone, but it was also an attempt to lighten the mood a bit after such a statement.

"But yeah, we could probably cook..." She looked around again, seeing that the pans weren't there either. She laughed briefly to herself and shrugged. "We have apples?" she suggested with a light chuckle.
(It's Physics. -_- I'm almost done, just one little part I'm texting a friend for help on.)


At the suggestion of food my stomach growled quite loudly. "Well... if we have meat I can make a spit-dinner." I offered. "After you all saved my life it's the least I can do."
"Ah, we do still have leftover bear meat!" Faye exclaimed, suddenly feeling cheery again. The thought of eating meat again made her mouth water. She was starving at the moment, not to mention they all needed to sit down and take a break to
Juniper looked up at everyone who began chattering about dinner. She didn't see what all the excitement was about food. She sat down letting her legs dangle over the ledge returning to her solitary ways. She picked at the grass thinking about what lay ahead. After what they had been told about the dark elves she wasn't sure what they would accomplish anymore. Still, she was curious to meet a full dark elf. It was something she had imagined over and over on their journey and still seemed an impossible creature. They might just be a myth or a legend.

Chuckling slightly, I turned to Jess. "Can you get some firewood please, Jess?" I asked. Turning to Lanli, I asked for sticks. "Long, but hardy. So they can be used to hold the meat. Faye, can you get the meat and materials out? I know I grabbed the spice bag for food." Glancing around, I rested my eyes on Juniper, who was off sitting alone. "Juniper, would you mind getting me some flat stones? As large as you can." The fire was obviously needed, sticks to hold the meat were also needed. The stones, however, were to put some of the flatter meats on and to allow the grease and fat to drip from the meat that would cook on the spit, and that could then be mixed into a pot of water to make a stew. Mix that with some spices and the apples and it was a good hardy dinner. As long as I didn't overcook or undercook the meat. I hadn't done this in a while, but the memories began to flood back as my mouth watered at the thought of the meal.
Lanli's stomach growled as she thought about meat. She hadn't eaten in so long... Since far before she had arrived at Auchertown, seeing as she had run out of rations by that point and she didn't know how to hunt. But then she noticed Juniper sitting on the ledge by herself. "Hey, we're about to start cooking! Come on over here and join us." She said, trying to lighten the mood a bit. 
Just then, Lanli turned to hear Varexes giving instructions on what to do. "Sticks, okay. I'll go look for some." She said, she walked around near everyone else, picking up long sticks as she went and tucking them under her arm.

((I just realized how damn useless Lanli is. >_> I kinda screwed her over by picking smithing as a talent, because there's nothing she can do with that in the roleplay. And she can't even make up for it by being a smooth talker, because I've made her socially awkward. X_X Her only redeeming quality is that she's pretty strong. Why do you guys keep her around, again? xD ))
(Okay guys, my physics homework confuses the hell out of me. This is what it is:

the coefficient of friction is just a number, and the number is 0. In order to find the coefficient, you have to divide the force of friction by the normal force. (don't worry about the terms, just answer me your logic with this.)

The equation is represented as such: c=Ffric/Fn where Ffric = Friction and Fn = Normal Force and c = coefficient.

I need to find the Frictional force to find the magnitude (size) of the horizontal force required to push a 35kg box across a smooth surface at a constant rate.

So therefore, I rearrange the equation into this:

Ffric = ©(Fn)

If the coefficient = 0, then no matter the Normal Force, shouldn't Friction = 0, meaning the horizontal force also = 0? (Friction = Horizontal Force)
Juniper lifted her head hearing Varexes ask her to gather rocks. She sighed pulling her legs back onto the ground standing up and turned to see Lanli ask her to join them for food in a much too peppy attitude. It seemed fake to her, although it probably wasn't. She didn't reply. Instead she walked over to Varexes "Is that what I am useful for now, finding rocks?" she asks him.(Physics was so hard.)

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