The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( [insert heavenly music here] )) 
(( I finished Hell Girl. What am I supposed to do with my life now? T^T ))
(I can post today, I'll have like 5 hours between some classes that I will use for 'studying')
((Woo, I just got back from an insulin stim test and the world is all WOOoOOooo! 8D But I'm sleepy now because they drew so much friggin blood during the test. :c))
((I didn't realize people posted here today :o

It feels wrong not posting here at all

so like

I'm posting this~

But I've made Faye do everything she could over there x'D

I'm wondering why you people aren't crossing the bridge and having it collapse yet x'D This shouldn't take 5ever lololol.

Jess is on the bridge right? So Varexes needs to be stupid and get on the bridge.

wait, instead of just being stupid since hes not really dumb, the bridge can start breaking off and he has to jump and catch onto the end like a crazy mofo. x'D

And were gonna pretend Juniper made it across, aight? xD ))
(I just finished this book called Divergent. I've been getting into reading lately. I have so many books to get through. It's awesome. Although I don't think I will be read one a day like I did today.)

Juniper watched Jess make he way painfully slow across the bridge. She moved inch by inch or maybe centimeter by centimeter. Realizing she was too distracted watching Jess she hadn't payed close attention to what was happening to the bridge. Now that she had allowed herself, she herd the stress on the rope holding the bridge. It sounded like it could break any second. If it broke, then varexes and herself would be trapped. She was not about to go back to the village they had finally left behind. In a selfish thought, she grabbed at the rope and swung herself off the ledge leaving Varexes on his own.

(okay I think that's decent... I'm don't remember exactly where it was I left off.)
Faye gasped a little as her eyes widened, seeing Juniper jump off the ledge and grab into bridge. Her first reaction was frightful of Juniper's additional weight causing the bridge to break any further. It seemed to be going fairly well as Jess crossed, but now that Juniper was hanging on as well there was a high chance that was about to change shortly.

She wasn't sure why Juniper felt the need to jump on right then instead of waiting, though at the same time she had a slight idea. It may have been that Juniper was afraid that by the time Jess had crossed the bridge would completely collapse before she could get across with Varexes. Speaking of Varexes, if that bridge did break from the other end and he wasn't on it there was no way he could get to the other side. Faye glanced from the two elves crossing the bridge up to Varexes, partially believing it'd be best if he jumped on now as well instead of waiting any longer. The last thing they needed was Varexes being stuck on the other side of the cliff.
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(Oh I love the Divergent books! Iv'e been waiting for the thirds one to come out all summer and still am =_= I am just curious on how Varexes is going to get across since the bridge is now pretty much officially ruined xD )
((Jungle-gym style. :D )) 
((Ooh! And Sliver, I think Aurora has been called up to show her power in the Enchanted roleplay. :D (I think so, at least.)))
((That's where the creativity will have to come in xD

I'm sure Alcat can figure something out ^^ ))
am just curious on how Varexes is going to get across since the bridge is now pretty much officially ruined xD )
(Yeah, Nami why did you have to break the bridge?)

(I wanted to read it before the movie.)
((Pfft. xD

It was good enough for Varexes to get across until Juniper broke it before Varexes could get on xD

Well, guess that's what he gets for waiting so long to get onto the bridge xD ))
((Ah, I thought when you said the ends were ripping it was legit about to break. Then you said she 'swung herself off the ledge' so I figured she jumped and just grabbed onto the edge of the bridge as it broke xD

I'll edit my post so that it hasn't yet then xD ))
(I said it was about too. I didn't say that it did. I make my posts clear. Stop assuming things I haven't stated. Goodness.... xD )

(imma go eat now.)
(Mhm, they both are really good except the second book leaves you with a cliff-hanger which sucks. I really don't know if I want to watch the movie or not xD One of the reasons being that I don't really like the cast because I just didn't seem them like that... but if they put them as I saw them then they would have to be mind readers! Anyways, I just don't know if I want to watch it cause I don't want to be disappointing with it or anything.) 
(And VampiricPotato he did but then the Daniel character came by and Aase asked him to show his power... leaving Aurora to stand there all confuzzled (love this words for some reason) and such. If nothing happens anytime soon then I will post something like Aurora asking if it's her turn to show her ability.)
(I try not to go into a movie with any expectations. Although it depends on the book. I went into the Hunger Games movie with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I try to think of the movie separate from the book. It's a different interpretation. I don't feel the need for everything to be the same as the book. Like the mortal instruments, it was the movie version of the book, not the book. as I read that book, i thought it was too slow to be a movie. After I watched the movie I knew someone else had that same idea.)
(I'm going to assume that Jess and Juniper crossed already...)


The other two had crossed and now it was just me left. Gulping as I realized how stupid my decision had been to come back over, I took a deep breath and sat down by the bridge, slowly and carefully sliding under it. I heard creaking, but it was too late as my weight slipped off and with a slight jerk the bridge barely managed to hold me. Sighing deeply, I muttered under my breath words of encouragement. "Come on Varexes, you can do this. It's easy. See? No problem. Just keep going, hand over hand..." But it wasn't to be. Whether it was the extra supplies I was carrying or my own body weight, all of a sudden I felt the whole bridge jerk down a few feet as one more roped snapped. It snapped as I was reaching for another grab, and losing my grip I was hanging from one hand. I instantly looked down and, seeing the steadiness of the drop, I managed to grab hold of my other hand and stabilize myself... just before the entire bridge fell. Luckily, only the half that I was on fell, which meant that I fell TOWARDS the side with Faye and the other. But I wasn't thinking this as I held on for dear life as the bridge accelerated quickly and then slammed into the wall, breaking most of the boards and leaving just some ropes and splintered boards. I managed to save myself by twisting the part of the bridge I was at at the last second to absorb some of the impact, which shattered the boards I was holding onto and I had to hold onto the rope in order to hang. I used my legs as well, letting my body absorb the rest of the impact as if I had fallen from some height, and thus managed to survive, yet my legs still stung from the impact, bringing tears to my eyes.

"Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit..." I babbled as I tried to steady my racing heartbeat. When the bridge has collapsed I had shouted in terror, I knew I had. The only thing I was glad I didn't do was piss myself, but even so that was a close one. Clenching my eyes shut I counted to 5 and then opened them. "I'm all right!" I shouted up.

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