The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I watched helplessly as the events unfolded before my eyes. "What can I do..?" I said to myself and looked around frantically. "Come on! You got this! It's not that far!" I shouted over to them in an encouraging tone and a smile on my face, unsure if they could see it. "I'm right here, I'll help you up!"
As Faye continued to make her way across, she looked up and noticed Varexes both smiling and rooting them on to get to the other side. She truly appreciated his positive energy, but Faye almost felt like she was being mocked considering they were seconds away from dying. Is it really even possible to be smiley in such a terrible situation? According to Varexes it was.

Faye moved her hands across the rope more and more as they finally reached the other side where Varexes and Nova were. Her arms were extremely weak and every now and then she could feel her fingers begin to give out, but she managed to keep them wrapped around. She winced in pain, clenching her eyes shut tightly for a moment as her fingers felt like they were going to fall right off.

"Hurry.....!" she yelled, opening her eyes and awaiting Varexes and Nova to help Lanli up, then Vex, then herself. She cursed beneath her breath, knowing she had to hold on just a little longer, but it was agonizing to wait any longer.

I leaned down and I pulled them all up one by one as fast as possible, actually throwing them behind me to quickly lean down and haul up the next person. Once the last person was up I let out a shaky breath. "I'm glad you made it across." There was a look in my eyes that showed just how scared I'd been for them, and hopefully Faye would understand that there hadn't been much else I could do.
Lanli struggled to pull herself across the bridge. She had good upper body strength, but she was getting awfully tired from all of this exertion. When she finally reached the end of the bridge, she noticed Varexes smiling and cheering them on. She gave him a slightly stern look before releasing with one of her arms and holding it out for him to help her up. "Hurry, I don't think everyone can hang on for much longer." She pleaded.

EDIT: Dammit! Again with the button! D: Sorry, scratch that post. 
(("I leaned down and I pulled them all up one by one as fast as possible, actually throwing them behind me to quickly lean down and haul up the next person."

Dang, Varexes is strong. O_O)) 
((Imma go to sleep, g'night all. :3))
(( Vamp, we can just pretend that post went before Alcat's xD ))

Faye rolled over onto her back and rushed her hands through her blonde hair as she rested her eyes. It was at that moment that she realized she was actually tearing up. Little droplets trickled down her face and she didn't bother to wipe them away. She was just far too relieved to be alive right now. Her body was actually trembling slightly as she laid on the ground, breathing heavily since she'd barely been breathing the previous amount of time.

"Holy shit, I'm alive..." she mumbled, opening her eyes to ensure that it was all real. That all the trees above her and the sky were all not just part of the afterlife. 
(( Goodnight Vamp! And welcome back Dreamer! xD You missed out on all the excitement hahaha))
Jess let out a relieved sigh as she watched the others make it fully across, Varexes helping them over to safety. She was practically doing an internal happy dance until, once again, she remembered that not everyone has made it over the bridge. She let out a frustrated and strangled yell before falling to the ground on her knees, shouting out to no one in particular. "How the hell am I supposed to make it across?"

(I feel so abandoned xD )

I looked across the way and saw Jess was alone on the other side. "Shit, how do we get her across... any ideas Faye...?" I asked while thinking about a way to get across.
Faye reluctantly sat up, her eyes widening as she noticed Jess on the other side of the bridge. Right then and there she almost dropped dead. She hadn't realized everyone didn't make it across yet.

After regaining her breath she said, "She'll have to do what we just did...and climb across from below." Just saying it aloud made Faye's stomach churn. Crossing that way was awfully tiring and not to mention fearful. It was absolutely dangerous and risky as well. However, they had no other choice unless Jess wanted to turn back...right?
(I didn't miss it. I just didn't partake.)

Juniper bent down looking over a few plants. She had been gathering a few herbs that might be useful later on. Looking up, she realized the group had moved on without her. Standing up, she ran to catch up and skidded to a halt looking at the strange looking bridge. It seems the rest of the group someone crossed over on the lopsided thing. How it was they manages it, she couldn't fathom. She tilted her head to the side confused as she tried to focus on the group across from her.
(Where are we? Last I heard Vex was hanging overcthe bridge and Lanli went to save him. *is too lazy to read 4 pages of messages*)
((Lanli and Faye both accidentally went to save Vex at the same time and broke the bridge. Now it's just hanging on it's side. Juniper and Jess I believe still need to cross.))

Lanli collapsed again onto the ground breathing heavily, but silently thanking the Gods for not taking anyone. But she sat back up and made the best attempt to compose herself that she could when she realized that two Elves where still stuck on the other side. Unless they turned back, there would be no way for them to cross other than to come across the same way that everyone else had.. "But we barely managed that, and we only had to climb like that for half the bridge..." Lanli thought to herself worriedly.
(I just woke up because I was up late watching Attack on Titan. Frick man, I woke up like 20 minutes ago to take a SHOWER. You guys are lucky I'm bathed.)


I stood there without knowing what to do. Come on, Varexes, THINK FOOL! I thought to myself. I'd never been in a situation where I had had no ideas for it. "There's gotta be a way..." I thought, absently scratching at my arm when suddenly I realized that it didn't hurt. Well, it did, but the bone didn't hurt. It was a surface pain, one that was on the skin, like a scratch or something. Not that deep, throbbing agony of my broken bone. I looked at it strangely and waved it around, then grabbed my bow off my back and drew it back, as if I were going to dry-fire. It didn't hurt my arm at all. No strain, no pain at all in fact. Quickly replacing my bow, I snapped the splint off and punched my forearm. It hurt like it would bruise, but there was no agony that caused me to scream. "My arm... it's healed..." I said in wonder. That's what Juniper must've done... she must've healed my arm! And I was too tired and too busy worrying about the bridge to notice WHERE the pain in my arm was!

I strode to the bridge, took off my bow and quiver and anything else that might get in the way, and I knelt down and then grabbed the bridge and swung under it like they were monkeybars, moving quickly but lightly, never letting my weight stay still for more than a few moments. My muscles burned and my breath was labored but eventually I made it to the other side, swinging myself onto the edge, my hands grasping nothing but a few inches of dirt and grass on the edge of the cliff. Hauling myself up with a little push of my feet on the rough, rocky side of the chasm I stood up on the other side. "I made it... now... am I strong enough to do it three more times, two of which I'll have someone on my back for..." I said softly to myself.
Lanli gasped. "What is he doing? Is he planning on carrying them across? That's insane!" She wondered aloud. It would be ridiculous to expect Varexes to be able to make his way across with another Elf on his back. Even if he went one at a time, he would be so tired by the end that there was no way for him to be able to continue climbing for that long. No Elf could. Lanli turned to the others. "We have to get him to stop, he's probably still tired from helping us all up..." She told the others, a worried look on her face.
Jess watched Varexes come across the bridge, wondering what the hell he was doing, before a light bulb went off inside her head. She stared at him until finally made it fully across before letting out a long sigh. "We are all doomed." She said dramatically before standing up and facing Varexes. "Varexes you idiot, we aren't incapable of climbing. Your going to get yourself killed from exhaustion if you think your going to carry us across. I mean really. How did you think this was going to work? You would probably just drop because your arms are so tired which would result in you taking one of us along the way, killing two birds with one stone per say." She ranted to him, crossing her arms across her chest while muttering afterwards, "I'm not a damsel in distress." Nevertheless Jess was still pretty grateful for the effort and devotion he had for everyone in the group.

I turned to Jess and shook my head. "It wasn't my intention to carry you. I thought it was at first, but I realized how stupid that was about halfway across. I'll simply go between the two of you so I can grab you if you fall. It'll be safer that way so if I do, I won't kill us both." It was the summary, and after swallowing I grabbed a drink from the remains of the supplies. "Also, this way I can carry over a few more supplies. But the bottom line is that, if I can't carry you across, then I can sure as hell stop you from falling. And that you're going to have to live with, even if you resent me for it. I'd rather be hated than watch one of you die." I explained with a solid tone that brokered no argument.

Grabbing two bags of supplies, I tied them around my waist as even as possible. "You two ready?" I asked Jess and Juniper.
Jess let out a sigh once he was done talking, quite relieved about not being carried across. "Ah, so you aren't as dumb as I previously thought." She grumbled out to him, picking up another bag as well. 'Might as well be a little more useful.' She nodded her head once she was done securing the bag. "I'm ready."

I turned to Juniper. "You ready Juniper?" I asked gently, swallowing. If I was in the middle, the only person I could securely grab would be whoever was in front... turning around would be difficult, so whoever was behind me was in more danger than who was in front of me. That is, if I could even hold them up. My arm was healed, but I was weaker than normal. I hadn't been working out due to my injury. That would change immediately...
Jess turned her head to look at Juniper, waiting for her reaction, before she turned her head back to Varexes. He seemed to be struggling with something and she had a slight guess of what it was, considering that she was also thinking in the same line of thought. "If your going to be in the middle, I'll be behind you and Juniper can be in the front." She didn't really mind for her safety as much as everyone else so she was perfectly fine with the idea.
(( Am I the only one who wants to see Varexes fail at something considering he makes everything look so damn easy? xD

Here the rest of us are on the bridge earlier breaking shit the whole way across and having our arms get tired, etc, etc. x'D

But I'm glad the monkeybar thing is catching on. Lolol. ))

Faye stood up, her brows furrowing with puzzlement. What in the world was Varexes doing? He was willingly making his way across the bridge again as if it weren't thousands of feet off the ground.

"What the hell is he doing..?" Faye mumbled, eyeing Lanli momentarily to give her a questioning look. "He's just going to add more weight to the bridge." 
((Sorry that was a lame post, I gotta eat dinner. ))

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