The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Firch is BirchxFaye xD

Their relationship fell apart quite recently which resolved in Faye being heartbroken and unhappy now xD )) 
(( Woo~!

Okai, I'm back now that all that other stuffs is settled. ))

"You have enough time, don't worry," Blake told Varexes plainly. "It stays up for about four hours a day. So, unless it takes you four hours to get you all through, then you can take your time.

Faye's eyes widened slightly, wanting to be the first one to go through. She opened her mouth to protest, but when she realized what she was about to do she quickly stopped. She closed her mouth and sighed, looking at the ground solemnly. It wasn't like her to be so pushy, yet in her mind that's how she felt. She felt as if she didn't care about anyone other than herself at that moment. The sudden realization made her heart sink even further, causing tears to sting behind her eyes.

Faye blinked the tears away, knowing it wasn't a good time to show such emotions. Actually, it wasn't right for her to show those kinds of emotions at all. She was supposed to be a leader--and leaders don't cry..right? Her head hurt with every thought that pushed its way into her mind. She grabbed the side of her head and sighed quietly to herself, this feeling making her sick to her stomach.

"Come on, Faye," she whispered to herself beneath her breath, "wake up. Stop acting like this.." She stood there, holding her head and looking at the ground for another moment or two before adding, "Your family wouldn't be proud--Grandfather wouldn't approve of this attitude as a leader...Get it together, Faye."

She then looked up, holding her head up high and wiping her sharp bangs out of her eyes. As she did so, she realized crossing a bridge with such long bangs was a terrible idea. It was time to step up her game and start acting like a leader..not to mention, a good friend. Negative energy was something Faye hated, so why in the world was she absorbing it all? Well, right then and there she was going to stop and put on a positive attitude again. At least Birch was safe here at this town, so maybe it was all for the better. She could visit him once they completed their journey, anyway.

"Does anyone have a knife of some sort on them?" Faye asked, her voice sounding less dreadful and more curious again.
Jess looked at Faye with a worried expression, watching different emotions flash across her face before she held her head up high and and took over as the leader, something she was slightly grateful for. She just wished that the strong and determined elf wouldn't put so much pressure on herself, well that is at least what she thought Faye was doing, bottling up most of her emotions so she could lead everyone on their bumpy and rough journey. When Faye asked for a knife Jess opened up her pouch and took one of the knives she carries around with her. handing it to Faye quietly while saying a small 'here you go'.
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Faye smiled, retrieving the knife from Jess's grasp. "Thank you," she said cheerfully, her emotions having taken a complete turn so suddenly. All she needed was to remember why she was here and who she was doing this for mostly.

Faye brought the knife up in front of her face, her pupils landing on the sharp edge of the blade as she slipped her middle and index finger around the top section of her bangs. She placed the blade against where she wanted to cut them right above her eyes but beneath her brows. Of course, she ended up hesitating before actually cutting.

Finally she said with a brief laugh, "This seems more complicated than I thought.."

"If you think cutting your hair is complicated, I don't know how you plan to get across that bridge," Blake says, leaning against a tree with his arms crossed.

Faye's face turns red with embarrassment at his words, realizing how pathetic she seemed now. That guy never gave up a chance to make things all serious and dreadful. Although she was done with being sad, she wasn't going to settle for looking like a wimp.

"I'm kidding," she lied, lifting the blade back to her bangs. She began to cut through the hair, watching as the long chunk fell to the ground and blew away with the wind. As she moved the blade away from her face, she was able to see how unevenly it was cut. Although it wasn't crazy obvious, it was most certainly noticeable. She sighed to herself, seeing even Blake's lips curving into an amused grin.

"Here," Faye said softly, holding the knife back out to Jess. 
(( Okaii, goodnight! ))

I saw a change come over Faye and I watched her closely to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid. However, at the same time I decided to observe the portal to perhaps see any potential dangers. If it was open for a few hours there was no danger of it closing on us and leaving some of us behind. I was more worried about the bridge on the other side, especially with my arm the way it was. And if Faye was this depressed about leaving Birch behind, then I might have to do something to save her or someone else and if I didn't have full functionality of my arm by then one of us could die... the sooner I either found a way to talk to Juniper about healing my arm or knocking Faye out of her funk, the better off we'd be.

However, as she spoke I realized that she must be some form of bipolar. Her emotions suddenly took a turn for the better and I breathed a sigh of relief. However brief this mood lasted, it was a good sign. I might not have to worry so much, luckily. 

I saw a change come over Faye and I watched her closely to make sure that she didn't do anything stupid. However, at the same time I decided to observe the portal to perhaps see any potential dangers. If it was open for a few hours there was no danger of it closing on us and leaving some of us behind. I was more worried about the bridge on the other side, especially with my arm the way it was. And if Faye was this depressed about leaving Birch behind, then I might have to do something to save her or someone else and if I didn't have full functionality of my arm by then one of us could die... the sooner I either found a way to talk to Juniper about healing my arm or knocking Faye out of her funk, the better off we'd be.

However, as she spoke I realized that she must be some form of bipolar. Her emotions suddenly took a turn for the better and I breathed a sigh of relief. However brief this mood lasted, it was a good sign. I might not have to worry so much, luckily.
"Anywho," Faye said, trying to draw attention away from her failure, "why don't we get going then?" She put her hands on her hips, glancing at everyone around her. When her eyes landed on Varexes, her expression fell. "Oh, how's your arm, Var?" she asked, wondering if it was going to be an issue when crossing a bridge. She really wasn't sure what this bridge would be like, but if it was as dangerous as Blake described then she was a bit worried.
Jess smiled as she took the knife back, stuffing it in side her pouch just like she had it before. Once she took a good look at everyone, just to see how they were holding up and doing so far, she let out a sigh and aimed her attention on the bridge in front of the group, faintly listening to what Faye and Varexes were saying. This bridge could actually be the death of someone if anything went wrong which made her a little nervous and edgy but she just hid those emotions behind a mask of confidence and happiness. Even if most of the things that made up that mask were just false emotions anyways.
(( Btw @SliverOfHope they're not in front of the bridge yet xDD They're currently at a moon gate which will transport them to the bridge xD They haven't transported yet though~ Hahah ))

I waved Faye's worry away. "I'll be fine. Besides, unless Juniper's willing to heal it, it's staying the way it is." I phrased it as a form of a question that had a sarcastic undertone. Chuckling I walked up to the front of the gate. "Well, who's first?" I asked rhetorically, turning towards Faye.
Faye was still a little frustrated at the thought of Juniper not willing to heal something such as Varexes's poor arm. After all, her talent was the Holy Arts. Everyone was supposed to pitch in some help using their skills, so Juniper should've been healing his arm. He didn't even ask for much, it would've been a nice gesture, but she hadn't seemed to step forward to heal his wound yet.

Just then, it all started to cross her mind. When she'd seen Varexes being so cozy with Juniper, was that all just an act to try and get her to heal his arm? She wasn't really sure if he'd do something like that, but then again they'd practically just met so she barely knew anything about the guy.

Faye looked up at Varexes, a puzzled look among her face. "Didn't you say you were going to go first?" she asks with curiosity. She quickly rushes to add, "I mean, you can--ah, you should go first." She smiled kindly at him, trying to prove she was still the same old Faye. Not to mention, she wanted to make up for the sadness she'd shown earlier. Of course, she was still broken deep down, but she wasn't hesitating any longer to keep it hidden completely.

Looking at Faye I could tell she was making an effort to hide her emotions and I smiled warmly at her. "Sure." As I turned away however, my face was replaced with a worried look. If Faye was hiding her emotions like this, was she better? Would it impact her judgement skills? I didn't know, and it honestly scared me.
"Just step onto the platform and into the light. After about several seconds it should activate. The light will brighten and once it dims down, you'll no longer be here. You'll be in another clearing in the woods. Once you walk a little further out of those woods you'll come across an enormous cliff with a long bridge consisting of practically a hundred old, wooden boards tied together with rope," Blake instructs Varexes, taking a step forward from the tree he was leaning on. "As for the rest, I wish you good luck."
Juniper was surprised when Varexes sort of blamed his broken arm on her. He had not allowed her to heal it in the past, he had never even asked her to bandage it. Which is probably the reason it was taking so long to heal. If it wasn't properly.. no, she was mad at him. She didn't say anything of course. It wasn't in her nature to create conflict. Instead she formed a plan in the back of her mind.
((Sorry I wasn't on yesterday really

Mostly waiting for Varexes to do as Blake said and go through the gate xD

And school started for me today x-x

It wasn't all that bad...except I have no friends in gym which sucks hahah. So that was very my psychology class it's me and two other juniors then there's like 18 seniors lmao

Fortunately one of the juniors is my best friend. The teacher calls us 'The Corner' since the three of us are all in the corner together xD

Anddd I already have homework. Yay. Lol.))

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