The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Yes, Cerah is twelve. No, a magic prison is no way to leave the story, you must be stabbed! Anyway, I don't know what to do now)
(( No, I haven't seen either of those movies xD I absolutely hate watching gory movies because I have a thing where seeing blood just really disturbs me. I mean I can see blood sometimes, but I don't like watching disturbing deaths and gory scenes, it freaks me out. I love paranormal movies though because they're sketchy and awesome with zero blood. xD My favorite movie is actually Insidious, I loved that so much x-x So, when I found out they're coming out with Insidious 2 September 13th, I was super happy xD I'm forcing my friends to go see it with me next month xD

And Vamp, that pretty much means they can see when you're online and offline xD That's why I follow everyone in the roleplay. EXCEPT ZEYRO NEVER SHOWS UP. xDD Hahah

And Zeyro, use Nova now. When I had nothing do I had Faye just go work on her bow. There's always something to do. ))
(( Woo! xD

I believe it's 'Mari' or something. xD

And also I think we may as well switch to morning in the roleplay if thats okay with everyone :o ))
(( Bleed to death? xD I didn't know she was cut by the boards that bad x'D )) 
(( Where's a healer when we need one?

xD She should either go to Juniper or the healer's house then. 'Cause Idunno what Faye could do if she's bleeding a ton other than look for something to wrap it with xD If she goes to the healer's house you can just create/control the 'healer' elf. ))
(( Cerah was just killed by Blake, he brought her dead body to Orion's house, apparently Lanli's bleeding really bad and needs a healer xD , and Faye's currently sleeping by a rock. ))
((Faye is asleep? xD Should I just "heal" Lanli a bit and make her wounds less bad so she doesn't die overnight? Because I don't know how she'll manage to find a healer on her own when she doesn't know her way around town at all.

Sorry, I'm just not sure what to do. X_X Although right now I'm also deciding which talent to be in Mabinogi. :D ))
(( I just decided she'd fallen asleep, 'cause it doesn't take too long to wax her bowstring xDD

But I could have Ava come take her to the healer's house since she knows her way around the town xD

And choosing a talent is such a hard decision x'D ))
((Auuugh, everytime I try loading up Mabinogi, the dumb thing just opens up the homepage. O_e Do you have any idea what on earth I did wrong?))
(( Installation is the worst part since there's always something that goes wrong x'D hahahah

But, you have to enter Mabinogi from the home page basically. There's a huge 'Play Now' button that you press. That should bring up the game window. Then once the game starts you have to sign in with your email you used to register with and you create a new in game password. ))
(I feel like I should play now because you guys bothe play. Are there groups in the game?

Also, I have no idea what Novas current status is.)
(( xD you should

I tried to do this quest yesterday where I had to like fight these bandits or something and steal something back, but I like ignored the "you should go with a party" and went alone and I died in like 10 seconds

Then again I couldn't see anything the first 5 seconds cause I was at a bad angle x"D it was a pretty bad fail

But there's parties you can create where other people join and you all do quests together

But I have no friends so </3 xD ))
(I'd play if I were in a group. I too have no friends, so even if I'd don;t care for the game, playing with people is still better than playing a game I like without people.) 
(I don't know what you decided happened or whatever, I'll just go back to him waking up from being unconscious, you guys want to take him to the healers house so he can wake up there and not have to deal with passing out from the pain...and so we can flip to morning already?)
xD well then you should play Mabinogi hahaha

Annnd I didn't know nova was unconscious xD

I have my entire morning post ready, but I'm waiting for everyone to do what they need to do right now first ))
(( Well, everyone had all day to jump at the opportunity to post something they needed, so I'm switching to morning now~))


"Faye...? What are you doing out here...?"

Faye's eyelids fluttered open, her vision slowly processing the tall figure standing in front of her with gentle eyes. She looked a bit concerned, probably wondering why Faye had fallen asleep next to this large rock. In addition, she had dark circles under her eyes stating that she must've gotten no sleep at all over night.

"Huh? Oh, Ava!" Faye exclaimed, brushing her long blonde bangs out of her grey eyes as she stood up. She quickly wiped some of the dirt from her shorts before facing the girl. "Yeah, ah, I didn't want to crowd you guys back at the house..." she said quietly, glancing away.

Ava managed a half grin as she eyed Faye apologetically. "I appreciate your kindness, but it would've been alright," she told her.

Faye shook her head fast and responded, "Nah, I'm used to sleeping outside anyway. It's fine." After that, it was silent for a few moments. Ava looked much less cheery as she had been when they first met her. After all, it was no shock due to the recent events that took place.

"Are you alright?" Faye blurted, regretting it right as she spoke. Of course she's not alright, she thought to herself, mentally giving herself a facepalm.

"Blake did it in self defense," Ava says suddenly, surprising Faye a bit. "Something was terribly wrong with Cerah. The older she'd gotten, the worse her actions may have been. It's likely she would've caused even more severe damage to the residents of this town. I think it's best she's in a better place now..."

Faye nodded gradually, slipping her hands into her pockets as she looked at the ground. Ava was right, that was the truth of it all. She may have been fairly young, but judging by her powers and actions at that age who knew how bad it would get when she was older? Yet, despite all of that it was clear by Ava's tired expression that she was still quite heartbroken by the death of her friend.

"Blake buried her last night," Ava adds softly, causing Faye to look up at her, "just near where you and your friends entered the town. It's hidden from the rest of the village pretty much, since we didn't want her grave to be vandalized." Ava laughed slightly and Faye's eyes widened curiously. "She caused so much trouble here that that'd be likely to happen. Even though Orion said it was okay to bury her behind his house, I knew he wouldn't want that. He disliked Cerah as well. Blake and I were really the only ones who tolerated her..." After pausing for a few moments she continued, "Oh, well...if you'd like...I think Cerah would appreciate if you visited her grave and placed some flowers by it. I did that. Although, I know she put you all in serious danger, so I understand if you don't want to."

"No! I mean, no of course I will. She was still a friend of yours," Faye tells her with a caring grin.

Ava nods thankfully. "Thank you...well, I'm going to head back to Orion's house. If you need me I'll be there." With that, she waves and begins heading away.

Faye watches the elf head back home, seeming to wipe away a few stray tears. She sighs to herself, knowing this must be tough for Ava. Even though Faye had zero respect for Cerah, she knew Ava would appreciate it if she placed some flowers on the girl's grave. So, Faye made her way down the road to find Cerah's grave.

I strode around town for the rest of the night, walking and thinking. Thinking about Cerah, the way she died. I thought about the group and where we were going. I thought about how Blake was so cold all the time, and even though it made sense because of his magic... I hoped they had buried her. When the first rays of dawn began to show over the top of the horizon, I realized just how tired i was. But there was no way I could sleep now. I should go and find the rest of the group...

No. I'd be too unstable. After seeing that happen to Cerah... I don't understand why I'm like this. I've seen death before, I've seen things worse than a mere death... so why did I feel this way about Cerah? I had no ideas whatsoever, and it bothered me. I needed more time to think things through, even though I wasn't necessarily thinking and was simply letting the gears in my head turn and deal with it in their own right.

But during my walk around town, I found myself near the edge. "Maybe I should go outside..." I thought to myself before realizing that was a bad idea. If there were more wolves, or if I got lost, I'd probably die. I wanted to, but I didn't think it was a good idea, so instead I simply walked around the wall. Eventually though, I came upon freshly dug earth with a small sign next to it that simply said, "Cerah." I was shocked to find that before I realized that Blake had probably buried her here, whether at my request or not was besides the point. I walked to the wall and opened a hole that I quickly stepped through. Once on the other side I strode around, keeping the wall within sight and making the place where Cerah's grave was so I knew where to go back through.

I recognized the area and realized that she was buried where we'd come through. I chuckled at the irony before continuing my search for flowers. Looking high and low, I quested for the prettiest flowers I could find, preferablly yellow or blue to represent the lightning that Cerah could control. After gathering about a dozen, I gathered some grass and used it to make a make-shift tie to tie the flowers together into a bouquet, then reentered the town and placed them on Cerah's grave. "I'm sorry it came to this, Cerah... Rest well in peace." I said quietly before placing the bouquet on the freshly dug dirt.
As Faye was on her way to where the elves had entered the town, she spotted a large garden in front of what seemed to be someone's stone house. It was full of the most exquisite flowers she'd ever seen, causing her to smile warmly without even realizing it. It was just such a beautiful thing to look at and she really appreciated the gardener's work. It seemed to be quite a work of art. Her grey eyes scanned over them, wishing it'd be appropriate for her to steal a few for Cerah's grave.

"Admiring my work, hm?"

Faye's eyes widened as she turned to see an old woman dressed in brown cotton pants and a long green shirt. "Oh! Hello..this must be your garden..well, it's really beautiful," she told the lady with a kind smile.

"I put a lot of effort into keeping it this lovely, so I'm really glad to know someone appreciates my garden," she tells Faye in a bit of a raspy voice. She notices Faye gazing down at it longer and questions, "So, do you love flowers as well?"

Faye looks back at the woman, hesitating a moment before nodding fast. "Yes! I love all of nature. Though, I was actually searching for some flowers to put on someone's grave..." she says quietly, wondering how that sounded aloud. After a second she realized something and rushed to add, "Oh, don't worry! I wasn't going to steal from your garden!"

The old woman just smiles with a friendly grin and moves into the garden. She reaches towards a group of Dahlias, wrapping her fingers around a small bunch. Faye's surprised to find her pulling them out of the garden and extending her arm towards her. She eyes the flowers in the woman's hands, glancing back up at her. After seeing the lady's eyes urge her to do so, Faye retrieves the flowers from her grasp.

"Oh, you didn't have to..." Faye tells her quietly, observing the beautiful red Dahlias with their petals ranging from white to a deep shade of purple. They were gorgeous and unique.

"I'm sure your loved one would appreciate it," she tells Faye, looking at her with such a warming smile.

Faye looks at her, not bothering to correct her words. Cerah wasn't exactly a loved one, but since she was Ava's close friend that counted in a way. She gave the woman a grateful smile. "Thank you," she said with a small wave. The woman returned the gesture before Faye headed down the road.

After walking a bit further, she saw the Stamping Station and knew that the place where they'd entered was near. She made her way over to the wall, seeing Varexes over by what seemed to be Cerah's grave. Her pupils wandered down onto the flowers settled there, which must've been from him. She smiled a little to herself, her respect for the boy rising. Despite his seemingly tough personality, he had a warm heart.

She headed over to the grave, giving him the smallest smile she assumed was appropriate when being around someone's grave before leaning over and placing the Dahlias in front of Cerah's grave.

"Rest in Peace," she said softly, standing back up again.

I turned when I heard Faye walking and tried to do something in greeting. A nod, a hi, a wave. None of it was possible for me, and a lump rose in my throat. I turned back to stare at the grave and the flowers I had placed when a hand reached into my view and placed another group of flowers next to mine. At Faye's words I knelt down next to Cerah's grave and placed my hands in my lap. I wasn't exactly praying for her, but instead I sent out tendrils of thought that seeped into the air around, giving me an awareness of the area around me that normally I didn't have. I sent them down into the earth and imagined every rock, every piece of dirt, every root, every line of Cerah's body that I knew was under that fresh dirt. I left my tendrils there to seek forgiveness for my treating of her. I left them to seek a way to forgive Cerah, which suddenly I realized that I already had. These tendrils would be severed the moment I stood up, and it would mean that a part of me would be left behind, here in this place.

It was my way of saying good bye to a fallen elf.

Not a single tear fell from my eyes, nor did they even water. No emotion showed upon my features except one of ever so slightly contorted pain that was psychological, something that no one could ever understand or heal. As I sat and imagined all of the lines and sent my consciousness out to Cerah's dead body, wishing her spirit well to the afterlife beyond, the thoughts that had tormented me through the night began to make sense to me.

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