The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Meh =_= I have to go eat dinner soon and I like the video Little*Dreamer. Great music choice too xD ~loves Lindsey Stirling~)
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(( Hahah, I couldn't stop smiling throughout that whole thing xDD That dude was hilarious x'D And good job! Once again, love the outdoor setting where you filmed. The music was great as well and I loved the credits :3 ))
(I know, I love those actors. If I could use those two in everything I would. Although they hate romantic stuff, it took everything to get them to hold hands. And william is the most adorable little actress ever. She is amazing. Yeah, it was a blast creating that video. Usually I pick music to match the video, but I loved lindsey stirling so much. Instead I decided to make a video to match the music. I think it worked.)

A mage battle ensued right before my eyes. Luckily, Cerah seemed to be in such a rage that she wouldn't notice anyone coming at her from the side. Hopping up, I lightly and silently got onto the porch, lowering myself onto the floor gently as I unslung my bow and held it in my right hand. I inched my way forward along the wall, hoping to get close enough to knock Cerah out. I moved silently and slowly just out of sight of Cerah. Hopefully nobody drew attention to anything more than about 3 feet to her left... otherwise she'd see me.

(I'm liking the detail Zeyro.)
(( Lol! I noticed that at the beginning of the video, the girl and the boy looked so awkward holding hands and I thought, wonder how much convincing that took to get them to do that. x'D

Trust me, I had to make a Romeo & Juliet parody for english class freshman year--ours was Hobo Romeo & Juliet--I played Hobo Romeo and my neighbor, Cole, played Juliet. So, my friend and I sat around for like 30 mins trying to get him to wear a dress for the thing and he was so mad 'cause he kept saying no and we were like COME ONN. x'D Eventually we settled on a sequined coca cola shirt x''D hahaha and he wore a hat that we taped yellow yarn to for hair. Oh god, I have to admit that was hilarious. It was like partially a reality show as the end Hobo Romeo shot Juliet & Juliet stabbed him so they both died together that way. xD I had this fake sniper thing or whatever and I pulled it out of my coat and he had this fake bloody knife that he actually stabbed me with...and it hurt but whatever it was funny x'D

Annnnnnd yeah, I noticed Zeyro's good detail as well! :3 ))
(( I would assume something happened after her own lightning came back and struck her after it hit Blake's ice shield)) 
(( I should just have Blake stab her with an icicle xD ))
(... go home zeyro. just... go home. xD )


I slid closer and closer to Cerah before realizing that after everything she had done, she couldn't be allowed to do anything more. She was a child, young, merely 12, but... she had burned a house down. She had put her friends, people who had taken her in and cared for her, in danger. What about when she got older? What if she hurt more people? Too many unknown factors. Unless she could be trained to use her magic responsibly.... I couldn't make a decision. I got behind her and raised my bow to strike her in the back of the head when she was struck by her own lightning reflected off of Blake's ice shield.

(I have an idea... if Cerah collapses, then Varexes can put her out of her misery? Like, collapses from the reflected lightning.)
Nami said:
(( I would assume something happened after her own lightning came back and struck her after it hit Blake's ice shield)) 
(( I should just have Blake stab her with an icicle xD ))
(It dissipated around her body, it wouldn't make sense for her magic to harm her, or it would burn her hands while she was using it. My post was right after dreamers' )
(^ yes, true.)


Cerah remained standing however, and I grimaced and brought down my bow hard upon the back of her head.
Faye turned, hearing what sounded like Blake's and Cerah's voices. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to head in the direction of the sources, but she found herself doing so anyway. She pulled her bow off her back and readied it with an arrow just in case Cerah spotted her and attempted to cause her any harm. As she was walking, she saw Blake standing in front of Cerah, a shield of ice just vanishing at that moment. Faye gasped silently, quickly taking a step back into the shadows. She leaned over just a bit so she could watch what was happening.

As the lightning pushed around her and sizzled out just as he'd expected, the girl began to build up more energy, the ends of her hair rising as they sparked with electricity. At that moment, he knew exactly what he had to do. As she began to burst with energy, a psychotic look among her face, Blake summoned a large ice spear in his right hand. However, before she could have time to notice he raised his arm and pierced her heart with the razor sharp end of the large icicle.

He knew this was coming of course, but he was willing to do what he had to as streams of electricity shot up the icicle and made contact with his hand. He released his grasp on the spear that was now stuck in Cerah's chest and stumbled back as his vision spun and began to fade to black due to the excessive amount of energy that had shot up his arm and sizzled out in his body. He fell back, unable to feel his arm any longer. Even in such a terrible state, he looked up at what he'd done, knowing it was the right decision. He had no choice.

"You've done enough," he said to her quietly, even if she could no longer hear his words. He had no regrets.
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(So who hit first, Var or Blake? Also, how do you acocunt for the burst of lightning she unleashed after she shrugged off the hit from her own bolt)
(( owo? I guess I didn't see that post.

And I don't think Varexes shot her yet, I was planning on Cerah going unconscious and then having Varexes shoot her with an arrow so that her death wasn't as terrible since she's only 12. xD )) 
(( I just went back and read your post that I missed..and all I can think to do is just stab her right then and there xD )) 
((Hmm...I'll edit..)) 

Faye turned, hearing what sounded like Blake's and Cerah's voices. She wasn't sure if it was a good idea to head in the direction of the sources, but she found herself doing so anyway. She pulled her bow off her back and readied it with an arrow just in case Cerah spotted her and attempted to cause her any harm. As she was walking, she saw Blake standing in front of Cerah, a shield of ice just vanishing at that moment. Faye gasped silently, quickly taking a step back into the shadows. She leaned over just a bit so she could watch what was happening.

As the lightning pushed around her and sizzled out just as he'd expected, the girl began to build up more energy, the ends of her hair rising as they sparked with electricity. At that moment, he knew exactly what he had to do. As she began to burst with energy, a psychotic look among her face, Blake summoned a large ice spear in his right hand. However, before she could have time to notice he raised his arm and pierced her heart with the razor sharp end of the large icicle.

He knew this was coming of course, but he was willing to do what he had to as streams of electricity shot up the icicle and made contact with his hand. He released his grasp on the spear that was now stuck in Cerah's chest and stumbled back as his vision spun and began to fade to black due to the excessive amount of energy that had shot up his arm and sizzled out in his body. He fell back, unable to feel his arm any longer. Even in such a terrible state, he looked up at what he'd done, knowing it was the right decision. He had no choice.

"You've done enough," he said to her quietly, even if she could no longer hear his words. He had no regrets.
(The part about my arrow falling out is forcing your way in Zeyro. How would an arrow, in a quiver, that's facing upright, fall out while I'm standing upright? Just pointing it out.)


Just before my bow hit her head, Blake punctured Cerah's heart with a spear of ice. As she fell, it seemed to be in slow motion for me as I watched her collapse. When she fell her body contorted ever so slightly that it looked creepy, and her blank stare seemed to tell me that she would stand up and kill me, despite the fact that I knew she hadn't survived. I swallowed and knelt down to close her eyes and uncontort her body so it looked peaceful. I even subtly massaged her face muscles to relieve it of the permanent scowl that was still etched into her face. But when I was done, she looked... at peace. She looked beautiful, in a dangerous way. I stood up and walked down the steps and continued, not stopping until I was next to Blake. I stared at the ground for a moment before speaking. "Give her a proper burial. She deserves that much." It wasn't a request, but it wasn't an order. It was simply a statement portrayed in such a manner that if one were to refuse they would seem like a bad guy. "Ava would want it too." I whispered quietly before striding off, completely ignoring everyone else and striding down a side street, fading into the shadows and disappearing. I wanted some time alone.
Faye's eyes widened, the scene that was displayed right before her turning into a disturbing visual. Although she couldn't believe Blake had just killed a young girl, she understood why he did it. Cerah was putting everyone around her in danger, not to mention she seemed about ready to try putting an end to Blake himself. She was just uncontrollable and the only thing that was left to do was to send her to her deathbed. The only other option was to lock her up, but it seemed a little too late for that.

She watched as Cerah fell to the ground, blood seeping from the wound in her chest. The spear was still piercing her heart, yet according to the girl's expression she wasn't particularly sad. Actually, she looked like someone who was born of pure evil. She followed Cerah's blank gaze up to see Varexes walking towards her. He knelt down and closed her eyes, doing some other things she wasn't quite sure of in addition. She simply just watched, when he finally stood up and moved over to Blake and said something before continuing down the street. Something didn't look right in Varexes's eyes, although he had just seen a young girl die, along with her bloody dead body.

Faye turned her attention back to Blake, who was now standing by Cerah's lifeless body and gripping his right arm. She wondered if it would be appropriate to go over there, but she decided against it. Faye took a step back and leaned against the side of the shop she was hiding behind, removing the arrow from her bow and slipping it back into her quiver. Faye sighed, crossing her arms.

Blake leaned over and removed the ice spear from Cerah's body, dissolving it with his hand. Water dripped through his fingertips and landed on her wound, allowing the blood to spread. He simply stared at her dead body for a few minutes, no longer able to feel his right arm. His expression was solid, consisting of absolutely no emotion. He wasn't sad, but he wasn't happy. Even getting rid of Cerah had caused himself plenty of trouble. He leaned over and picked up her lifeless body in his arms and began heading back to Orion's house.
(I want to be your signature for halloween... and just act like a decoration, then inch my way forwards towards people to freak them out.)
(( This is 100% random xD , but I was just sitting here having a thought process and I remembered that movie on Disney Channel from when I was younger called like 'Don't Look Under the Bed' or something and it was the creepiest freaking thing ever. I remember one day like last year maybe, I was on youtube looking for a movie to watch and I found that and was like, why not? So I started watching it and it was way too damn creepy so I stopped watching. x'D So I'm wondering if I'd be able to watch it yet or if I'd be too sketched out.

It's like that episode of Goosebumps called 'The Mask' or whatever, where that girl puts on that mask like 3 times and it gets stuck to her face and she becomes the mask. Damn, when I was younger I had nightmares for literally over 5 months xD I would go sleep on my brothers floor with a blanket 'cause I'd picture the creepy mask creature walking through the forest with a cane with spiders crawling over the mask.

Then I tried watching it like 1-2 years later 'cause I didn't think it'd scare me




And you should! That'd be kinda like the Scary Snowman videos on youtube. Hahahah those are great. ))
(Shhh, don't tell, but every year for halloween I dress up as the Grim Reaper and sit on my porch like a decoration with a sign saying "take one piece of candy" and a bowl of candy in my lap and i freak people out. it's soooo much fun listening to girls scream xD and don't worry, i go easy on the little kids!)
(( Except if I saw that bear I wouldn't be scared, I would run up and huggle it x'D )) 
(( Hahahah! I've always wanted to do something like that. x'D ))
(It's so much fun. First time I did it was 6th grade, I made this one high school girl scream so loud my ears were ringing xD my dad came out of the house to see if someone was dying)
(( Hahah!! I just looked up that dont look under the bed movie on youtube, but it's not there anymore, however I found that 'Under Wraps' movie about the kids who meet that mummy. Holy crap, that scared me too at first, but I forced myself to watch it and eventually was okay with the mummy.

This is like a stroll down memory lane x'D )) 
(( I love Halloween x'D

But then there's those losers with zero Halloween spirit and it saddens me. :c ))
(Or those dicks that try to steal all the candy from the bowl, or walk up and grab a huge ass handful by shovign everyone aside. I always grab those peoples wrists and make them let go of the candy. I scared some middle schoolers like that xD

and peoples moms love me. I scare their kid and they're like "oh my! that's amazing!" and they take pics. Or this one dad shone a flashlight in my eyes until I couldn't stand it anymore.

I've learned to master my breathing so people dont' see me breathe. One time I had to very gently and slowly breathe for about 5 minutes while a group of 3 teens tried to figure out if i was real or not. It was hilarious when they were like "It's fake. Its' safe. Let's get candy!" and then I scared the shite out of them)

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