The Path From Fayland - Official RP

After Jess got over the shock of Blake not being dead she turned around and followed Varexes and Faye too once she saw them leaving, knowing what they were planning on doing. She was pretty sure everyone was on board with Cerah getting killed... well maybe not everyone but the majority of people. She just shook her head, the movement interrupting her internal musings, and carried on her merry way, not caring if either of them saw her or not. Hell, she just wanted to make Cerah pay for what she did to everyone and since they don't really know the full extent of her powers Jess didn't want to take a chance of Faye or Varexes ending up dead. Jess heard what Varexes was telling Faye to do and did the same, staying out of sight. She honestly didn't know if she was going to actually attack the girl but she would still be there in case anything got out of hand.
(Dude, don't be embarrassed. and even if your time is stretched you always make time for the rp. Don't leave man, that's not what we want.)


I turned when I heard footsteps behind me and saw Jess. I wasn't going to insult her by telling her to go back, but I stepped towards her. "Stay back with Faye. Don't act unless Cerah pulls a move, or unless I do, okay?" I told the both of them. If they stepped out too early, Cerah would run. If they stepped out too late, I'd get even more injured than I normally was.

(Zeyro, try controlling Cerah, since she's your character. This can be practice, k?)
Faye looked at him for a moment longer before looking back down the road. The night was completely dark and quite silent right now, considering most of the village must've been asleep. After all it was late, not to mention really chilly. She hugged herself tightly, rubbing her bare arms since she'd used her jacket to wrap Varexes's arm. Even if she was really cold, she felt warm on the inside knowing she was sacrificing it to help someone else.

"Alright..." she said finally, nodding at him. "Where do you think she went, though? I mean..where could she have gone this entire time...?"
Juniper looks over watching the three elves head off without a word. She decides to tag along, not wanting to stay in front of all the rubble. It was gathering a pretty big crowd. She followed behind wondering where they were headed.

I turned to Faye and shrugged. "In all of this, she could be out of town by now. Or she could be hiding somewhere. I don't know, but I plan on finding her. If her tracks are this clear, it shouldn't be a problem. The problem will be what do we do when we find her." I looked at the tracks and thought for a moment. "Faye, can you climb on top of the roofs? Jess, follow behind in wolf form and pad along silently, that way you two can take her by surprise and have a way to get to me quickly if I need it." I suggested, actually quite nervous about the confrontation, what with my arm and all.

As I stood there I saw another figure beginning to come our way, and soon I made it out to be Juniper. I waved her over and felt the same way about her as I did Jess: I wouldn't insult her by telling her to go back. "Juniper, we're tracking down Cerah. Follow behind with Jess, so that way we can take Cerah by surprise... hopefully." I added that on at the end, because if we didn't surprise her no doubt she would just electrocute us all.
Faye looked to Varexes and nodded, then looked to Jess who was standing behind them. She didn't think Varexes and Cerah knew each other well enough, so it was more likely the girl wouldn't try and kill Varexes. On the other hand, Faye and Cerah were on bad terms already. So, she began to turn away and do as Varexes said.

Just then, Faye stopped in her tracks and turned back around to face Varexes. She shook her head fast suddenly and said, "Wait. I don't think it's a good idea if she sees you, either."

I looked at Faye strangely. "Why not? She doesn't like me, but she doesn't hate me either. Besides, I might be able to talk her down. To be honest..." I hesitated, but realized I'd said too much. "I feel I have more tact than you do. I have a better chance of being able to talk to her without her flipping out. Just... you guys can't jump her immediately. We have to bring her back and make her talk to us about why she'd do such a thing. Then we can figure out what to do with her. It'll be a fair trial." I said with conviction, daring Faye to disagree with what I said. "I refuse to kill her, not unless she tries to kill me or one of us. It's not her style to try and kill all of us and run away." I told them.
(This is great practice Zeyro. If you control Cerah, then you can both follow AND lead the story, since you can choose how Cerah reacts based on her personality, since you came up with her. It'll be great practice ^_^ )
Faye sighed, shaking her head slowly. "'s just..." She looked at Juniper for a moment, who seemed to have caught up with them, "Well, I think she actually does hate you. It's kind of complicated. Plus, you can't defend yourself in such a state, anyway. If any of us try and do that, Jess should be the one." She eyed Varexes carefully, not wanting to have to say exactly the reason. After all, she didn't want anyone to be embarrassed.

I narrowed my eyes at her as I realized she was hiding something. "Define 'complicated.'" I told her, curious about her reasoning. "I don't need to defend myself anyways. I just need to be able to talk her down. If she attacks, I have you and Jess and Juniper watching my back. I know I'm safe. Besides, even with my arm I have good reflexes." I told Faye.
((Nooooo. D: Don't leave Lanli behind.))

Seeing that all of the other elves where walking away, Lanli hurriedly stood up and hurried after them as fast as her aching legs would allow.
(hey, in 10 minutes i'm gonna have some "me" time and just go play video games, because i haven't done that in forever. i'm always either doing homework or on here and facebook listening to music. i need a fix of a night to myself, especially since today was actually quite a shitty day.)
She looks between the Faye and Varexes following their conversation. "She will talk to me" she volunteers. Cerah seemed to like her for some odd reason. She bit her lip still nervous about seeing her again.

I shook my head at Juniper. "I don't want to risk that. What if she kidnaps you? Or takes you hostage or something? The risks are too high." This was solid reasoning, but I didn't bother to tell the real reasons: one was that I had some sort of personal feelings towards Juniper. I wasn't sure what they are, and I wasn't sure how to deal with them. Another was that I didn't want to put anyone else in a risk of danger. I was already useless and if I risked myself then nothing would change really. But if Faye or Juniper or Jess did it, they might get hurt, and that would hurt the group. I couldn't hurt the group anymore than I already had by having my broken arm, so I don't really care what happens to me.
(( Aweh, okaiii.

School days are almost always shitty days.

xD It's a shame I go back Wednesday T^T))

Faye sighed dramatically, not wanting to have to say this, but having no choice. However, she wasn't planning to say it aloud in front of everyone. She hesitated, scratching her arms for a few moments while she looked at the ground. Finally, she looked up at Varexes.

"Okay, Cerah likes Juniper...and well, she saw you two hanging out together earlier and now she thinks you guys are...well, yeah..." she whispered, awkwardly stumbling over each phrase. "Well, I'll just..go, uh walk over there now," she blurted, slowly backing away from the group. 
(( Goodnight Vamp!))
(Last post, then I'm out. I'll post more tomorrow.)


I looked at Faye strangely. "Why are you talking like that? It's not a problem. I'll tell her that it's nothing, I was simply making sure that nothing happened to Juniper. Or make up some other excuse. something that's believable and makes sense. I can make it believable." I shrugged. "There's no need to be so awkward about this, just say it next time." I told her, and I realized that due to my tiredness my filters were quickly degrading. This would have to be done fast, and I'd have to think about what I wanted to say. 
(My day was shitty for more than just school though. My Crohn's has kept me in pain all day, and I'm tired, and one of my friends has basically said "screw our friendship" because she got a boyfriend. but good night guys!)
Juniper looked at Faye remembering what Cerah had said about Verexes. "She threatened to kill you, both of you." she states flatly pretty sure that was that was needed to be said.
(( That means I'm gonna be bored again xD

I hate that I get sleepy around 3AM which is..

HOLY SHIT. I missed Degrassi tonight!!! I'm ashamed of myself!! D;

and Ikr, 'some sort of personal feelings towards Juniper' HMM. xD

And aweh, I'm sorry! :c Well, if someone ditches you for someone else than they're not a true friend :c I've had a lot of friends do that to me..and when they were hanging out with me, it was basically just using me until their better friend came along. Like seriously, we'd be walking together and when their other friend came over they just ran away from me and walked with their other friend, not even asking me to come with them. So many rude people. And in the end, none of them ended being true friends. There's plenty of people who would die to be your friend, so shame on that girl for ditching you for her boyfriend. I hate how people can't just hang out altogether for some reason ;c

and okaiii, goodnighttt.))

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