The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Nova pulled himself to his feet, still barely able to stand from the shock of so much damage being done at once. " the healers house?" He asked, supporting hinself by leaning on a nearby tree.

I panted and closed my eyes to the pain, a cold sweat enveloping my body. I staggered over to the walkway that would have led up to the house before collapsing onto the bottom step, leaning against the railing as I attempted to master my body and my pain. Come on Varexes, you can do it! Stop being such a pansy, a small broken bone like that isn't going to keep you down, is it?! I screamed at myself in my head with my eyes closed and what I knew was an ugly, contorted look of pain on my face.

Suddenly though, I heard a crumbling noise behind me and turned to see the house fall... with Blake underneath it. My mouth gaped open in astonishment, pain forgotten when the sight lay there, dust and ashes steadily settling on top of the pile of timber. I stood up strong, ignoring the pain that still coursed through my arm and strode strong, a calm and dangerous look of fury on my face. "Cerah you say?" I asked as I stood next to Faye. "That girl is going to pay." I said to no one in particular, but the cold fury that was on my face was a frightening one, even to myself as I sheltered my calm and kind emotions behind a wall to protect them from the anger, fear, pain and pure, unadulterated hatred that I felt at that very moment.
Ava was standing on the walkway when she watched the entire house collapse, Blake falling along with it. Her eyes widened with fright as she rushed to the edge, looking down at the house's ruins. Her stomach churned as her heart broke in half, tears welling up in her eyes. Her pale lips trembled as her legs went numb, her head feeling dizzy as her vision went blurry. She began to shake her head fast, not believing what she was seeing.

"Blake!" she yelled, rushing down the walkway and throwing herself onto her knees beside the pile of remains. She covered her mouth with the palm of her hand, holding back sobs.
"W-Was that a person who just fell!?" Lanli asked in shock. She frantically ran towards the pile of rubble and began digging her way through it. "Come on.. Don't be dead... Don't be dead.."
(Aw Nami why kill off Blake xD Now Ava has no one...)

Jess felt relief when everyone from under the house made it away from the pile but the feeling was quickly squashed when the house did collapse, Blake taking it all full force. Jess watched the scene happen, feeling like it was going in slow motion, before a somewhat strangled cry slipped from her lips, horror and fury masking over her face. She couldn't handle death very well, especially when she was watching it happen, but she couldn't pull her line of sight away from the scene. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about everything, Cerah burning the house, Varexes getting injured, Blake's death, and Ava having everything in her life practically taken away from her in a heartbeat. She was goin to go insane if anything else happened... or if she ever saw Cerah again.
((I've never heard of Flyff before :o But I know how you feel, I play Mabinogi--not as much recently, since no one will play with me xD --but I'm a loner on there even though it's actually a lot of fun to play x'D I'm an archer elf like Faye xD That's actually what inspired me to create this roleplay. After all, I took all the talents from that game xDD

and Sliver, don't worry. xD Blake's a strong mofo xD

annnnnd Nova, Blake's underneath all the wood. He would be dead right now x'D))

Faye looked at Varexes, her eyes a bit watery. She felt all sorts of emotions at the current moment and all the anger led back to one person: Cerah. She nodded slowly at him, agreeing with his words. Not only Ava's house was long gone, but now Blake was as well. The girl could've killed the rest of them too, but they were all lucky that they made it out safely.

Ava continued to sob on the ground when suddenly the entire pile of remains exploded. She covered her face with her arms and ducked, but was still hit with a few pieces of wood. She winced in pain as the edge of a board sliced through her arm. However, when she moved her arms away from her face her eyes widened with surprise at what she saw.

Blake was grateful that the ruins surrounding him had exploded, finally releasing the shield he'd summoned around him. He let out a deep breath, rubbing his head as a migraine came on. He began to take a few steps forward, falling onto his knees suddenly. He clenched his jaw shut tight. It seemed that he'd used too much magic in the time that had recently passed. He never usually needed to use this much, so there was some serious pain in his head.

He was greeted by Ava's presence as she fell beside him, wrapping her arm around his back. Her cheeks were soaked with tears and he managed a small smile, reassuring his friend that he was okay.

The pile of timber exploded outward, sending splinters flying everywhere. Luckily I was nearly entirely untouched except for a few scrapes on my cheek that stung slightly. Astounded, I looked to see Blake standing there. I grinned. "Magic, it's such a b*tch, but it works so well." I wasn't speaking to anyone, but when Blake collapsed I frowned and remained where I was, knowing Ava would run to Blake.
(I think that Nova reacted too quickly. Considering how he was feeling, he would've had to run all the way down the stairs, get into the pile of wood, dig him up, and THEN do that.

I don't think Nova could've managed that.) 
(Also, you could also be blamed for controlling too much. She left it open-ended, and lets say that DESPITE your current situation, what with your exhaustion and just waking up from being knocked out and everything, you managed to get down and uncover him. Shouldn't Nami have a chance to say that Blake was all right and shielded so Nova doesn't have to do any of this?)
(( Zeyro, I was already planning on having him get out of the pile. The point of his character is that he's much much more experienced than all the other villagers, therefore he can't seem weak at all. I actually wasn't planning on having him do much, but then you had Cerah light the house on fire so I had no choice. But since you blew up the pile of wood, I had to scratch the other idea and just have him been shielding himself. He's a minor character of course, so I won't be controlling him for long. He may seem a bit overpowered, but that's the point. He's a minor character only though and he's not using it towards anyone else, unlike Cerah who used it against others. However, the main characters, meaning all of our main elves, are all supposed to be less powerful since the point is having the other elves join together to help one another. I wasn't planning on doing anything else with Blake really after this actually, he just needed to get out of the house. I just added a little twist to his exit.

Also, your posts are much less detailed than they should be in my opinion. You always post about a sentence or two..maybe three..and that's almost always, which isn't quite often. Not only that, but they're a little unclear. After all, how much detail can you really add in three sentences? For example, you said Nova placed his hands on Blake's forehead, but that was simply impossible considering Blake was covered by the house's remains. Which is a lot. Consider a house collapsing on you...Hahah. You can't just dig him up. However, I managed to go along with what you'd written as much as I could. ))
(That's exactly the point I was trying to make... I mean, you just leave your posts so undetailed Zeyro. I hate to say it but that's why I ignore most of them, because they're just a few sentences that don't really explain much. I mean, I only post a few sentences when there's NOTHING else to post, like how it was when Var trained Juniper (slightly). You leave yours so close-ended, and you seem to try and make your character the center of everything... like when he was so obviously and so stupidly hitting on Ava when they first met. The lack of detail and the lack of tact bothers me a lot, and I didn't want to point it out because I thought I was just being nit-picky.) 
(Nami, since Mabinogi is a Nexon game... do you play Vindictus?)
(Why does school get in the way of summer. I mean really? I'm finally in summer mode and more school gets dropped on my face. aioghrao. Anyways i scanned over the pages I missed, but i'm still lost at what is happening.)
(Varexes went down with Lanli when Lanli fell off the ice that Blake made, Varexes made his arm break worse and it was roughly splinted by Faye, they got out from underneath the house where Blake was crushed when the house collapsed, and now we're arguing about Nova's ability to dive down and "save" Blake... like, Nami left it really open-ended and he tried to close it out despite Nami's ideas on how to do it.)
(( Exactly. Like, exactly. x"D

I don't like to point out things like that, so I wasn't planning on mentioning the lack of detail in your posts which bothered me a bit as well. However, it seems I've had to at this point. Note that we're not trying to insult your writing skills, we're just letting you know that it's been quite clear for a long while now, so it's probably better we point it out to you anyway.

Annnd Alcatraz, Mabinogi's like the only one I play xD I've never heard of Vindictus owo

Lol, I just started cracking up because I remembered a while ago when I made my elf in mabinogi eat a bunch of meat 'cause I didn't want to waste it, but then my elf got like insanely obese and I was xD So, it wouldn't go away so I was just that fat elf running around. So, I tried losing the damn weight by eating the fruits and crap, but it didn't work!! So I finally got pissed off and rebirthed just so I wasn't a chubby elf anymore x'D It was ridiculous. Now I know not to eat anything ever again in that game xD

And yes, that's what happened xD and if you're wondering where everyone is currently:

Faye & Varexes are standing a few feet further away from everyone, Nova & Lanli are standing closer to where the pile of remains of the house was, Blake and Ava are sitting in the middle of where the house collapsed, Juniper, Ruineth, Jess, and Valandil are all on the walkway still.

BTW, the remains of the house vanished since Nova exploded it into ice crystals lmao. )) 
(( Oh, and Birch vanished as usual.

Idunno what I'm gonna do with him. I don't really wanna kill him off, but at the same time he's kind of just a burden for Faye now. After all, she's supposed to like him yet he's pretty much nonexistent now so xD At the same time, I don't want her depressed over him like she was over Roslyn.

So, idk wtf to do with Birch at this point xDD))
(I understand. I think it is my personality. I have noticed a trend in people who ignore me and now I think it's me, not circumstance. Though what exactly tge problem is, I have no earthly clue...I just can't communicate in a way others can build on is what it seems.)
Lanli gasped as she was shoved to the ground by the previously unconcious elf who she had helped earlier. He seemed to be doing something weird to the pile... Mumbling something at it. Before she could react, the entire pile of rubble exploded in front of her. She yelled out and curled up into a ball, covering her face and chest with her arms and legs. Splinters pierced her limbs as she cried out in pain and surprise.
(( Hahah, Zeyro, it's not you, it's just the lack of detail in your posts. xD

Detailed posts=better posts.

As long as they don't include terrible grammar. //hates terrible grammar with all my heart//

Fortunately, everyone in this roleplay has good grammar. :'D ))
(We can always just make Birch a tag along like Vex is, using him to cook something whenever the elves get hungry xD And that way Faye won't get all depressed and such!)
(Zeyro, the thing is is like... you always make the story about you. You try and drive the story around YOU rather than the group. I mean, when I write posts I try to interact with the other characters in a way that makes sense, rather than simply brute-forcing my way through. It's a matter of circumstance, because when Varexes was training Juniper, that was a side-plot that included JUST me and Juniper, so Nami couldn't lead it. Because I was the trainer in the situation, I was the leader. But when we first met Ava, Nova went all out like, trying to hook up with her and the way you wrote it you sorta shoved your way in rather than adapting to the story in the first place. If instead of trying to shove your way into the story and make yourself known, just make your posts a bit more subtle until you get into a position where it's JUST you and some other character. That's when you lead.

When you write in roleplays, you have to know when you're allowed to lead and when you're allowed to follow. Your best bet is to follow rather than lead if you don't quite know which you're supposed to do under certain circumstances.

Like, if you want to interact with Blake's fall, you could say something along the lines of you stumbled down the walkway to the pile of timber and searched using YOUR magic to find BLAKE'S magic. That way Nami could lead the story, since this is one of HER plot lines that she's leading.

And like Nami said, the more detail you have the better the rp gets. I'm not saying write out a full page or even a full paragraph. Just use more detail and try to follow the plot rather than influence it. Let Nami lead the rp, since it IS her rp. That's all I'm trying to say.

NAMI! I see where you got our jobs from. Mabinogi :3

and Vindictus is another game by Nexon. It's like a third-person shooter style mmorpg that's based around dungeon gameplay rather than open-world and monsters-filling-the-world type of thing. It's really cool, you should check it out ^_^ )
((And Jesus christ Sliver, I didn't notice your siggie until now. But it's so gosh darn cute. I want to snuggle it and squeeze it and give it lovins.))
(I see what you mean Alc, I dod not even realize I was doing any of that. That actually explains where I've gone wrong in SO many hurts like hell though even if it is helpful. Thank you.)

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