The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper stood outside the house not sure what to do. She paces in front of the house nervously. Looking up, she spotted Valandil coming to a stop. "I think it was magic" she states not sure how to answer his question, not knowing the answer herself. "Where have you been?" she asks after a moment of thought realizing she hadn't seen him for a while.
"I was tired so I went to an inn for a couple hours to rest. When I woke up I had no idea where anyone was until I saw Varaxes running in this direction. I wonder who did this though." said Valandil, although he thought it might have been Cerah who was responsible for this.
(( Oh, why didn't I see any of these posts until now? owo I think I fell asleep around 12 hahah. Oops~))

Blake caught the rope that Jess tossed to him and nodded, sighing to himself at the same time. If he'd known another elf was going to attempt to slide across the ice he would've held it longer. He allowed the rope to trail down through the large hole in the floor, the end of it swinging beside Lanli and Varexes.

"Nova?" Faye wondered aloud, taking a step back. He had drawn an ice spear randomly, but his eyes were still shut. She then looked down at Varexes and Lanli, awaiting for them to grab the rope that Blake sent down for them.

I grabbed the rope from Blake. "Let go, I've got it." I said after confirming my grip with both hands.
(( And this is so I don't have to explain how burnt the house is again. Hahahah. P.S. I'm no artist x""D

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be05ee057_disstuff.jpg.327389992c1c33799d3e3204c23f9f05.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be05ee057_disstuff.jpg.327389992c1c33799d3e3204c23f9f05.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Without a word, Blake allowed the rope to slip from his hands. He wasn't quite sure what Varexes's plan was, but he figured the elf knew what he was doing. Plus, if it meant Blake didn't have to help out he was perfectly fine with it.



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The rope fell and I let my arm fall as well to decrease how much force it would yank my arm. "Thanks!" I called up, then pulled the rope up. "All right Lanli, here's the plan. We're going to drop from branch to branch, okay? When we get to the bottom branches, we'll tie the rope and then climb down the rope, okay?" I said walking her through as I coiled the rope as best I could.

(I love your picture Nami. So descriptive. xD )
(( I know, it was very detailed, wasn't it? Probably my best work. xD

I refreshed the page earlier and I thought the website was just all effed up and then I realized they changed the layout xD ))
(( xD hahaha

Yus, they changed it owo it's much different looking now. It's like the same organization except everything's kind of flipped around on the home page. The theme is what's most different. ))
((*Five minutes ago* "Whoo! Schools done for the day! Time to get on RPNation an-OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!"

So apparently they changed the layout.)) 
Lanli nodded in agreement with Varexes's plan. "Okay." She said as she began climbing her way down the branches.

I waited for Lanli to begin climbing down, then I put the rope around my arm and slid down from the branch, falling heavily and nearly losing my balance as I landed on the next branch down. The entire branch shook and leaves began to fall as I scrambled for a handhold, banging my left arm on the branch. I swore under my breath and gasped in pain, gulping down air in an attempt to make the agony stop coursing through my arm. In fact, the pain was twinging all the way up to my shoulder, and a thought ran through my mind before I shook my head. Not now. When we get down. I thought to myself before I handed Lanli the rope. "Here, you should take this." I said breathlessly. "Hold on to it, make sure you don't drop it." I instructed before I wrapped my right arm around the next branch and slid down again, landing a little lighter this time.
"Okay, thank you." Lanli said as she took the rope from Varexes. "Are you okay?" She asked him as she continued to climb down, noticing that he seemed to be in pain.

I looked up at Lanli and thought for a quick second about what to say. "I'm fine. I'm just a little injured is all." I said, trying for a calming tone to reassure her but knowing it came out flat and forced. "When we get down I'll explain." I said adding on, hoping to drop the subject.
Lanli somehow managed to get the hint, and dropped the topic. She decided to stay silent the rest of the way down.

((If you're on xfire right now, for some reason my computer wont let me log on. T_T Sorry, I'll keep trying.))

I was glad when she didn't say anything back and continued to climb down while I repeated the same motions of lowering myself down, then dropping.

(I'm still at school)
(Nami, I am going to make maps from now on...I have programs optimized for D&D style maps that should help a lot...just tell me what you need
(( Oof..I just ate way too much fried rice and I feel like death

..but it was worth it x'D

Annnnnnnnd maps? :o Sorry, I always need you to explain things to me ||D I mean, just explain a little more in depth if that' alright. ))
(You made a map to explain things about the house. If you need more maps like that, tell me so I can make crystal clear ones)
(( Oh, well that would be quite nice xDD

After all, mine looked like a piece of shit x'D hahahah. )) 
(( Ohmaigoodness we're at 400 pages <3 ))
(( //sigh// I'm so bored. Why does everyone have to be busy with school these days. Farewell, summer vacation~ xD

Well, I guess I'll go shoot my bow for a little while then come back here later.))
Lanli let out a sigh of relief once her feet finally hit the ground. "Thanks for your help, Varexes." She thanked the elf. "Did everyone else get out okay?" She asked.
(Oh I'm finally back home T^T I had to run errands for about 5 hours non-stop with my family... and I have a major headache as a result! Yay! (note the sarcasm there) Anyways at least after this post we will have a totally of 4,000 posts and counting for this rp ^^)

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