The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(Teleportation activate lol)

Ruineth swallowed. She nodded, taking a few steps forward. The floor moaned, and she squealed, quickly tip toeing across the floor. She thought every step would be her end, but the floor never gave out. Rune made her way over until she was a few feet away from Varexes. She peeked over his shoulder. She never really enjoyed jumping. But if she had to (and now seemed like one of those times) she would do it. She waited for her turn to exit, fiddling with the bag she'd gotten from Mireth and checking to see if the dress was okay.
Jess bit her lip and let out a breath of relief as she picked up her bag, happy that it was back around her shoulder. She slowly turned back around and a small feeling of dread pooled in her stomach. You could never know when the ground would give away and if it did what would happen? She moved very slowly, that sense of dread filling her even more though she didn't know why, and pressed herself to where one side of her was close to the wall.
((You're still at school? :u it's 5:40 PM xD Unless you're in a different time zone, you stayed after, or your school is just insane in the membrane. Hahah.

And well, guess we have to leave Nova in there. //shrugs// Oh wellll.

//slapped// xD ))

"Sorry, I'm gonna need you to move back, Ava. I need some space," she said, looking down at the elf lying in front of her.

Ava nodded, getting up slowly and crawling down the walkway. It was obvious she was still in some shock from almost falling to the ground. Faye got back into position, holding her arms out to show she was ready to help the next elf. "Come on!" she called from the walkway. 
((Oh wait, you're in Arizona so it's 2:46 there. NVM, YO. xD ))
(I'm in Arizona. It's 3:30 right now. No, I have a plan to get Nova out, so don't worry about it. :P )


Turning to Ruineth, I resumed my position a few steps back. "Same thing, k Ruineth? Run and jump and I'll push you. Ready?" I gently pushed her back, and when she jumped I gave her a little shove after she did that sent her directly at Faye, higher up than Ava. It was a game of trial and error... where the error resulted in the death of a friend. No, nobody's dying. Just don't screw up. You won't. Not this time. I forced myself to think. But as I pushed Ruineth, my foot slipped and I came down, barely able to save my knee from slamming into the wood and sending me hurtling to the ground below. As it was, I heard teh wood groan and quickly rolled over my shoulder back onto solid ground. That was too close. Gotta be careful.
((I'm three hours ahead xD

And aweh, okai. xD ))

As Ruineth came sailing over the massive hole in the floor, Faye reached out to catch her just in case. However, she must've been light because Varexes was able to get her completely onto the boardwalk. Well, more so on Faye.

"Oof!" Faye yelped, stumbling backwards onto the walkway as Ruineth practically bodyslammed her to the ground. "Caught you," she joked, awaiting Ruineth to get off her now.
(It's all cool)

Ruineth yelped as she flew into the air, landing on Faye. She quickly scrambled up, offering Faye her hand. "I'm so sorry, Faye! I wasn't expecting to go so fast!" She said. She rubbed her left side. Ow. Pain. She thought.
((Dangit. Why is it that everyone gets active while I'm at school? xD ))

Seeing that Ava was safely on the other side, Lanli looked down at her leg, and realized that it wasn't too badly hurt. But she still began removing the splinters so that she would be able to move more freely. She then looked around the room and saw an unconscious elf in the corner. She hurried over to him, and after checking if he was alright to the best of her ability, she then attempted to pick him up.

((How would I go about figuring out if Lanli is strong enough to pick Nova up? She's pretty strong, but he's a full grown elf so... I don't know. X_X))
Faye stood up and managed to chuckle a bit even in such a situation. "It's all good," she said with a kind smile. "Varexes, send over whoever is next!" she called, moving to the edge of the walkway once again. 
((And if Lanli uses all her strength she can probs pick him up xD I mean I'm assuming he's skinny. ))

Taking a few gulps of air I nodded at Faye and stood up slowly. "New elf, come here. I'll take care of Nova. What's your name?" I asked her, a bit firmer than normal due to my near-death experience a moment ago.

(I'm home and added you on skype nami)
((Alrighty. :3))

It took quite a bit of effort, but Lanli managed to pick the elf up. She turned and looked at the hole in the floor that had just been created, and began estimating the situation. She could try throwing him to someone, or she could try just jumping while carrying him. Both where dangerous though, and she stood there for longer than she probably should have, debating in her mind what to do.
(( Yaaaay. Okai :3

Annnd 'She could try throwing him to someone' You should try that. x'D --and then Nova fell through the hole and broke a few bones--

Gosh, I'm such a Nova hater today. It's just so fun to pick on his unconscious body. xD )) 
((This made me laugh way harder than it should have,

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/cat-human.png.062608c4e0f1f4a946ac3ff86b57be97.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5114" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/cat-human.png.062608c4e0f1f4a946ac3ff86b57be97.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> ))



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Jess looked at everyone that still needed to go across. There was Nova, Lanli, Varexes, and Jess herself. She nodded her head, glad that they have gotten mostly everyone across already with no serious injuries. She would wait until everyone else was safe before she jumped across, putting others before herself like she has always done... which could end up being good or bad on her behalf.

(I didn't know if Blake had already made it across or what. :P And I was tempted to have Jess kick Nova after Ruineth did but I skipped out xD )
(( Blake hasn't gone across yet xD He's making sure everyone gets out watching.... xD ))
"Hm, I have an idea," Blake said out of nowhere. He had simply been leaning against the wall, watching as everyone was thrown out of the house.

Finally, he stood up straight and turned towards the massive hole in front of the doorway. He held his hand out and concentrated solely on the gap. After a split second, sparkling ice began to form at the edge of the floor. He carefully moved his hand towards the end of the gap, allowing a thick sheet of ice to fill the entire hole.

"Slide Nova's body across this now. I can't hold this too long, considering it's going to add some weight to the floor. Now hurry up and do as I said, someone!" he orders, holding his hand up to keep the ice there.
(( It's okaii, I know how you feel xD I wrote a new chapter of my book earlier today, but I couldn't finish it because I couldn't stay concentrated enough. ))

I nodded at blake and rushed over to Nova. I grabbed him under one of his arms and carried him with the new elf to the ice, and then I slid him over, preventing the unknown elf from walking across the eyes. "Faye, get him!" I said urgently, shoving the dead weight body across the slippery ice towards Faye.
How convenient, Faye thought to herself as Varexes slid Nova's unconscious body across the thick sheet of ice. She reached out and grabbed his ankles, using all her strength to pull him back onto the wooden walkway. Once she did, the sheet of ice vanished and some more floor boards fell off. She gasped, not wanting to see the elves fall through.

As she went to lift Nova up and move him, it seemed a chunk of his long silver hair was caught on a nail. "Oh man," she murmured, stepping forward and lifting his head. She saw the hair wrapped around the nail and she carefully began pulling it off.
VampiricPotato said:
((Dangit. Why is it that everyone gets active while I'm at school? xD ))
Seeing that Ava was safely on the other side, Lanli looked down at her leg, and realized that it wasn't too badly hurt. But she still began removing the splinters so that she would be able to move more freely. She then looked around the room and saw an unconscious elf in the corner. She hurried over to him, and after checking if he was alright to the best of her ability, she then attempted to pick him up.

((How would I go about figuring out if Lanli is strong enough to pick Nova up? She's pretty strong, but he's a full grown elf so... I don't know. X_X))
(Are you calling Nova fat? xD

I assure you if anything he is pretty skinny, being starved half to death on his own.) 
(You're writing a book Nami? About what?

*can already guess it has elves and archery*)

A sharp nail of pain hammered through Nova mind jarring him to the rim of consciouness. Incoherent thoughts began to assemble themselves hastily in his mind. The main one being 'what just happened?' He attempted to use his magic in panic. A short burst of freezong energy was released around his body.
(( Actually no, I have it up online..but I doubt you'd like it xDD It's actually nothing to do with fantasy, more realistic situations. Well, there's a lot of killing and stuffs, not quite yet, but lotsa death. 'Cause for some odd reason, I love to write about death. It's four different stories in one, but they all intertwine some way or another. It's about an alcoholic, a bisexual person, a gang member/murderer, and a psychic medium(someone who sees ghosts). My beginning chapters need some work, but I haven't gotten around to fixing them all up too much yet. My more recent chapters are obviously much better. ))

"What the?" Faye wondered, feeling extremely cold as she stepped back and dropped Nova's head back down in the process. It seemed that he'd used some magic, meaning he was becoming conscious again. "Nova?" she questioned, eyeing him cautiously.
(( You would? Oh gosh, I'm flattered. But...I really don't know if you'd like it xD It may seem like it's directed towards a more female audience, but it's really not, just keep that it mind. It's just that all four characters happen to be girls and one of them is actually kind of annoying (the bisexual). I actually was inspired to write that character based off of someone I knew 'cause the topic was interesting to me, oddly enough. But anyway, I appreciate feedback and shit~ xD YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT SO LIKE YEAH. As I said, the chapters towards the beginning are more...meh, not so great. Like throughout the first four chapters I didn't know I was gonna turn it into a legit book, so. xD Around chapter 13ish they get slightly better. Btw, there's 47 chapters I believe. xD but it's like 1 chapter per character so it's really on their 12th chapter altogether.

OKAI, IM RAMBLING. Just don't judge my bad writing skills in the beginning x'D Or the lameness. Or the cuteness. Or my love of writing about killing. Okai. Okai.

I think Chapter 39 is my favorite. Here it is. Sorry, I had to give you a lot of warnings before you came running to tell me it was a piece of shit and you regretted reading it x"D //slapped// ))

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