The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"It's no problem at all, you've already done so much by allowing me to stay here. Thank you." Lanli thanked Ava, smiling. She made her way over to a spot on the blankets by where Ruineth had fallen asleep, and plopped herself down onto the floor. 
(Imma go to sleep, see you guys tomorrow after school. ^w^))
(Night VampiricPotato)

Jess watched as Ava set everything up, scattering blankets and the likes about. "Oh it's fine really. It's more like a luxury from sleeping on the forest floor so much." She said to the Dihart elf once she finished. Jess looked around for a quick second before picking a place near a corner to sleep, taking that extra precaution just to make sure that she wouldn't wake up because of being smothered by people randomly dog piling on her. Hey, anything could happen right?
(The AI in Oblivion was what anniyed me into quitting. One of the battles requires you to keep someone alive, and you NEED the friendly knights to help, but they kinda suck so you have to kill an army of enemies on your own. One of th few places invis won't help.)
(I only played Skyrim and Morrowind, and I know that Morrowind pissed me off to no end. I always get so confused on what to do and where to go. I've heard oblivion was better, but also buggier.)
(I simply hate the elder scrolls in general because of their level mechanics, also I think the excessive number of useless items is bad design. But I have to give them credit for content, and detail which are both done really well.)
(Elder Scrolls gets bonus points for their character class design. If you want to be an archer, there's like 3 low level bows, each with their own bonuses that get you started. Depending on your play style, you adapt how you want to play by using those weapons. However, if you decide you want to change somewhere in the middle, you gotta level up those particular skills, and by having so many low level weapons in the game it works.

Also, since there's no "level requirement" or "strength" requirement, you can use anything from level 1, which means that you're given a bunch of useless junk which teaches you to value the one time you get a semi-rare item.)
Cerah marched up to Ava. "Where is she? Where is the archer? Tell me now and I'll try not to kill her!" Cerahs eyes were alive with electricty, the air around her crackled, the lights in the ceiling flickered madly.
(I'm gonna try and play again today on my own. I will probably die but whatever xD too bad the people are so determined to kill you for absolutely no reason. lolol.

And I'll post in a while, I gotta do some stuff, I'm on my phone right now.)) 
Ava turns, her eyes expanding with surprise to see Cerah standing behind her furiously. "Cerah, what are you doing? You should be resting. You need to leave the others alone, please. How many times have I told you to respect others and learn not to hold grudges? You mustn't add any more fuel to the fire. All that's left for you to do is apologize for your actions, Cerah." Ava spoke in a stern tone, clearly getting a bit tired of dealing with her friend's regular attitude. All she wanted was to get a point across to Cerah and for her to forgive and forget. The girl held way too many grudges.

Faye looked over as the lights flickered, seeing Cerah standing by Ava. She was clearly furious with her still, causing Faye to sigh silently to herself as she pulled her bow off her back. It was true, she really did not want to have to use it, but if she needed to in self defense she would.
Juniper nodded in agreement having given up on brushing her hair from her face, she left it. She looked up at the sky realizing how much time had passed. She still wasn't sure if she was ready to go back inside. She wasn't sure that Varexes would leave her side if she didn't go in. She couldn't remember him sleeping. He must be tired. "Maybe we should go inside" she suggested still a little uncomfortable with the idea.
(You like Krabby Patties, don't you Squidward? Don't eat so many!

What's going to happen? Am I going to blow up?

No, worse, it'll go right to your thighs!

My thighs?

And then you'll blow up!

"Apologize? The hell I will! I warned you now, now I WILL kill her if I see her." Cerah didn't notice Faye in her anger. "In the meantime..." Cerah raised her arms out on either side and sent a bolt of lightning into the wall, lighting it on fire. She then jumped back and flash stepped under the front door. The tiny fires began to crackle and eat slowly at tge walls.
Ava gasped, eyeing the flames that were crackling ferociously, watching as it sent a trail of fire up the wooden wall. The visual was apparent in her pupils, her eyes growing a shade darker. This very sight, it just broke her heart. She was the one who took Cerah under her wing, looking past her flaws and anger issues. She was the one who decided to be there for her when no one else cared. But this...

"Cerah..." She whispered, more to herself than anyone. There was a slight crack in her voice as she lifted her chin slowly as she kept her glassy eyes on the flames spreading.

Faye's brows furrowed, her jaw dropping as she watched the flames spread about the walls. It was spreading so fast, considering the home was made of wood completely. She clenched her teeth together angrily, gripping onto her bow. The girl was obviously mad. She was the one harassing juniper to begin with, now in order to get revenge on the one who was protecting Juniper she was putting everyone around her in serious danger.

"She's going to start a damn forest fire!" Faye yelled, taking a step back as the flames bursted and crackled with rage. Her pupils darted around, searching for something to stop the growing fire with. As she eyed the door she took a step forward, coming to a sudden halt as the flames grew upon that as well.

"Damn that girl," Blake murmured, stressful lines in his forehead becoming apparent. He stormed out of the room and down the hall, his eyes narrowing with rage as he saw the flames building up around all the innocent elves. "Stand back!" He shouted above the crackling, the heat making him sweat already.

He stood in front and lifted both of his hands. Right as he did so, massive streams of water came gushing out of his palms and across the walls. He kept his eyes concentrated solely on what he was doing, allowing the water to put out the fire completely.

Finally, after a minute he put his hands down and breathed heavily, but not because he was tired--because he was truly furious.
(Thanks leaving Nova unconscious like that, he justgot a life threatening wound, but he'll shake it need to take him to the healers house xD )
Jess let out a small yelp as some fire touched her bare arms, a growl coming from her throat. She looked over at the door that Cerah went out of, moving her sight to the now black and burnt walls. She was practically shaking in her rage because Cerah put tons of elves lives on the line for no apparent reason. Jess looked around the area to make sure everyone, besides Juniper and Varexes since they were out, was alright before a small light went off in her head. Where was Nova? She ran in the area that Blake came from and eventually went into a room, seeing Nova unconscious on the floor. She let out another frustrated growl and awkwardly picked him up and brought, well more like dragged, him to where everyone else was.

(There you go.)
Ruineth woke at the smell of smoke. She gasped at the sight of the flames, and again at the sight of Blake putting the fire out with magic. She stood there, frozen in place. But the anger in her heart melted the ice.

"Who did this!?" She asked furiously. Jess dragged Nova into the room, and Rune found herself stomping over to the unconscious body and kicking him square in the gut. How could she have apologized to magic? It nearly took Ava and Blake's home from them. She felt bad about kicking Nova, considering he didn't do anything. But right now she needed to vent, and the ice mage was her only outlet besides Blake and Juniper. She immediately looked at everyone with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." She stated. She looked at Nova. "I'm sorry." She repeated. Why did she always have to do stupid things? She stepped back, letting her hatred for magic fully restore itself. I'm sorry, Nova. But magic? Damn you to hell.

There. Perfecto! Ruineth randomly kicking someone in the gut!)
Lanli stood up, shocked at everything that had just happened, but completely incapable of helping quell the flames. "Who in the name of the Fayland was that?" She asked Ava, panicked. All she knew was that one moment, everyone was relaxing and getting ready to sleep, and the next a woman wielding electricity came bursting into the room and set it on fire. Desperate to try and help, Lanli grabbed one of the blankets off the ground and began attempting to pat the fire down with it wherever she could reach.
((Nova needing to go to the healer's house from getting shocked by lightning<Saving the entire town from a forest fire

Saweh xD

Plus, I thought he just got a little shock xD )) 
All Ava heard were muffled voices around her, the ringing in her ears blocking out all the other ambiance. Her now dark purple eyes scanned the damage, falling right to her knees before it all. Her mouth hung open with horror, all the effort put into building this home destroyed thanks to Cerah. She felt her eyes watering as the smell of smoke filled her senses.

Blake breathed in, trying to hold in all of his rage. He was always calm, cool, and collected..but right now he was about ready to explode. "She needs to go," he stated simply.

"Go?" Ava questioned as her voice shook, looking up at the older boy standing a few feet away from her. She wasn't quite aware of what he was trying to say.

Blake took a step forward, opening his mouth to repeat for the poor girl settled on the floor with watery eyes. As he did so, his foot fell through the floor. He growled with clear aggravation, the look in his dark eyes no longer a calm one.

"This is f*cking ridiculous!" he roared, wincing in agony as he managed to pull his leg out of the hole in the floor. He stood up, eyeing the wooden boards all around them. It seemed that the fire had weakened them from burning so much. "It's not safe to be in here any longer. We're going to have to exit the house very carefully. You don't want to fall through the floor--we're quite high off the ground and falling could mean breaking some bones." He then shot an enraged look at Ava, flames now building up in his eyes. "Cerah. I knew it was never a good idea to take her in. She's no longer allowed to stay with us," he snapped, making it clear that that was that.
Jess favored her slightly burnt and tender arm while looking over at Ava. She felt saddened that Ava, one of the most generous elf's she had ever met, had to go through this. She also felt an almost overwhelming rage at Cerah for doing this to everyone, wanting nothing more than to tear her to shreds. Jess let out a sigh and bottled up her emotions, turning her head to look down at the still unconscious Nova. They would need to most likely take him to a healer soon. 'Thanks to Cerah of course.'
Realizing that her feeble attempts to help where no longer going to be of any help, Lanli turned around to see a shocked looking Ava sitting on the ground, and a man that she didn't know screaming at her. "Come on, we need to get out of here!" But as she began making her way to Ava, part of the floor collapsed beneath her left foot. Lanli managed to wrench it out, but by that point it was covered in large splinters. Now limping slightly from pain, Lanli made her way over to Ava and hoisted her up on her feet, and began leading her out.

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