The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Jess groaned as she slowly started to drift away from her sleeping state, all of her sense coming back to her. She stayed faced down on the couch as she heard a door creak open, followed by the sound of Ava talking. She listened with close attention as she heard the kind Dihart elf talk about meeting someone new, that new elf most likely also in the house. Jess grumbled to herself as she pushed herself off of the couch after Ava finished talking, seeing that Faye had already introduced herself. Once the shifter was near the group she spoke up, her attention on Lanli. "Hello, I'm Jess. Your name must be Lanli from what I overheard while regaining some stability." Yeah... introductions were never her specialty.
Lanli smiled and shook Faye's hand eagerly. "It's good to meet you. I'm actually from Fayland as well. But it seems like we haven't met before now." She paused as another elf entered the room and introduced herself as Jess. "It's nice to meet you as well, Jess." She said, holding her hand out for a shake.
Faye returned the handshake for a moment before allowing her arm to fall back by her side."It's a pleasure to meet you as well! That's Ruineth sitting at the table over there...Juniper and Varexes are outside somewhere, I think Vex is asleep, I think Nova went upstairs, and I'm not quite sure where Birch and Valandil went," she says, scratching the back of her neck as she looks around. She turns back to Lanli, chuckling softly. "Yeah, there's quite a few of us.."
Juniper watched in concentration watching as he moved her arm around. She dropped it at her side She watched him silently step back into place. She brushed her hair behind her ear trying to keep it out of her face, but it wasn't quite long enough so it just fell right back. This in between length was getting on her nerves. She didn't think she had the patience to let it grow out. Maybe before they left, she could find a knife or something to cut her hair with.
Jess bit her lip as she looked at the outstretched hand but shook it anyways, cringing on the inside. "It's nice to meet you too. Everyone she listed just now is also from Fayland, including me." She gave Lanli a friendly smile after she finished talking, just to show her that she meant no harm.

She tried to put her hair behind her ear and I nodded. "Do you want to try again?" I asked. Before she could answer however, I swung at her. Ever so slightly faster, and slightly harder too. She needed good reactions, and this was one way to test those.
Nova walked up the creaking steps to the upper halway. After checking a couple rooms he opened the door to where Blake had taken Cerah. The girl lay in bed with the covers pulled over her as if she were sleeping. Nova cautiously closed the door, glaring at Blake the entire time, mking his way across the room to stand at the bed. "Hello, you must be Blake." Nova said, turning to the elf. "I am Nova, I don't think we've met." Nova said, extending his hand to Blake.
Blake was leaning against the wall, awaiting for Cerah to wake up. He had been scolding her in his mind for being such a nuisance. As he heard footsteps walking into the room, he continued to rest his eyes. It was until a male voice spoke, introducing himself as Nova.

Blake's eyelids opened gradually, just enough so that his piercing green eyes were narrowed on the elf's. He was known for having a chilling gaze. He glanced at Nova's outstretched hand for a moment, not bothering to take it.

After allowing an icy silence to rise between the two of them, he finally spoke up in a harsh tone. "Is there something you need?" he asked flatly.
(Gahhhh. I feel like an idjit. Asking what was going on and then not posting.)

Ruineth snapped back to reality. Her mind had wandered elsewhere, but when she noticed Ava introducing a new elf Rune regained her focus. She sat there, sort of dazed until Faye told the new girl she was sitting here. How rude of you, Ruineth Laelenlaal. To sit here when there is a new elf being introduced! She thought. Deciding it was better late than never, she stood from her spot and approached the newbie. "Sorry I didn't come over sooner. I am Ruineth Laelenlaal, as Faye told you." She said with a smile.
"Wow, someone with more of an icy demeanor than myself. Where have you been all my life, 'my long lost brother?' " Nova said, withdrawing his hand. "As a matter of fact there is, I need to keep an eye on that one." Nova stole a seat in the chair across the room from Blake, staring at him all the while. "And I need to talk to you....about magic." Nova took a deep breath, preparing himself.
Blake laughed very subtly, his mouth not even opening or moving. In the end, it simply came out sounding like Hmph. He arched a dark brow at Nova, wondering why he needed to keep an eye on Cerah. Without bothering to ask, he just sighed silently to himself.

When Nova brought up the word magic, he found himself a bit more interested in the elf's presence here. His dark pupils moved back to Nova, a questioning gaze hidden somewhere in the green of his eyes. Blake lifted his chin up a bit higher, looking down on the elf.

"And what about magic do you wish to know about?" he asked.

She let out a yelp and deflected my strike, making me just barely miss her. "Good, but block, don't deflect." I paused. "I want you to put your arms at your side. Like this." I showed her, my arms loosely at my side. "I will swing at you from the side." In slow motion I showed her what I was going to do, bringing my hand around like I was going to punch her upper arm, lightly making contact. "All you have to do is block me." I told her, gingerly using my left hand to bend her arm up to stop me at my forearm, slightly higher than my wrist. "I'll go at varying speeds and times, so you just have to react. You know what to do, you're just reacting."
"Ever since I entered this magic has stopped working. I haven't been able to discern why, but you have more knowledge of it than I do, can you think of a possible reason?" Nova watched Cerah as he spoke, 'The others can't know about this, I cannot be useless to them...' Cerah stirred slightly, but then went limp again.
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Blake let out an exhausted sigh, standing up straight with his arms still crossed over his chest. "Don't worry, it's nothing new. As you should already know, the enormous wall surrounding Auchertown is protected by a magical barrier. Any new mages that arrive have their magic drained from them for about twenty four hours; all that magic being infused with the magic already protecting the town. This renews the barrier's energy, keeping it strong for a much longer amount of time. Magic has its limits, just as any other talent does. An archer can run out of arrows, a fighter can run out of energy, etc," he explains, his eyes closed as he speaks. When he's finished, he opens his eyelids and glares at Nova for a few moments, hoping his words were able to sink in. He then looks back to Cerah again.
Juniper listened trying to absorb the information. "Okay" she replies trying to get ready for what he had in store. She wasn't sure she was getting any better. She wondered if she would be able to remember any of this or if she would just freeze up like she had done in the past. She tried to brush her hair out of her eyes again.
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I nodded at her and swung at her side, exactly as I showed her but moving at the speed that I had been the past times.
(I would love to listen to the message in that music, but I just can't listen to that style while doing anything but trying to discern the words, I kinda like it, but I wish I could listen to it more)
(( That's why the lyrics are there xDD

I love it *-* Hopes Die Last is one of my favorite bands, but I didn't find out until today that they had a new EP out called WOLFPACK.

This is there first EP with songs with techno/dubstep in it. I like it, though. ))
Juniper lifted her arm trying to do as they were practicing trying to block his punch. She hoped she got it right. It didn't seem like she had it 100 percent correct.

She stopped my punch, and I beamed. "Good! Great! Again!" I said, swinging again ever so slightly faster.
Lanli looked over at the new elf who was approaching her. She introduced herself as Ruineth, and Lanli smiled in response. "Hi, it's nice to meet you Ruineth." She greeted, and then turned to Ava. "You where right, there are a lot of elves here." She said, smiling and chuckling a bit.
Ava laughed, clasping her hands together behind her back. "Yes, I wasn't lying!" she says, eyeing the swarm of elves standing around Lanli.
"That would make sense", ' Except for the fact that my magic abilities vanished well before we got here.' "What is her problem?" Nova asked motioning to Cerah.

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