The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Everyone gets stressed. Everyone gets depressed.

Do something fun to take your mind off all that crap. Listen to music. Write a story. Take a nap. Idc. You don't need to force yourself to be happy by using drugs.

That's my opinion on it. )) 
(( Get out of the house and go dance with your friends or play video games then. Turning to drugs isn't the solution. ))
(What about the serious cases though? And like I said before, for some people weed is an outlet. Just like writing is for you, or reading is for other people, or playing video games is for me. Weed is an outlet. Also, weed can enhance some experiences: like "the awkward dreams of a white kid" videos on youtube, or playing certain video games while high enhances the experience. Again, if it is used RESPONSIBLY and WITHIN YOUR HOME. Not out in public.)
Nami said:
(( Everyone gets stressed. Everyone gets depressed.
Do something fun to take your mind off all that crap. Listen to music. Write a story. Take a nap. Idc. You don't need to force yourself to be happy by using drugs.

That's my opinion on it. )) 
(( Get out of the house and go dance with your friends or play video games then. Turning to drugs isn't the solution. ))
(Some stress is just too powerful to deal with without damaging the mind. It just changes people and warps their mind, if the burden could be lightened to allow them to deal with it peice by peice they might be saved. You just have to see the redults before you can understand how powerful it is, 'just deal with it' won't cut it sometimes)
"I think we should stick to one thing at a time" Juniper answers. She wasn't sure if he was insulting her hand eye coordination or trying to help.
(( I just don't think it's right. It fucks up your brain and it's not for the better. I don't care what anyone says. Illegal drugs are drugs that you should just stay away from.

Plus, I personally think it's an extreme turn off. I don't want to be around someone who's always high, and let me tell you, 90% of the kids out there who do weed are always getting high.

Sorry, I'd rather be around someone and have fun with them because they're actually fun people, not because they're high and that's the only way they think they can have fun. ))
(Even if they're in the basement, with friends, chilling watching TV? That's ALL they are doing, and your child tells you they've been doing this for a few months. What is the harm of being in your basement watching TV or playing games with friends? It can build social bonds that way, and I know several people who have made friends by doing this. They're not harming anyone, not even themselves because weed has been pretty much proven to have no negative side affects.

Also, I have Crohn's disease. I can have flares triggered by not taking meds OR by being too stressed out. I almost had a flare last year due to stress from school. If weed can prevent that stress, why shouldnt' I be allowed to? It would stop further more serious issues from harming me.)
(( Well, it's part of life. Dealing with tough situations and getting through. If you turn to drugs, I'm sorry but you've failed. ))
(But some people DON'T think that way. They're NOT always high and they're NOT thinking that's the only way to have fun.

Let me ask you something: You meet someone, right? They're cool. You guys hang out and have a lot of fun. Then this person tells you they smoke weed after you've known each other for, say, 6 months. They tell you that they only get high on the weekends when they're not going out. Are you suddenly not going to be friends with them?)
(Sorry if this took awhile to type, I'm a little busy =_=)

(And I agree with you Alcatraz but it wasn't laced whenever he first started, though it he has had it been laced before with cocaine. The reason my brother started was because he got into the wrong group of friends. Really everything I said in my mini rant about all of the downs is from experience with him. He has stolen a ton of my money, and my mom's, along with all of my and my other brother's games and game systems just to buy more. I think it started turning into a coping mechanism when everything in our life starting going down hill, especially his. Once our life became... out of hand I guess, he started trying hardcore drugs (speed, cocaine, etc.), he started to get addicted to pills and steal alcohol from peoples houses. This has all happened within a span of maybe a year, possibly even two, and he is only 16. Now, since a few days ago, he is in a rehab place of sorts to try and get help. Out of all these experiences I completely despise weed and really all drugs, as I think most people should anyways. )
(Nami I honestly think you are too closed minded about some things. But then agin I think we all are :/ Myself included (you could say I am that way regardimg religion)

But they some are onlybillegal because society doesn't want to deal with them, which is clearly not working.)
(Then it was peer pressure, not just weed. But as I've said before, it can be gateway when life starts to go downhill and they use weed as an excuse to do harder things.

Prohibition didn't work in the 20's because people started smuggling alcohol. Legalizing weed will do several things on an economical scale: less people will be going to prison. We have one of the highest incarceration rates, and why? Drug related crimes. Most of them to do with weed. By legalizing weed, we cut back on prison populations, we cut back on costs that go to prisons that could be otherwise going into education or healthcare and various other things.)
(( I wouldn't stop being friends with them, but I'd sure sit them down and give them a talk xD

Next thing you know they're on worse drugs and they're life is crumbling.

I hate to make a Degrassi reference xD , but they've had examples of students doing weed on that show. It wasn't a huge terrible segment, but the kid did weed to inspire his next film for school (he's like an aspiring director) and he has to show it to a real director who's visiting their school for a class. He shows the video in school and it's awful and he's embarrassed. He decides, shit I'm never doing weed again. He has to go talk to the director and ask for a second chance. He remakes the film without being high and it's fabulous, he sends that in and the director loves it.

From an older episode, one of the kids started off with weed, a few months later he was on cocaine and he was messed uppp. He also hurt alot of people's feelings because of that.

The cocaine one was probably the sketchiest episode actually..well one of them.. xD

So, if weed can lead you to doing things like that, it's unnecessary to legalize. And the majority of the kids I know turned to worse drugs.

Face it, most kids don't think straight. So, handing them some weed to mess around with is probably not a good idea. And if someone ever offered it to me, I'd flat out tell them how pathetic they are and take that shit, throw it in the trash, and leave. xD ))
(But you're using those media examples as proof that everyone who does weed will do harder drugs. I know someone who lives down the street from me who smokes marijuana and he's told me that if he ever does harder drugs I'm allowed to punch him in the face, because he thinks it's stupid. I know many people who say the same thing: they're never going to do harder drugs, even if life gets tough, because it's stupid.

Also, weed can actually stimulate creativity. Sometimes it negates it. It depends on the person and their reaction, not weed as a whole. Vampiric and I are talking and we've agreed that marijuana should be legalized at smoking age: 18+. Not for highschoolers or younger, obviously. That I agree on, but for those who "should" be able to smoke it responsibly, why not?)
((I may be biased, but I just stick to what I believe is right.

And as for my political views, I know I'm right. I actually listen to facts, unlike many people. But I suggest we don't get into a political debate because it would never end xD

And holy, how did we get onto the topic of weed? I'm getting bored of this topic xD ))
((Also, can someone listen to SilverOfHope? She knows it's bad from experience with a family member. And as she said 'he got into the wrong group of friends' aka the druggies.

Just stay away from the druggies. x-x

'Nuff said. )) 
(( and yeah, I just wanted to vent...but the debate was quite refreshing. I needed one of those xDD

I guess you can say I was raised to believe 'all drugs are bad' and I'm glad. I don't have any desire to get myself involved with something that could harm me..and I'm not going to let anyone influence me into it.

Everyone has their own opinions~

Now, we should probably shift back to the roleplay xD ))
(That's a given Nami xD But yes, back to the RP!)


Nodding, I swung again, aiming for her shoulder. I lightened the blow slightly, but kept it the same speed and slowing centimeters before I hit to ensure it didn't hurt as bad, and I hit with an open palm so as not to hurt her with my knuckles. "Remember: swing your elbow, not your arm. Just block it." I told her just before I swung.
((Now I can finally eat my yogurt that I got like 45 minutes ago, but didn't have time to eat due to all this typing x"D ))
(Well, I say this with all due respect Nami, but you really are closed minded. All you really did was spit ut your opinions, used hallmark examples and then proclaim that you knew you wrre right...hardly a debate imo.

No discussion or developed refutation of the counterpoint. From my perspective it seems like you're just eager to justify yourself as right.

That might misguide your thoughts...and your actions.(Not to say I'm perfect, though))
Juniper lifted her arm with her elbow doing as he said to block his punch. She focused as best she could trying not to look away and flinch like she had done the time before.
(Why are people so attached to their opinions?

I've found people are emotionally attached to their opinions. If challenged they feel that they themselves are being challenged and will fight to the bitter end to be correct on a topic that it is impossible for anyone to be correct on. No one is correct when it comes to an opinion. There is no right or wrong answer. That is what an opinion is. It's fine to disagree with someone. It's what makes the world so fantastic.

Just because you might like one tv and your friend likes another tv show better doesn't mean they are attacking you. They are saying Doctor Who does not compare to your Pretty Little Liars. They aren't saying your opinion is invalid. GO DIE. But it's usually brought to this level at some point. Which I don't understand.

If someone disagreed with me, especially against the majority I want to listen to their opinion and find out why. Sometimes it makes sense as to why they have that opinion. Sometimes it changes my mind. Usually I just have more of an understanding for others and keep moving on with the opinions I already have.

Look at differences of an opinion as an opportunity to see the world though someone else's eyes rather then attack them and force your own opinion down their throat. (because your opinion is the only valid opinion there ever was.) Because the result of that is they will probably do the same thing to you and both of you will end up an eternal war that kills little children's dreams of peace and acceptance of differences.

Good Day Planet Earth.)

(A facebook post I made a few days ago that seems to connect with our discussion.)

She was a bit slow, but she managed to block my hit. "Good job!" I encouraged her. "Don't focus too much though. Just let your arm do the thinking... metaphorically." I said. "You know I'm going to hit you, so just react. Don't think about it, just do it." Keeping everything exactly the same I swung again, this time going for her head again.
"O-Of course." Lanli replied to the man, holding out her palm. She clenched her teeth slightly, bracing herself for what she assumed was going to probably hurt.

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