The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I nodded. "Deflect my punches." I told her, then took one small step back so she was out to about my wrist, then I tried to lightly smack her on the side of her head, slowing my hand to less than half its normal speed, but making it still look like I was trying to hit her. It would be a light blow too, so it wouldn't hurt if she missed.

(People can be mean, Little. Not just girls.)
(( It seemed longer in the text box xD

Annd I'm gonna be honest here, like 99% of the advice I give to people, they don't take..and they do their own thing..then they get hurt and come to me and say, "Alex, you were right." and it makes me sigh to myself, like why don't you just stop and listen to a person who actually cares before doing something stupid? Lmao. Like, this was my best friend. I wasn't STOPPING her from talking to him, I just said things like "He's always asking you for nude pics and acting really sketchy when you text him, why do you still talk to him?" the answers were always "He's attractive." or "He's in a band." or "I want to make my friend that likes him a lot jealous since she always talks about how much she likes him." Yeah, I was shocked by that last one too. Awful thing to say. And she is selfish. Like, my friend now says I shouldnt have ever let her flirt with my boyfriend for months ongoing, but I didn't wanna be the one to go up to her and say "Hey, stop flirting with my boyfriend. That's like, way beyond wrong." And even when I finally did, she just kinda laughed and was like "Okay! Im not gonna let a guy get in between us!" -___- It wasn't even the guy, it was her.

Even though now that that guy and I are broken up and we're so different that we hate each other now, I don't really regret dating him. That whole experience just showed me my friend's true colors and the fact that she was taking my kindness and friendship for granted. I really cared about her, even through all of that I still did. I tried to tell myself she wasn't a b*tch for long time, but in the end I just couldn't take her crap anymore, so I said my farewells..and then she pretty much hated my guts for ditching her.

I even noticed when I was watching that video I made, the song in the background kept saying over and over again "I won't give up on you, if you won't give up on me." And I laughed to myself and said, "And I wouldn't have. But you gave up on me a long time ago." xp ))
(She sounds like a totally self-absorbed biatch, to be honest. She sounds like my ex, too... apparently my ex would talk about guys behind my back saying "I'd bang him for fun" and things like that. But not only that, but IN FRONT OF ME she would talk about things like that, and I told myself that it was fine. But no, it wasn't. You just have to learn to say "shut up and listen to me, or gtfo.")
(( Sorry about all this random venting, this whole thing is just coming back to me. And even though it's months later and I have the best friend I could ever ask for now and I'm beyond grateful, it just reminds me how much it sucks to be taken for granted. All I do is care for others and be the nicest I can..and they treat me like shit for some reason. -_____-))
(don't worry about it! we're friends, it's ok :3 we're here to listen to you vent ^_^

I understand where you're coming from though.)
(( That's terrible ):

I honestly hate this generation, ahahah. I always wonder where the parents are in all of this..and why they don't teach their kids to not be little whores. Lmfao.

Then again, that girl (her name's Sara) had REALLY nice parents. I think that might've been part of the problem as well. They treat her like a princess and they're her maid, yet she would always treat them like crap right there in front of me when I was over. Like her mom would bake us cookies and stuff and bring them up to us. I'd say 'thank you' and Sara said, 'Okay, now leave please.' :l ))
(Don't call me Little.)

Juniper held up her hand creating a shield

instinctively, but it didn't stop the fist from hitting her head. She winced "hey!" she shouted before she could stop herself turning red with embarrassment.

(People can be pretty awesome too.)

("You know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful and then you actually talk to them and five minutes later they're as dull as a brick. THen there's other people, when you meet them you think not bad. They're okay. And then you get to know then and their face just sort of becomes them. Like their personality's written all over it. And they just turn into something so beautiful."

upon further reflection I guess it works in the negative way as well.)

Yeah, agreed. Some people can be awesome, but most are just.... terrible. I often find myself wondering why do I even bother socializing, since people are just gonna be pissy. Why do I talk when I play online games when people are just gonna yell at me for every little mistake? There are more horrible people out there than nice ones.)


"Don't use magic. Don't use shields. Block me with your hands." I grabbed her wrist gently and pulled it forward into a form that looked like she was punching me, then I used my right hand to deflect it. "Like that. Use your wrist and forearm by keeping them locked, and move your elbow, not your whole arm." After my brief instructions, I released her arm. "Again." This time I went for her shoulder, rather than her head, same speed and strength as before.
(( It's true. Hahaha.

Sara was always pretty selfish, but we both had a thing where we just did not like whores or perverts or any of that shit 'cause we thought it was disgusting. Then slowly around the end of Sophomore year she ended up turning into one of those people. And I was like, wtf. xD She's quite the follower though, first followed everything I did then she moved on and found a new pal. Hah, that girl's in her sophomore year, already lost her virginity, and smokes weed. What a role model. ))
(This may make me sound like a terrible person, but quite honestly I think that many things people find "inappropriate" or whatnot are okay UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. If you find someone who you truly, truly care about and love and feel like you'll be together for a very long time, and you get to the point where you both consider it as an act of love rather than one of lust, I think losing your virginity in highschool is okay. BUT ONLY if the feelings are mutual and one person isn't using the other for sensual pleasure.

Smoking weed is shown to have more positive affects than negative ones. I believe the numbers of people who die of weed compared to those who die of alcohol/tobacco are close to zero, if not zero itself. Weed is shown to relax you, make you more mellow, less likely to be violent and angry, and overall is a very relaxing thing. I personally haven't done it, but I know that there are basically zero harmful affects. The one negative I POTENTIALLY see is that it increases metabolism, giving you the munchies. Overall, it's quite harmless, unless it's laced.)

One thing I've learned is that there os nothing permanent. Any relationship you form csn be torndown in the blink of an eye. Anything you create, like this RP even can be destroyed quickly by one force or another. But even knowing all this we still go on to create, becauss that is what ultimately brings us feel like we matter. I think where most people get caught up is when their crwation is destroyed and they ferl all that their time was wasted. But was it? No. The processof creating not the product has turned you into who you are. If you are happy with who you are then you have to view your past as stepping stones to the present.

Just because people take advantage of your kindness doesn't mean you should stop being kind. The fact is that people will eventually take advantage of anything if they have the chance. But you will find the right people who will vare about in the same way. There is at least one person like you and that is yourself, given the fact that we have a word for 'kindness' and 'caring' means that enough people understand it to use it. You just have to keep looking you know?

I know a lot about this because my last girlfriend broke up with me after like 8 months saying tgat she had never actually liked me. It felt like such a huge waste of time, I had had a crush on this girl for years and put every ounce of effort I had into that relationship hoping it would go somewhere only to find out that it never had the slightest chance. It took me a while to get over it, I may not even be over it yet, but it did something for me; she broke up with me at the end ofthe school year when I had planned to spend the summer with her, so getting anoter friend to hang out with pretty much not an option since most peoples plans were locked in. I also had no ability to find another girlfriend because I am so socially awkward I fear I'll be arrested for stalking if I try to flirt with a stranger. Also all my aquintances on facebook (I checked twice) were in relationships and I refuse to be a vulture. So I really felt miserable. I contacted my prior girlfriens before the one who broke up with me hoping to hang out with her...this was later in thr summer and she was single, so I thought. Well I found out she was dating someone but I ended up getting a job because of her. Then I was so lonely I searched foran RP site and found this place where I met you guys amd now I feel a lot better about
(( I understand the loving thing, I do, but you don't go around and tell everyone about it. I think it's something you keep to yourself. If you don't gaf about saying it aloud to everyone, then I think you're just disgusting. Like, I don't wanna hear about people's sex lives, sorry. Lmfao. And in addition, her and her new friends all watched porn together. How 'bout that? Personally, I find that incredibly disgusting. Something Sara would've never done, but she did. Apparently, I was the one keeping her in line. Hah.

And weed is the first step to doing worse drugs. It causes problems and frankly, I don't wanna be around someone who gets high all the time. If you need to use drugs to relax yourself, then I'm sorry but there's a problem. It's like drinking alcohol, if you need that to have a good time then you need some help.

Marijuana's illegal for a reason. ))
Juniper watched Varexes she tried to do as he said and lifted up her hand, but she flinched not looking and missed his arm completely. "ow" she frowned rubbing her shoulder.

(Over smoking it is bad... but abusing any drug is bad. So ish all good.)
My life...I also decided to incrase my standards fora new gf to include christian, goven that my last gf was atheist and tgat might have had something to do with it not working out. And that lead me to find the girl I am currently pursueing which is better suited to me in the first place considering she likes RPing as well and is younger than me whereas my last gf was older.)
((I know you can become addicted to weed, there are people at my school who are/where. (Like, they use it as a coping mechanism for things that are going on in their lives. And eventually they become dependent on it. It's not anywhere near as addictive as most other street drugs, however.) I also know that if you have a history of psychosis and you smoke weed too regularly, it can get to the point where you are only "stable" while you are high. It makes the psychosis worse whenever you aren't high, which can also develop into a dependency. And while this isn't really a fault of weed, it is also called a "Gateway drug" for a reason. It tends to be a gateway to worse things. Of course, this isn't always the case, but it has happened. On the other hand, it has been shown to have many therapeutic benefits. So I can see why the opinions on it can be split.))
(Imo "There is a time for everything" Weed is potentially very helpful, people are just too irresponsible to handle it, which is shy it is illegal )
(This is true. I agree with you that when you do it for love rather than lust, you keep it between you two.

The idea of weed being a "gateway" drug is both true and false. It's true because some people go "hey, weed is pretty good, what about cocaine?" and those people are stupid. They're also the most damaged and need more to escape reality. There are those who smoke weed recreationally, to have a good time. They don't do it all the time, and they do it in the privacy of their homes. Like, the reasons behind smoking weed are what enable it to be a gateway drug or not.

There's a lot of controversy on this topic because some people do use it and then go on to do worse things. Alcohol and tobacco can both be used as "gateway" drugs too, but they're not illegal, are they? If you smoke weed to escape from reality, more than likely it'll become a gateway to worse things. If you smoke it after school or on the weekends recreationally, it's not as bad. Just like how some people drink for fun at parties rather than to get wasted. My dad is a casual drinker, and he has a beer after work, and when he goes to parties or hosts one he drinks a few more. But he always keeps it in moderation. Just like how some people who smoke keep it in moderation, thus have control over it. Also, LACED weed is a big reason why people do harder stuff.

I've heard somewhere about it making psychotic disorders worse, but doesn't that mean that weed can be considered medicine? I mean, if someone with schizophrenia has terrifying visions, and their meds just make them anxious/nervous/paranoid, but hten they smoke weed and they're normal, doesn't that mean that it helps them?

Weed is slowly being legalized, and there are many movements for recreational users TO smoke it legally, just like there are people who go to doctors and ask "hey, can I get a weed card for my illness." Medicinal marijuana is already legal because it helps people with illnesses, and I think it's only a matter of time before it's as common as cigarettes.)


"Don't flinch. KNOW that you can block it. If you have confidence you can, you will." A sudden thought struck me, but I figured that it would take less time this way. "If you want there's another exercise we can try for hand-eye coordination that'll help with this, but it'll take time for that. It's up to you." I told her. If I could find a ball, or rock or something small and toss it to her, and she could learn to catch and throw it then it would help a lot when she had to block something fast coming to hit her.
(( Sorry if I sound harsh when I talk about things like this, I just have a very set opinion on things and was raised a hardcore Conservative from day one. So, I do tend to debate things very often. xD It bored Sara, but my new friends are all Conservatives as well and we have amazing friendships. I tend to notice that all the liberals I befriend end up being jerks in the end and all my Conservative friends end up being awesome. Not saying I won't be friends with someone if they're a liberal, I just tend to notice an ongoing pattern. Lmao.

But anyway, hang in there Zeyro. I'm glad you've found someone new, though, and it's great that you have things in common. As much as they say 'opposites attract' in the end I believe the differences can very well tear people apart. Like, now that my ex and I are broken up we realized how different we are. We hate each other's opinions on things pretty much..and it led us to hate one another and be unable to talk anymore. So, you just gotta find someone who you can really relate with, ya know?

Annnd Vampiric's exactly right. 'Gateway Drug' and it wouldn't be illegal for no reason hahah. We had cops come into our school second to last day of this year and check every locker for drugs. When it was over, someone went to the office and there were bags of weed everywhere. It's pretty sad how many kids actually do drugs. And they post pictures of them doing it all over the internet, it's pathetic. ))
(I am just going to jump into this little conversation and put my opinion into it, even if all of these things have already been said. Okay, mini rant time. I honestly don't know what to think of Marijuana (Or weed) because it does have it's ups and downs. The downs being pretty much everything that was mentioned (It being a Gateway Drug which is completely true because it happened to my brother, the addiction that goes along with, the need to have it ((aka the addiction)) where it can cause you to do reckless stuff as in steal for money or sell others property to get more, etc.). The only way that I approve of weed, which I think of as the ups, are only when it is for medical purposes and it is prescribed to you by a doctor. Other than that I think that there is no use for it and that it will just ruin and completely screw up your life, along with any other drug. Again this is just my opinion and if anyone disagrees then I am not one to judge.)
(( I think it's dumb that they want to legalize marijuana. Medical marijuana, sure okay. But just for the hell of it so people can all go get high? I think kids should be taught how to take care of their problems without using drugs. These are some of the reasons our generation has become so f*cked up. ))
(The thing is is that where did your brother get it? Was it laced? Did he have problems that he wanted to run away from, hence why he smoked? Or did he smoke it recreationally?

See, the thing is is that people associate all of that with weed and all drugs, when weed is quite mild. Of course some people get addicted to it, but that same thing can be said about alcohol and cigarettes: they're addicting, so why aren't they illegal? They cause many of the same problems and worse, so why are they allowed but weed isn't? Of course there are positives and negatives, but with weed there are honestly more positives than negatives.

As I said before, it CAN be a gateway drug, but isn't always. And also as I've said before, so is tobacco and alcohol.)
Nami said:
(( I think it's dumb that they want to legalize marijuana. Medical marijuana, sure okay. But just for the hell of it so people can all go get high? I think kids should be taught how to take care of their problems without using drugs. These are some of the reasons our generation has become so f*cked up. ))
(Nami, weed could be a viable solution to people who are going through though times. People need to be taught that it is an extreme solution that thryshould seek only when they need it. People are just not encouraged to be responsible with it, which imo is tge real problem with many drugs. Granted some are just way to dangerous)
(( Even if alcohol and cigarettes aren't illegal, does that really mean they should just add another thing to join those two? Better two legal addictions than three. ))
(But Nami, some people smoke it for fun. They do all of their work and then use it. It's like playing video games, or roleplaying, or whatever else people do for fun. There is a difference between those who use it to escape and those who smoke it recreationally. Recreationally AND responsibly pose no harm to themselves or others.

Also, doctors prescribe drugs for depression, bipolar disorder, schiozphrenia, multiple personality, PTSD, etc. What's the difference between those and marijuana when people need to cope with things?

I'm not saying weed isn't bad: I'm saying it isn't ALWAYS bad, and MOST of the time it isn't.)

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