The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper thought over what he said. Let her arm do the things. What a load of crap. The brain sent signals to the arm to react. It didn't think on it's own. She was thinking too much medically. Maybe she needed to turn that off. She lifted her arm blocking again realizing he had swung again trying to hit her.

Juniper managed to brush my arm and deflect my blow enough that I slid off the top of her head. "Good, but still slow. Don't think, react." I told her, giving her a second to prepare, then swinging again.
Orion smiled cheerfully, stamping Lanli's hand. The mark was barely visible, practically the color of her skin. However, you could see the indent of the symbol, proving that she was now a resident of Auchertown.

"There ya go," Orion said, closing up the ink pad. "So, Ava, if ya got anymore of these elf friends of yours to stamp, bring 'em in now 'cause I'm closin' up for the night. After all it's eh, what?" The pudgy man turns around and faces the wooden clock hanging on the wall. "Eleven o'clock."

Ava smiled thankfully at Orion and nods, "No, I believe this is the last of them," she tells him. "Well, thank you..and goodbye for now!" she says, waving as she makes her way to the door. "Lanli, I met some other elves earlier...they're staying at my home for the night. They all escaped Fayland as well, I believe. You can stay at my house too, I'd love for you to meet the other elves also." 
(( Goodnight! ^^ ))

I nodded as she started to get faster. "Good. But you need to move faster." I stood there for a quick second, thinking, then looked at her. "I want you to try and hit me. As hard and fast as you can, just try and hit my chest. Right here." I said pointing to my sternum. Adjusting my stance so rather than facing Juniper, my body was angled slightly. 
(Yeah, I'm gonna head off to bed too. Been a long day of doing chores. My mom's sick so I had to do like, three times the normal chores. I'm beat xD night guys!)
(( Aw, I hope your mom gets well soon :u

Nighty night~

I'm just going to go watch Hell Girl hands are going to fall off from typing so much.

So, goodnight to all. ))
"Well I guess ypu can go to sleep" Nova said tovher, "But I won't be tired for another day or so. Maybe I'll just keep an eye on Cerah since I'm the only other mage in our party." Nova walked off down the hall, not intending for her to follow. 'If only...'
Lanli thanked the man as she made her way out of the shop with Ava. Upon hearing her proposition, Lanli couldn't help but smile gratefully. "If you're sure that would be alright, then that would be fantastic. Thank you!" She paused. "I wonder if any of those elves are from Fayland? I might know some of them..." She pondered. 
((Oooh, Hell Girl. c: I was watching that one for a while a few years back, but every time I did, my sister would storm into the room and start bawling that I was upsetting her. And then I would be forced to turn it off. >_> She was like, eleven at the time. I hear that it starts developing a plotline that continues through episodes after a while, is that correct? If so, that sounds really cool. :D ))
(Woah dudes it must be a late night think or something. Y'all always have big OOC discussions over night :D remember what they say! Nothing good ever happens in the dead of night. Lol I'm just laughing because it's like I go to bed and everyone starts having a big debate over drugs xD . Things seemed to be heating up. Stahp it we're all buddies here!

Anyway what's going on in the Path from Fayland?)
((Oh, I love Hell Girl! One of my favorite animes! I watched the entire first season a long time ago, so now I'm finally watching Season 2. Yeah, in season 1 this dude and his daughter are in like every episode towards the end trying to stop people from pulling the thread. Eventually you find out about Hell Girl's past and why she is Hell Girl. In Season 2 it eventually starts telling you the background stories about Hell Girl's friends. The episodes are all really entertaining, though they can be rather depressing too xD

Btw @Zeyro if you go check on Cerah, Blake's there. I'm just gonna control him for the time being as like another 'information' kind of character.

@EkimAdonihs Juniper & Varexes are training outside, Jess is asleep on the couch, Faye is sitting in one of the chairs at the table doing nothing, Nova's going to see Cerah?, Birch is MIA as usual lmfao, dunno where Valandil is either, and Ava is bringing back a new elf she just found to the house. ^^))

Ava nodded and smiled kindly at Lanli. "Oh, don't worry, it's not a problem! I love having guests."

As the two continued to walk further down the dirt path through the village, lights in the stone houses surrounding them began to turn off. By each minute that passed, the luminosity of the town was quickly fading at this time of night. After a little longer, they reached a different part of the village where there were a massive amount of trees with little wooden houses built in the treetops. Thin strands of lights were strung back and fourth high over the path, one of the only things lighting up the town at this point.

Finally, they reached a comfortable sized home settled in the treetops. There was a wooden walkway climbing from the stone path at the ground up to the door of the house. Unlike the majority of the houses surrounding them, this one still seemed to have its lights on.

"This is where I live," she said with a grin, gesturing towards the home. "I think most of the elves are inside. After all, it's quite late." With that, she headed on up the walkway to the door of the houses. She opened it, holding the door open for Lanli.
(I don't understand them animes.)

<--- (extremely proud of the promos I have been creating lately for all my vids. I finished some Frankenstein and now I'm deciding on what to do next. If I poof, that is what I am up to ladies and gents.)
(( That was good!! I really liked the place where you guys filmed! The outfits were good too; that girl really looked like Prim owo

I liked the ending where they were in different places on the hill as well. Keep up the good work! :D ))
(really? She was our last choice in actors for the roll. We wanted someone younger or at least someone who looked younger for the roll. We thought she looked too old for prim. Although we wanted to keep her brunet because it would be easier to show they are siblings. She did really well, although she did look older then Gale who is supposed to be 18ish (played by a 13 year old) I believe. Maybe I over think everything.)
(You lost the dancing bear... i'm disappointed.

That was really good, Dreamer. I liked it. I'm with Nami, it was pretty good, despite what you consider "flaws" ^_^ )


As Juniper swung at me, I brought my arm up swinging by the elbow and caught her wrist, then ran my hand down her arm to her elbow while bringing her arm underneath mine and captured it, locking Juniper's arm straight with my hand beneath her elbow. "From here you have a pretty good lock on your opponent." I told her. "Here you can break their elbow in two different ways, force them back by using their own arm as a wall, or pull them in an attempt to dislodge their balance." I gently showed her each form by pressing lightly on her elbow from the bottom and from the outside, pushing her gently, and then pulling her. "This is a good opening move for many counter attacks. This is why you need to learn it: it's simple, easy, and leaves a lot of room for adaptation." I explained. "When I tell you to move faster, it's because the motion needs to be reactive, fluid, and quick. Too slow and you can counter it, too blocky and your opponent will slip out, and if it's not reactive you won't get fluid or quick." Releasing her arm I stepped back into place from my slightly modified position.
Faye jumped a bit, sitting up straight in her chair as she heard the wooden door of the house creak open. Figuring it might've finally been Juniper or Varexes coming inside, she turned around to see a girl about the height of Ava step through the doorway. She had large amber eyes and caramel colored hair in loose curls which was tied back in a ponytail. Ava closed the door behind her and Faye stood from her chair, approaching the new elf.

"This is Lanli, I found her outside the village all by herself. I figured she could stay with us for the time being. Oh, and I'd like you all to meet her too," Ava said, stepping beside Lanli.

Faye smiled cheerfully at Lanli, more than happy to be meeting another new elf. "Oh, well hi!" she exclaimed, chuckling a bit. "You made it out here all on your own? That's incredible...Oh! I'm Faye, by the way. A Light Elf from Fayland. My group and I are all Light Elves from Fayland." Faye extended her arm out towards Lanli for a handshake. 
(( I was feeling down last night and looking at cat gifs made me smile, okai? xD

I'm going to put the dancing bear back eventually, dun worry.

And I gotta show you guys the music video I made for my friend's brother. I wanna know what you guys think of it. Not only that, but I need to help promote his music. He's really good at making his own music, it's like all he does xD ))

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