The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye looked down through the floor, seeing Lanli land on her feet. She sighed with relief, grateful that she was still in one piece. She knew Varexes would make it down safely as well, so she wasn't quite worried about him.

Faye took a step back and looked up, seeing Blake and Jess still in the house. After the ice, the gap between her and the others had grown. At this point jumping across would not be an option. As she scratched the back if her head nervously, trying to figure out what to do next, it seemed that Blake must've read her expression correctly.

"Jess, slide across the ice," he told her, speaking up suddenly. Right then, he used his hands to create another layer of thick ice going from the beginning of the gap to the end of the walkway where Faye and the others were, just as he did before.
((Aw, headaches are the worst! :c I get them a lot throughout the school year for some reason. Like whenever I get home I have terrible ones.

And ik! 4,000 posts, man that's awesome. xD ))
(Well getting to the bottom was easier than I expected xD haha, and I hate this new layout... gonna admit. but yay, 401 pages!!! xD )


Lanli hit the ground and I realized that depth-perception was a difficult issue for me, and I followed her down. But right before I slid off, part of my clothes hooked onto a branch and I slipped forward, and instinct made me put both of my hands out in front of me, which turned out to be a bad idea. As I landed, I screamed in pain and collapsed onto my left shoulder as my entire arm jarred in pain, the makeshift splint I had broke, and part of the bone jammed against my skin creating a bulge. After my initial scream I began to breathe quickly, my heartrate racing as I tried to master myself, rolling onto my back and cradling my arm. Closing my eyes I managed to stop myself from crying, but nevertheless I felt vulnerable and embarrassed that I was in a situation.
(Poor Varexes, always getting hurt in some kind of way xD )

Jess looked over at Blake, wondering how he would get across if he couldn't hold the ice for that long, before shaking her head slightly. She was just about to go across the makeshift ice bridge when she heard a scream coming from below her, most likely Varexes since he seems to be a magnet for danger... well injuries is more like it. A wave of panic and concern washed over her as she thought of one of the people in her group, or anyone really, getting hurt and she slid across the ice without hesitation, making to where the others were safely.
(I think I'm going easy on him to be honest xD depending on the drop, I feel that the fracture should've broken through the skin... hmm... ah well, I'll leave it.)
"By the gods, are you okay?" Lanli asked, although even she could tell that he wasn't. It was at this moment that Lanli noticed the broken splint and the new buldge in his arm. "Oh gods..." She muttered, unsure of what to do.

((Seriously, what do you do? D: And do these elves have gods?))
(( I didn't like it when I first saw it, but now Idunno if I like it or not xD

and Alcatraz, why aren't you an Active Member yet? xD You post alll the time~ //files a complaint in the imaginary complaint box//

And also, I knewwwww something bad was going to happen to Varexes when I was typing "Faye knew Varexes would be fine, so she wasn't worried." xD ))

Faye gasped, hearing Varexes scream in agony from below. She hadn't seen what had happened since she wasn't looking down there, but awaiting Jess to slide across the ice instead. So much for not needing to worry, she thought to herself as she turned away from the group. Without another thought she pushed through the group of elves that were standing behind her and raced down the walkway.

Not even bothering to run all the way to the bottom, she grabbed the railing with her left hand and swung herself over the edge, landing onto the ground with a thud. Giving her legs a split second to regain their composure, she then began rushing further beneath the house. Her grey eyes widened with fear as she saw Varexes lying on the ground breathing heavily. He looked like he was in terrorizing pain, making her heart race.

She fell onto her knees beside him and asked hastily, "What happened?! Is it your arm?!" 
(( Yes, I'm assuming they have gods xD I mean, they can. xD ))
(how long have i been a part of this rp..? like, two weeks? three weeks? that's why xD

and it's BECAUSE you said that that i had to make it so that something happened to him!)


Lanli stood there muttering, obviously unsure of what to do while I lay there, closing and opening my eyes trying to block out the pain and failing miserably. Suddenly I heard a soft thud and foot steps racing my way and before I knew it I heard Faye right above me. I opened my eyes and took a deep breath, staring at the sky before turning to Faye. "I think I made it worse... I got caught on the branch and slipped off and instinct made me land on both arms... hehe, silly, right?" I tried to make a joke out of it but my false laugh shook my whole body, making me wince in pure agony. "This hurts..." I said cradling it ever so slightly tighter and closer to my body. "I need a new splint. And..." I bit my lip and gulped before saying it: "I need you to fix my arm. Realign it so it'll heal the right way... then I can't be doing anything like this for a while.." I lifted my left arm slightly and moved it towards Faye while looking at the sky somewhere behind my head so that I couldn't see either Faye or Lanli or my arm.
Hearing what Varexes had to say, Lanli looked up at Faye. "Which one of us should do it? I have a bit of experience with this kind of stuff from mining accidents... But not much..." Lanli said, not very sure of herself.
(( No! It must've been longer than that! xD And oh gosh, I feel guilty now. x'D Hahahah. And oh crap, let's see if I can do this correctly. x"D))

Faye nodded quickly, searching around for something rigid to use as a skeleton for the splint. Her head was spinning a little, feeling so much pressure on her as her pupils continued to dart around the area. She spotted one of the floor boards that had fallen from earlier. It wasn't quite burnt, so she reached out and grabbed it.

"Here, Lanli, can you gently hold this against his arm?" she asked quickly, but it ended up being more of an order as she handed her the board.

I flinched at the words and focused on diving deep into my psyche, finding something to hold on to to ignore the pain and stop anticipating how much pain I would be in here in a few moments. "If you need to, broken arrows make great splints..." I muttered before blocking out the world around and shutting my eyes.

(It's only like, 3 or 4 weeks at most. No way it's been longer than that.

Also, you COULD go and get the healer, or Juniper, see if either one of them would heal Varexes, if you're that worried about screwing it up xD )
Seeing that Faye was taking charge, Lanli merely nodded and took the board from her. She then kneeled down beside Varexes. She carefully held the board against his arm as gently as she could.
(( I feel like you've been here longer xD

And Shh..I already did research. xD

That awkward moment when this roleplay is actually educating me. ))

Faye quickly removed her jacket and began wrapping it around Varexes's arm and the board very carefully. ((This jacket is always used for wounds. xD )) Her lips were slightly parted as she worked, however she wasn't breathing in or out the whole time. In fact, she had forgotten to breathe since she was so worried about the consequences of messing up. On the other hand, she was willing to do whatever she could to make sure Varexes was okay in the end.

As she was wrapping his arm, she glanced up at his face momentarily and gave him a reassuring look before focusing her attention back to his arm. Finally, she released the breathe she hadn't realized she'd been holding in the entire time. "I need something to wrap this with," she said, looking to Lanli.
(Nah, it's only been a few weeks. Like, page 260 or something like that. that's only 140 pages, which we go through like, at least 5 pages a day, and this week we've gone through like 30 xD )


As they began to treat my arm I gasped, despite their gentle touches. I heard Faye something about wrapping it and I shook my head. "You have to realign the bone first. Else it won't heal properly and I'll be disfigured." I told her bluntly while still squeezing my eyes shut, dealing with the throbbing waves of agony that coursed through my forearm with my quickened heartbeat.
Lanli looked around, but saw nothing. After walking around quickly for a moment, she sighed before grabbing her sleeve and ripping it off. "Will this work?" She asked, offering the cloth out to Faye. 
((Shoot missed Alcatraz's post. X_X))

Lanli looked down at Varexes, and nodded in agreement. "He's right. We should probably take him to a healer, in case one of us might accidentally hurt him more..." Lanli said to Faye, gazing down at Varexes with worry. "Is there a healer in this town? And if so, where is it?"
"Right," she mumbled, quickly unwrapping her jacket as carefully as she could. She looked to Lanli and opened her mouth to respond, but then sighed instead. She closed her eyes for a moment, shaking her head. "The one in our group won't heal him.." she said quietly, her eyes turning a shade darker. "I can do this.."

She gently lifted Varexes's arm, breathing softly now as she concentraed solely on what she was doing. Not wasting another second, she carefully did what she could to realign the bone, hearing a slight crack. She swallowed the lump in her throat as she eyed his arm, seeing that it looked less disfigured now.

"Is that better?" she asked quietly, feeling a bit worried that she did something wrong.
Nova began to stir. He slowly opened his eyes to see Faye fumbling to get another splint on Varexes arm. "Hey guys..." he said weakly, "Can someone help me up?"

I gulped down some air as Faye unwrapped and gently laid her hands on my arm, nodding as to what she said about Juniper. Suddenly, she realigned the bone with a crack and I jerked where I lay, going breathless and not breathing in or out as I suppressed a scream. Suddenly I relaxed and breathed heavily, nodding. "It feels normal." I gasped as I lay there. "Splint it, quick." I told her while I clenched and unclenched my right fist.
(I found this waaaay too amusing...)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/oh5QW7jH1.gif.f50579aea9ef77d37e531796c1c83100.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5137" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/oh5QW7jH1.gif.f50579aea9ef77d37e531796c1c83100.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Jess looked at Varexes with worry lining her features, only looking away to help Nova up off of the ground. She was surprised that Varexes was handling the pain so well, at least on the outside, as she watched Faye realign the disfigured bone. She took a quick glance back at the burnt and collapsing house and once her eyes laid upon the disastrous site again she cursed Cerah out in her head using her wide range of colorful words.
Blake knew the effect of adding ice to the floor boards was going to be worse, so when he knew there was an injured person below them, he held the ice longer. He sighed with irritation when they were still beneath the house, knowing the weight would eventually cause the floor to fall completely. That would result in a terrible situation.

"You all need to get out from under there! This house is going to collapse any minute!" Blake called down to the others, his dark eyes narrowed.

As Faye quickly pressed the board against Varexes's arm gently, she heard Blake call down to them from above. She began wrapping his arm hastily, retrieving the piece of cloth from Lanli. "Thank you," she said to the girl breathlessly, her grey eyes wide with panic as she hurried to tie the cloth around his arm. None of this would've even been worth it if the house collapsed on them all.

Suddenly, a few floor boards fell from above, landing right beside the three of them. Faye gasped, not waiting any longer to move around Varexes and wrap her arms around him, helping him onto his feet. She pushed his back slightly, urging him to get out from underneath the house. As she was making her way out, she noticed a floor board falling right above Lanli. Faye's eyes widened as she grabbed the girl's wrist and pulled her out of the way, the board hitting the ground where she was standing with a sharp thud. 
(( What's Flyff? :o ))

I heard Blake say something about the house collapsing and was struggling to my feet before Faye had finished wrapping my arm. I got onto one knee and let her finish while groaning in the pain she caused in her haste, but managing to keep it quiet enough that I didn't think she heard. But when the boards fell I saw her tie the final knot and nodded. "It's good enough. Go." She helped me up, but once I was on my feet I jogged lightly, pain in my arm twinging and causing me to wince with every step as I hurried out from under the house. "We're clear Blake!" I called up hoarsely once all 3 of us had made it safely out from under the house.
"Thanks." Lanli thanked Faye breathlessly. "You did a good job, with Varexes's arm there." She said, struggling a bit to smile after what had just occurred. "But if it's not out of my place to ask, who was that person with the lightening?" 
((Flyff is an MMO. I used to play it when I was younger, and they've upgraded it a lot since then. It's called Flyff Gold now. xD So far it's pretty fun, but I'm all alone. T_T))
Blake went to jump out of the house quickly as he held the ice there a bit longer, but with just one step it was done for. The entire floor collapsed beneath him and he went falling straight to the ground as well. He winced in pain as he hit the ground, the ice vanished from above. Through his eyes he was able to see the rest of the house crumbling above him. He didn't bother sitting up, knowing it was no use to try and escape.

Faye gasped, taking a large step back as she saw Blake falling to the ground along with the rest of the entire house. After a few moments, there was just an enormous pile of the house's ruins settled in front of them. She stood there, breathing heavily as she stared at the image right before her eyes. If they were under there for a second longer they all would've been crushed. It looks like Blake was the one to suffer from that instead.

Faye turned to Lanli, having been unable to answer her question since the house had just fallen right after she asked. She nodded slowly, finally answering quietly, "Cerah.." Her hands rolled into fists, knowing this was all that damn girl's fault to begin with. She turned back towards the terrifying scene, falling onto her knees as she eyed the pile of wood that towered over them.

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