The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I turned to face Nova. "Faye is trying to protect us. Don't laugh at her because she's startled. It means she's trying her best to make sure YOU don't wind up getting your throat slit or torn out." I said it calmly with an undercurrent of forcefulness, saying I wasn't afraid to fight despite the fact I was. I wasn't sure if he had any mana to cast spells, and in my current state I couldn't fight magic... if I even could at full capacity. Once this happened though, I turned to see a new elf. "What's your name?" I asked her in a gentler tone. "We won't hurt you." I promised, hoping I didn't come across as threatening.
As Faye observed the girl, scanning her from head to toe to ensure that she didn't seem to have any sort of weapons on her, she heard Varexes and Nova arguing a bit behind her. After a few moments, it seemed Varexes became aware of the girl and questioned her as calmly as he could. Faye kept her bow down as she eyed the girl with slight caution. She didn't look like someone who was planning to harm them, but look what happened with Caricon.

The pink haired elf laughed nervously, slowly putting her arms down by her side as her periwinkle eyes darted from each member of the group of elves standing before her. "My name is Ava...I'm not going to hurt you, either. I just overheard you speaking back here and I assumed we had visitors.." she explained, glancing from Varexes to Faye, then back to Varexes.

Her voice was soft and soothing, making Faye believe she couldn't possibly be a threat. She'd only known the girl for about ten seconds, but it was just one of those first impressions that made her seem completely harmless. Faye removed the arrow from her bow and returned it back to her quiver before allowing her bow to settle back against her side.

"I won't hurt any of you either, I promise," she added right after, giving Faye another reason to not believe she was a threat.

I gave Ava a smile. "Nice to meet you Ava. This is Faye, our leader. I'm Varexes, and the girl on my back is Juniper. The cold-hearted elf behind me is Nova, the once-fancy one is Ruineth, Birch is the one with the wounded back, the giant wolf carrying our packs is Vex, he's harmless so don't be afraid of him," I said, looking around to make sure I hadn't forgotten anyone. I pointed slightly with my left hand and winced as a wave of agony ran through my forearm. "That's Valindil (did i spell that right?) and Jess is the other girl over there. We're all elves who escaped from Fayland." I paused, then shook my head. "THEY escaped from Fayland. I... got lost." I chuckled a bit, despite feeling saddened on the inside. 
(I think I got everyone... I'll edit if I missed someone. I can't think right now, I'm a bit pissed at myself.)
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((Valandil* xD and I think you just forgot Jess. owo Pissed at yourself? D: ))

Ava smiled in return to Varexes's introduction for her. "It's nice to meet you all," she said kindly, genuinely thrilled to be introduced judging by her pleased expression. That, or maybe she was just beyond relieved she hadn't been shot with one of Faye's arrows.

"Well, I actually escaped Reddell," she said quietly, looking down at her boots for a moment as she shifted positions anxiously. "I'm a Dihart if they ever found out about that I most likely would've been executed..."

The words rang in Faye's ears for a bit, sending her entire body into a numb state for a few moments. Execution, she thought to herself, no longer able to smile. So, they were truly putting their lives at risk by heading out to Reddell. Even a half light elf wasn't allowed in that village. The more she thought about Reddell, the scarier it seemed. Yet, for some reason Faye just couldn't convince herself not to keep moving out there.

"Oh, in case you're not aware, Dihart elves are elves with both Light and Dark blood in them. My mother was a Light Elf and my father was a Dark Elf. So, that's why I decided to escape Reddell and found this place," she tells them, gesturing towards the massive wall behind her. "I had heard about Auchertown from a friend of mine who read all these strange books and scrolls..she told me it existed..and although many people don't believe a thing from those scrolls, I did. I mean, I had to...I had to believe it existed instead of believing I would be executed. I guess I just had hope...and that worked out well for me," she says, going on about her story of why she'd ended up in this place.

To be honest, Faye was actually finding her story interesting and she was curious to hear more. She wanted to know what Reddell was like from someone who actually once lived there as a citizen of the village. Faye was actually rather excited to be so close to an elf of a different species, not to mention one with Dark blood in her.

However, the girl's voice trailed off once she realized she'd been talking too much about herself. "Oh, sorry! Am I boring you?" she asked nervously, smiling apologetically. "Well, Auchertown is for elves who've managed to escape their homeland and make it all the way out here. It's actually a secret town...the heads of the main lands don't believe it exists. So, you're all welcome to stay as long as you wish.." she says, clasping her hands together behind her back.
Nova began to summon his spear but released the spell when it didn't appear. 'What the?' "I guess we'll finish this later" He muttered to himself. "Hello Ava, I am Nova as Var so kindly mentioned. Is there a magic barrier of some sort around this place? Or any active magic at all?"

I listened intently to Ava's story, thinking about what little lore I knew from outside my village. "Hmm..." I hummed to myself as I listened, curious to learn more. Actually, where are we even going? Is this our final destination..? I'll have to talk to Faye... I thought to myself, shrugging Juniper into a more comfortable position, debating whether or not to wake her up. Before I could come to a decision I noticed Nova attempt to do something, but it obviously failed and he seemed perplexed. Smirking, I turned under the pretense of fixing Juniper into a better position on my back, then turned back with a straight face. "Also, do you have a carpenter? I lost my bow in an... accident." I said, hesitating. What was I supposed to say, wolf attack? It seemed a bit outlandish, so I just said accident, nodding my head at my arm.
Ava turned to Nova as he brought up a question about magic. "Actually, yes. Even though Auchertown is so deep in these woods that it's normally unlikely for unwelcome visitors to appear, there is a magical barrier surrounding the town. Actually, it's been cast on this very wall," she explains, turning to point at it briefly. "It's mostly in case any barbarians try to raid the village. It's rare, but it does happen..residents here are given an enchanted stamp on their palm which allows them to freely enter the village in and out." Ava then holds up her palm before their eyes, allowing them to see the barely visible marking on her hand. It's almost the same color as her skin. "Notice how there are no entrances in the wall? That's because you enter using the marking. Here, I'll show you," she says with a warm grin, moving over to the wall.

Ava reaches her arm out towards the wall, placing her palm right up against the cold stones. She focuses her pupils on her hand, waiting a moment or two before a giant hole forms in the wall. Through the entrance, there was a wonderful little village with plenty of other elves roaming about. It actually sounded quite busy and full of life, which surprised Faye quite a bit. Before Ava had opened the wall, there was no sound coming from the other side of the wall. As Ava turned and smiled at the group pleasantly, she must've noticed Faye's puzzled expression.

"It's a sound proof barrier as well," Ava states, reading her face. She kept her hand held out in front of the entrance in the stone wall, but focused her attention onto Varexes. "Actually, I'm a carpenter myself," she says with a grin. "I can get you one, don't worry. Now, why don't you all head on into the village? If you're going to stay, you'll have to get stamped though."

My eyes widened slightly. "That's... quite a barrier. Who set it up? And how?" I asked curiously. I took a step forward, then stopped. "I don't mind getting stamped. How does it work?" I asked, looking through the wall at the village. It looked quite... normal. I mean, there were Dark elves and Light elves and the.... Dihart? Yeah, Dihart elves all over the place, children and shopkeepers and everything. It looked so... normal. It was hard to believe that this was just out here in the middle of nowhere as a refuge. Hmm...
Faye nodded in response, noticing how she kept her palm held out towards the wall. She must've been holding the entrance open for them to enter. Acknowledging this, Faye took a few steps forward before walking through the entrance. When she was on the other side of the wall she couldn't help but feel warmth inside her, despite the chilly breeze in the air. Being in a village full of other elves again felt really good..although it almost made her feel homesick. Seeing all the older elves, she thought about her mother and father and how they must be worried sick about her.

Faye swallowed the lump in her throat, refusing to think about emotional things. She should be happy they made it this far. She was happy they made it this far, not that she didn't think they'd make it.
(God dammit Nami, your damned gif is mesmerizing me! xD

oh, and I never said why I'm pissed at myself... I have Crohn's disease and I haven't been taking my meds and I might be flaring up, and depending how bad that is I might go to tthe hospital...)
Ava looked at Varexes as she spoke, still keeping her hand held out. "I've lived here for about five years now--I'm sixteen. Though, this barrier is far older than I am. So, I can't give you an exact answer to that, but I'm assuming it was built by a various number of very talented mages. Oh, and the stamping is easy," she added, "I'll take you all to the stamping station once we're all inside." She gestured again to the entrance she was holding open. 
(( My phone case is that bear xDDD I love it. ))
Nova kept pace with Ava, "For the record, nothing you say is boring. I would very much like it if you would give me s tour of this place."

Nodding, I stepped through the open doorway and felt immediately at home. Despite the chill that had been causing me to occasionally shiver, I felt almost... warm. "Hey, Juniper. Wake up." I shook her slightly trying to wake her up as I looked around the town. It felt familiar but also... alien. It reminded me of home, but it seemed so different at the same time. Back home it was a familiar feeling, but here there was an undercurrent of something else. I couldn't place my finger on it or why it even felt that way, but I put it down to homesickness. "Do you have a mail carrier here? I want to send a letter." I asked Ava, turning to face her slightly, uncomfortable by the sudden civilization.

(I just haven't been taking my meds, which is why I'm pissed at myself. Yes, depending how bad my flareup is.)
(( I just had to restart my laptop because I screwed up my keyboard -_-

:c Well, don't worry~you'll be fine :u Just remember to take your medication next time~ :o ))
(Yeah that gif is pretty mesmerizing xD and I hope it won't get too serious for you Alcatraz.)

Jess smiled at the girl, Ava, as she looked beyond the open wall into the busy village that was thriving inside. She was pretty amazed that all of the elves, Light, Dark, and Dihart, could live in such harmony with each other, even if there might be some complications every now and then. She turned her attention back to Ava as she slowly walked forward after Faye, Varexes and Juniper. "Oh no, you don't bore us at all." As soon as she stepped passed the huge barrier/wall surrounding the civilization she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling strangley out of place and uncomfortable. She always had a small problem about being around many people at once. She just wasn't all that comfortable with the contact of people she didn't know that much but she partly blamed it on her unreasonable claustrophobia. Jess just let out a small sigh and bit her lip as she continued on ahead until she was standing right next to Faye, her eyes continuing to roam the unfamiliar area she was in.
(We found a village in the middle of the forest and some Dihart, half light half dark elf, chick named Ava and we're getting into the village right now.)
After everyone had stepped through the entrance, Ava walked through the wall as well, keeping her arm held up until she was inside the village with the rest of the group. A moment after, the hole in the wall closed right up. She looked back to Varexes once again and spoke.

"I'm sorry, we don't allow any contact like that with the main villages. If word got out to King Calaer and King Thiriston we fear they'd find a way to reach us and harm our residents," she told him, an apologetic frown forming on her freckled face. "I'm sorry.." Ava looked from one elf to the next, trying to brighten up as she did so. "Well, I guess I'll take you all to the stamping station before I show you around a bit. I'd like to hear more about the rest of you later as well, if you don't mind." She turned to face the group with a kind smile, then turned back to where she was heading.

Faye began to follow Ava to the 'stamping station' as it was apparently called. She didn't really mind being stamped, though at the same time she was a little wary since it was enchanted. She wondered if it'd affect her in any negative magical side effects or something. The thought actually made Faye chuckle a little to herself as it crossed her mind, telling herself she was too worried. So far, she trusted Ava..and if she turned out to be like Caricon in the end, she was not going to be a happy adventurer.
(Ok thanks)

Valandil looked around taking in the Dihart and the village. He was surprised to see a village out here in the forest where he thought only humans resided. Even the Dihart looked odd to him. He stretched his arms and waited for the elf to speak

(Btw I gotta find a time to play with you one LoL. Today I was playing with my friends but hopefully I can free up time)

I frowned. "That's... all right." I said slowly, shaking Juniper again before following Ava to get stamped. "Do you have a tailor then? Someplace with cloaks? I lost that too, and I could use one before I catch a cold."

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