The Path From Fayland - Official RP


I frowned at that. "Does using your healing arts tire you out that much? Don't you get... idk, more endurance the more you use them? Or is there a way that you can not tire yourself out completely, like healing something a little bit at a time?" I was genuinely curious, because if she was going to get like this every single time we needed a healing, we were going to need a solution so this didn't happen. In our current state our only defense was Faye and Jess and anything I might be able to rig up with one hand...
Juniper shook her head "It's not that. It's that everyone I've healed seemed to be close to death. The bigger the wound, the longer the recovery time." she explained as best she could. "Think Faye wants us to leave."

"Ooooh..." I said understanding. "But still, if you heal enough people, won't that recovery time shorten? Like, working out, only with your holy arts?" I asked, before standing up and holding a hand out for Juniper to take to stand. "We leaving Faye?" I called over to her.
Jess raised an eyebrow at Faye but she still pushed herself off of the ground. After getting a small drink from the river, while saying a dramatic goodbye to it in her head, she pranced over to the waiting elf and stood next to her, announcing her own arrival. "I'm ready."
Juniper nods "I guess, but now when you strain it. It's like working out too hard everyday. It doesn't help much does it?" She took his hand pulling herself to her feet and gripped it tightly to stay balanced.
Faye smiled brightly, lifting her bow up again. Finally, she thought to herself. Maybe it took a moment for her words to sink into their minds?

"Yes, I would like to!" she called back to Varexes. "You two can continue your conversation as we travel--if that's alright with you," she added, smirking to herself.

Faye turned, seeing Jess ready beside her. She smiled at the shapeshifter, glad to see that everyone was finally set to keep moving. No time to waste!

I nodded. "So then you should probably focus on healing smaller wounds first, then the bigger ones. So we should avoid mortal wounds?" I grinned and chuckled slightly, spinning under Juniper's arm and putting it over my shoulder. "Climb on and hold tight." I said, wondering if I had the strength to do it with a broken arm. Well, we'll find out I suppose. I thought to myself.
"I was given advice to leave the smaller ones to heal on their own and just deal with the bigger ones for now since those are fatal. I guess small ones can be if they get infected though." She pulled herself onto her back holding onto his shoulders with both hands and jumped hard against the ground below her feet.
Nova got up seeing eberyone was moving out. He put his hand over the fire to freeze it and relessed the spell, but it failed. 'Odd, I should still have some mana by now' He put out the fire and then grabbed the book from the ashes, dusted it off and slipped it under his arm.

When she jumped onto my back I caught her instinctively with both hands, and sharply breathed in as my left arm twinged in agony. Releasing my hold and just grabbing her foot with my left hand, but holding onto her leg with my right I secured my grip after staggering for a moment. "I got you, don't worry." I said and chuckled. "Almost didn't, but I do now." I walked up to Faye. "We're ready to go whenever." I told her, then glanced back towards the river and bid it a silent farewell. "That's a good way to think of it I suppose." I said to Juniper, referring to the advice she was given on healing. "Whatever works. It's your power."
"Yeah, it's my power that I get to choose if I use or not. Remember that." Juniper replied lifting herself up into a more comfortable position. She left her hands on his shoulders. "You sure this doesn't hurt your shoulder?"
//Just assuming Birch & Ruineth are also tagging along~Valandil as well//

Faye was beaming now, clearly happy to finally head off again. She didn't know what they'd come across next, nor did she know when and if they would even come across anything new for a long time. The thought of having to camp out over night in the middle of the deep forest made her a bit wary. After being attacked by those direwolves she knew it would be anything but a good idea. Therefore, she silently prayed they'd find a nice place to stay overnight.

"Alright, then let's get going," she said, walking out into the forest again. The colorful leaves were whirling around in circles from the strong breeze that was carrying them along. The trees were also waving back and fourth ever so slightly, creaking eerily as they did so.

Yep, it was most certainly Fall. She breathed in the lovely sent of nature, Autumn being her favorite season and all. It may get chilly, but it's ten times better than trudging through three feet of snow in the winter or sweltering during the summer.

As she walked, her hair was blowing around her violently and she wished she'd tied her hair up with something before she left on this journey. Back at the time it wasn't very windy yet, so she didn't even think of it. Day after day the winds were getting much heavier and it was getting slightly more difficult to walk without falling over.

"Dang, this wind.." she muttered aloud, squinting as strands of hair fell into her eyes.

When she adjusted herself I stopped and let her finish, then I nodded. "I won't forget. But no, that doesn't hurt. I'll tell you if it does." I turned slightly to smile at her, then I turned back to Faye and followed her as she moved. The wind blew in my face, bringing with it some unwanted dust particles and the occasional leaf, but I went through. It was a beautiful time of year, if a bit cold. That's when I remembered that my cloak was now ripped in pieces and was currently used to bind Birch's wounds. Fighting the urge to shiver, I hefted Juniper up slightly and used that motion to hopefully mask my shiver. With Juniper on my back, I was warmer than I would have been, but I was still cold, more from the wind than the slightly frigid air.

Looking around at the scenery, I couldn't help but notice Nova with an ashen book. It looked like... "Nova, is that the journal you threw in the fire last night?!" I exclaimed, moving to his side.
"Yes, it is" Nova flipped the book to the last page. A rune was scrawled in blood over the writing. "The dying wish of the writer was to protect the book, apparently"
Juniper didn't notice the cold. Verexes' body blocked the wind from chilling her, only her face seemed to feel the wind. She looked over at Nova hearing the comment about the book.

I frowned. "Isn't it just a petty alchemy book? Why would he protect it like that? Unless he was pathetic and that was the most valuable thing he did..?" I questioned, trying to answer it. But I had no idea, so I just shrugged.
"Alchemy is powerful stuff. Could you imagine an army with the ability to heal faster than any other? Or a general that could think faster than any other? No, this book could be invaluable if used correctly..."

"Are those things in there? Can we make them? Or is it as Juniper said and it could be disastrous? Besides, you said yourself you don't understand alchemy, so what use is it if we can't read or understand it?"
"Yes they are, though they are far from miracle potions. While it is dangerous if the wrong things are mixed, it is far more likely that the effrct will be nullified rather than curropted. Alchemy is a form of cooking, for which we have Birch, gathering for which we have Jess and Reading, for which we have myself."
Valandil rubbed his eyes still feeling a little groggy eyed as he walked. "We're finally moving as full group." he thought. The forest still made him uneasy. He didn't like how the trees looked like night, when the fire could only show a little before it dimmed into darkness. With a yawn, he continued walking.
Juniper rested her cheek against Varexes' shoulder tuning out the conversation between him and Nova. It didn't interest her to keep arguing about magic. She thought about shutting her eyes, but she wasn't sure if Varexes' could hold her if she stopped pulling her weight.
(( It's kinda that point in time where they're just walking through the woods so xD

Ima post a little later tonight I think~)) 
((Anyone can feel free to start some action though xD Even though it's often that they get attacked in the woods x'D ))

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