The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( Vex isn't a cat, just to clarify xD He's a huge beast, but he's fluffy and he purrs like a cat, that's why Faye compared him to one xD

And Vex is The Villain King but he fell off the face of the Earth lmao...I think the roleplay moved too fast for him so he just stopped posting.

However, his character is very handy for moving around their supplies. So, instead of killing him off or something I decided we're going to just keep him around to carry supplies. So, he's there and you can interact with him, but more so like a pet... xD 'cause he no longer has a roleplayer xD )) 
((Does anyone remember how Caricon died..? I'm updating the website.

Yes, I'm adding him to the site finally...I want to find his dead body, so. xD ))
(( Ah, thank you!

Wait, was it by like a human or something? So, it wasn't suicide? I can't remember xD )) 
(( Oh, nvm

Thanks! xD ))

Caricon felt a arrow pierce his heart and looked up. A human was their a bow in his head. Caricon signed knowing this was the end. Caricon's life flashed before his eyes not a happy moment in them. And he went to the land across the sea a land no Fayland elf could go. He then began a life of happiness adopting a farmer's son whose house had burned down.
It was on page 219 I think.)
(( :0 I'm surprised you were able to find that xDD

Thank you! xD )) 
(( Lol, I can't not laugh at that. ))
(you are missing out dude. It's the best show i've ever seen and it's not even close to any other show I've watched. Sometimes when it's on a break I'll be watching another show and think hmm this is close to a doctor who I rather enjoy it and then the christmas episode comes on and I'm like NOPE.)
(( xDD

I like shows like Pretty Little Liars & Twisted owo

Which are both on tonight...Tuesdays are my favorite *-* ))
(All right, lol, I was confused because there's only like 6 of us who actively rp. Me, Nova, Faye, Birch, Rune, Juniper, and Jess... so I guess 7.

Also, Doctor Who is freaking awesome) 

I nodded. "If you can hold on, I can carry you on my back if you want." I offered, figuring that if we were going to travel then I should offer to be nice. I didn't want to hold the group back or make up some excuse for Juniper, since I didn't think she would enjoy that.
(Pretty Little Liars always confuses me. The trailer always looks so good and like a mystery with suspense and what not and then I watch it and it's all about boy friends and girlfriends and family crisis. Blah. Twisted is a bit better, but I wish it would still back away from boy friend/ girl friend blah. Doctor who does not compare to these shows.)
(( Yeah, we have a lot of 'retired characters'

Just updated the Fayland site btw//the characters and enemies. )) 
(( Pretty Little Liars is so full of suspense! x.x You just need to watch from Season 1 or you're is going on? xDD

Although, I will admit this season of PLL has been ten times less better than all the other seasons. T^T However, they swore to us that at the end of this season they're gonna reveal the most shocking thing ever. //for real this time, they said. xD// So, I believe we find out if Alison's alive or not..or who Red Coat is..

it's been like four years of watching this show and we still don't know who's behind the entire 'A' thing hahahah... xD

Twisted is great, but everyone hates Rico for some reason and it saddens me ;w; I love him. ))
(I have never herd of anyone who watched this show and did not fall in love.)[media]

(we have slowed down a lot the past few days.)
(I know right? I'm not gonna wait for rune to answer Faye xD

When Twisted is over ima post something xD in about ten mins its over :3 ) 
(( Can I just say...

Holy sh*t, The Vineyard has got to be the worst show in the history of shows. I mean I could tell just by looking at the previews and getting through 5 seconds of it, but ten minutes is just too much. The entire time I sat there watching with my eyebrows raised like, How could this actually be on ABC family right now? The acting is 100% terrible. x-x //dies// They cancel so many shows on that channel..and that piece of crap gets on instead? Holyy crap. Lmao.

I ended up ranting, my bad. xD But's horrible.))

Before Faye could give Ruineth any time to answer her question, she spotted her jacket lying on the ground beside her. Faye's grey eyes lit up like a light bulb, glad to be so close to warmth. She moved through the group and leaned over to pick up the article of clothing. She slipped it on over her shoulders and buttoned it up, the wind no longer able to bring chills up her arms.

Faye walked over to her bow and lifted it up into her right hand. She didn't bother putting it on her back because after last night especially, she had no idea what to expect out in these woods--at any time of day for that matter. On the bright side, it was unlikely they'd come across any direwolves during the day.

She started moving away from the group, coming to a halt and spinning around suddenly. Without thinking, she'd automatically began to prepare herself to keep moving. Guess she just figured the group would catch on, however it seemed they were oblivious to her actions.

"Oh, I was thinking we should get moving again..." she said aloud, directed at everyone. The wind blew her long locks all around her, strands of blonde hair moving into her vision. She used her fingers to brush them out of the way, but she had to do so multiple times since the wind repeatedly blew them back into place.

I nodded. "Not now, when we leave." I grinned and sat there with Juniper leaning against me and stared out over the river. "Have people had to do this before when you tired yourself out?" I asked curiously.

(Doctor Who is EVERYONE'S show, because the whole reason why everyone likes it is because it's a drama. The whole "Timelord" aspect and "time travel through space" is the minor part and just adds to the drama. The feels are the whole reason why I love the show so much.)
Juniper nods "yes" she answers. "It's not my preferred way of travel." she shrugs. "Although I have spent most of the journey traveling that way.""
Faye scratches the back of her head and sighs impatiently. Either everyone seemed to be ignoring her or they just couldn't hear her. She didn't want to repeat herself in case they were ignoring her. After all, maybe they were just tired still, or their bones all still ached.

She stood there awkwardly, about two yards away from the others and watched them all sitting there pleasantly. As a leader, maybe she needed to learn how to be more...well, a leader and tell them that when they're leaving--they're leaving.

She opened her mouth to give orders, but closed it just as quickly. Faye sighed a second time and rolled her shoulders, the bottom of her bow settled on the tip of her boot. She may seem outgoing every once in a while, but there was no doubt she was socially awkward at many times.

"Vex," she said aloud, beckoning for the large beast to come by her side. At least he listened and walked on over to her. She smiled appreciatively, petting his head in return.

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