The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( I'm sitting here smiling like an idiot and laughing at it. Hahahah.

Ah, I need a life.. xD ))
(( I have to get up at 5:30 AM everyday starting in three weeks T^T Idunno how Ima get back on that schedule *cough* sleeps in 'til noon every day now *cough* xD

Goodnight :3 )) 
(( I'm going to sleep as well, so nighty night all :3 ))
(Good morning all!)

Ruineth looked at Nova as she ate. "It's..nothing. Magic just brings up memories. They aren't very pleasant." she said indifferently. She sort of jumped when he put his hand on her shoulder. She'd just made up her mind that she didn't care. Why would anyone else? She put her plate down and folded her hands on her lap.

(I'm at school. Won't post much til after 3)
Nova withdrew his hand when she jumped. 'Nope, no burning. This is...odd' Seeing as tge flanes didn't bother him, Nova stayed with the group to eat, all the while searching the flames for any traces of the book. "How is everyone?"
'How is everyone'? What an odd question. Ruineth laughed, feeling slightly happier. "Great, Nova." She replied sarcastically, but jokingly. Most of them were injured, others were having mental breakdowns. Everyone was having an unpleasant time either physically or mentally.
"Good, glad to know you're feeling alright. Come to think of it we may be tge only two not incurring some small crisis..."
Jess, after she finished everything she was doing, walked over to Ruineth and Nova. Once she was there she fell over onto her back, dirt and small dust flying up around her, and looked back over at the two. "Hello." She finished it all off with a small wave to them.
"Oh, three of us." Nova said, turning his attention to Jess. "Can you smell amy danger nearby?" Nova asked, ever on guard.
Jess shrugged her shoulders and sniffed the air while still facing the sky. Even as an elf her senses were still extremely good. After a second she shook her head. "Not really. I can't officially tell though because my nose is all stuffed up." She tried to breath through her nose before crinkling it up in annoyance. Well there wasn't much she could do about it.
While everyone continued to converse, Faye stood up from her spot beside Birch and stepped away from the group. She headed over to their supplies, which was in a heap beside Vex. The beast hadn't been speaking to anyone really, mostly due to the fact that he was in beast form just about the entire time. He didn't do much either, other than carry around their supplies. Though it was nice having a sort of transportation device to maneuver their supplies around.

After grabbing the long rope, she settled the items on his back and tied them down. It was a bit difficult to do on her own..and she failed a couple times, but she managed to get the job done. She didn't want to bother the others right now, since when she told them she was ready to move they'd probably be slightly unhappy. After all, they did currently have wounded elves. However, she assumed Varexes would more so insist on continuing the journey rather than waiting for him to heal a bit more. As for Birch, he probably still wanted to prove to the others he was strong. And as for Juniper, well..hopefully she was in better shape by now.

Faye rubbed Vex's fluffy head, smiling happily as she did so. He purred loudly and she laughed. It was kind of like having a massive pet cat with them on their journey. She walked back over to the group, beckoning Vex to tag along as well. Before picking up her bow, she looked to Ruineth.

"Hey Rune, have you worked on my jacket?" she asked, smiling kindly at her. She didn't ask because she wanted to make her do so, but it was actually really chilly outside today so she was wondering where it was. After all, it wasn't where she'd left it earlier.
"Hmmm, two of us again." Nova set his plate down, realizing he had been holding it a while. He scanned the treelines constantly, 'The water doesn't help, it's too loud to hear anyone sneaking up on us' "Rune can do that?" Nova asked, raisong an eyebrow.
"I don't mind" Juniper replied shrugging. "How did you guys get wounded anyways?" she asks curiously. They had never mentioned what happened or why they had wandered off.

At the question I winced again and flexed my hand slightly. "I went to help Nova search the ruins for books on magic. On the way back it got dark and we stopped for the night. Faye came to find us, and we got attacked by a pack of Direwolves. Large one. Faye got bit in the side, I lost my bow-" At this my voice cracked and I choked for a moment. I swallowed and continued, "and broke my arm when one of them wrenched it. It also got dislocated at the shoulder, but I managed to fix that. I think." I shrugged my shoulder and it grated slightly, but it was supposed to do that, so I shrugged. "I'll be fine."
Juniper listened to the story making sense of it. "The book that he threw into the fire?" she asks. It sounded like a waste of a journey. Not only did most of them come back wounded, they no longer had what they went out to get.

I nodded venomously. "That's why I'm so damn pissed he threw it in the fire. A waste, and we got injured." I glanced around and saw Faye attempting to tie our supplies back to Vex. I raised one eyebrow. "Looks like we're moving again." I said. "Can you travel?" I asked her, wondering if she could in her state or if I should offer to carry her. Or maybe we could put her on Vex's back..?
Juniper shook her head "I don't think so. Maybe Valandal will carry me again." she replies remembering the time him and Caricon fought over who got to carry her.

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