The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Juniper lets her hands fall by her sides. "Look Nova, I get that you want to help, but I don't think you should mess with things you don't quiet understand. If you mess up one ingredient or one step in that potion, who knows what the consequences will be."
"If we don't find a way to heal up, and we run in to trouble, we know what the consequences will be."
"Fine. I take pity on none who die." Nova waled away, tossing the book in the fire as he passed. The fire did not react as though it too shared apathy.
Ruineth woke with a snort. Graceful, Rune, graceful. She glanced around, hoping no one heard her. After stretching and getting a drink of water, she put all her things in her bag and sat by the fire. Nova walked by, tossing an old looking book into the flames. Her brow furrowed. What did she miss? She looked over at Juniper and Varexes. It was obviously something magical. Magic. Pft. Ruineth hated anything having to do with enchantments, incantations, spells, or tomes. At least ever since it basically killed both her parents. When it came to magic, Rune was fairly ignorant. She didn't understand it. She just hated it. Last night it was what saved Faye, but Ruineth ignored that fact. When it came to sorcery, she kept her distance. However, curiosity got the best of her. "What's going on?" she asked Nova with what concern she could muster up.
Nova fury cooled with a deep exhalation ofhis icy breath, the energy drained from him. "I found a book of alchemy, hoping toprotect our party I requested help from Juniper. However she seems unwilling to support I figure the book is better in the fire than in my mind." He paused a moment, "Why?"

Nova astounded me. This astonishment led to fury, and I clenched my fist. "So first I help him get that book, then on the way back Faye almost gets killed, and all he can do is be mad at you for not willing to help him craft a potion that may or may not work, and if it doesn't it could harm us?" I said under my breath. I took a deep breath and let my fist go, placing my hand on Juniper's head and pulled her hair out of her face.

"You feeling all right?" I asked her softly, gently stroking her hair.
(( Sorry, I was gone all day :0 But I'm baaaaack xD ))

Faye returned the kiss, more than happy to do so. Just being in Birch's presence made all her fears and worries melt away..and that was an incredible feeling, of course. She held his hand tightly, appreciating the warmth of his touch.

She then leaned her head on his shoulder comfortably, allowing her pupils to lock onto their fingers that were intertwined. She smiled warmly, thinking about what he'd just told her. To be honest, Faye was a bit surprised by his words considering she knew he was rather hopeless and looked down on himself. She felt as though he didn't think too highly of himself, which was understandable since he wasn't physically that strong as far as she could tell. However, he had a strong heart and that's all that mattered.

"You're perfect," she said finally. She sounded tired though, after all the night had certainly seemed to drag on. However, she meant what she said. She knew he probably didn't feel perfect, but he was. "Just don't go off in the forest like that at night again when the wolves are out," she added right after, chuckling softly. At first it was nothing to laugh about, but since he was there right now that's all she could do. He was a little slow minded it seemed, but she was as well.

As she rested her head on Birch's shoulder for a little longer she closed her eyes for a while. She knew there was no way she'd be getting in any sleep since it was already morning, the autumn sky replacing the one with twinkly stars a clue. However, the thought of returning to their adventure made her cheery and slightly more energized again.

At last, her eyelids fluttered open as the sounds of birds chirping high up in the treetops surrounded them. She reluctantly lifted her head up off of Birch's shoulder and ran her fingers through her long blonde hair a little, trying to untangle some of the knots.

"Are you gonna be okay to get moving again?" she asked, leaning forward to look at Birch.
Birch's cheeks lit up brightly as Faye gave him the sudden surprise compliment and despite it being worded so simply, it felt like far too much. Him, perfect? He had many, many flaws from his body to his personality. Why would she -- Birch's eyes widened as a realization hit him. Yes, that was how he saw himself but Faye. Faye was a totally different case. She didn't judge him because of his eye or his poor health nor his difficulty holding a conversation. She saw right past it all to look straight at the good of him. Feeling his eyes watering at the realization, he quickly shut his eyes and hugged Faye a little tighter as she rested close to him. He didn't ever want to let go.

As much as he wanted to enjoy the moment, sleep overtook him before long though it didn't last as he found his eyes drooping open a bit later with the sound of birds ringing in his ear. Rubbing his eyes as he sat up, he took a deep intake of breathe as a stinging in his shoulder hit him again. His wounds were still very fresh, a fact that worried him all the more as Faye asked him about getting a move on again. Looking down at his lap, he nervously answered, "Well. Maybe. I'm not in agony or anything but it kinda hurts..."
"Maybe we can get Juniper to heal you!" she exclaimed in a sarcastic tone. She chuckled, although a moment after she felt a little guilty for saying it. "No, but the girl's been really dreadful lately due to having to heal everyone so much. I'm really thankful that she's here, though," Faye added with a kind smile.

It was true, the girl had been healing constantly ever since even before the trip began. It may not have been too much of a deal if Juniper could heal someone without consequences, but unfortunately she passed out after pretty much every time. After all, everything has its consequences.

"Or maybe Nova or Varexes could carry you on their back," she suggested, but she couldn't hold back laughter right after. The image in her mind was just too amusing not to. "Or I could carry you," she told him with a joyful smile, "I'm not that strong, but you seem light." Even with the offer, it was still a bit of a joke to her. She knew she wouldn't be able to carry him very far out there, especially when she needed to use her bow to keep an eye out.

She sighed with wonder, wrapping her arms around his neck. She wished she was a bit more patient, but as she always said, there's no time to waste! If only he could be healed, but she knew Juniper wouldn't help out at all even if Birch had never asked or needed to be healed any time before. Or maybe if Birch hadn't run off and gotten hurt, but they couldn't rewind time. After all, he wasn't the only one who did such; Example 1: Faye running off to find the others then ending up getting terribly injured.

"I know you're strong enough," she told him with a warm smile, "but if you wanna rest a bit, that's okay."
Ruineth shrugged. "My own curiosity more than anything. Are you sure you should've burned it? Juniper may have come around eventually." She said, staring at the ashes that started to form. "They don't look too happy over there." Rune continued, motioning towards Varexes and Juniper.
Nova cracked a smile. "You'll see. As for Var amd Juniper, I think I can handle a criplled archer and an exhausted healer. For now." Nova stole a glance at the fire, still no reaction...'eh, like I thought' "Hy be concerned with them, I don't think we've met. I'm Nova, an academy drop-out gifted with Ice Magic" He extended a is hand to her.
Birch looked up, eyes holding an unfamiliar hard edge to them as he put on his straightest face. "I don't want to burden of slow anyone. I'll just... get over it." Faltering a bit in his tough guy act, his face softened as he found himself hesitating. This was going to be a rough day for him but he couldn't let him affect others. He didn't ever want to burden other people. That was exactly why he'd faded away in his youth, depraving himself even a simple friend since he knew he was no good for them. Now he knew he could help others and he could do it without having to be helped. Standing up and walking over to the fire with his sack over his shoulder, he began pulling out bread, eggs, bottles of milk and cinnamon and got to work on breakfast without so much as a glance at anyone, hiding the pain in his shoulder as he worked hard as he always did during meal preparation.
Before Faye could respond, Birch was already up and heading over to the fire. She'd never seen him look so..well, serious. It was as if he was trying to prove something, prove that he could be physically strong along with the other guys.

Of course, Faye wasn't going to try and stop him. She knew it wouldn't make a difference, it was obvious he was tired of feeling weaker than everyone else. Faye knew he was certainly not as weak as him and the others thought, but she was prepared to see him try and prove himself.

Faye followed him over to the fire, settling down beside Varexes and Juniper, who seemed to be looking quite comfortable with one another so soon. She watched Birch prepare his supplies to cook, smiling to herself at the same time. Whenever he got the chance to use his talent he was going to take it.
Ruineth shook Nova's hand. "I am Ruineth." Ice magic, eh? She thought. She felt her own heart freeze over, along with her expression. Her hatred towards magic led to a distrust towards anyone who used it. "Academy drop-out? What made you leave?" she asked, feeling the ice expand into her voice. Never had she felt so cold inside. She hated feeling this way. But she couldn't help it.

I overheard the various conversations going around us, tweaking my ears to listen to both Nova and Birch. So we might be moving anyhow. I might have to carry Juniper. I flexed my left arm and winced. If I even can. But Nova pissed me off. You can handle us? You self-centered self-important bastard. I'm crippled because I saved your ass. I helped you get that book, and you threw it away. You are not all-powerful, and you are not the most important member of this group. A fire burned in my eyes as I glared at the river. My voice hardened as I spoke, "Juniper? Do you need anything?" I asked her.
"I was exiled...magic apparently overtook me and made me kill my parents, or so I'm told. You look upset, are you okay?"
After making a nice mixture from some of the ingredients and dipping pieces of bread into the concoction, Birch was making french toast on one pan while juggling with bacon on the other, his expression focused as he concentrated on the food. It was a simple enough meal but hopefully one everyone would appreciate.
Ruineth blinked. She cleared her throat, trying to make herself warm again. "I, uh....exile, huh? Made you...kill..." Memories flooded Rune's mind. Her father, a dagger in his hand. Her mother on the ground, dead, with the dagger in her heart. Blood. So much blood. Then her father being reduced to ash. "Your parents." She finished, a single tear sliding down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and cleared her throat once more. She focused on Birch, who was making breakfast. "Breakfast looks great, Birch!" she said, quickly changing the subject. "Much better than anything I could manage to scrape up!" she laughed awkwardly.
Birch didn't respond to Ruineth at first, not really even achknowleding her existence for a few good seconds before he lifted his head to give her a blank stare, blinking a few times until her words finally sunk in. "Oh. Thanks," he said dully, looking back towards the food again as he spoke up. "I've been cooking for a long time... sort of. I helped my parents back when I was younger and then I kept on learning how to cook, bake and prepare all this stuff after they died." He said it all so casually, sounding bored as he moved the french toast around. Of course it had a lot more weight to it than he may have expressed. Telling someone so much about his past was a big step from what he was like only a few days ago and he recognized that he needed to open to more than Faye. Ruin seemed like a nice girl, a good opening choice.
Faye sat there, observing Birch's cooking skills all the while. It was kind of ironic that he was a better cook than her and she was better at the physical stuff like archery. She could prepare animals to cook, but that was due to all her experience. Other than that, she couldn't cook to save a life. She'd burned plenty of things and her grandmother who was a cook had tried to help her out, but she just kept failing. And as far as Faye knew, Birch could not shoot an arrow correctly.

The aroma smelt wonderful and she was suddenly beyond grateful to have an elf with a cooking talent around. It was as if they had their own personal chef out here in the middle of nowhere..and that was their bit of luxury.

To her surprise, Birch spoke up about himself as he cooked. It was unusual that he did so, but she did seem to notice he seemed more open to talking when he was cooking. She wondered if he'd even realized it as she had. Although his words were dull, the end of the sentence seemed to dreadfully hang in the silent air.

Faye quickly put on a smile and gently placed her hand on Birch's shoulder. "And he's certainly wonderful at his talent," she said cheerfully, waiting another moment before retracting her arm and placing her hands neatly in her lap. 
((All at the river around the fire xD ))
Ruineth wiped away a few more tears, which managed to escape. She was thankful for the distraction from her own childhood. She kept her eyes on Nova as she spoke, nodding at Faye. "Cooking is a great skill to possess. And I'm sorry, Birch. About your parents, I mean." She said. Suddenly she realized how cold she felt. Not just on the inside. She felt cold and tight. She really needed a hug. Or at least a pat on the head. Ruineth realized how long it had been since she'd made contact with anyone. Which was fine with her! She didn't need any gushy, lovey, feel good sympathy. Only a simple "There, there." Or "Everything will be alright." She felt the ice return to her soul. She didn't care anymore. The tears froze in her eyes, giving them a glazed look. Enough crying.
Nova sensed the despair on Ruineths face, 'am I doing that to her?' Nova thought about hugging her, 'no, I'd burn myself if I tried...yet the fire is so close and I'm fine' Nova grabbed a plate of food. "This is nice Birch, can you cool a plate for me next time though, please?" 'The food doesn't hurt as much either...what gives?' Nova put his hand on Ruineths shoulder "Are you sure nothing is wrong?"
Valandil stretched his arms and thought about the day. "It's like danger is always following us." He then looked at the group. He leaned back onto the ground and shut his eyes, thinking about home.

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