The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Ruineth looked about the camp. Everything seemed to be calm now. She squinted at the light that had begun to peek over the trees, then looked at everyone. They didn't look as if they were planning on moving on any time soon, so Rune decided to take Varexes' lead and try to get some rest again. She went over to her bedroll and laid on top of it. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep now that she knew everyone was back.
Juniper blinked opening her eyes and sat up slowly. She looked around a moment and then slowly laid back down staring at the sky. She hated being drained of her energy. It was so unfair. Faye probably felt better then she ever had and Juniper had to lay here out of breath from the energy it took to move her head. Maybe she should just accept it, this is how she was going to spend the rest of the trip. She was already convinced as soon as she had enough energy to be helpful someone would manage to get themselves wounded and convince her to heal them and she would end up right back at the start.

I opened my eyes as I felt someone moving nearby, only to see Juniper raise her head and let it fall again. "Hey Juniper." I said softly, yawning afterwards. "Is there anything I can get you? Jess cooked some fish for you, and I have some water and bread here." I reached behind me and grabbed it, holding it out to her.
Juniper turns her head looking at Varexes hearing her name, she realized he was talking to her. "Water" she asks for hoarsely wetting her chapped lips.

I nodded and opened the canteen, lifting her head and putting it to her lips, allowing her to drink.
Juniper drank the water gratefully. She felt the cool water slush around her dry mouth and trickle down her throat. Finishing, she wipes some water off the side of her face looking up at Varexes. "I thought you were mad at me."

I shook my head and lay her down, closing the canteen. "I'm not mad at you. I was... scared." I told her with a small smile. "I didn't want Faye to die. I'm sorry I was so pushy and forceful. I don't have an excuse... I just didn't want one of my few friends to die." I looked down at the ground and flexed my left arm slightly, grimacing in pain. "Thank you for healing her." I said, looking her in the eyes, my eyes showing how grateful I was. 
(Wincing* not grimacing* sorry, multitasking)
Juniper nods slightly barely moving her head. She keeps trying to look up at Varexes while he was talking, but she was at such an odd angle. She wasn't very comfortable anyways with having to need so much help. She didn't like feeling vulnerable, but it seemed to be this way all the time.

I saw her slight nod and glanced around. Handing her the bread and placing the canteen within easy reach I maneuvered behind Juniper and put her head in my lap. "Sorry, not much nearby for pillows." I said with a small chuckle.
Juniper lifted the corners of her mouth almost smiling back at his chuckle and then it disappeared as quickly as it had come. Her face returned to it's normal emotionless expression. A smile was a rarity for Juniper, maybe it had happened due to drowsiness. One thing she knew for sure, his lap was much more comfortable then the cold and hard ground. "Do you think we are going anywhere today?" she asks wondering what the plan was. She had already missed a lot while she had been passed out. Nova had mentioned something about finding some stuff at the ruins. Had they gone back? It seemed like the group had split up, maybe only a few went back. She wasn't too sure.

Inwardly I beamed in happiness at her tiniest of smiles. Knowing her for as little as I had I could tell she didn't smile very much, but seeing that one tiny little one felt good. I shook my head and yawned. "We're not going anywhere for a few days. Birch wandered off and got attacked, but he's hiding something..." I frowned slightly, but shook my head. "I can't travel well either." I said, showing her my crudely splinted arm. "Don't get any ideas, I'm not letting you heal it, even if you offer. You used enough strength already healing Faye, I'm not going to ask any more of you, or let you if you offer." I told her, being honest. My arm would heal normally, and while it would take a long time before I could use it again, but I wasn't going to ask any more of Juniper, considering how much I'd went off on her that night.
Juniper thought this over for a moment. She wasn't one to respond quickly, which normally made it hard to keep a conversation going. She wasn't one to use a lot of words. Most of the time she just listened to the conversations around her without voicing one word of her own. "Good, I would have slapped you if you asked." she finally stated. She hadn't even thought about healing his arm, mostly because she hadn't realized it was hurt. She wasn't very observant when it came to other elves. They baffled her more then anything else. She would rather deal with a foreign concept of dark magic then try and figure out one's emotions. Which could vary well include her own.

I laughed at that. "Then we have an agreement!" I said, leaning onto my right arm, resting my left on my knee where my hand was lightly brushing Juniper's temple. Juniper wasn't very talkative, and wasn't very extroverted. Rather, she was very introverted, and even then hid behind a wall. It was like when I went into my efficiency state, not caring about the consequences but merely surviving the battle, only she kept it up all the time. There had to be a way to weasel my way through.. but how? I thought this as I stared at the orange sky, which was quickly turning blue.
Nova jumped up as understanding washed over him. He paid no attention to his clumsy steps as he tried to find Juniper. When he saw her an Var talking he quicked his pace, and sat down on Junipers other side shoving the book into her lap. The book was open to a page depicting a glass vial and several instructions along with a list of items. "Do you know what this is?"
Juniper watched Varexes look up at the sky. She fell back to her silent ways, unable to come up with a response. She thought about going back to sleep when she jumped startled when something landed in her lap. She tried to sit up ready to punch whatever it was and turned seeing Nova. "What the heck Nova!?" she yelled and let her head lay back down in Verexes' lap grunting.
"This is going to help you...a lot. These are brewing instructions for a liquid that accelerats recovery, this is a book of alchemy...."

Nova walked over and shoved the diary I'd found into Juniper's lap. "Woah, hang on. She just did some major healing last night, what the hell is so damn important?" I said, somewhat angry that Nova was intruding upon a relatively peaceful moment after the chaos of the night, somewhat angry that he was bothering them. When he said book of alchemy I was confused. "Alchemy? What does this have to do with anything? Can't it wait until Juniper's gotten some of her strength back?"

(Never heard of pathfinder, and I was an amateur at D&D a while back, but not anymore. The closest I've gotten to it are D&D games, like Neverwinter Nights 2. Why?)
('Dire' animals are prominent in both)

"Well, Birch is half dead, Juniper is exhausted, you're injured, Faye is still hurting....I'd say it's pretty important to get us all back up and fighting faster."
Juniper picked up the heavy book and shoved it back at Nova. "Then find someone who knows magic. I don't know bird dung about alchemy." she insists. "I already told you, I don't mess with that stuff." she rubs her eyes feeling her headache return. It was probably the pain that put her on edge and made her angry about everything, but she couldn't help it.
(The picture I posted was from Neverwinter Nights 2 xD There are Direwolves and Direbears in that one, and there's similar things in Dragon Age: Origins and various other RPG games I've played.

I'm a very big gamer xD )


"It's the fact that Juniper is exhausted that you shouldn't bring it up. And if she doesn't know Alchemy, then how can she help?" Nova was being practical, but he was also being insensitive. There was a way to be both at the same time.
"I don't know alchemy either, the person who would be best suited for this is Birch, but again he's half dead. I would normally be able to struggle through mixing the potions myself if Jess were to help gather ingredients, but I read an interesting note that said only SOME of the ingredients contain the desired properties...Holy magic is needed to detect tge purity of ibgredients for a healing potion..."
(I suck at any and all types of video games.)

Juniper shook her head "I will not be using my holy arts for a few days." she states brushing her fingers through her hair. It had grown out since the beginning of the journey. It was almost to her shoulders now. She thought about cutting it. It was too short to put into a pony tail, but it was long enough to fall into her face. She looked back at Nova realizing her thoughts had wandered away from the discussion.
(I am too, I just love to study mechanics more thanplay the games xD

Plus I have no friends to play them with, but that'll change very soon) 
"Detection shouldn't take any mana really, I can still detect your healing magic on Fayes wounds and I'm all tapped out. What if I could find a potion of manna recovery, or a distillation formula for mana itself....?"

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