The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye sighed to herself, finally gaining the courage to look up at his face. Although, her eyes were distant and lacked their usual glint of joy and positivity. Right now she just felt lost and afraid, which she normally never showed. But thinking about the death of Roslyn and the fact that Birch could even be dead this very moment, she couldn't help but not be in a sad emotional state. Her heart was breaking slowly but surely.

"It's all my fault.." she said, focusing her eyes on his. There was no hint of a smile on her face, or any after joke to lighten the mood like she usually had. She was just hurting on the inside, and the single tear that trickled down her cheek that moment as she kept a straight face proved it.

I stared into her eyes, not a single bad thought shown in them. Only worry and care were there. "No, it isn't. It isn't your fault, Faye." I kept a straight face as well, shoving emotions behind my wall to keep calm. No tear flowed down my face, but I wiped hers away with my thumb and cupped her face for a moment. "You are strong, Faye. You are stronger than I. So believe in yourself. I understand the pain you feel, because I know the same feeling. Come back to the fire and we can talk. I will tell you anything about me you wish to know, or we can talk about the stars." I looked up for a moment, then at the ground, closing my eyes. "They truly are beautiful tonight..." I said as I looked back into her eyes with the smallest of smiles on my face. Not a happy one, nor a malicious one, one that simply showed how content I was. "This world is beautiful, and you are too young to mar it's face by leaving it so early in your life."
Ruineth jerked forward when Faye stood with her bow in hand. She paused mid-stitch. Varexes seemed to be taking care of it, but Rune was ready to do whatever she could. She looked over at Juniper, who was now lying fully on the ground. No. Rune was going to do something now. She put Faye's jacket down and walked away. She went into the woods. Not deep. She could still see the camp. She gathered more wood for the fire. Everyone would have to sleep soon. They'd need energy if they were going to travel tomorrow. She'd keep the fire going. It would keep everyone warm and scare off a small amount of animals. It was all she could do to help besides tailoring. She let the quietness of the night calm her busy mind, if only for a few minutes. As she collected the thick pieces of wood, Rune was relieved to finally not think of anything. "I just hope the wolves aren't brave enough to come near the camp." she muttered.

(Yay! Warlock is back!)
( I left my computer at a friend's house, wasn't able to get back there for a few days and when I do the little bastard he has for a brother messed with all my stuff, unfriended everyone I had on skype, undownloaded half of my games, UGH~ D: And now people think Birch is dead?! )
(Wow. That... seriously sucks xD Don't worry, we said that you walked off into the woods and Faye, Varexes, Nova and Val all had to fight off some Direwolves as they got back to camp. Faye almost died, Varexes had to convince Juniper to help Faye, now Faye's having a mental breakdown and Varexes is trying to sort it out. Since you were gone, we made up an excuse about how you went into the woods and could be dead. Just say you went on a walk after Faye left and you are coming back now?)
(( I shouldn't be laughing, but I should just not trust my 'senses'. Lol, well at least you have an excuse as to why you deleted me on skype, 'cause I was rather offended x'''D I think that's mostly why I'm laughing right now. I was like, 'God, am I that annoying? Fml.' xD And then you weren't logging on to rpnation at all like you usually do, and you already didn't post that much in the rp, so I figured you ditched or something. Sooooo I was gonna kill off Birch...subtly, he wouldve wandered off and never returned so theyd assume he was dead. |D

Ohhh god, my apologies x''D lolol

WELL, it gave us something to cry about so ||D Hoorah for a better storyline! xD

//slapped x10// )) 
(( OH and sorry about your computer, I would be so pissed if some kid did that on my laptop. x-x

'tis why I will never ever ever ever leave my laptop anywhere xD ))
(( (>T_T)> *tackle Nami* I'm so sorry! I know it was out of my power but UUUUUGH! I will destroy that little brat! Can you refriend me on skype? )
(( Why do I imagine Varexes with a british accent all of a sudden? lol xD Just that one line: "They truly are beautiful tonight" Is it just me? Yeah, probably. xD

Annnnnnnnd //huggle// it's all good in the hood xD I'm an idiot lolol. I'm laughing so much, I can't write a serious post like this. I NEED TO GET BACK INTO AN EMOTIONAL STATE.

And yus, I can refriend you xD Un momento. Oh no, why am I typing in spanish..))
(Lmao, I knew you two knew each other outside of this :P haha xD Take a few if you guys need to, lol, I just have no life which is why I'm on here all the time xD )
(( OKAI, OKAI ))

Faye cracked a smile finally, starting to feel a little bit better in Varexes's presence. She shook her head with amusement and laughed briefly before drying her face with the back of her hand.

"I'm not stronger than you," she told him. Faye might be a good archer and she might have a good heart, but physically he seemed stronger. Plus, what he was doing this entire time--helping others and taking care of them even though he didn't need to. You didn't see Nova going around taking care of the others...not to mention, the majority of the group seemed quite distant from one another--in their own little world. Sure, maybe they wanted to help, but they didn't. So why, why did Varexes help everyone?

She took a deep breath and smiled warmly at him, all of her worries seeming to wash away for now. Somehow, somehow he managed to help her back onto her feet. Of course she was still worried, sad, concerned, and all of the above in the back of her head, but she felt better. That's all that mattered, right?

"You're actually really wonderful, you know that?" she said, shoving her hands into her pockets as she began walking back over to the fire. It was true, he was and he probably didn't even know it. 
(( Actually we don't know each other in person, we just started talking on here and now we're pals xD

I told you, I make too many online friends x-x

But they're the best, so :3


and yus you might wanna write up a post considering everyone thinks you're dead. MAKE IT AWESOME. lol. ||D )) 
(( And roleplaying isn't for people with no lifeee, it's for fabulous writers who wish to create a great story using other writers' creativity :3

So thats actually why you're on here all the time xDD ))

I smiled warmly, glad she was going back to the fire with the rest. "Strength has to do with much more than physical ability. I might beat you in an arm-wrestling competition, but you'll kick my ass in every other way." I told her. She seemed better, which made me glad, and I walked next to her, my left hand swinging at my side, twinging in agony as it did so while I stuck my right in my pocket. "I'm not wonderful. I'm just... blunt." I had to search for the word, but that was what I could come up with. I didn't believe I was wonderful, I just had a way to get through thick skulls. Usually it pissed people off, but occasionally it came in handy. Like tonight.

(Huggles you back, because you're fawesome. xD I have no life, so I"m on my computer all the time with this, anime, and facebook open 24/7. ;- ;)
((Does fawesome mean 'f*cking awesome' or is it just a typo? Whatever, I'm gonna go with f*cking awesome, 'cause I like that. xD

And heeeeey that's my life too x'D Facebook, rpnation, and whatever tv show I'm currently watching online //yes, I've finally gotten through all 12 and a half seasons of degrassi and I'm sad//

and...I think I hear bats..outside of my window...and it's creepy o-o... ))

Faye looked at Varexes and cocked her head to the side. "No, you're wonderful," she reassured him with a small laugh.

She knew he wouldn't listen to her words and actually take the time to process them because he was much too humble. However, she wanted him to know that for a fact. She wanted him to see how caring and kind he truly was, even if he could be quite blunt and rude. He was still a good elf.

"How's your arm?" she then asked, her eyes falling onto it.
(( >3< And don't forget to add me again! ))

Birch was completely and utterly lost, the canopy of the forest shrouding out the light from the stars and the moon hanging in the sky. The elf's head was a blur, his arm felt like it was burning and every inch of his was filled with exhaustion and fear. How had things gone so wrong? This wasn't how he'd planned things to go. Things were starting to go so right, things were finally looking up. Was this the way his life was to go? Tragedy upon tragedy until he had nothing else to lose? Maybe if he was lucky he'd die before the end. A morbid way to look at life but how much more did he have in him? Why? Why him?

He stumbled along for what felt like ages though he knew it had only been hours and he was hopelessly lost. The trees blended into one big dark blur in front of his eye and it felt like everything was slowly closing in around him, the packed trees making him claustrophobic. He missed everyone, the warmth of being around them, Faye... he'd done this for her and now he'd never see her again. Why? Why him?

When he spotted a light in the distance he thought it was an illusion, some trick of his mind to snatch hope away from him yet again. Seeing no point in resisting such a thing, he hobbled his way towards the source. Trying to brace for disappointment, he tried to think about something else. The uncomfortable feeling of dried blood caking his arm was the first thing that came to mind. He couldn't see it in the dark but when he ran his fingers over his left shoulder he could feel the crumbling mess on his clothes and flinches when he accidentally touched the gashes. He was in bad shape.

By the time he approached the source of the light everything was starting to fade. He couldn't see straight, his body felt week and he just wanted to fall over and sleep away all of his problems. Eyes drooping, he paid no attention to the nearby campfire, the tents or the people they belonged to as he fell to his knees and then on his chest. As he closed his eyes and took in the sounds of the night, he could almost swear he heard voices and felt the light's warmth. How strange.
(It means "Fawking Awesome" not "f*cking awesome" xD

Everyone is so creeped out by snakes and scorpions and spiders and bats and things and I'm sitting here like... "awesome... i want a pet scorpion, and a snake, and a spider. and i will sleep with them every night." because i'm a badass like that. xD )


I shook my head at her, but decided not to say anything. After all, it would only make me seem like a jerk if I kept trying to deny it. I looked at my crudely splinted arm. "It... hurts." I said with a grimace. "But nothing I haven't felt before, so I'm fine." I remembered that I'd left my quiver by the river and I went to grab it really quick. "I'll be right back, grabbing my quiver." I told her with a small smile before lightly jogging to it, picking it up and taking it to the fire, making it back almost the same time Faye did. 

As I reached the fire I saw someone stumble out of the forest, falling to their knees. He looked familiar... "BIRCH!" I shouted, dropping my quiver and running over to him, kneeling next to him. His back was covered in bloody gashes that were half congealed. "Faye!" I shouted, calling her over. "It's Birch! Help me get him to the fire!" I said. I saw a light begin to shine over the horizon and knew it was dawn. A sleepless night. I just don't get a break, do I. I thought to myself with a grimace. I slipped one arm around Birch's waist and put his arm around my neck, lifting him up and starting to half-drag, half-carry him to the fire.
(I love stalking people's conversations. *creepy smile* Yaayyyy reunification!)

Ruineth piled the wood by the fire, adding a few pieces to keep it going so she could sleep. She pulled a bedroll, which she'd made a long time ago by sewing together two large pieces of thick cloth. She unrolled it a bit further away from the fire so she wasn't in anyone's way. After wiggling her way into it, she used her pack as a pillow. It was actually pretty comfortable. Compared to sleeping on dirt and tree roots, anyway. She watched the stars until her eyes grew heavy. Her mind was full of new worries. What would tomorrow bring? And now Birch was missing. "Birch!" Varexes' voice startled Rune, causing her to start. She looked around, realizing it was nearly dawn. Damn, just when she was getting comfortable. She shook her disappointment away with the relief of being together again. She quickly stood, and went over to the others. "I'll get some water." she said,heading for the river.
((Oh god, please do not be one of those kids x-x I have a few people on my facebook that go to my school and all they do is post pictures of their pet snakes and tarantulas. Yes, freaking tarantulas. On their face. And their snakes 'shedding' or whatever. I'm like x-x //does not want to see your pet tarantulas and snakes all over my facebook wall//))

As Faye sat down she heard a loud thud, causing her to jump a bit and look around the camp with fear. Her heart skipped a beat as she gulped, clutching her bow tightly and ensuring that the arrow was nocked well. Just then, she heard Varexes call Birch's name.

Without wasting another second Faye was up on her feet and racing over to Varexes, who was carrying Birch over his shoulder. Her jaw dropped at the sight of his terrible wounds, but relief struck over her as well seeing that he was alive and with them again.

"Oh my god!" she exclaimed, slipping his other arm around her shoulder. She helped Varexes carry him near the fire before helping him settle Birch down on the ground.

Faye kneeled beside Birch and wrapped her arms around him, but not too tightly since she didn't want to irritate his wounds. She was so relieved that tears were welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe he was back such a state. He looked absolutely awful and it broke her heart all over again.

"Where were you?!" she asked, leaning forward to look him in the eyes. She lifted her hand up to wipe away some tears, but they continued streaming down her face. This night turned out to be quite an emotional one for Faye, so she might as well get all the tears out now, right?

I nodded to Ruineth. "Bring back as much as you can. We're going to need a lot." I told her, then I took my cloak and ripped it to pieces. I ran to the water and washed it as best I could, getting some of the blood off but nowhere near enough. I brought it back and was about to wash Birch's back when I hesitated and handed it to Faye. "Use the strips to wash the wounds. Ruineth will be here with more water. Make sure the wounds are clean, then bind them tight with those strips." I told her.
The ground was nice and cool against Birch's skin and with how far gone his mind was at the moment, the first thing that came to mind when his body started moving along without him doing anything is why someone would be so mean as to take him away from the the comfortable, hard ground. Words echoed blankly in his eyes as he heard voices echoing around and felt hands hauling him along but it wasn't until he was rested on his back and something clung to his body that things cleared and sharpened.

Birch gasped as if he'd just surfaced his head after holding his breathe for ages and everything came into clear view from the camp he was in to the people around him to the uncomfortable stinging of his shoulder. It was all a nice shift from the dark, dreary forest he'd been lost in but the greatest relief was the figure holding onto him, even if it was a tragic figure she struck. There was Faye, crying over him like he was on his deathbed. He tried to force words up but all he got out was coughing as his bone dry throat stopped him from so much as muttering an apology. An odd feeling began to grow in his chest as everyone was rushing to take care of him and without even knowing why, a smile grew on his face as reached out the hand of his unhurt arm and grabbed her fingers weakly in his, giving her a gentle squeeze of comfort.
Ruineth filled her own cantine with water, then put a bunch of large leaves in her basket to keep water from leaking so she could use it as well. She carried them both over to were Birch was, putting them close to Varexes so he could use it. "Will you need any more?" she asked. Despite the leaves, water still dripped from the basket. But it would hold well enough to use for now.

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