The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"Well, I sense someone or something healed Faye, but not completely. I'm unsure of the rate of mana drain from using the Holy Arts, but I would guess you were tired and unable to finish the healing considering faye is still injured. Who taught you the Holy Arts?"
Juniper shakes her head "she pulled away before I could finish so I just took the spell back." she states defensively. "My parents taught me the holy arts. Why does that matter?" she asks looking at him confused.
"I heard rumors at the academy in my short time there, that the presence of Holy Symbols can boost the effect of Holy Arts magics, I was wondering if you knew anything about that. We found a trap rune in the ruins that reminded me that some magics can have physical manifestations to which they are tied, so such a thing might actually be possible..."
(Well it's not hard to know when a limb is dislocated... I've dislocated my hip several times and I've accidentally dislocated my brothers arm before. Infection isn't either, because it has a strange odor, generally has discoloration and it just LOOKS infected. Both of these are very basic things to know what's happened, but CAN be difficult to treat.)


When I heard Nova's and Juniper's interaction, I stopped. Lowering Faye down I kept my cloak pressured onto her wound, ignoring the pain in my arm where she had gripped and ignoring the sticky sensation of blood covering me. "You took back the healing? Why?!" I asked, enraged. In my rush to get Faye back I'd left my quiver back at the river side, but I had the two arrowheads in my pocket still, and I brushed my thumb over them subtly in case I needed them. "Juniper, why would you do that to Faye?"
Alcatraz said:
(Well it's not hard to know when a limb is dislocated... I've dislocated my hip several times and I've accidentally dislocated my brothers arm before. Infection isn't either, because it has a strange odor, generally has discoloration and it just LOOKS infected. Both of these are very basic things to know what's happened, but CAN be difficult to treat.)

When I heard Nova's and Juniper's interaction, I stopped. Lowering Faye down I kept my cloak pressured onto her wound, ignoring the pain in my arm where she had gripped and ignoring the sticky sensation of blood covering me. "You took back the healing? Why?!" I asked, enraged. In my rush to get Faye back I'd left my quiver back at the river side, but I had the two arrowheads in my pocket still, and I brushed my thumb over them subtly in case I needed them. "Juniper, why would you do that to Faye?"
(My point was that they would not know what such an injury was, being that this is a fantasy setting and they probably would not have that kind of knowledge at this point in time, assuming their advances share the same timeline as ours (for the most part))
(Let's say this is set in medieval times. They knew what infection and dislocation were, just they can't treat infection because they don't have antibiotics yet. Dislocation, however, is relatively easy to treat. You just have to shove the bone(s) back into the socket)
"Well if it is possible, it's not something you should mess with especially with know so little about it." Juniper answers still looking at Nova. Juniper turns her head to look at Varexes after hearing his complaint. "She is the one that pulled away before I finished and ran off. I'm not going to risk my neck for her if something goes wrong because she wouldn't let me finish."

I stood there, thinking fast. "Well she's not going anywhere now. Heal her, and then you can tell me why it would risk your neck if you don't finish." It wasn't a request, it was a statement of fact that she would tell him. "Do it so Birch doesn't have to see her like this."
Juniper folds her arms across her chest. "I will not. I'm tired of all of you thinking you can get hurt and I'll heal you all without hesitation. None of you apologized for leaving me unconscious and unprotected back at the ruins. I've barely received a thank you from anyone who's lives I've saved. None of you want me hear, you just want my powers. I'm tired of straining my holy arts day after day. I'm done." she huffs the anger she had suppressed since the ruins finally boiled out of her. Her feelings had been hurt and she was tired of keeping it to herself.

Her statement caused me to explode. "I GOT HERE AFTER THEY LEFT YOU! YOU CAN'T BLAME ME FOR THAT! I DON'T KNOW YOU, BUT I CAN SURE AS HELL SAY THAT YOU ARE BEING A SELF-CENTERED LITTLE BRAT!" I was pissed, but I knew there was one stage further before I became something inhuman. "You refuse to heal someone because they don't thank you. That's understandable. But Faye would've thanked you, I know she would have. And she wants you here, because she's the kind of person willing to take anyone in." I was completely steady, pain forgotten. "She took me in. She doesn't use people for powers, she takes them in and accepts them for who they are."

My friends meant the world to me, and I would do anything for them. Juniper took back her healing for no reason other than her pride was hurt. "We all do things we have to because they are required of us. We may not like them, but we must do them. Before things can get better, they must get worse, so use your powers to heal and then we can talk about how everyone's been treating you." I had calmed now to a point where I was trying to convince Juniper rather than force her. "I apologize for yelling, but Faye needs to be healed, otherwise she could die from a wound like that."
Nova let a slight laugh escape him. "You are very wise to fear magic, it seems you have not become a slave to your tools as so many have." and with that Nova let the conversation die. He went back to the fire and began reading yet again.

His second attempt was more fruitful; the lists were still incoherent, but he managed to uncover several recipes for outlandish dishes. Notes were scrawled in every margin, one read: "Human5 m?ke the bes| test subj??ts, except for the fact t^at we can only obse%ve the effect of each |0|io]\( but n0t th3 sens@tion."

Nova pondered this for a moment, then read on. Most notes cited which items were difficult to obtain, many talked about substitutions which seemed to 'have the same effect' but were easier to obtain in certain areas. There was excessive talk of mixing bowls and grinding stones being needed for certain tasks. some notes even told the proper materials for which bowls and bottles must be made of. 'The writer sounds like he's talking about magic, but he doesn't mention being a mage of any kind...

The final pages described certain proceedures referenced earlier, it also gave an example. It consisted of grinding dire wolf spikes and soaking them over night in human blood, the notes read: "dire wolves have a form of magic contamination, magic can be drawn out through blood, therefore I thought that by grinding their spikes, I could draw this power out with blood. However, I can't use elf blood of course, human blood is far easier to come by. If ingested, possibly diluted in a medium, the spikes can provide one with the enhanced magic power, but be wary for the dire wolves rage is also drawn out, and the user is in peril of succombing to the animal anger for some time."

Nova closed the book when he heard the racket.
(( #PoorJuniper #EnragedVarexes #FayeBeBleedin'

and LOL I'm dying of laughter still x'D ))

Alcatraz said:
Juniper watches Varexes go from yelling like a maniac to treating her like a child. He seemed to be doing everything in his power to get her to heal Faye. "I'd rather be selfish then dead." she glares at him. "Don't try to tell me I don't know what kind of wound that is. I know perfectly well what could happen. I also know what could happen to me if I tried to heal something I don't have the ability to heal. So don't blame me for your own guilty conscience." she defends assuming he felt guilty for whatever the reason it was she was wounded. "I've already strained myself too much. I've been passed out for days and I won't do it again because I don't trust any of you anymore. If it's selfish that I would rather live while someone else dies. So be it, but I did state that before we left Fayland that I would not use my holy arts to save someone if I had to die in there place. I think to ask that of anyone is much more selfish."
Faye looked up at the others, hearing Juniper begin to complain about how everyone was treating her terribly and simply using her for her Holy Arts. She opened her mouth to tell her that wasn't true..and that she was sorry if she'd made her feel that way. It broke Faye's heart that the girl was hurt, but at the same time she was a bit flustered. Faye was in an immense amount of pain at the moment and she could feel herself becoming weaker by the second.

"I didn't..know you weren't finished..." she managed to say, but it seemed as if she had blocked out all the sound around her. She saw everyone's mouths moving angrily and defensively, but she could barely hear anything. All she heard was the pounding of her heart against her chest as the pain became so agonizing that she was simply becoming numb.

Faye barely noticed tears were currently streaming down her cheeks, but she didn't care. In the middle of all the chaos she looked down to observe the wound, seeing Varexes's cloak completely soaked in her blood which still seemed to be gushing out. She'd had plenty of wounds, but none of them seemed to hurt this bad and bleed this much. All she was able to ask herself was, Am I gonna die?
(Faye might be dying and she feels sad for the healer who is emotionally hurt...

pure irony xD )
(( Faye's a very wonderful elf, okai? xDD )) 
((And for the record, she has thanked Juniper for healing her every time xD ))

"Then heal her enough to where she WON'T die. Seal the damned wound!" I fished around for something I might use. "I'm not guilty, I just refuse to allow the first person who's accepted me despite everything I do to die!" Magic was an unknown force to me, I had no idea how it worked. "Use my energy to heal her. Do whatever you need to, but make her WELL." I said. I wasn't speaking in a tone that implied I was begging, but the look I gave Juniper told her that I was. I had one final card to play, but that one would make me an enemy of the group, and it would have to be my last resort.
Faye heard muffled yelling over the ringing in her ears and from what she could tell it sounded like Varexes's voice. She turned from her wound to him with a sorrowful look among her grey eyes. Right at that moment her legs gave out and she collapsed onto the ground with a thud.

Although the sudden fall startled her on the inside, she didn't show it on the outside. To others she looked like some sort of dying animal, her eyelids fluttering open and closed as she tried to stay awake. She kept telling herself in her mind that this wasn't it, this wasn't the end. She'd just barely started her dream adventure and one stupid damn direwolf wasn't going to ruin that for her.

As she laid on the ground, she somehow managed a smile. The flames of the fire were flickering right beside her and she let a very small laugh come out. "At least..I didn't fall in the fire this time," she joked, remembering when she had back at their first bonfire together.

Her whole body was numb now and when her pupils wandered back to her side, it was still gushing blood. How much blood have I lost? she wondered. Obviously a lot, Faye, can't feel your legs...or your arms..or anything for that matter.

She couldn't understand why no one was helping her at the moment when she was in such a state, considering not only could she not hear them, but she was already on the ground..possibly dying. The thought normally would've made her fearful, but now that it was actually at this point..all that mattered was that she kept a smile on her face. She didn't wanna die scared and unhappy, even if that's what she truly was. They're good elves...they can take over the adventure for me, she told herself, her eyes watery.

When Faye collapsed I panicked. I knelt down next to her and used my shirt as a second bandage to staunch the bleeding, applying pressure. "Someone help me!" I begged, looking around the group. "Juniper, do something before she dies! Do whatever you have to, take whatever you need to from me, but HEAL HER!" I was truly begging now, forgetting all my pride and dignity.
(( This is what happens when everyone stands around while someone's bleeding out all over the place, which seems to always happen with Faye's wounds xD *cough* that time when Faye was all like, 'I NEED A BANDAGE HELLO?' and Nova did everything but that when he was standing right next to her talking x'D so she crawled away and fixed it herself until someone finally noticed ||D lolol

Buuut yeah, Faye's dying and I honestly don't know what happens next xD I dun want her to die ;w; )) 
(( Oh, and Birch clearly doesn't give a crap lmfao x'D ))
(Nova doesn't really care anymore, he's figuring out what his book says, but you guys are making too much noise for him to read xD )
Jess watched everything with worried and panicked eyes while also wondering where the hell Birch was for all of this. She shifted into a wolf and walked over to Faye's body, sitting next to her injured side. She bends down and nuzzles off of Varexes jacket before softly dragging her tongue across the tender and bleeding flesh. It's known that if wolves, or other animals, lick an open wound it can help protect the injury from becoming infected which is why she was doing it . An infection would make everything much worse. She also cleaned up all of the blood on and around the area before struggling to wrap Varexes jacket back around the now somewhat clean wound, sloppily tying it with her teeth and hoping someone would come to put it on better.
Juniper sighed Varexes wasn't listening, she thought she had made it clear that once she started healing, she couldn't stop. Magic was never simple and she had already used it much too often on this trip. She watched Varexes reaction to Faye's collapse. She had learned to become emotional distant, she had seen this reaction before. She recalled memories of begging herself as a small child when her parents would refuse to heal someone. She stood up and walked over to Faye and bent down next to her. She looked over the wound, if the wolf had carried some disease it would have set in by now. She had lost a lot of blood, but it would take a lot longer for her to bleed to death. She was probably bleeding internally which was causing the problem. She frowned. That couldn't be fixed without magic. She didn't have the tools or the experience for a surgery. She wanted to cuss in anger, but she kept calm and placed her hands over the wound. She stared at the wound trying to cool her anger. She couldn't get angry if she was going to use the holy arts.She took in a few deep breaths trying to giver herself confidence. I've healed worse, I've healed arrow wounds and sprained ankles. I've healed burns. I can do this. Finally getting a grip, she used her holy arts and watched the wound much to slowly heal itself. Then just like the last time she felt the urge to stop, to pull her hand away but she pressed her hand harder against the wound trying to ignore it. She watched the wound close and the scar disappear before lifting her hand. She looked at Faye breathing heavily waiting for her to wake up. She felt a dull headache begin to build slowly up until it was unbearable. She rested her fore head against her palms wincing. Her vision clouded and she felt her stomach churn. Her hands left her forehead and rested against the ground suddenly feeling the urge to throw up.

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