The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(( @Little*Dreamer here's what you missed:

Nova and Varexes headed off to the Old Ruins and fought off another mutant bunny x-x and then Varexes searched through the books but nothing was there that was helpful, but he found some sort of journal and threw it to Nova. They then began heading back out to find the other group, using the markings Faye made on the trees to guide the way.

Meanwhile, Faye, Birch, Ruineth, Jess, Juniper, and Val found a river in the woods and decided to settle there and wait for the others to find them. Birch and Faye confessed their feelings for each other and kissed also. ~like three times~ ^^

In the meantime, Val headed off to search for Nova and Varexes, but it got dark so he got lost in the woods. It got too dark to see the markings on the trees so Varexes said to sit down and wait until the moon came out so he could see the markings for them, but turns out the moon didn't come out enough so he was like, aw shit. T^T

Then Faye left the group to find them with a lantern, she came across them after tripping over a root and thinking Varexes was dead but he was simply just asleep. Thennn they saw Val and he joined their lil' group, and Faye accidentally whacked Varexes in the head with the lantern so hes now bleeding in his forehead lol. So Nova was like, you're all so immature give me that lantern -__- so Faye handed him the lantern.

ADDITIONALLY, Jess had some sort of nightmare and woke up and now Ruineth is by her side owo))
(God, the thunder and rain is so loud right now =_=)

Jess took a few deep breaths before she sat down next to Ruineth, her body still shaking. She gave the girl a small smile before she brought her knees up to her chest, her head laying on the top of them. "I just... remembered an event that I wish I wouldn't of and I guess its just now getting to me. I never grieved or mourned over what happened and I guess my emotions got too pent up." She finally let the tears fall, a few silent sobs wracking her body as she did so. The screams and how excruciating the pain was wouldn't go away, like it was fresh in her mind, making her body feel like fire where every scar was while she overall felt cold and numb.
((Yes, Juniper is probably asleep somewhere by the river with Jess, Birch, and Ruineth. Lol I accidentally just typed B*tch instead of Birch x'D )) 
((It was thundering and raining here earlier but it stopped :c ))
Juniper blinks opening her eyes, she sits up on her elbows feeling refreshed. She rubs her head wondering how long she had been out. She looks around wondering where everyone was. The camp seemed rather empty and quieter then usual. She brushed her hair behind her ear and climbed to her feet.
(Oh crap, last WEEK? Um... shit, a lot. Faye got most of it I think.)


I didn't give Faye any time to respond and gritted my teeth. I am too socially awkward. Then I shook my head slightly and shoved those thoughts to the back of my mind, along with my emotions. There was no room for them right now. Something was majorly wrong, and we needed to get back to Ruineth and Jess and the rest. There was no way that that would happen if I kept thinking about things like this, so shoving them behind a solid blank wall my face grew calm and emotionless. Most would call it cold, but I called it efficiency. In this state I knew my voice would fall flat and people would take me as being cruel, but in reality I was focusing on so much at once that if I bothered to think about what I was saying and how I said it, I'd miss something. It was a crucial secret to my success at being alone all the time.

Immediately I gave Nova a small little nudge forward and followed, hearing a crunch of leaves. I knew something was there now, for sure, and I hunched over and pulled my string about halfway. Whatever it was, it was big, and considering how little noise it made it was definitely experienced. Out here I had no idea, but in Fayland I would've been tempted to say Direwolf, or maybe some sort of deadly cat. No, cats wouldn't wait like this. They would've pounced while I was sleeping and they were solitary, not bothering a group of people. It was a dog of some sort, more than likely a scout looking for food, the rest of the pack following behind at a faster pace to catch up to the prey.

Crap. Was my only thought, eyes scanning and as I followed behind Nova I spun around, not blinking. My brow furrowed slightly, confused, but I remained strong and kept up my wall of senses, observing everything around us.
Ruineth wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to give her a hug, as was Rune's automatic response to comfort others. Jess was really crying now. She had to do something. Settling on a reassuring sideways squeeze, Ruineth offered her words. "I see. You know, I went through the same thing years ago. Of course the conditions were much better, but I did the same things. It took me forever to get over the memories,. You want to know what helps? What you're doing now. It's okay to cry and scream out, be angry at the world for a while. Then you stand, dust yourself off, and move forward. It's always hard to stand up, I know. But it's easier when someone gives you a hand." She spoke softly. It was incredibly cheesy, but it was true.

Ruineth noticed Juniper wake, and motioned for her to come over. She was worried that Jess would rather not have a bunch of people crowding around her, but Juniper had been out for a while and would need a drink and a fire.
(As soon as I was about to go outside the rain just completely stopped along with the thunder ;~ ;)

Jess let out a small laugh through her sobs, a small smile on her face. "Thanks Ruineth." She tried to wipe her tears but stopped at the attempt when more kept replacing them. "S-sorry about all of this. It was completely unexpected." She stayed silent for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh. "Crying is such a foreign feeling to me." She mumbled but was happy that it at least helped her release her emotions. She had always been so independent, never letting anyone comfort her no matter what happened but she didn't mind right now. Some support was definitely something that she needed. Jess still couldn't stop the onslaught of the frighteningly vivid memory so she continued to stay as quiet as she could while she cried and let it play on, a few whimpers or yelps escaping her. She grit her teeth to keep quiet and her nails involuntarily dug into her palms which drew some blood as it got to the more painful things to remember from that day.
(You are SliverOfHope! Ruler over the sky!)

Ruineth smiled at first, hoping Jess was a little comforted. She seemed like it. Then Rune noticed the tension in her muscles, the way Jess seemed to be holding back. "Jess, no need to apologize. And it's okay to cry. no one ever really wants to do it, but it's healthy. Please, don't try to hold back your tears or emotion. Let it out, as they say. Don't be embarrassed around me, or anyone for that matter. Mourning is the first step to moving on. And it's hard not to feel strong emotions while mourning. Crying is simply just a natural way of letting go." Again with the cheesiness. Ruineth was giving out cheese covered cheese. But, again, it was true. It was all true. It had taken her this long to realize that this was how it was. Maybe she could help Jess go through an easier transition.
Juniper walked over to the fire and sat down grateful for the warmth. She looked over at Jess noticing that she was crying. She let her eyes wander over to Ruineth. The two of them were relatively new to the group and she didn't know much about them. It was strange how their group had changed so much since they had first set out. "Where is everyone?" she asks ignoring the tears, she wasn't one for the mushy stuff.
Faye noticed Varexes peering around extremely cautiously now as she heard leaves crunching nearby. Needless to say, it sounded much closer than earlier. She held her bow up, prepared for anything that was coming as she scanned their surroundings as well.

It was really dark at this time of night, so it was nerve wracking to think that something was following them. It would be difficult to tell where the creature would come at them from. She tried to tell herself that it was nothing--that it was just the wind or a squirrel or something. However, her pounding heart begged to disagree with her thoughts.
Ruineth snapped out of the sadness at Juniper's question. (Wait. I think i called you Jupiter sorry about that.) "Well Varexes, Nova, and Val are definitely somewhere in the woods, and I think Faye is looking for them. She was gone when I woke up. They should be here soon. I hope so, at least." Rune rubbed her arms, looking at the moon. The mysterious air returned, along with the undeniable feeling of danger. Ruineth glanced around, and her ears perked up as she listened closely. There was definitely something out there. Rune's stomach tightened. "I hope they're safe..."

As we moved I used my senses of sight and sound different, peering into the dark where I had heard something for a count of 5, then turning whenever the sound appeared to be in a new place. After a little bit of silence I broke the spell. "How far Faye?" I asked, my voice flat. Before she could answer I heard leaves crackling behind me and I whipped around, only to hear the same sound once again behind me. "We're being surrounded." I muttered, glancing around for a quick escape if needed before I remembered Faye, Val and Nova. Crap... I can't get them out... I tried to think of a strategy to get us all out but came up blank, except for one. Bait.
(( Bait? Too bad Zerion's gone. //slapped x10// xD ))

Faye slowed down a bit, moving closer to the group. She peered around through the darkness, her heart pounding faster and louder as her brows arched forward with caution. The sound of leaves crunching noisily around them was a dead giveaway that there was more than one animal nearby. She knew she wasn't the only one that had this in mind, seeing that Varexes looked torn between his thoughts.

She aimed her bow in various directions, preparing herself to shoot when needed. She then leaned closer to Varexes and whispered quietly, "What should we do?"

When Faye asked that I grabbed Nova and pushed him forward at a faster pace to buy time. "They won't pounce until they have us surrounded on 3 sides, the front 3, and then they'll drive us into their pack. If they're what I think they are." I said as we moved at a light jog. "When that happens, the best thing to do is shoot at one of them. Whichever one pounces LAST is the one we hit, because that's the opposite direction they'll try and force us. Dodge the first two, then run for the river. You three first, I'll be right behind to make sure they stay away." I hesitated for a moment, debating whether to tell her something, then decided against it. Instead, I drew 3 arrows into my hand and had one nocked onto the bow. 19 minus 4 is 15. 9 arrows. "Give me 9 arrows." I told her. "I need a refill on my quiver. When they pounce, dodge the first two and hit the last one. Then make a beeline for the camp, understand?" I hated to give orders but it was the only way to explain this without fighting with Faye over my plan. "Promise me you 3 will all get to the river without looking back. Look back and you'll get hit and you'll die. You run slower, and you'll need to watch where you're going."
Juniper nods in agreement "I'm sure they are fine. They all can take care of themselves." she states. They all had gotten themselves out of pretty tight situations before. Although going off into the forest by yourself was never a good plan. She sighed not feeling the least bit tired, but it seemed late. Of course she had woken up during the middle of the night. She would have to find a way to get back on schedule with everyone else. Although with the three of them, maybe it was a good thing to have someone on watch.
Faye's eyes widened as the air around them seemed to grow thicker, watching Varexes's lips move but unable to process the words he was spewing rapidly. She blinked, not quite following the plan. He was talking too fast, not letting her brain catch up. She was pretty sure his brain hadn't even caught up quite yet either.

Finally he stopped speaking momentarily, but then continued by asking her for nine arrows. She hesitated this time, but then nodded quickly as she retrieved the exact number from her quiver and handed them over. Faye was grateful when he repeated the plan, now able to listen properly.

When he finished talking, she nodded once again and believed she had processed everything precisely in her mind. Well, she hoped she had. His ever so serious tone tended to cause her to lose focus, but she was trying for the sake of their lives. Not to mention, the words that really stood out in his speech were and you'll die. The idea of such sent chills up her spine.

Despite her dizzy head, she found herself asking, "You'll be okay?" There was a slight crack in her voice, but she just couldn't bare the thought of any more of them dying. She knew Varexes was strong, but she couldn't help but worry a little.

I nodded. "I'll be fine." I allowed a slight hint of confidence to creep into my voice to reassure her. "Just make sure you and Val and Nova get out. Okay?" I tell her as I place the 9 arrows into my quiver, topped up. 28 arrows, 3 in hand, one on the bow, 24 in the quiver. Nowhere near enough for what I have in mind. I didn't allow worry or doubt creep past my mental wall, instead leaving all negative feelings hidden deep inside, along with my positive feelings to avoid any cockiness. "We're all gonna get out alive. I promise, nothing's going to happen to any of you. I won't let it." I tell her to reassure her one final time. Taking a deep breath I close my eyes for a moment, then open them, cold efficiency reflected in my eyes that had been known to terrify people back home.
"Yes, I guess they'll be fine." Ruineth said without much energy. She was still worried, and unable to shake the feeling that they were in trouble. A cold wind blew her arms, making her shiver. She glanced at the stars. The same beings who'd just been glaring down at her not too long ago seemed to be winking at each other, as if they now had a plan. They seemed to be smirking at her, laughing at her. She didn't know what they knew.

Great, Rune. First paranoia and now you think the very stars are out to get you.

Ruineth shivered again, hoping to see the others soon. Alive and well.
Faye looked at Varexes a moment longer before nodding with confidence as well. He was right, they were all going to be fine. There was nothing to worry about. She then stepped away, carefully moving into the space between Nova and Varexes, Valandil right beside her. She gulped, keeping her bow arm up as she mentally prepared herself furthermore.

Relieved that Faye believed me, I changed the topic. "How far are we?" I asked her, scanning behind us.
Without turning to face Varexes, Faye replied, "Ah, I believe we're about several minutes or so away..." 
((That was probably my lamest post ever. ))
(There's only so much you can post in response xD I'm actually unsure who is leading this particular segment of the story, me or you, because you started the whole "bad feeling" thing, and I sorta went off of that, thinking you had something planned xD )
(( Wait...I thought you started it, so I've been waiting for you to have the wolves or whatever come out...well, throughout this entire time I've figured they were wolves xD But since I thought you were leading I was just waiting..xDD lolol awkward.))

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