The Path From Fayland - Official RP

(You did! Or someone did... I can't remember. It was like 10 pages ago. xD I'll do it then.)


As she said that the first wolf leaped out straight ahead of us and snarled. I ran past everyone and kicked it once in the snout, quickly doing a back flip off a high root to get next to the group as a second wolf suddenly jumped from the right. I drew and fired at it, but it leaped to the side at the last second and I barely got its flank in a graze. The final wolf came from behind me, so I spun, drawing a second arrow. "GO! THAT ONE!" I shouted at the group, firing off two arrows in quick succession, one thudding straight into the Direwolfs side. It whimpered, but snarled until my second arrow went straight though its eye and impaled its brain, killing it instantly. "RUN!" I shout again, spinning behind the group and giving them all a force full shove with my bow to give them a start. "GET TO THE CAMP!"

Direwolves picture:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/direwolf.jpg.1db2de7e0d5f692994a38555d1c7d940.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/direwolf.jpg.1db2de7e0d5f692994a38555d1c7d940.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

They're about three times the size of a normal wolf and are about 3 inches shorter than Varexes



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(( Nope, I believe it was you because I remember seeing a ton of posts of Varexes bein all like 'I SENSE SHIT AROUND ME' so I was like, oh okay well then Faye can't not notice at this point x'D So I jumped in. owo and dat wolf...looks like it's half porcupine xDDD ))

Faye was startled to see a massive grey wolf jump out of the dark forest at them, snarling hungrily as it showed its sharp teeth. However, this wolf wasn't like any other wolf she'd ever seen. It had these massive white spikes sticking out of its back and all four legs, two on its forehead in addition.

"Direwolf.." she whispered to herself as she watched Varexes fight off the wolves. She would've helped, but he seemed to be taking care of himself.

Before she knew it, Varexes was pushing the three of them forward to get back to the camp. She stumbled a bit, a little aggravated at his motions. After all, she was quite clumsy and she was lucky that she didn't just fall on her face. Last thing she needed was to end up on the ground being teared to pieces by direwolves.

Right as the thought crossed her mind her stomach churned, instantly regretting thinking about it. The memory had returned..not that it'd ever left, but right now the image of Roslyn's bloody body was as clear as it was the moment she saw it.

She wasn't thinking as she was running, but once her eyes landed on the stump two feet ahead of her she quickly snapped back to reality, refusing to let the memory distract her at such a time. She hopped right over the stump, smiling barely to herself as she panted.

Faye was running as fast as she could now as she managed to avoid any obstacles, Nova and Val right behind her. Suddenly, a wolf came running at her diagonally as it displayed its perfect set of sharp teeth. Without even having to think, she was already aiming her bow at the creature and the arrow was spiraling through the air in its direction. It was about three seconds after she'd spotted it that she'd pierced its heart. She didn't stop running at all, watching for a split second as the wolf whimpered and fell to the ground.

In the moment that she looked away, another one was coming at her from the opposite direction. She quickly lifted her bow and did the same, shooting it dead with one swift motion. Right as it pierced through the furry chest of the animal, an unexpected surprise came at her from the back left.

She gasped as she turned, the direwolf literally right next to her. There was no time to shoot as it bit into her side, wasting no time at all. She cried in agony, angrily using her bow to smack it as hard as she possibly could. The swing was so forceful that its mouth slipped right from her and the animal whimpered as it flipped to the ground behind her. Without taking another moment to think, she nocked an arrow and shot the wolf quickly while it was on the ground.

Tears were now flowing from her eyes and when she took a moment to glance down at her wound, it looked just as painful as it felt. The side of her shirt was torn away, showing off her side which was now missing a big chunk of flesh. Blood was gushing out of the wound and she swallowed the sobs that were inching up her throat as she stumbled slightly before continuing to move forward.

The wound hurt so terribly bad that everything in her vision seemed fuzzy, unless that was just her tears. She was wincing with each step she took, some whimpers of her own escaping her mouth. Where's the damn river?! she thought to herself, fearing any more wolves attacking her considering she was in an extremely weak state right now.

Eventually, she and the others had made it back to the camp.

((Guess that makes up for my lame post..? xD ))
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When the group ran I began to fire off arrows at several pack members who came for me. Calmly drawing each arrow and piercing each one in either the heart or eyes to kill it instantly. This is where I didn't mess around and be modest about my shooting. I felled 6 wolves. Large pack. Immediately after that I sprinted after Faye and the others, watching the lantern bobbing as they ran. Faye took out 3 wolves, but not before one bit into her side. Immediately I put on a burst of speed and sprinted after her, too late to assist. NO! I shouted in my head, a flash of my grandfather in my head. Immediately shoving down the memories, I used my emotions now to fuel my adrenaline, giving me a large burst of speed that allowed me to not only catch up to Faye and the others, but spin around and fire off an arrow at a Direwolf that was mere inches behind me. I saw spatters of blood that were obviously Faye's as I ran, and when I caught up to her I dropped my bow, hearing it clatter on a root, then heard a shatter as another wolf crushed it under foot.

I threw my weight into Faye and knocked her to the side, but using my momentum and a very lucky acrobatic movement spun to her other side, using her to shove myself there while shoving her back on her feet. At this point I drew an arrow and, even without a bow I leaped onto the Direwolf and stabbed it in its eye, breaking the shaft.

A second wolf leaped at me, its eyes bloodshot in fury. It was incredibly angry at the fact that we had killed its pack members. As far as I could tell it was the last one. But that was the last thought that ran through my head when its teeth sunk into my arm, which I didn't remember moving up. Without making a sound except an explosive exhalation, I took the broken shaft and stabbed that into the Direwolfs nose, causing it to wrench its head and not only break ulna, but dislocate my shoulder. At this point tears welled to my eyes in the sudden pain and I groaned, but I managed to draw another arrow and roll to the right, coming up barely and stabbing the wolf as it leaped at me again. Breathing heavily I got up and ran after Faye and the others as they burst out of the trees and into the camp.

I jogged slowly, tears in my eyes, but as I broke through the trees after them I wiped them away quickly and rushed to Faye, seeing her side I winced. I saw bodies that were wide awake around the camp fire and I waved my right arm, calling out. "Help! Faye's been injured!" I ignored the pain in my left arm, which was quite impossible and when I ran over to Faye to keep her upright until we got to the fire I stumbled over a rock and the jarring brought out a loud groan of pain from me. I still managed to get to Faye and help her over to the fire, ripping off my cloak and wrapping it around Faye's wound to try and stop the bleeding.
Juniper looked up from the fire hearing some noises out in the distance. She couldn't make out what it was, her night vision had been ruined since she had looked directly at the fire. Standing up, she stared out into the darkness until she herd a familiar voice. She had been awake for only a few minutes and already someone was injured. She wanted to yell at them, to deal with it themselves, but she swallowed her words as she saw Varexes carry Faye over to the fire and into her sight. She walked over to the two elves. She grabbed the cloak and ripped it off of Faye and bent down next to her without saying a word. She placed her hand over the wound. Refreshed, she thought this wound would be much easier to heal then the ones in the past. Placing her hand over the wound she took a deep breath and used her holy arts to heal the wound. She watched the skin heal over the wound until there wasn't even a scar left. Releasing her hands from the wound she wiped the blood off her hands on Faye's shirt. She stood up feeling a bit tired and thought she would now be able to sleep through the night.
Faye was about to drop right to the ground when someone was pushing her over to the fire. She winced in pain again, and by the sound of the voice that had called for help it was Varexes. He quickly removed his cloak and wrapped it around her wound to stop it from bleeding. She cried in agony as he did so, gripping onto his wrist tightly as she attempted to distract herself from the horrible pain.

Tears were trickling down her eyes as she bit her lip forcefully and clenched her eyes shut. It hurts so bad, she thought to herself. As long as the others are okay..

When her eyelids opened again, allowing more tears to flow from her grey eyes, she looked at Varexes thankfully for being there for her right now. But a moment after they fell to his arm which seemed to be bleeding a whole lot as well. It looked like he had gotten bit by one of the wolves.

"Your arm," was all she could manage to say without crying out in more agony as her side stung terribly. She finally allowed her bow to slip from her grasp and fall onto the ground, deciding there weren't any direwolves that were left to come at them. 
((Dang, for a massive piece of flesh being torn out of her side, that seemed quite easy xDDD))

"I'm fine." I told Faye with a grimace, and I realized it was probably the most obvious lie I had ever told. When Faye was healed I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you Juniper." I said softly, grabbing my cloak again and slipping it on. "I'll be right back, I got some blood on me." I said, hiding my left arm within my cloak, glad only Faye had seen. Before anyone could remark or Faye could stop me I left the fire and went to the river. I quickly stripped down to my pants and walked into the water, hissing through my teeth. "Come on, it's not that bad!" I tried to tell myself, but I knew it was. It was a horrible wound. Not as bad as Faye's, but bad. Gritting my teeth I grabbed my upper arm and twisted and pushed, jamming it back into place. I shouted out in pain for a moment, breathing heavily. What little moonlight I saw disappeared as dark spots appeared in my vision, but they went away after a few moments. "You're all right Varex. See? Fine. Your shoulders relocated. Now time to take care of your forearm. It'll be ok." I was talking to myself, not caring anymore if anyone heard. They'd probably already heard the shout, and it was only a matter of time before they found my clothes.

I walked away from the camp while in the river until I found a rock that I could hide behind, leaving my clothes and quiver with 20 arrows on the bank, 2 in hand. I broke off the heads and placed them on top of the rock to keep for later, and I used the shafts of the two arrows in order to create a splint of sorts. I straightened my arm as best I could and then splinted it, whimpering in pain, biting my lip so hard I drew blood. Once I'd finished I realized that there was no way I'd be able to shoot a bow any time soon, and that led to the thought that I didn't HAVE a bow anymore. "Damn..." I said to myself, breathing heavily. Grabbing the arrowheads I leaned against the bank after dunking my head in the water. "Sleep..." I muttered to myself, gripping the arrowheads so tight they cut into my palm. That added sharp pain was the only thing that kept me on my feet until I dragged myself out of the water, trudged to my clothes, lay next to them and stared at the sky, my chest heaving.

"As long as they're OK. As long as the others are OK..." I kept telling myself, since that was the only way I could stay out of shock.
(( Or she could've just said she couldn't heal it all the way xD Or she could've improved from all the past healing she's done so she doesn't pass out.

We'll have her just have healed it a bit so the bleeding stopped and there's still a massive scar, and it still hurts a bit xD More realistic))

Faye was too tired and weak to be startled when Juniper appeared out of what seemed like nowhere and ripped the cloak right off her side. She allowed the girl to put in as much energy as she was willing to in order to heal her.

After a minute or so she pulled away and the wound wasn't healed completely, but it was much better than it had been a few moments ago. After all, it was a terrible wound. Although, she was quite surprised to see Juniper looking only slightly drained from the healing process. Usually it lead to passing out.

"Thank you," Faye said with a caring smile as she looked up at Juniper. "It also looks like you're becoming more skilled with your haven't passed out, yet."

She then looked back down at her side, allowing her fingers to graze over the massive scar that looked like it'd be there for a long time. After a moment, more pain kicked in and she winced, retracting her hand rapidly. It still stung since it wasn't fully healed, but she was grateful that she wasn't..well..dead.
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((Yeah, I was at the end of typing my post when it was all like '1 new alert' and I was like ALCATRAZ EUTHEURGE. xD

But no fear, Nami's got this. Nami's got this..))

When Faye looked back up, Varexes had already vanished. She found herself leaving the fire in search of him, worried about his arm. Not to mention, he didn't look too well in general when he'd arrived. On the way she'd lifted her jacket off the ground where she'd left it earlier and thrown it over her shoulder.

She sighed to herself as she kept walking along the edge of the river, her bow in her hand once again. She'd picked it up before she headed off, considering she was still a little fearful of the animals out there after the previous incident.

The soles of her leather boots padded along the ground as she stared up into the night sky, the twinkling stars overheard soothing her a little. She took a deep breath as she walked at a calm pace, telling herself to relax for once. All the suspense had died down--for now, anyway.

Her eyes drifted away from the starry sky and landed on just the elf she was searching for. He was lying back on the ground soaked, clearly having gone in the river. A few articles of clothing were laid out beside him, so Faye moved over and took a seat on the opposite side.

"Hey there," she said with a warm smile, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "I know you don't like company, but..." She hesitated, the thought about him not appreciating others' presence truly kicking in that very moment. Without saying another word she reached for his arm and wrapped her jacket around his wound, which was cleaner than before since he'd washed it, but it was still pretty bad.
Juniper stared surprised when Faye pulled away. If there was one thing she had learned as a holy artist, it was not to stop. You didn't heal something you didn't finish. That's when things went wrong. Leaving something half healed would cause infections or worse a magical illness. Juniper was as much at risk as Faye was. She opened her mouth to say something, but Faye had already stood up and walked away. It was too late anyways to fix it, she had already stopped. She paused a thought crossing her mind. No, it could be fixed, but she couldn't do that. She frowned thinking about how fast Faye had left her after healing her. At least she had said thank you, not many had. She still hadn't forgiven the rest of them for leaving her unprotected while she was passed out. Maybe it was hard to stand Caricon, but he was the only one who seemed to care about her own health.

She gritted her teeth and retracted her holy arts un-healing Faye's wound. Feeling her magic return along with her strength she walked back to where she had been sitting by the fire and sat back down on the ground. (MWAHAHA)

When Faye sat next to me I didn't move at all, just breathed heavily, trying to calm the pain that was in my arm. When she spoke, I felt guilty. "It's not that I don't like company-" I began, unable to finish when she wrapped my arm in her jacket. I breathed in sharply, pain lancing through my arm, but when she set it down I sighed in relief. "I'm fine." I said sharply, then quickly continued with, "Thank you. It's not that I don't like company, it's that I'm too used to being alone, too used to having people sneak up on me and ambush me while I'm unaware. I'm used to being alone, so I act as if I always am. It's become instinct for me to suspect anyone that comes close to me in any sense of the term." I admitted to her, voice shaky from pain. "I'm sorry I hit you... and I'm sorry for being so bossy..." I knew I was being a horrible member of the group, but I didn't want to intrude or piss anyone off like I was so used to doing. So I did the only thing I could do: apologize. I sat up and unwrapped my arm and handed her her jacket, which was slightly damp from water but no blood on it. I moved to the river and washed my hand to clean it of the cuts from the arrowheads, but then I simply wrapped my hand and left forearm with rags that I took out of my cloak.
(( Note: Your cloak is covered in Faye's blood still, I believe. >-> ))

Faye looked down in her lap at the jacket he'd quickly returned as Varexes moved back over to the water to wash his arm some more. She sighed to herself, having only been trying to help. Normally she didn't worry so much, but about him she tended to..a little too much, perhaps. It puzzled her, why she worried so much about him. After all, she herself knew that he was strong and able to defend himself well, despite what had happened to him just recently.

As she sat there and watched him wrap his arm in rags from his cloak, she thought about how she was more so trying to get him to open up to her. Maybe that was really her plan all along, ever since the moment the mysterious boy had came across their group. There was something about him that interested her, things she wanted to know. However, she was glad that he was starting to open up to her...a little, anyway. She already knew pretty much everything he'd just said to her. His apologies were also a common thing from him.

"It's okay," she said finally, forgiving him for all the rude things he'd done that she'd barely paid attention to for more than a few seconds. "You don't need to apologize for everything you know..I barely remember half the things you do apologize for," she said with a chuckle. Faye stretched out her legs and observed her brown leather boots for a moment before continuing, "But it's nice that you do. Annnnd you better get used to my presence, I'm kind of always around." She smiled to herself with a laugh, shaking her head a little. Yeah, she could be a little annoying.
((Sorry for such a late reply, I just finished watching 'The Conjuring' with my family. Now I'm completely paranoid T^T)

Jess watched everyone do whatever they were doing, feeling even more guilty that she was just crying her eyes out while others were being injured. She shook her head a few times to get all traces of the memory away before wiping away the tears from her eyes, hoping that they weren't too red or puffy. She looked down at herself before shrugging. Nothing she could do about the shaking. She bit her lip while looking around before walking over to the river and placed her hands in the water, the blood from where her nails dug into her flesh mixing in with the water, tainting it a slight pink. "And this is why I never show my emotions." She muttered to herself, growling at how pathetic she thought she was for letting them get that carried away.
When Ruineth saw Faye and Varexes return,she sighed in relief. Whatever happened was over, but....they were both bleeding. She wanted to ask questions, or at least talk to them. But they were gone before she could really decide on anything. She was worried. Nova wasn't back yet. He couldn't be too far behind. Maybe something had happened to Nova? Why were they leaving again? "'s not like you can do anything, you worthless prick." she told herself. Still, she couldn't help but worry.

Ruineth shook her head. Stop worrying! Jess is by the river now, and she needs help. Help Jess. It's the only way you can pull your weight around here. Help! Help, help, help! But Rune couldn't fight. She was weak. How could such a weak elf help? The others could save each other from wolves, and what could she do? Sew up a hole in their pants. Feeling extremely useless, Ruineth frowned and looked up at the sky again. The stars were laughing. Once again, the stars had won. "Damnit all." Rune said, throwing another log onto the fire. The embers flew up into the sky, dying out one by one.
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I stood up shakily, almost collapsing but through sheer force of will I managed to remain on my feet. Gathering my clothes I held out my right hand to help Faye up. "I apologize because I don't want you to hate me. Nobody remembers half the things I apologize for, I just don't want people to hate me, because enough feel that way about me already." Her comment about her always being around though seemed like almost a form of acceptance. She knew a little about me and was willing to accept that and everything I kept hidden into the group. I felt relieved, and a true smile crept onto my face. "Well, I'll try to start cutting back on giving orders, Ms. Leader." I said jokingly. "Let's get back to everyone else before they start to worry again. I just wanted to clean and splint my arm... and relocate my shoulder." I grimaced, reminded of the pain. "But... thanks for worrying me." I finished lamely.
[QUOTE="Little*Dreamer]Juniper stared surprised when Faye pulled away. If there was one thing she had learned as a holy artist, it was not to stop. You didn't heal something you didn't finish. That's when things went wrong. Leaving something half healed would cause infections or worse a magical illness. Juniper was as much at risk as Faye was. She opened her mouth to say something, but Faye had already stood up and walked away. It was too late anyways to fix it, she had already stopped. She paused a thought crossing her mind. No, it could be fixed, but she couldn't do that. She frowned thinking about how fast Faye had left her after healing her. At least she had said thank you, not many had. She still hadn't forgiven the rest of them for leaving her unprotected while she was passed out. Maybe it was hard to stand Caricon, but he was the only one who seemed to care about her own health.
She gritted her teeth and retracted her holy arts un-healing Faye's wound. Feeling her magic return along with her strength she walked back to where she had been sitting by the fire and sat back down on the ground. (MWAHAHA)

(well shit :< hahahaha)

Ruineth looked at Juniper. Was she casting some sort of spell? It seemed too subtle to be anything having to do with healing. What else could Juniper be doing? Rune didn't think she had magic beyond the holy arts, so it had to be a healing spell. Who was she healing? "Juniper? What did you just do?" she asked. Something didn't seem right. Juniper didn't seem very happy about what was going on around her. "Are you okay?" she asked with caution.
Faye took Varexes's hand, allowing him to help her up. She then brushed some of the dirt off her shorts before starting to walk beside him. He was right, after everything that'd just happened not too long ago it would make sense that the others would be a little concerned if they're missing.

"Did you say...relocate your shoulder?" she asked, her eyes widening. That was something she was unaware about, until now anyway. "I'm sorry we left you back there alone...we should all stick together next time..." she suggested, looking up at him. "Oh, and I do worry about you..I mean, I know you're strong, but I don't like the thought of anyone ending up dead. I know, it's a morbid thought, but it's hard not to think that way out here. Especially after one of our bravest members...." Her voice trailed off as tears started to well up in her eyes. Not again...

Faye quickly wiped her eyes and looked away, trying to hold back. She didn't wanna cry anymore. It's just that being attacked by wolves like that was quite frightening..and now she knows what Roslyn must've experienced.

"The wolf wrenched my arm, snapped the forearm and dislocated my shoulder. I've had to perform first aid on myself for worse, so it wasn't much of a big deal. It just hurt more than anything I've had to deal with recently." I told her. "I told you to go ahead of me, that was the plan. I would be the bait, try and draw them off of you guys while you escaped. I knew I could handle myself alone, but not if I had to worry about others besides myself. But that pack was huge, normally they hunt in packs of 4 or 5, not 8 or 9. Some went after you while others stayed behind to take me out." I shrugged. When Faye started to cry I put my right arm around her. "It's okay. Everyone thinks of death way out here. I've done it more times than I can count." I ignored her last statement, knowing nothing I could say about that would make her feel better. "But we're all safe, we're all alive, and we're mostly well." I smiled at her.

Suddenly I pulled away from her, my eyes widening. "Faye, your... your side!" I said, tearing off my cloak and putting it to her side as her wound reopened. I wrapped it once around her, picked her up and ran back to the fire. "Juniper, her side reopened!" I said as I lay Faye down next to the fire.
Juniper lifts her eyes slowly from the fire and looks at Ruineth. She took her time responding. "I took back my magic." she stated vaguely and turned back to the fire. As if right on cue to explain her statement Verexes came running up to them. She kept her eyes on the fire not reacting to the situation. "I know." she stated calmly seeming not too interested in helping out.
(( When I read that last paragraph I was just like, "Ah, shit." xD I was tempted to have Faye say that as well.))

Faye smiled thankfully at him as he tried to lighten her spirits by looking on the positive side of things, which is what she was the one to normally do. Although terrible thoughts were swarming through her mind such as, They're all alive now, but there's no way of telling that it'll be like that a few days from now. She shook her head, trying to rid of the thoughts from her mind. They were much too painful to, it was something else that was bringing her agonizing pain again.

"Ugh, what the...?" she winced, gripping onto her side that seemed to be hurting once again. To her surprise, she didn't feel a massive scar when she held onto her side. As she gripped onto the wound, it ached even more and she cried out in further pain. Right as she did so, Varexes's eyes widened as he told her her wound had opened once again.

As he wrapped his cloak back around her side and picked her up, pain struck through her bones and she gripped onto his arm as tightly as possible without thinking. She wanted the pain to go away...why had it returned? She ignored the tears slowly falling down her face, not bothering to hold back anymore. She was't sobbing or anything, but she was thinking.

How is this possible? she wondered to herself. How could it just reopen like that? Why...? Her thoughts trailed back to the way Juniper hadn't passed out and Faye had mentioned that her skills must've been getting better. Maybe..she was wrong. Maybe Juniper just didn't choose to heal her all the way...

Faye looked at her hand that was gripped around Varexes's arm, silently gasping as she removed it. There was blood all over where she'd held onto him now, due to the fact that she'd grabbed her waist a few moments ago without knowing it was gushing with blood. She looked at her hand which was stained in blood as well, making her stomach churn.
Nova caught up to the rest of the group at the fire, 'Thanks for waiting...' He chose to brave the heat of the fire in exchange for the gift of knowledge; he sat close enough to make out the lettering on the deep black cover of the journal, put it in his lap and opened it. As he began to make out a few letters, he found lists of odd items, bat saliva, ground dire wolf spikes, mutant rabbit fur...the lists seemed incoherent.

Frustrated he got up and went to check on Faye, who he was pretty sure he had heard scream during the fight but he was not able to get to her to do anything, he noticed her side was heavily bleeding. As he approached he could feel the holy power emanating from her wound...'The healer....infection could be bad if it's not completely healed....'

"Juniper, are you getting tired?"

(I feel our characters have too much knowledge -_-



-Limb dislocation )

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