The Path From Fayland - Official RP


After Juniper's and Jess's combined efforts, I sighed in relief. "Thank you Juniper..." I whispered. "Jess, make sure Faye's comfortable." I asked, turning my attentions to Juniper. I had no idea what her reaction was to the intense healing, but I had noticed how difficult it was on her. I placed one hand gently on her back. "Is there anything I can get for you Juniper?" I asked, rubbing her back slightly
Jess watched Juniper carefully, hoping that she would be alright. It was quite a nasty wound to heal. She walked over to the female elf and licked her hand in appreciation, hoping that she understood that Jess was thankful for her help. In all honesty Jess really thought that the elf need a little more credit for what she does, being the only elf with the Holy Arts talent and all. She nodded her head at Varexes before walking back over to Faye, pushing her body under the injured elf as a makeshift pillow to give Faye some kind of comfort.

I nodded my thanks to Jess and turned back to Juniper, sitting beside her in a slightly awkward position due to my arm. I wouldn't ask, and if she offered I would refuse. My arm would heal naturally, I wouldn't let Juniper heal it. "Thank you so much... Is there anything I can get you? Water, food?" I asked, wondering what exactly the toll on her for using her magic was.
Juniper curled into a ball covering her head with her arms trying to muffle the noises around her that was hurting her head further. She fought to keep awake, her eyes kept threatening to shut. No, not this time. She bit clenched her jaw staring at the dirt ground trying to focus on something a soft moan escaped her throat in pain.

Juniper just curled up in a ball, covering her head and moaned in pain. I stayed silent and rubbed her back, running my hand up and down it trying to ease some of her pain. Water? Food? Sleep? What does she need? I asked myself, wondering what exactly it would take to make her feel better.
(( Nova's so cruel xD

P.S. I'm considering killing off Birch because I have a feeling Warlock won't be returning any time soon--rpnation as a whole.

...Guess I'm the cruel one now xD ))

Faye was surprised to find Jess randomly start licking her open wound, but she assumed the wolf was just cleaning it or something. Although her vision was blurry at this point, the image of it that she could see was actually quite disturbing to her. Or maybe it was the fact that everyone was crowded around her dying body..except for..

As she laid there, her forced smile finally began to fade. Where was Birch? He was sitting by the fire last time she checked. It made her heart break when she had realized he was missing, realized that he wasn't there for her in her dying moments. He wasn't there to say goodbye.

Faye winced, finally able to feel the pain again as Jess wrapped the cloak back around her side. She swallowed the sobs that tried to inch up her throat and decided to start holding back tears.

Just then, Juniper moved in and through her watery, blurry vision she could see an enraged, frustrated expression upon her face. It actually scared Faye a bit, having not seen this type of emotion from her before, if any emotion at all. She felt terribly guilty that it was her fault the girl had to do this. She hated when others did things for her that they didn't want to. If this could put Juniper's life at risk then...why was she doing it?

"Juni.." she muttered softly, "they...need you..." It was all she could manage, but she was trying to tell her that if it was putting her own life at risk then she needed to stop healing Faye. Juniper was the only elf here with Holy Arts and without her they could all be in serious danger.

Unfortunately, she was so weak that her words were barely audible and the girl continued. After a minute or so, she removed her hands and moved away. Faye couldn't believe how much better she felt, and when she looked up at her side nothing was there any longer. Her eyes practically popped out of her head at the sight, unable to process the fact that Juniper was able to rid of the entire wound.

She felt even better than before the wound actually, she felt like a whole new person. The feeling was absolutely amazing, it was incredible what the girl could do with such a talent. However, that was how she felt physically. Emotionally, she felt guilty and fearful of what would happen to Juniper.

Jess had crawled beneath Faye to keep her comfortable, but she was perfectly fine now and it would be awful for her to just kick back and relax while her healer was in such a state of pain now. She quickly patted Jess's fur and smiled thankfully at her before standing up and rushing over to where Varexes and Juniper were.

Juniper was sitting on the ground, looking pale and weak. Varexes was gently rubbing her back, looking worried and concerned just as Faye was. She fell to her knees beside the two of them, her eyes wide.

"Juniper! Thank you so much for healing me...." she exclaimed, a tinge of guilt in her voice. "I--I tried to tell you you didn't need're much more important than me."

Faye knew it was worthless to even bother saying such, not to mention it might've made Juniper even angrier knowing that she could've just left Faye to die. She looked up to Varexes now, her eyes full of concern.

"What do we do?" she whispered, not wanting Juniper in such pain.

I started when Faye came over. "You should be resting." I told her, but I couldn't help but smile that she was OK. "I'm glad you're okay. Lay down and get some rest. Nobody is more important than someone else, you are just as important as she is. You're the leader, she's the healer. You're both needed equally." I told her sternly, but gently and softly, realizing I was a hypocrite, because I felt I wasn't important at all.

I had no idea how to answer Faye's question. "I don't know... if you can, get some water for her. And some food. We'll make Juniper as comfortable as possible." I told her softly, not wanting too intrude on Juniper anymore.
Juniper felt her eyes become to heavy to keep open, they fluttered open and closed a few times before they remained closed. Her body became more relaxed and uncurled slowly. Everything was dark and black, she could hear some muffled voiced, but they seemed far away and then they were gone. She began to dream, but they seemed more like memories, but they were out of order. Some were from Fayland and then some from the trip. Most of them were when she had woken up in someone's arms since she had been passed out through most of the trip.
Faye smiled warmly at Varexes, feeling grateful that he was glad she was alright. "Thanks," she said softly, "but don't worry about me any longer, the healing made me feel like a brand new person. I feel better than ever, so I'm willing to do anything to help out."

Her expression switched to a serious one, meaning it when she said she didn't need to be helped right now. All she needed was to help. She looked back at Juniper for a moment, that guilty feeling creeping back up her spine. Although Varexes had stated they were both equally important, Faye couldn't help the others in the way Juniper could.

Faye nodded at Varexes's request and stood up, heading over to the pile of supplies. She searched through their boxes of food and found some bread, grabbing the cantine along with it. Unfortunately it seemed to be empty, so she made her way over to the river hastily.

As she moved, she searched around with her eyes for Birch. She sighed to herself with an even more worried frown, wondering where in the world he was. All she knew was that he was no longer with the group. Faye's insides twisted at the idea of him heading out into the forest at night...especially when there were...wolves.

She filled up the cantine, biting her lip to hold back tears. It was all she could think about now, other than Juniper's needs. Birch was probably out there right now..with the wolves..there was no doubt he'd end up like Roslyn if he was.

As she headed back over to Varexes and Juniper, she leaned down and handed the cantine full of water to Varexes to give to Juniper, along with the bread. She didn't say a word, but a tear escaped her eyes and she rushed to wipe it away.

Maybe Birch was fine. Maybe it was all in her head. Maybe she was just paranoid. Maybe the images of his body replacing Roslyn's on the ground, torn to pieces by a pack of wolves, was a ridiculous thought.
Jess gave a reassuring smile to Faye, well as much of a smile as she could, before she stood up and looked around. She wanted to help Juniper somehow but she didn't think that the young elf would want so many people surrounding her. Her eyes wondered over to the forest before looking over at the lake and back again. She let out a sigh before running into the water, chasing fish after fish for some sort of food. Once she had killed about 3 she changed into human form and cut them open with one of her knives, gathering all of the meat out. She put the meat all on a stick to hold it together before walking over to the fire cook them. Jess watched Juniper's body slowly relax and she knew that she was now unconscious. Well mostly, she still might be slightly awake. "Rest is exactly what she needs right now, the fish will be for when she wakes up so she can get some of her energy back, the bread might or might not be enough." She hoped that Juniper wouldn't be out for too long this time.

Suddenly I felt Juniper relax, and I paid attention to her. I rolled her over and I realized she had passed out. I accepted the food and water Faye gave me and I placed them next to Juniper, rolling her over and placing her head in my lap as a sort of pillow. I would have used my shirt, but that was still stained with Faye's blood. I stroked Juniper's hair and watched her eyes flit, obviously dreaming about something. I took the cantine and placed it to her lips, tilting her head up and the cantine so the water trickled down her throat. Some of it spilled out of her mouth, but that was to be expected from someone who was unconscious.

I saw Jess begin to cook the fish and I nodded in agreement, not trusting myself to speak. I beckoned to Faye and patted the ground next to me. "Why are you crying?" I asked softly as I recapped the cantine and placed one hand on Juniper's head, my left one resting on my knee.
(Shit shit shit. Pardon my language, but I've missed a lot. Stupid fundraiser thing! bleh. I'm going to post here in a second, I have some reading to do first :D )
(( hold on I cant type fast enough with ice cream in one hand xD or can i? lets see xD ))

A half grin formed on Faye's face as she watched Varexes care for Juniper. For someone who was so used to being on his own, he certainly knew how to take care of others quite well. Even with a smile on her face, another tear fell down her cheek. She just couldn't shake the thought that something bad was going to or already happened to him.

She gradually sat down beside Varexes and Juniper's currently unconscious body, assuming by the tone of Varexe's voice that she would soon awaken. She looked at him, smiling happy despite her constant tears and shrugged.

"What? Nothing. Nothing's wrong," she told him, shaking her head fast. She looked away so she could wipe away some tears. "Birch is probably fine," she said, speaking mostly to herself. She peered into the dark forest, chills creeping up her spine.

I looked around at that and realized Birch was nowhere to be seen. "Did he follow you into the forest?" I asked. "Also, why are you smiling like you're happy if you're crying? Or are those tears of joy?" I asked her. Women confused me more than anything else in the world. All the while I absentmindedly stroked Juniper's hair, coming it back in a sort of mechanical motion.
Ruineth stood back through the entire event. She didn't have much time to say anything. Feeling as useless as ever, she decided it would be best for her to just stay back and out of the way. She fought her uneasiness towards blood and her anger with herself. Why was she always so useless? Why didn't she know how to help? She couldn't even cook a damn fish, let alone know simple first aid! Once Faye was healed and Juniper was once again unconscious, Ruineth wished them both good health and sat far from the group. She would have helped Jess cook the fish for Juniper, but we all know how she'd easily failed at that before. (lol) Sighing with discontent, Rune pulled Faye's jacket onto her lap and took out her sewing needle and thread. At least she could do something, even if it was just mending clothes. Despite the dim light, Ruineth was able to easily fix up the small rips around the ends of the sleeves. She continued doing what she could by sewing. Later she'd have to patch some things up and tighten some threads, but she didn't focus on that. She only watched the others and wove the needle through the fabric. She felt some of the guilt ease. Soon she was feeling normal again. All she wanted to do now was apologize. For being unhelpful, and for getting caught up in her own uselessness when she should have been with the others. She walked back over with the jacket and sat by the fire as she continued to mend it. She looked at the stars, probably for the last time expecting them to be animate. But they were only giant balls of gas now. As they should be. With their inanimate state came Ruineth's own sense of calm.
"Yes, they're obviously tears of joy because I'm f*cking happy that Birch is dead. //sarcasm//"

Faye shook her head slowly for a couple of moments before sniffling and looking back at Varexes. Somehow he managed to see right through her lies, then again she was a terrible liar. She just didn't want people to worry, she wanted everyone she tried to put on a smile for the sake of everyone else.

"I don't know why I'm smiling," she lied again, wiping some more stray tears. With that, she allowed her smile to fade away. "And I don't know where he went...but if he's out there I'll never find him and what if--" She came to a sudden halt in her sentence, unable to finish the rest. Although, it was quite clear what she was planning to say next. She shook her head some more, not wanting to think about it even though it wouldn't leave her mind. That image. That damn image. 
(( @Little*Dreamer :u okaiii, bye! ))


I thought for a moment, then I took my right hand from Juniper and put it on Faye's shoulder. "It's okay. We'll find Birch. Just think positive, okay?" I said in a reassuring tone and a small smile on my face. It disappeared just as suddenly and my arm fell from Faye's shoulder. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you keep thinking of? It's obviously something from your past..." I wasn't sure if it was okay to pry, so I left it open for her to walk away if she wanted to.
Faye kept looking down at her lap, feeling Varexes place his hand on her shoulder for a couple moments as he spoke. She tried to force herself to listen to his reassuring words and even though she barely could, she told herself it was all she could do at this point.


When he asked her about what she was always thinking about, everything in her mind blacked out...except for that image, of course. Faye's eyes twitched a little as she attempted to hold back tears, but they pushed past her barrier anyway. They were streaming down her face and they wouldn't stop. Her lips were twitching as well, this time holding back terrible sobs. She didn't want to go back to this. She didn't want to relive the event, but the image was just so clear in her mind.

"Ever since--" she began to speak, when a heavy sob interrupted her. She clasped her hand over her mouth, shaking as she tried to hold back. After a few seconds she managed to take a deep breath and continue. "A few days ago..or of our elves....died.." Faye lifted her hands up to her face, wiping the tears from her cheeks. "She was...torn to pieces by--by a pack of wolves..."

Faye buried her face in her hands, trembling violently now. Saying it all out loud just made her relive the horrifying memory. She remembered herself walking through the woods and seeing the gory image right before her no longer sparkling grey eyes. Ever since then it was hard for Faye to feel truly happy. The just kept coming back. She had closure, sure, but it never really went away.

Finally, Faye looked up and added in between sobs, "And...I saw it with my own eyes......She was my..friend.."

I felt horrible about asking, but grateful she told me. I didn't say a word, but instead I merely pulled her close into a one-armed hug. I held her tightly, hand on the back of her head, intertwining my fingers in her hair and just holding her as she sobbed. Seeing how hard it was for her to tell me made me feel even worse about everything I'd been doing in the group, from bossing people around to slamming her to the ground in the forest. I remained silent and simply held her, knowing no words could help her. Instead, all I did was hope that my physical presence, the fact that I cared about her would be enough for her to calm down and stop reliving the memory, at least temporarily.

As she told me what happened, I remembered the sight of my own grandfather, ripped to shreds, entrails feet away from his body that was twisted in all angles. This was the one memory I had that I could relive in such vivid detail, and I was unsure if it was because it was so violent or if it was because my grandfather was the closest person I had ever had.

The bear had been terrorizing the roads for about 3 days. My grandfather, my father and several other men from the village went out, armed, to kill the bear and to claim its hide for the village. Everyone was excited, the women giving the men flowers and men asking women out and proposing on the spot. It was a wonderful day, despite the dark day that would follow. Everyone thought they would get the honor of killing the bear. But the reality was far worse.

Of the party of 30 men who went into the woods, 10 came out one week later. They took the entire village out to a clearing that was about a day's walk out from the village to see the carnage. The ground was soaked with blood, bones were ripped out of bodies and thrown across the way. Organs were strewn about bodies, and many of the women threw up or became broken, no longer entirely sane. Of the children who observed, I was the only one to walk among the carnage with my father to my grandfather's body.

It was twisted in all sorts of ways, a look of horror upon what remained of his face. Bite marks were apparent on over half of his body, both arms were gone, one of which had somehow wound up 30 feet away. I stared at the sight for well over an hour while my father spoke to the families left devastated by the failure of the men.

Then he gave the worst news of all: the bear remained alive. It had been huge, and it was not natural. Some sort of magical accident had made it three times the normal size, with 3 times the strength and 3 times the speed. My father said that they had not killed the bear and it had escaped. The villagers returned to their homes and had a week of mourning, but the image of the slaughter was fresh within everyones minds.

After I relived the memory I squeezed Faye slightly, but continued to hold her.
Faye allowed Varexes to hold her close in an attempt to comfort her, her being now in a terrible emotional state rather than the physical one it had been in earlier. She just continued to sob, crying for Roslyn, Birch, and herself. Damn those wolves! she thought to herself, suddenly feeling enraged, Damn them!

She was breathing heavily now, her sobbing finally having died down. Her expression had changed, though. It had switched to something full of anger and hate instead of the terribly depressed and broken one from just a moment ago. However, she was broken. This was quite clear when Faye stood up and grabbed her bow, lifting it off the ground with a furious manner.

"Damn them!" she shouted loudly, her brows arching inward as she readied her bow with an arrow from her quiver. She began heading for the forest, her face soaked with tears now. It was as if her body was moving without her consent and her brain was fried. She wasn't herself right now. She was so...mad.

When Faye stood up and grabbed her bow I lowered Juniper's head and got up and raced after her. I grabbed her bow arm and pulled her back. "Stop. You're angry. You're upset. You're emotional. Now is NOT the time to go in there. ESPECIALLY alone. Wolves hunt in packs, you have to defeat them the same way: in groups. So calm yourself, AND GET BACK TO THE FIRE!" I yelled the last part, pointing to show her.
When Varexes gripped onto her arm and pulled her back she looked away, unable to face him right now. She lowered her eyes onto the ground and kicked a rock with her boot, not wanting to obey his orders for some reason.

She sniffled and told him quietly, "You can't tell me what to do."

I kept my grip on her arm. "You're wrong. When you begin to put your life in danger, I can tell you what to do. You have just been healed by Juniper, who undid her first healing because you walked off too early. Now all of a sudden you have a death wish? Some thanks to her!" I told her, stating it as a fact. "You can't think of yourself when you're the leader of a group. The rest of us come first, before your own personal ideas of revenge." I told her matter-of-factly. "If you die, who's going to lead? I'm not cut out for it, you know I'm not. Jess was crying when we got back, and Ruineth is as new as I am, not to mention shy. Juniper isn't cut out for it either, and Nova's too cold. You're the only one that can do this, so what are we going to do without you?" I was pleading with her, trying to get through to her.

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